US Navy Commissions The USS Barack Obana


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
In a show of respect and in-line with the last president's commitment to the US Armed
Forces, the USN is pleased to name a ship in his honor:

Give it time

The Great Obama will get his carrier

What did he do that was great?

Stopped a Depression
Saved auto companies
Killed Bin Laden

The automaker bailout??? So now you're all for giving major corporations a bailout (and INCREASING Globull Warming in the process)???

And finally... Yes, Muslims kill Muslims | The Express Tribune
It is a sad fact, but Muslims have been killing Muslims from the early days of Islam. Out of the first four caliphs, three had Muslims involved in their murder, two of them were killed in a mosque and one was murdered while offering his prayers. The first Islamic Civil War, also called the first Fitna, started in 656, just 14 years after the Prophet Mohammad’s (pbuh) death and lasted for 5 years. A number of battles were fought during this period, in which scores of Muslims were killed by other Muslims. Unfortunately, there is precedent for Muslims killing Muslim in Islamic history.
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