Untied airlines going full woke like delta

The gist of the editorial is that hiring more women and black people as pilots will make United Airlines less safe apparently because "people of color" and women could never possibly be the "most qualified". Surprisingly 13% of their pilots are POC while only 7% are women.

I guess letting go is REALLY hard to do and change is scary.

"Only 7% of United pilots are female!" fretted CBS. "Only 13% aren’t White!" OK, but why exactly should we care about those numbers? An airline pilot’s job is to land the plane safely. Everything else is irrelevant. If 100% of United pilots were Black women, or Malaysian Muslims, or for that matter, White men from Alabama, not a single sane person would complain about it as long as the airplanes didn’t crash. Safety is all that matters.​
But you’ll notice the CEO of United didn’t mention safety. Safety is no longer that airline’s top concern. Identity politics is. United will dispute that characterization, of course. In fact, they disputed it in a statement to "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Wednesday.​
"United Airlines will continue to uphold its high standards," they told us. But they’re lying. We know they’re lying — and you know it too — because in the airline business, there’s only one standard that matters, and it’s not race or gender. It’s competence. The way people look is totally irrelevant. How they perform is all that matters. Once you forget that, airplanes tend to crash.​
Everyone knows that’s true, very much including the people who run this country. Many of them don’t fly United. They don’t fly commercial.​
They use NetJets, the largest private airline in the world. Has NetJets embraced equity or hiring quotas? Of course not. Check out the NetJets website if you have a minute. They’ll tell you exactly what they’re looking for in an airline pilot they hire. Here’s the first line: "We seek individuals who demonstrate an unwavering dedication to safety." That’s the first requirement on their list. We couldn’t find any mention of race and gender. That shouldn’t surprise you, because once again, race and gender are literally irrelevant to who flies your airplane. Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry and the rest of our private-jet-dependent ruling class know that perfectly well. They won’t be demanding quotas at NetJets any time soon. Their families fly on NetJets airplanes.​
So if hiring on the basis of irrelevant criteria will, over time, get people killed, why are they demanding it? Because they don’t care. They’re ideologues. They’re suffering from an incurable brain disease called wokeness. Reality means nothing to them. It’s merely an impediment to their plans.​
The new head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, a Black supremacist called Kristen Clarke, admitted as much. As she told us a few years ago, equity is more important than safety.​
Tucker needs to watch it.
He's once again implying women can't competently do something--this time, flying planes.
And the people of color, of course, but I doubt if a lot of poc watch him anyway.

Why ARE there so few women and poc pilots? How does one learn that trade, anyway? Unless you're well off enough to own planes or take flying lessons, you learn it in the military, right?

Back to Tucker's earlier screed how women are ruining the military.

He's always been a snide asshole, but he's really going out on a limb lately.

Why are the nurses predominantly women, why were Telephone operators women.............. why were elementary school classrooms filled with women teachers.......

Yeah you dislike what he says, but you offer nothing critical of him either, thus you spin your wheel.
What's your point? Try to spit it out.
I can remember when people where hired based on abilities and aptitude for the job.
But today hiring is based on skin color and genitalia.
Next up will be to fill the transgender freakazoid pilot quota.
Crazy upside down world we live in. ... :cuckoo:
You want a fat stoned darkie to fly your plane into a mountain?? Like hell ..I will only fly SW or Alaska
Big Tyrone can fly your family at 700 mph into a large body of water

I am sure they will simply say it was bad maintenance that was the cause as you and your kids are “ crispy critters ‘
The gist of the editorial is that hiring more women and black people as pilots will make United Airlines less safe apparently because "people of color" and women could never possibly be the "most qualified". Surprisingly 13% of their pilots are POC while only 7% are women.

I guess letting go is REALLY hard to do and change is scary.

"Only 7% of United pilots are female!" fretted CBS. "Only 13% aren’t White!" OK, but why exactly should we care about those numbers? An airline pilot’s job is to land the plane safely. Everything else is irrelevant. If 100% of United pilots were Black women, or Malaysian Muslims, or for that matter, White men from Alabama, not a single sane person would complain about it as long as the airplanes didn’t crash. Safety is all that matters.​
But you’ll notice the CEO of United didn’t mention safety. Safety is no longer that airline’s top concern. Identity politics is. United will dispute that characterization, of course. In fact, they disputed it in a statement to "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Wednesday.​
"United Airlines will continue to uphold its high standards," they told us. But they’re lying. We know they’re lying — and you know it too — because in the airline business, there’s only one standard that matters, and it’s not race or gender. It’s competence. The way people look is totally irrelevant. How they perform is all that matters. Once you forget that, airplanes tend to crash.​
Everyone knows that’s true, very much including the people who run this country. Many of them don’t fly United. They don’t fly commercial.​
They use NetJets, the largest private airline in the world. Has NetJets embraced equity or hiring quotas? Of course not. Check out the NetJets website if you have a minute. They’ll tell you exactly what they’re looking for in an airline pilot they hire. Here’s the first line: "We seek individuals who demonstrate an unwavering dedication to safety." That’s the first requirement on their list. We couldn’t find any mention of race and gender. That shouldn’t surprise you, because once again, race and gender are literally irrelevant to who flies your airplane. Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry and the rest of our private-jet-dependent ruling class know that perfectly well. They won’t be demanding quotas at NetJets any time soon. Their families fly on NetJets airplanes.​
So if hiring on the basis of irrelevant criteria will, over time, get people killed, why are they demanding it? Because they don’t care. They’re ideologues. They’re suffering from an incurable brain disease called wokeness. Reality means nothing to them. It’s merely an impediment to their plans.​
The new head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, a Black supremacist called Kristen Clarke, admitted as much. As she told us a few years ago, equity is more important than safety.​
Tucker needs to watch it.
He's once again implying women can't competently do something--this time, flying planes.
And the people of color, of course, but I doubt if a lot of poc watch him anyway.

Why ARE there so few women and poc pilots? How does one learn that trade, anyway? Unless you're well off enough to own planes or take flying lessons, you learn it in the military, right?

Back to Tucker's earlier screed how women are ruining the military.

He's always been a snide asshole, but he's really going out on a limb lately.

Why are the nurses predominantly women, why were Telephone operators women.............. why were elementary school classrooms filled with women teachers.......

Yeah you dislike what he says, but you offer nothing critical of him either, thus you spin your wheel.
What's your point? Try to spit it out.


Why aren't more women protesting that they want to be lumber jacks or coal miners?


The gist of the editorial is that hiring more women and black people as pilots will make United Airlines less safe apparently because "people of color" and women could never possibly be the "most qualified". Surprisingly 13% of their pilots are POC while only 7% are women.

I guess letting go is REALLY hard to do and change is scary.

"Only 7% of United pilots are female!" fretted CBS. "Only 13% aren’t White!" OK, but why exactly should we care about those numbers? An airline pilot’s job is to land the plane safely. Everything else is irrelevant. If 100% of United pilots were Black women, or Malaysian Muslims, or for that matter, White men from Alabama, not a single sane person would complain about it as long as the airplanes didn’t crash. Safety is all that matters.​
But you’ll notice the CEO of United didn’t mention safety. Safety is no longer that airline’s top concern. Identity politics is. United will dispute that characterization, of course. In fact, they disputed it in a statement to "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Wednesday.​
"United Airlines will continue to uphold its high standards," they told us. But they’re lying. We know they’re lying — and you know it too — because in the airline business, there’s only one standard that matters, and it’s not race or gender. It’s competence. The way people look is totally irrelevant. How they perform is all that matters. Once you forget that, airplanes tend to crash.​
Everyone knows that’s true, very much including the people who run this country. Many of them don’t fly United. They don’t fly commercial.​
They use NetJets, the largest private airline in the world. Has NetJets embraced equity or hiring quotas? Of course not. Check out the NetJets website if you have a minute. They’ll tell you exactly what they’re looking for in an airline pilot they hire. Here’s the first line: "We seek individuals who demonstrate an unwavering dedication to safety." That’s the first requirement on their list. We couldn’t find any mention of race and gender. That shouldn’t surprise you, because once again, race and gender are literally irrelevant to who flies your airplane. Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry and the rest of our private-jet-dependent ruling class know that perfectly well. They won’t be demanding quotas at NetJets any time soon. Their families fly on NetJets airplanes.​
So if hiring on the basis of irrelevant criteria will, over time, get people killed, why are they demanding it? Because they don’t care. They’re ideologues. They’re suffering from an incurable brain disease called wokeness. Reality means nothing to them. It’s merely an impediment to their plans.​
The new head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, a Black supremacist called Kristen Clarke, admitted as much. As she told us a few years ago, equity is more important than safety.​
Tucker needs to watch it.
He's once again implying women can't competently do something--this time, flying planes.
And the people of color, of course, but I doubt if a lot of poc watch him anyway.

Why ARE there so few women and poc pilots? How does one learn that trade, anyway? Unless you're well off enough to own planes or take flying lessons, you learn it in the military, right?

Back to Tucker's earlier screed how women are ruining the military.

He's always been a snide asshole, but he's really going out on a limb lately.

Why are the nurses predominantly women, why were Telephone operators women.............. why were elementary school classrooms filled with women teachers.......

Yeah you dislike what he says, but you offer nothing critical of him either, thus you spin your wheel.
What's your point? Try to spit it out.

It was obvious if you really are in your later years....

Women CHOSE to be Nurses a lot more often than Men did.....

Very few women chose to fly airplanes.... it is simply not that important to women, which is why not many are pilots today.
There's nothing to say a woman, a Latino, or a black taken into the program won't be as good a pilot as a white dude. They TRAIN them. At school. That's like saying don't admit women to college because they're not as smart as men.

Nuh uh.

No. What they are doing is omitting the best potential pilots based on race and gender. That's what Carlson's complaint is.

I would cancel your upcoming flight as you will get a half trained dummy . Very unfair to the most qualified pilots

What do you know of United's training procedures? You are assuming, without any foundation, that training women and ethnic minorities will result in a pilot who is a "half trained dummy." It is beyond idiocy to suggest that an airline would allow an unqualified pilot to take off in a multi-million dollar aircraft with a load of passengers and crew on board. The liability for any mishap would be astounding.

This is the same sort of twisted thinking that resulted in some Egyptians claiming that a female ship's captain was responsible for grounding that freighter in the Suez Canal, when she was hundreds of miles away on another vessel. People can be such morons. Don't be one of them.
it always does...

The reason that women and ethics aren't in the pilot seat now is that the airlines largely pull from the military who hadn't been lowering standards.

More ethnics and even females means in order for them to pass with anything close to their white male counterparts----lowering standards which will certainly mean more crashes (and likely given what ethics will be chosen higher chances of terrorist attacks this time with the pilots involved...the terrorist nations will certainly try to get their followers in the programs.)
They should just change the name to Ignited Airlines and have a new motto ,” come fly the friendly skies as you ignite into a ball of flames because we only hire woke “
First crash is free

Just a working draft
Blighted Airlines because it’s much cooler to die at 20,000 feet at 700 mph than to die like a Turkey on the ground

Rough draft
The gist of the editorial is that hiring more women and black people as pilots will make United Airlines less safe apparently because "people of color" and women could never possibly be the "most qualified". Surprisingly 13% of their pilots are POC while only 7% are women.

I guess letting go is REALLY hard to do and change is scary.

"Only 7% of United pilots are female!" fretted CBS. "Only 13% aren’t White!" OK, but why exactly should we care about those numbers? An airline pilot’s job is to land the plane safely. Everything else is irrelevant. If 100% of United pilots were Black women, or Malaysian Muslims, or for that matter, White men from Alabama, not a single sane person would complain about it as long as the airplanes didn’t crash. Safety is all that matters.​
But you’ll notice the CEO of United didn’t mention safety. Safety is no longer that airline’s top concern. Identity politics is. United will dispute that characterization, of course. In fact, they disputed it in a statement to "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Wednesday.​
"United Airlines will continue to uphold its high standards," they told us. But they’re lying. We know they’re lying — and you know it too — because in the airline business, there’s only one standard that matters, and it’s not race or gender. It’s competence. The way people look is totally irrelevant. How they perform is all that matters. Once you forget that, airplanes tend to crash.​
Everyone knows that’s true, very much including the people who run this country. Many of them don’t fly United. They don’t fly commercial.​
They use NetJets, the largest private airline in the world. Has NetJets embraced equity or hiring quotas? Of course not. Check out the NetJets website if you have a minute. They’ll tell you exactly what they’re looking for in an airline pilot they hire. Here’s the first line: "We seek individuals who demonstrate an unwavering dedication to safety." That’s the first requirement on their list. We couldn’t find any mention of race and gender. That shouldn’t surprise you, because once again, race and gender are literally irrelevant to who flies your airplane. Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry and the rest of our private-jet-dependent ruling class know that perfectly well. They won’t be demanding quotas at NetJets any time soon. Their families fly on NetJets airplanes.​
So if hiring on the basis of irrelevant criteria will, over time, get people killed, why are they demanding it? Because they don’t care. They’re ideologues. They’re suffering from an incurable brain disease called wokeness. Reality means nothing to them. It’s merely an impediment to their plans.​
The new head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, a Black supremacist called Kristen Clarke, admitted as much. As she told us a few years ago, equity is more important than safety.​
Tucker needs to watch it.
He's once again implying women can't competently do something--this time, flying planes.
And the people of color, of course, but I doubt if a lot of poc watch him anyway.

Why ARE there so few women and poc pilots? How does one learn that trade, anyway? Unless you're well off enough to own planes or take flying lessons, you learn it in the military, right?

Back to Tucker's earlier screed how women are ruining the military.

He's always been a snide asshole, but he's really going out on a limb lately.

Why are the nurses predominantly women, why were Telephone operators women.............. why were elementary school classrooms filled with women teachers.......

Yeah you dislike what he says, but you offer nothing critical of him either, thus you spin your wheel.
What's your point? Try to spit it out.

It was obvious if you really are in your later years....

Women CHOSE to be Nurses a lot more often than Men did.....

Very few women chose to fly airplanes.... it is simply not that important to women, which is why not many are pilots today.
Possibly. However, a lot of that 'choice' was instilled by cultural conditioning. Little girls get the nurses outfits and little bottles of candy pills to dispense when they are four. Little girls want to be teachers like their female teachers. Mothers murmur, find a good husband dear, that's what you need to do.

True story: when I left my husband and had a young child to raise, I needed a trade fast. Our little community college had truck driving, secretarial, and auto mechanic. I told the counselor I wanted to go into automotive (mostly because I drove old clunkers in constant need of repair). He had a very serious, matter of fact talk with me, saying sure, I could do it, but I would NEVER be hired in a million years. Fact. So if a job was what I wanted, go secretarial.
I went into secretarial.

Fortunately, things are slowly changing. It might surprise you and Tucker to discover that there are a lot of young women out there interested in being a pilot, and there is absolutely no reason why they couldn't be just as good pilots as old Sully. None.

I would cancel your upcoming flight as you will get a half trained dummy . Very unfair to the most qualified pilots

What do you know of United's training procedures? You are assuming, without any foundation, that training women and ethnic minorities will result in a pilot who is a "half trained dummy." It is beyond idiocy to suggest that an airline would allow an unqualified pilot to take off in a multi-million dollar aircraft with a load of passengers and crew on board. The liability for any mishap would be astounding.

This is the same sort of twisted thinking that resulted in some Egyptians claiming that a female ship's captain was responsible for grounding that freighter in the Suez Canal, when she was hundreds of miles away on another vessel. People can be such morons. Don't be one of them.
And they would never lower their standards in the military, now would they?
They dumb down the curriculum to accommodate those who are unworthy

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