US Foreign Aid


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
In response to those who're complaining about Israel's request for $5 billion in foreign aid, here's some info on foreign aid.


Penny on the Dollar: US Foreign Aid is about One Percent of Spending

Note how we give Afganistan 3 times as much military aid as Israel.
50 billion dollars we dont have, sent to some of the most corrupt places on earth where it disappears into private wealth for the few
appears the only aid we send to Israel is military.

They should be able to take care of themselves by now.
U.S. issues approximately $50 billion a year in foreign aid with nearly 20% allocated to the countries in the table. Foreign Aid: Money Down A Rat Hole? That table being most corrupt nations

Just 1.4% of the Budget.

I don't give a damn what percentage it is!

I want to see it spent to take care of what we need here in the USA! Use it to fix our bridges and highways like we were promised. Use it to help the poor, homeless, and addicted.

I was involved in a foreign aid budget and know exactly how it works. It's all bullshit and designed to keep bureaucrats in power and foreign governments to kiss our ass.
Israel makes a good military base in case we need it... spend spend spend !
In response to those who're complaining about Israel's request for $5 billion in foreign aid, here's some info on foreign aid.


Penny on the Dollar: US Foreign Aid is about One Percent of Spending

Note how we give Afganistan 3 times as much military aid as Israel.

How Much International Aid Do the Palestinian Territories Receive? - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -

Here are some stats on total and US foreign aid to Palestine.

Country West Bank and Gaza:

Indicator Name: Net official development assistance and official aid received (current US$)

2007: 1,717,110,000
2008: 2,470,080,000
2009: 2,826,680,000
2010: 2,518,700,000
2011: 2,441,970,000
2012: 2,011,430,000
2013: 2,610,410,000."

"Since the establishment of limited Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the mid-1990s, the U.S. government has committed approximately $5 billion in bilateral assistance to the Palestinians, who are among the world's largest per capita recipients of international foreign aid. Successive Administrations have requested aid for the Palestinians in apparent support of at least three major U.S. policy priorities of interest to Congress:

• Preventing terrorism against Israel from Hamas and other militant organizations.
• Fostering stability, prosperity, and self-governance in the West Bank that inclines Palestinians toward peaceful coexistence with Israel and a ‘two-state solution,’
• Meeting humanitarian needs…

How Much International Aid Do the Palestinian Territories Receive? - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -

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