US Navy members blocked from getting Fox News

Can't have our troops accessing a site that promotes terrorism, now can we?
Obama can't allow access to the military to a site that doesn't worship him.
Good thing that our military fights for freedom.
From the fox news site.

Members of the U.S. Navy were denied access to for hours on Friday before service was finally restored shortly before noon ET, the Navy confirmed.

Cdr. Danny Hernandez, a Navy spokesman, said he was unable to offer an exact reason why access to Fox News' Web site had been blocked, but he said it most definitely was a technical issue.

"This was not a policy issue," Hernandez said.

Fox News received e-mails from Navy personnel around the world on Friday complaining that they could not gain access to the Web site. They said they were able to view numerous other news Web sites.

When they tried to access, the following message appeared: "Access to this site has been denied in accordance with Navy policy to safeguard the security posture and/or to maintain the operational integrity of the NMCI."

Since blocks of web sites is done by DNS number, it is likely some low level clerk was given a bunch of numbers to key into the browser security deal, and most likely transposed one. - Navy Denied Access to Fox News' Web Site

They can get other news sites, just not fox.


I understand they aren't allowed the porno channels either. Great disappointment expressed thruout the fleet.

A very mature and well-spoken response :rolleyes:

Are you seriously comparing FNX to Hustler?

Why not? Of course I'm not the one comparing it to Al Jazerra...maybe you are more correct in that regard.
MSNBC is arguable more similar to AJ than FNX is

All three are news/opinion outlets. Fox is the only one of the three that actively encourages violence and rebellion. It also has a lot more partisan spin than the other 2.

AJ, however, has a bad reputation for being willing to air material Americans don't want to see
Cdr. Danny Hernandez, a Navy spokesman, said he was unable to offer an exact reason why access to Fox News' Web site
had been blocked, but he said it most definitely was a technical issue.

"This was not a policy issue," Hernandez said.

I quess the OP didnt read the article

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