Urgent: Pfizer and Moderna Warn That “Many” People “Should NOT” Take Shots, “Serious and Unexpected Side Effects”



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All medications have some risk. Your spiel, however, is far more deadly than any vaccine, as you are criminally urging people to remain unvaccinated, which is a guarantee of a lot of deaths, including many of children.

Yes, that's pretty low... you're contributing to mass death. Feel good about that, do ya, boy?

Still on the "covid is the deadliest thing since the Spanish Flu and the government is your friend," are ya? The same government that told you that it was natural origin and Jeffrey Epstein killed himself? Idiots like you who don't understand math, and believe everything they are spoon-fed, are the globalists' trump card.

For this you put an experimental substance into your own bloodstream, the technology inventor of which says everything has gone wrong with? Darwin will prevail. In two years you will be dead and the world will be shed of your personal brand of abysmal ignorance and un-American fear.




Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA platform:

“… revealing that spike gets cleaved off of express cells and becomes free is something that absolutely should have been known and understood well before this ever got put in humans.”

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Moderna and Pfizer fact sheets are conspiracy?

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