American Capitalism and Racism Is So Bad


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
CBP said it does not release overall numbers of immigrants stopped at the southern border whose names were on the FBI's terrorism watchlist or the country's no-fly list, and it did not provide the number of people who were encountered over the past year, but it said the incidents are "very uncommon."

Well that is not surprising in the least.

I say send them to Portland. They have a nice sanctuary city and I hear it's nice this time of year.

Who knows, maybe they will come to the US and obtain the wonderful health care plan Obamacare and obtain one of the Green New Deal Jobs Chairman Xiden will give them and change their minds about terrorism.

Isn't that their plan to fight terrorism anyway?
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Democrats blast Kevin McCarthy for claim terrorists are crossing southern border


McCarthy is trying to get people to believe that Biden is asleep at the wheel as terrorists infiltrate the country.

There’s just one problem: There’s no evidence it’s true.

Later Tuesday, Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ), chair of the House Subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations, tweeted in response to McCarthy’s comments, “Weird as the Chairman of the subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations and a border state member of Congress haven’t heard anything about this. Gonna ask for a briefing. Pretty sure he is either wrong or lying."

What have we learned from all this? Well...Dems lie, their propagandist at places like Vox lie...they don't care about keeping Americans safe.
Even Middle Eastern Muslim terrorists who are on the no fly list keep trying to get into America to suffer under Capitalism and racism.

Their countries can't afford the largest military in the World, merely to prove their lack of Faith in Capitalism.

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