US message to Britain in bilateral trade talks: it's us – or China

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

The US government has been privately pressing the UK in bilateral trade talks to make a choice between the US and China.

The US is seeking to insert a clause that would allow it to retreat from parts of the deal if Britain reaches a trade agreement with another country that the US did not approve.

The proposed clause made no mention specifically of China, but is seen by British diplomats in Washington as intended to be a lever to deter closer UK-China relations.

It had been seen by the UK as equivalent to the public pressure the US had been placing on Britain not to reach an agreement with Huawei to provide the UK’s 5G telecoms network.

One of the many benefits of brexit is being played out before us. Our right to be bullied by rogue nations under the control of crazed despots. trump will not be a factor in a few months time and President Biden might just take the position that it is possibly none of your fucking business who we trade with.

The US government has been privately pressing the UK in bilateral trade talks to make a choice between the US and China.

The US is seeking to insert a clause that would allow it to retreat from parts of the deal if Britain reaches a trade agreement with another country that the US did not approve.

The proposed clause made no mention specifically of China, but is seen by British diplomats in Washington as intended to be a lever to deter closer UK-China relations.

It had been seen by the UK as equivalent to the public pressure the US had been placing on Britain not to reach an agreement with Huawei to provide the UK’s 5G telecoms network.

One of the many benefits of brexit is being played out before us. Our right to be bullied by rogue nations under the control of crazed despots. trump will not be a factor in a few months time and President Biden might just take the position that it is possibly none of your fucking business who we trade with.
One Communist wanting to work with another Communist, right Tommy, the Muslim Lover?

The US government has been privately pressing the UK in bilateral trade talks to make a choice between the US and China.

The US is seeking to insert a clause that would allow it to retreat from parts of the deal if Britain reaches a trade agreement with another country that the US did not approve.

The proposed clause made no mention specifically of China, but is seen by British diplomats in Washington as intended to be a lever to deter closer UK-China relations.

It had been seen by the UK as equivalent to the public pressure the US had been placing on Britain not to reach an agreement with Huawei to provide the UK’s 5G telecoms network.

One of the many benefits of brexit is being played out before us. Our right to be bullied by rogue nations under the control of crazed despots. trump will not be a factor in a few months time and President Biden might just take the position that it is possibly none of your fucking business who we trade with.
We may make any stipulations we wish. Boris Johnson is neither a fool of a faggot (American definition); I cannot say the same of the OP.
deal with the chicoms then ... dont hold china accountable for the deaths in your country ! i guess socialists in the UK are just like dems in the US when it comes to their love for the murderous chicoms .... bullying ? nobodies holding a gun to your heads if the UK wants to deal with the chicoms by all means deal with them .

The US government has been privately pressing the UK in bilateral trade talks to make a choice between the US and China.

The US is seeking to insert a clause that would allow it to retreat from parts of the deal if Britain reaches a trade agreement with another country that the US did not approve.

The proposed clause made no mention specifically of China, but is seen by British diplomats in Washington as intended to be a lever to deter closer UK-China relations.

It had been seen by the UK as equivalent to the public pressure the US had been placing on Britain not to reach an agreement with Huawei to provide the UK’s 5G telecoms network.

One of the many benefits of brexit is being played out before us. Our right to be bullied by rogue nations under the control of crazed despots. trump will not be a factor in a few months time and President Biden might just take the position that it is possibly none of your fucking business who we trade with.
the US rouge nation ? let me ask you this traitor ....and yes you are a traitor to your country ..... do you have anything negative to say about your communist comrades the chinese government that caused the deaths of thousands of your countrymen ? Churchill would spit in your face and slap the crap out of you if he were standing beside you .

The US government has been privately pressing the UK in bilateral trade talks to make a choice between the US and China.

The US is seeking to insert a clause that would allow it to retreat from parts of the deal if Britain reaches a trade agreement with another country that the US did not approve.

The proposed clause made no mention specifically of China, but is seen by British diplomats in Washington as intended to be a lever to deter closer UK-China relations.

It had been seen by the UK as equivalent to the public pressure the US had been placing on Britain not to reach an agreement with Huawei to provide the UK’s 5G telecoms network.

One of the many benefits of brexit is being played out before us. Our right to be bullied by rogue nations under the control of crazed despots. trump will not be a factor in a few months time and President Biden might just take the position that it is possibly none of your fucking business who we trade with.

Then starve. In the mean time, it is our business who we do business with.

The US government has been privately pressing the UK in bilateral trade talks to make a choice between the US and China.

The US is seeking to insert a clause that would allow it to retreat from parts of the deal if Britain reaches a trade agreement with another country that the US did not approve.

The proposed clause made no mention specifically of China, but is seen by British diplomats in Washington as intended to be a lever to deter closer UK-China relations.

It had been seen by the UK as equivalent to the public pressure the US had been placing on Britain not to reach an agreement with Huawei to provide the UK’s 5G telecoms network.

One of the many benefits of brexit is being played out before us. Our right to be bullied by rogue nations under the control of crazed despots. trump will not be a factor in a few months time and President Biden might just take the position that it is possibly none of your fucking business who we trade with.
The brits would have to be brain dead to cozy up to china

but a future far left government might do just that

The US government has been privately pressing the UK in bilateral trade talks to make a choice between the US and China.

The US is seeking to insert a clause that would allow it to retreat from parts of the deal if Britain reaches a trade agreement with another country that the US did not approve.

The proposed clause made no mention specifically of China, but is seen by British diplomats in Washington as intended to be a lever to deter closer UK-China relations.

It had been seen by the UK as equivalent to the public pressure the US had been placing on Britain not to reach an agreement with Huawei to provide the UK’s 5G telecoms network.

One of the many benefits of brexit is being played out before us. Our right to be bullied by rogue nations under the control of crazed despots. trump will not be a factor in a few months time and President Biden might just take the position that it is possibly none of your fucking business who we trade with.

Then starve. In the mean time, it is our business who we do business with.
Likewise. Trump can fuck off.

The US government has been privately pressing the UK in bilateral trade talks to make a choice between the US and China.

The US is seeking to insert a clause that would allow it to retreat from parts of the deal if Britain reaches a trade agreement with another country that the US did not approve.

The proposed clause made no mention specifically of China, but is seen by British diplomats in Washington as intended to be a lever to deter closer UK-China relations.

It had been seen by the UK as equivalent to the public pressure the US had been placing on Britain not to reach an agreement with Huawei to provide the UK’s 5G telecoms network.

One of the many benefits of brexit is being played out before us. Our right to be bullied by rogue nations under the control of crazed despots. trump will not be a factor in a few months time and President Biden might just take the position that it is possibly none of your fucking business who we trade with.

Then starve. In the mean time, it is our business who we do business with.
Likewise. Trump can fuck off.

Sorry you don't get to be the middle man in China trying to evade tariffs. Maybe the EU will take you people back some day.

The US government has been privately pressing the UK in bilateral trade talks to make a choice between the US and China.

The US is seeking to insert a clause that would allow it to retreat from parts of the deal if Britain reaches a trade agreement with another country that the US did not approve.

The proposed clause made no mention specifically of China, but is seen by British diplomats in Washington as intended to be a lever to deter closer UK-China relations.

It had been seen by the UK as equivalent to the public pressure the US had been placing on Britain not to reach an agreement with Huawei to provide the UK’s 5G telecoms network.

One of the many benefits of brexit is being played out before us. Our right to be bullied by rogue nations under the control of crazed despots. trump will not be a factor in a few months time and President Biden might just take the position that it is possibly none of your fucking business who we trade with.
They have the same clause in the new deals with Mexico and Canada.
Nice Guardian article. The same pressures are being applied to the EU and Germany (over Nordstream2 with Russia and over trade with Iran). This isn’t only about China, and certainly not about “Democracy” in China or elsewhere. It is just “America First” old-fashioned U.S. IMPERIALISM. The Guardian article of course would never put it so starkly, but there you have it. Hard to believe it is Boris Johnson who is trying to hold the line here ...

“Former chancellor George Osborne said he was nevertheless confident that Boris Johnson was not going to succumb, saying: ‘Curiously, the member of the cabinet most in favour of engagement with China is the prime minister. He is perfectly prepared to resist some of the pressure from his backbenches.’

“Osborne ... added: ‘Multilateralism is a way for countries to cooperate on shared objectives. You cannot have this and side with the US in isolating China from the global system. It is the longest continuously existing civilisation in the world.’

“Osborne recalled that when he was chancellor, Johnson, who at the time was mayor of London, accompanied him on a trip to China and fully understood the need for cooperation with Beijing....”
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One of the many benefits of brexit is being played out before us. Our right to be bullied by rogue nations under the control of crazed despots. trump will not be a factor in a few months time and President Biden might just take the position that it is possibly none of your fucking business who we trade with.

How do you feel - being a subject of province #51?

I'd think, the implication that Trump cooked up the provision...

"The US is seeking to insert a clause that would allow it to retreat from parts of the deal if Britain reaches a trade agreement with another country that the US did not approve."

... is probably faulty. That would be trade negotiators in service of the plutocracy and the imperial grand strategists. So, no, a Biden administration won't change the U.S. negotiating position much, if at all. That said, if Trump had any role in it, the provision would aim at least as much at the UK's negotiation with the EU as the one with China.

Anyway, subject, buckle up! There's some stiff winds and bumpy roads ahead...
One of the many benefits of brexit is being played out before us. Our right to be bullied by rogue nations under the control of crazed despots. trump will not be a factor in a few months time and President Biden might just take the position that it is possibly none of your fucking business who we trade with.

How do you feel - being a subject of province #51?

I'd think, the implication that Trump cooked up the provision...

"The US is seeking to insert a clause that would allow it to retreat from parts of the deal if Britain reaches a trade agreement with another country that the US did not approve."

... is probably faulty. That would be trade negotiators in service of the plutocracy and the imperial grand strategists. So, no, a Biden administration won't change the U.S. negotiating position much, if at all. That said, if Trump had any role in it, the provision would aim at least as much at the UK's negotiation with the EU as the one with China.

Anyway, subject, buckle up! There's some stiff winds and bumpy roads ahead...
The US can pretty much dictate their own terms with these wankers.
The US can pretty much dictate their own terms with these wankers.

I am almost certain, they are playing the cards Britons dealt them as best they can. This was always going to be a disaster - you predicted as much, if memory serves. Elections have consequences, as they say. What the Great Unwashed want, they shall get. Hard and fast. Experience is there for the learning, also as they say. Or not. We shall see.
One of the many benefits of brexit is being played out before us. Our right to be bullied by rogue nations under the control of crazed despots. trump will not be a factor in a few months time and President Biden might just take the position that it is possibly none of your fucking business who we trade with.

How do you feel - being a subject of province #51?

I'd think, the implication that Trump cooked up the provision...

"The US is seeking to insert a clause that would allow it to retreat from parts of the deal if Britain reaches a trade agreement with another country that the US did not approve."

... is probably faulty. That would be trade negotiators in service of the plutocracy and the imperial grand strategists. So, no, a Biden administration won't change the U.S. negotiating position much, if at all. That said, if Trump had any role in it, the provision would aim at least as much at the UK's negotiation with the EU as the one with China.

Anyway, subject, buckle up! There's some stiff winds and bumpy roads ahead...
The US can pretty much dictate their own terms with these wankers.
how quickly a low IQ person forgets...Expecting something great about Socialism, when Socialism is all about failure...

One of the many benefits of brexit is being played out before us. Our right to be bullied by rogue nations under the control of crazed despots. trump will not be a factor in a few months time and President Biden might just take the position that it is possibly none of your fucking business who we trade with.

How do you feel - being a subject of province #51?

I'd think, the implication that Trump cooked up the provision...

"The US is seeking to insert a clause that would allow it to retreat from parts of the deal if Britain reaches a trade agreement with another country that the US did not approve."

... is probably faulty. That would be trade negotiators in service of the plutocracy and the imperial grand strategists. So, no, a Biden administration won't change the U.S. negotiating position much, if at all. That said, if Trump had any role in it, the provision would aim at least as much at the UK's negotiation with the EU as the one with China.

Anyway, subject, buckle up! There's some stiff winds and bumpy roads ahead...
The US can pretty much dictate their own terms with these wankers.
how quickly a low IQ person forgets...Expecting something great about Socialism, when Socialism is all about failure...

You must be on the wrong thread as that makes no sense.
One of the many benefits of brexit is being played out before us. Our right to be bullied by rogue nations under the control of crazed despots. trump will not be a factor in a few months time and President Biden might just take the position that it is possibly none of your fucking business who we trade with.

How do you feel - being a subject of province #51?

I'd think, the implication that Trump cooked up the provision...

"The US is seeking to insert a clause that would allow it to retreat from parts of the deal if Britain reaches a trade agreement with another country that the US did not approve."

... is probably faulty. That would be trade negotiators in service of the plutocracy and the imperial grand strategists. So, no, a Biden administration won't change the U.S. negotiating position much, if at all. That said, if Trump had any role in it, the provision would aim at least as much at the UK's negotiation with the EU as the one with China.

Anyway, subject, buckle up! There's some stiff winds and bumpy roads ahead...
The US can pretty much dictate their own terms with these wankers.
how quickly a low IQ person forgets...Expecting something great about Socialism, when Socialism is all about failure...

You must be on the wrong thread as that makes no sense.

You would rather have your country work with a communist country? Sorry that youre an idiot, no i am not, you deserve to be an idiot. May you meet Allah soon.

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