"Urban Sanders supporters" verbally assault and taunt disabled Trump supporter


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains

Guess these nignogs can't find a REAL able bodied young person to pick on eh? I wear my hat that says TRUMP 2016 on it every day and sometimes my t-shirt,my vehicle has a Trump sticker on it and I NEVER get a word said to me because I am young 6 foot 3 and have a large frame and I do carry but not openly. Amazing these scum can only attack 70 year old women and Disabled folks in wheel chairs.
One of the most odious qualities I find about the beneath-Springer-guest Obama supporters is their bullying, panicky, paranoid opposition to freedom of speech. For that alone politically correct liberal feces are the most un-American entity I've seen in 43 years. And don't get me started on that chip-on-shoulder race of perpetually butthurt, crybaby morons these scrubbing-pad-headed, Nike-Air-Jordan-Inclined-Americans. Historically, the most failed race on this planet. Only race with an 85 average I.Q. on every I.Q. test ever invented.
What is truly amazing is how successful the Marxist left has been at convincing young white people to hate their own race and think that blacks 'built everything'.
You utter hypocrite: DO YOU DUMB LIBERALS NOT UNDERSTAND THAT ISLAM IS THE MOST PRAISED-BY-HITLER, JEW-EXTERMINATING IDEOLOGY ON THIS PLANET??? Why the fuck do you think Hitler praised Pisslam as much as he did and even had an all-muslim SS division? You liberals are the real Nazis but you're sooo far up your own assholes (you could chew on the bases of your appendices) to realize it. And like the Nazis, liberal pigs love to shut down free speech they don't like.

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