US Broadens Fight Against ISIS With Attacks in Afghanistan


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Dec 31, 2015
U.S. Broadens Fight Against ISIS With Attacks in Afghanistan

WASHINGTON — The United States has carried out at least a dozen operations — including commando raids and airstrikes — in the past three weeks against militants in Afghanistan aligned with the Islamic State, expanding the Obama administration’s military campaign against the terrorist group beyond Iraq and Syria.

The operations followed President Obama’s decision last month to broaden the authority of American commanders to attack a new branch of the Islamic State in Afghanistan. The administration — which has been accused by Republicans of not having a strategy to defeat the group — is revamping plans for how it fights the terrorist organization in areas where it has developed affiliates throughout the Middle East and Africa.

Many of these recent raids and strikes in Afghanistan have occurred in the Tora Bora region of Nangarhar Province — an inhospitable, mountainous area in the eastern part of the country, near the border with Pakistan. It was in Tora Bora that Osama bin Laden and other senior Qaeda militants took refuge during the American-led invasion in 2001, and eventually evaded capture by slipping into Pakistan.

American commanders in Afghanistan said they believed that between 90 and 100 Islamic State militants had been killed in the recent operations. Intelligence officials estimate that there are roughly 1,000 Islamic State fighters in Nangarhar Province, and perhaps several thousand more elsewhere in the country. But even the generals leading the missions acknowledge that a resilient militant organization can recruit new fighters to replace those killed in American attacks.

“We have rules of engagement now that have been very well thought through,” Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter said last week, adding that they “allow us to do what we think needs to be done.”

Although Mr. Obama had declared an end to combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, the operations are part of a continuing and potentially expanding American military footprint in the Middle East and Africa for the fight against the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL.

In Iraq, the United States has about 3,700 troops, including trainers, advisers and commandos. There are several dozen Special Operations forces on the ground in Syria. Mr. Carter has said the United States and its allies are looking to do more, and has asked other countries — including several Arab ones — to contribute more to the military campaign as it moves to reclaim Mosul in Iraq and Raqqa in Syria, the two major cities controlled by the Islamic State.

Administration officials are weighing a new campaign plan for Libya that would deepen the United States’ military and diplomatic involvement in yet another front against the Islamic State. The United States and its allies are increasing reconnaissance flights and intelligence collecting there — and even preparing for possible airstrikes and commando raids, according to senior American officials. Special Operations forces have met with various Libyan groups over the past several months to vet them for possible action against the Islamic State.

In Afghanistan, American and other allied commanders fear that the combination of fighters loyal to the Taliban, the Haqqani network and the Islamic State are proving too formidable for the still struggling Afghan security forces to combat on their own.

© Thaier Al-Sudani/Reuters Instructors from the American-led coalition worked with Iraqi soldiers during a live ammunition exercise last week at the Besmaya military base south of Baghdad. The emergence of Islamic State affiliates in various…
The United States has 9,800 combat forces in Afghanistan. Although that figure is scheduled to decline to 5,500 by the time Mr. Obama leaves office next January, administration and military officials are privately hinting that the president may again slow the troop withdrawal later this year.

At a hearing last week, Mr. Obama’s nominee to be the next commander in Afghanistan, Lt. Gen. John W. Nicholson Jr., was asked by Senator John McCain, chairman of the Armed Services Committee, if he believed that the overall security situation in Afghanistan was deteriorating, rather than improving.

“Sir, I agree with your assessment,” said General Nicholson, a veteran of multiple deployments to Afghanistan. He said that the Taliban had fought against Afghan security forces “more intensely than perhaps we anticipated” and that the rise of the Islamic State there had been unexpected.

General Nicholson said that, if confirmed by the Senate, he would take his first 90 days to review the two primary missions in Afghanistan — counterterrorism and advising and assisting Afghan forces — before offering his recommendations on American troop levels in the country. The departing commander, Gen. John F. Campbell, is scheduled to testify before Congress this week, and he is expected to likewise underscore the rising threat from the Islamic State.

Under newly relaxed rules the White House sent to the Pentagon last month, the military now needs to show only that a proposed target is related to Islamic State fighters in Afghanistan. Before, such a target could be struck only if it had significant ties to Al Qaeda.

The military had also been able to strike Islamic State targets in self-defense, but the new rules lower the standard for such offensive operations against the group.

There are significant differences between the Islamic State fighters in Afghanistan and those in Iraq and Syria.

In Afghanistan, a majority of the militants were previously part of the local Taliban or Haqqani network, and many of them have now “rebranded” themselves as members of the Islamic State. While the leaders of the group in Iraq and Syria are mostly from those countries, many of their fighters come from other Middle Eastern countries and Europe.

The Islamic State militants in Afghanistan receive some money from leaders in Iraq and Syria, but there is little evidence that they receive much direction about when and where to launch attacks, according to military officials. There have been few examples of the Islamic State members in Afghanistan being able to effectively communicate with each other to carry out complex attacks, like the ones often launched in Iraq and Syria. Nevertheless, the group has claimed responsibility for several deadly bombings in Afghanistan in recent months.

President Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan has thanked American officials for their recent efforts against the Islamic State, which he fears is gaining strength, according to senior American officials.

As the Islamic State has expanded in Afghanistan, it has also fought the Taliban while the two groups have competed for influence and money.

“They are trying to assume control at the local level over checkpoints, over the drug trade, over flows of illicit goods,” Brig. Gen. Wilson A. Shoffner, a spokesman for the American military in Afghanistan, said in a telephone interview on Sunday.

Even as the Islamic State has emerged in Afghanistan, an old enemy seems to be reappearing there.

In October, American and Afghan commandos, backed by scores of American airstrikes, attacked a Qaeda training camp in the southern part of the country that military officials said was one of the largest ever discovered.
Coincidence that our POTUS waits until election season to start fighting ISIS? No.
Granny says, "Dat's right - now dey back-peddalin' onna drawdown...

Planned Drawdown of US Forces in Afghanistan May be Premature: Centcom
Mar 08, 2016 | The outgoing commander of U.S. Central Command told lawmakers Tuesday it may be time to reconsider the plan to reduce American military forces in Afghanistan starting Jan. 1.
Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III acknowledged to members of the Senate Armed Services Committee that President's Barack Obama's plan to cut forces from 9,800 to 5,500 by 2017 may no longer be feasible, given the recent increase in Taliban activity. Sen. John McCain, a Republican from Arizona and chairman of the panel, told Austin that the Lt. Gen. John Nicholson, the new commander in Afghanistan "testified before this committee in no uncertain terms that the security situation in Afghanistan is deteriorating."

The senator asked, "Do you agree with that?" Austin replied, "In part I agree. I think that Taliban have become more active and the [Afghan security forces] have been challenged over the last year." McCain then asked Austin if that justifies rethinking further troop withdrawal in Afghanistan. "You start with a plan and that plan is based on certain facts that you know at that time and assumptions that you make in order to continue planning," Austin said. "When the situation changes so those facts are no longer valid or the assumptions that you made are no longer appropriate, I think you have to go back and revisit your plan so I would agree that a review of the plan is in order."


Sen. Angus King, an Independent from Maine, told Austin he was concerned about the plan to get from 9,800 to 5,500 by the start of next year. "You can't just turn a switch on Dec. 31," King said. "There has got to be a drawdown of some kind starting probably in late summer. Are you concerned given the heightened level of Taliban activity that we would be making a mistake by embarking on a drawdown of that nature?"

Austin agreed to review that plan and make adjustments if necessary. "Is that happening? Is there a reassessment underway?" King asked. "The new commander is on the ground and he is assessing things now, but at all levels, we will take a look at this and make the appropriate recommendations to the leadership," Austin said.

Planned Drawdown of US Forces in Afghanistan May be Premature: Centcom |

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