US intelligence officials warn Nunes is risking lives with latest stunt

WTF are you talking about? 3 people have already been convicted and his son-in-law already admitted to having a meeting with Russian oligarchs.
Having a meeting ? If I go to Russia, or Sweden, or Denmark, or Italy, and meet with people, does that mean I'm colluding ? (which isn't even a crime)
So they were defending the country and the US Constitution when they used a phony dossier on Trump to ask for wiretaps on people connected to the Trump campaign? Actually they were playing politics and thought they'd be protected if Hillary won. Now they're running scared because the whole sordid mess is beginning to unravel on them!
It is blowing up in their faces. Without Hillary there to protect them, the whole thing is going out of their control. Just a matter of time to when then wolves become the sheep (if they're not already)
Oh bullshit! It was a phony dossier! It may have been started by one of Trump's GOP opponents but when Trump won the nomination it was CONTINUED by Hillary Clinton's campaign! She paid large sums of money to foreign players to compile the dossier and then put it out all the while hiding her own involvement behind it all. Leadership at the FBI went along with this attempt to mislead the American people which is troubling in and of itself but what's REALLY disturbing is that they allowed the Obama Administration to spy on the Trump campaign through FISA court warrants citing what they knew was a dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton as "proof" that the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russian government!

People need to be held accountable for what was done. Those people are now hiding behind bogus claims of national security concerns! They don't want the American public to know what it is they've done because they know that once that curtain is pulled back and they're exposed...their careers are over!
If you can't give specifics about what you object to in the dossier, then you're just making shit up as you go along.
What is your opinion that the information could endanger lives based on? From the FBI????? You're kidding right?
The investigators have now agreed to let Gowdey and Nunnes read the reports in a secure location.
Nunes is a piece of shit and all he is doing is trying to discredit the source.
Even Schiff is backing off the impeachment talk. Dem got nuttin, dem.
May 9, 2018

Senior FBI and intelligence officials are warning that Devin Nunes' demand for documents related to the Russia probe endangers the lives of confidential sources.

Link here.
One wonders what is the motivation behind Nunes demands? He is putting American lives in danger with these actions.

In b4 many deep state traitors go to prison or are hung publicly.

Maybe it should be "hanged", don't care. :dunno:
May 9, 2018

Senior FBI and intelligence officials are warning that Devin Nunes' demand for documents related to the Russia probe endangers the lives of confidential sources.

Link here.
One wonders what is the motivation behind Nunes demands? He is putting American lives in danger with these actions.
Guess the FBI shouldn't have decided to overturn a US election then eh!? They started this and are crying uncle when they get caught red handed doing something wrong.
May 9, 2018

Senior FBI and intelligence officials are warning that Devin Nunes' demand for documents related to the Russia probe endangers the lives of confidential sources.

Link here.
One wonders what is the motivation behind Nunes demands? He is putting American lives in danger with these actions.

In b4 many deep state traitors go to prison or are hung publicly.

Maybe it should be "hanged", don't care. :dunno:

“We should forgive our enemies, but not before they are hanged”
Heinrich Heine
What crime, SPECIFICALLY are you investigating? More precisely the law requires a CRIME to seat a Special Counsel.. And again, what crime, specifically, was used to seat the Mueller witch-hunt...
Violation of the emoluments clause. Lobbyist not disclosing they work for a foreign government. Money laundering for Russian oligarchs.

Do you have proof?

If true why wont they release this information? Funny that no collusion has been found yet you still screech this crap..
Oh bullshit! It was a phony dossier! It may have been started by one of Trump's GOP opponents but when Trump won the nomination it was CONTINUED by Hillary Clinton's campaign! She paid large sums of money to foreign players to compile the dossier and then put it out all the while hiding her own involvement behind it all. Leadership at the FBI went along with this attempt to mislead the American people which is troubling in and of itself but what's REALLY disturbing is that they allowed the Obama Administration to spy on the Trump campaign through FISA court warrants citing what they knew was a dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton as "proof" that the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russian government!

People need to be held accountable for what was done. Those people are now hiding behind bogus claims of national security concerns! They don't want the American public to know what it is they've done because they know that once that curtain is pulled back and they're exposed...their careers are over!
If you can't give specifics about what you object to in the dossier, then you're just making shit up as you go along.
Speaking of making shit up, your dossier is a pile of shit which you can not cooberate..
The tide has turned. It is the Mueller witch hunters who are in hot water right now. They are all about ready to give up the whole thing and take up golf.

A series of secret text messages and other classified documents that prove high officials in the FBI, DOJ, Obama White House, and NSA worked to first stop Donald Trump from becoming president, are waiting to be released.

These will show that the Deep Staters have taken steps to remove Trump from office. Key allies of both Obama and Hillary Clinton, deeply entrenched in the federal government, have implemented the so-called “Prudential Plan.”

This is the name of the war plan against Trump — a carefully orchestrated gamebook to thwart Trump’s presidency and agenda.

All this is now documented in a book recently released by Dr. Jerome Corsi, Killing the Deep State, already a best seller.
May 9, 2018

Senior FBI and intelligence officials are warning that Devin Nunes' demand for documents related to the Russia probe endangers the lives of confidential sources.

Link here.
One wonders what is the motivation behind Nunes demands? He is putting American lives in danger with these actions.
I think his motivation is pretty easy to figure out. He wants to protect his orange plastic Jesus.

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