Untied airlines going full woke like delta

The gist of the editorial is that hiring more women and black people as pilots will make United Airlines less safe apparently because "people of color" and women could never possibly be the "most qualified". Surprisingly 13% of their pilots are POC while only 7% are women.

I guess letting go is REALLY hard to do and change is scary.

"Only 7% of United pilots are female!" fretted CBS. "Only 13% aren’t White!" OK, but why exactly should we care about those numbers? An airline pilot’s job is to land the plane safely. Everything else is irrelevant. If 100% of United pilots were Black women, or Malaysian Muslims, or for that matter, White men from Alabama, not a single sane person would complain about it as long as the airplanes didn’t crash. Safety is all that matters.​
But you’ll notice the CEO of United didn’t mention safety. Safety is no longer that airline’s top concern. Identity politics is. United will dispute that characterization, of course. In fact, they disputed it in a statement to "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Wednesday.​
"United Airlines will continue to uphold its high standards," they told us. But they’re lying. We know they’re lying — and you know it too — because in the airline business, there’s only one standard that matters, and it’s not race or gender. It’s competence. The way people look is totally irrelevant. How they perform is all that matters. Once you forget that, airplanes tend to crash.​
Everyone knows that’s true, very much including the people who run this country. Many of them don’t fly United. They don’t fly commercial.​
They use NetJets, the largest private airline in the world. Has NetJets embraced equity or hiring quotas? Of course not. Check out the NetJets website if you have a minute. They’ll tell you exactly what they’re looking for in an airline pilot they hire. Here’s the first line: "We seek individuals who demonstrate an unwavering dedication to safety." That’s the first requirement on their list. We couldn’t find any mention of race and gender. That shouldn’t surprise you, because once again, race and gender are literally irrelevant to who flies your airplane. Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry and the rest of our private-jet-dependent ruling class know that perfectly well. They won’t be demanding quotas at NetJets any time soon. Their families fly on NetJets airplanes.​
So if hiring on the basis of irrelevant criteria will, over time, get people killed, why are they demanding it? Because they don’t care. They’re ideologues. They’re suffering from an incurable brain disease called wokeness. Reality means nothing to them. It’s merely an impediment to their plans.​
The new head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, a Black supremacist called Kristen Clarke, admitted as much. As she told us a few years ago, equity is more important than safety.​
Tucker needs to watch it.
He's once again implying women can't competently do something--this time, flying planes.
And the people of color, of course, but I doubt if a lot of poc watch him anyway.

Why ARE there so few women and poc pilots? How does one learn that trade, anyway? Unless you're well off enough to own planes or take flying lessons, you learn it in the military, right?

Back to Tucker's earlier screed how women are ruining the military.

He's always been a snide asshole, but he's really going out on a limb lately.

Why are the nurses predominantly women, why were Telephone operators women.............. why were elementary school classrooms filled with women teachers.......

Yeah you dislike what he says, but you offer nothing critical of him either, thus you spin your wheel.
What's your point? Try to spit it out.

It was obvious if you really are in your later years....

Women CHOSE to be Nurses a lot more often than Men did.....

Very few women chose to fly airplanes.... it is simply not that important to women, which is why not many are pilots today.
Possibly. However, a lot of that 'choice' was instilled by cultural conditioning. Little girls get the nurses outfits and little bottles of candy pills to dispense when they are four. Little girls want to be teachers like their female teachers. Mothers murmur, find a good husband dear, that's what you need to do.

True story: when I left my husband and had a young child to raise, I needed a trade fast. Our little community college had truck driving, secretarial, and auto mechanic. I told the counselor I wanted to go into automotive (mostly because I drove old clunkers in constant need of repair). He had a very serious, matter of fact talk with me, saying sure, I could do it, but I would NEVER be hired in a million years. Fact. So if a job was what I wanted, go secretarial.
I went into secretarial.

Fortunately, things are slowly changing. It might surprise you and Tucker to discover that there are a lot of young women out there interested in being a pilot, and there is absolutely no reason why they couldn't be just as good pilots as old Sully. None.
There is cause and affect to most things in life. Even in a richer environment like the West. The amount of males in poverty is increasing. Black, brown and white. White males is growing fast. What replaces what was from half century ago is not better due to "equity" and not "equality". It is always enjoyable seeing white males or even white females push these things when they themselves have no problem of being dislodged from their perches.
Possibly. However, a lot of that 'choice' was instilled by cultural conditioning. Little girls get the nurses outfits and little bottles of candy pills to dispense when they are four. Little girls want to be teachers like their female teachers. Mothers murmur, find a good husband dear, that's what you need to do.

True story: when I left my husband and had a young child to raise, I needed a trade fast. Our little community college had truck driving, secretarial, and auto mechanic. I told the counselor I wanted to go into automotive (mostly because I drove old clunkers in constant need of repair). He had a very serious, matter of fact talk with me, saying sure, I could do it, but I would NEVER be hired in a million years. Fact. So if a job was what I wanted, go secretarial.
I went into secretarial.

Fortunately, things are slowly changing. It might surprise you and Tucker to discover that there are a lot of young women out there interested in being a pilot, and there is absolutely no reason why they couldn't be just as good pilots as old Sully. None.

I've never flown a plane in my life, but I'm sure it's like any other profession. My trade was a tractor-trailer operator. Just because somebody gets training and a CDL doesn't make them a great driver. We have good drivers like myself and not so good drivers. We have drivers that are terrible and dangerous, yet they are still driving trucks. This is especially true with foreign drivers who can't even read our English road signs.

This proposal is not about women or minorities not being able to do the job, it's about if they are the best at it. When adverse weather conditions come about, or an airplane is experiencing mechanical or technical problems, you want the best and most experienced pilot in that cockpit as you can possible have.

We're not talking about a drill press operator here where affirmative action wouldn't matter. We are talking about a person responsible for over a hundred lives. Your contention is as long as they have the capability to do the job, screw getting the best. Give the job to somebody because of gender or race regardless of how well or badly they do the job.
The gist of the editorial is that hiring more women and black people as pilots will make United Airlines less safe apparently because "people of color" and women could never possibly be the "most qualified". Surprisingly 13% of their pilots are POC while only 7% are women.

I guess letting go is REALLY hard to do and change is scary.

"Only 7% of United pilots are female!" fretted CBS. "Only 13% aren’t White!" OK, but why exactly should we care about those numbers? An airline pilot’s job is to land the plane safely. Everything else is irrelevant. If 100% of United pilots were Black women, or Malaysian Muslims, or for that matter, White men from Alabama, not a single sane person would complain about it as long as the airplanes didn’t crash. Safety is all that matters.​
But you’ll notice the CEO of United didn’t mention safety. Safety is no longer that airline’s top concern. Identity politics is. United will dispute that characterization, of course. In fact, they disputed it in a statement to "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Wednesday.​
"United Airlines will continue to uphold its high standards," they told us. But they’re lying. We know they’re lying — and you know it too — because in the airline business, there’s only one standard that matters, and it’s not race or gender. It’s competence. The way people look is totally irrelevant. How they perform is all that matters. Once you forget that, airplanes tend to crash.​
Everyone knows that’s true, very much including the people who run this country. Many of them don’t fly United. They don’t fly commercial.​
They use NetJets, the largest private airline in the world. Has NetJets embraced equity or hiring quotas? Of course not. Check out the NetJets website if you have a minute. They’ll tell you exactly what they’re looking for in an airline pilot they hire. Here’s the first line: "We seek individuals who demonstrate an unwavering dedication to safety." That’s the first requirement on their list. We couldn’t find any mention of race and gender. That shouldn’t surprise you, because once again, race and gender are literally irrelevant to who flies your airplane. Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry and the rest of our private-jet-dependent ruling class know that perfectly well. They won’t be demanding quotas at NetJets any time soon. Their families fly on NetJets airplanes.​
So if hiring on the basis of irrelevant criteria will, over time, get people killed, why are they demanding it? Because they don’t care. They’re ideologues. They’re suffering from an incurable brain disease called wokeness. Reality means nothing to them. It’s merely an impediment to their plans.​
The new head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, a Black supremacist called Kristen Clarke, admitted as much. As she told us a few years ago, equity is more important than safety.​

His point was that hiring people based on gender and race over choosing the best regardless of those things can be dangerous.

There's nothing to say a woman, a Latino, or a black taken into the program won't be as good a pilot as a white dude. They TRAIN them. At school. That's like saying don't admit women to college because they're not as smart as men.

Nuh uh.
If there are two candidates to become a pilot at United Airlines and one scores higher on their tests, you would think they would choose that candidate, right? But if the better candidate happens to be a white male, then they’ll choose the lesser candidate.

United made it clear.
The gist of the editorial is that hiring more women and black people as pilots will make United Airlines less safe apparently because "people of color" and women could never possibly be the "most qualified". Surprisingly 13% of their pilots are POC while only 7% are women.

I guess letting go is REALLY hard to do and change is scary.

"Only 7% of United pilots are female!" fretted CBS. "Only 13% aren’t White!" OK, but why exactly should we care about those numbers? An airline pilot’s job is to land the plane safely. Everything else is irrelevant. If 100% of United pilots were Black women, or Malaysian Muslims, or for that matter, White men from Alabama, not a single sane person would complain about it as long as the airplanes didn’t crash. Safety is all that matters.​
But you’ll notice the CEO of United didn’t mention safety. Safety is no longer that airline’s top concern. Identity politics is. United will dispute that characterization, of course. In fact, they disputed it in a statement to "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Wednesday.​
"United Airlines will continue to uphold its high standards," they told us. But they’re lying. We know they’re lying — and you know it too — because in the airline business, there’s only one standard that matters, and it’s not race or gender. It’s competence. The way people look is totally irrelevant. How they perform is all that matters. Once you forget that, airplanes tend to crash.​
Everyone knows that’s true, very much including the people who run this country. Many of them don’t fly United. They don’t fly commercial.​
They use NetJets, the largest private airline in the world. Has NetJets embraced equity or hiring quotas? Of course not. Check out the NetJets website if you have a minute. They’ll tell you exactly what they’re looking for in an airline pilot they hire. Here’s the first line: "We seek individuals who demonstrate an unwavering dedication to safety." That’s the first requirement on their list. We couldn’t find any mention of race and gender. That shouldn’t surprise you, because once again, race and gender are literally irrelevant to who flies your airplane. Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry and the rest of our private-jet-dependent ruling class know that perfectly well. They won’t be demanding quotas at NetJets any time soon. Their families fly on NetJets airplanes.​
So if hiring on the basis of irrelevant criteria will, over time, get people killed, why are they demanding it? Because they don’t care. They’re ideologues. They’re suffering from an incurable brain disease called wokeness. Reality means nothing to them. It’s merely an impediment to their plans.​
The new head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, a Black supremacist called Kristen Clarke, admitted as much. As she told us a few years ago, equity is more important than safety.​

His point was that hiring people based on gender and race over choosing the best regardless of those things can be dangerous.

There's nothing to say a woman, a Latino, or a black taken into the program won't be as good a pilot as a white dude. They TRAIN them. At school. That's like saying don't admit women to college because they're not as smart as men.

Nuh uh.
If there are two candidates to become a pilot at United Airlines and one scores higher on their tests, you would think they would choose that candidate, right? But if the better candidate happens to be a white male, then they’ll choose the lesser candidate.

United made it clear.

How do you know that United will choose the less-qualified candidate? You seem sure with no proof, and you are being guided by a false assumption that a female/darker-skinned candidate is most assuredly less qualified than a white male. As I said before, no airline would entrust a fabulously expensive aircraft full of people to an unqualified person.
The gist of the editorial is that hiring more women and black people as pilots will make United Airlines less safe apparently because "people of color" and women could never possibly be the "most qualified". Surprisingly 13% of their pilots are POC while only 7% are women.

I guess letting go is REALLY hard to do and change is scary.

"Only 7% of United pilots are female!" fretted CBS. "Only 13% aren’t White!" OK, but why exactly should we care about those numbers? An airline pilot’s job is to land the plane safely. Everything else is irrelevant. If 100% of United pilots were Black women, or Malaysian Muslims, or for that matter, White men from Alabama, not a single sane person would complain about it as long as the airplanes didn’t crash. Safety is all that matters.​
But you’ll notice the CEO of United didn’t mention safety. Safety is no longer that airline’s top concern. Identity politics is. United will dispute that characterization, of course. In fact, they disputed it in a statement to "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Wednesday.​
"United Airlines will continue to uphold its high standards," they told us. But they’re lying. We know they’re lying — and you know it too — because in the airline business, there’s only one standard that matters, and it’s not race or gender. It’s competence. The way people look is totally irrelevant. How they perform is all that matters. Once you forget that, airplanes tend to crash.​
Everyone knows that’s true, very much including the people who run this country. Many of them don’t fly United. They don’t fly commercial.​
They use NetJets, the largest private airline in the world. Has NetJets embraced equity or hiring quotas? Of course not. Check out the NetJets website if you have a minute. They’ll tell you exactly what they’re looking for in an airline pilot they hire. Here’s the first line: "We seek individuals who demonstrate an unwavering dedication to safety." That’s the first requirement on their list. We couldn’t find any mention of race and gender. That shouldn’t surprise you, because once again, race and gender are literally irrelevant to who flies your airplane. Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry and the rest of our private-jet-dependent ruling class know that perfectly well. They won’t be demanding quotas at NetJets any time soon. Their families fly on NetJets airplanes.​
So if hiring on the basis of irrelevant criteria will, over time, get people killed, why are they demanding it? Because they don’t care. They’re ideologues. They’re suffering from an incurable brain disease called wokeness. Reality means nothing to them. It’s merely an impediment to their plans.​
The new head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, a Black supremacist called Kristen Clarke, admitted as much. As she told us a few years ago, equity is more important than safety.​

His point was that hiring people based on gender and race over choosing the best regardless of those things can be dangerous.

There's nothing to say a woman, a Latino, or a black taken into the program won't be as good a pilot as a white dude. They TRAIN them. At school. That's like saying don't admit women to college because they're not as smart as men.

Nuh uh.
If there are two candidates to become a pilot at United Airlines and one scores higher on their tests, you would think they would choose that candidate, right? But if the better candidate happens to be a white male, then they’ll choose the lesser candidate.

United made it clear.

How do you know that United will choose the less-qualified candidate? You seem sure with no proof, and you are being guided by a false assumption that a female/darker-skinned candidate is most assuredly less qualified than a white male. As I said before, no airline would entrust a fabulously expensive aircraft full of people to an unqualified person.
The white male may never have the chance anymore. And he has been proven to be pretty good at a higher percentage then most others. There is a massive growth of undereducated and impoverished white males. And they are not at the top of the privileged list. We see a lot of decline in this nation do to the equity based on race and gender. Basing it on opportunity through equality is different. We are slowly consolidating into smaller land mass areas of protection.
How do you know that United will choose the less-qualified candidate? You seem sure with no proof, and you are being guided by a false assumption that a female/darker-skinned candidate is most assuredly less qualified than a white male. As I said before, no airline would entrust a fabulously expensive aircraft full of people to an unqualified person.

Again, this has nothing to do with being qualified or not. It has to do with who the best pilots are. Just because a person is qualified doesn't mean they are the best at what they do.
The gist of the editorial is that hiring more women and black people as pilots will make United Airlines less safe apparently because "people of color" and women could never possibly be the "most qualified". Surprisingly 13% of their pilots are POC while only 7% are women.

I guess letting go is REALLY hard to do and change is scary.

"Only 7% of United pilots are female!" fretted CBS. "Only 13% aren’t White!" OK, but why exactly should we care about those numbers? An airline pilot’s job is to land the plane safely. Everything else is irrelevant. If 100% of United pilots were Black women, or Malaysian Muslims, or for that matter, White men from Alabama, not a single sane person would complain about it as long as the airplanes didn’t crash. Safety is all that matters.​
But you’ll notice the CEO of United didn’t mention safety. Safety is no longer that airline’s top concern. Identity politics is. United will dispute that characterization, of course. In fact, they disputed it in a statement to "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Wednesday.​
"United Airlines will continue to uphold its high standards," they told us. But they’re lying. We know they’re lying — and you know it too — because in the airline business, there’s only one standard that matters, and it’s not race or gender. It’s competence. The way people look is totally irrelevant. How they perform is all that matters. Once you forget that, airplanes tend to crash.​
Everyone knows that’s true, very much including the people who run this country. Many of them don’t fly United. They don’t fly commercial.​
They use NetJets, the largest private airline in the world. Has NetJets embraced equity or hiring quotas? Of course not. Check out the NetJets website if you have a minute. They’ll tell you exactly what they’re looking for in an airline pilot they hire. Here’s the first line: "We seek individuals who demonstrate an unwavering dedication to safety." That’s the first requirement on their list. We couldn’t find any mention of race and gender. That shouldn’t surprise you, because once again, race and gender are literally irrelevant to who flies your airplane. Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry and the rest of our private-jet-dependent ruling class know that perfectly well. They won’t be demanding quotas at NetJets any time soon. Their families fly on NetJets airplanes.​
So if hiring on the basis of irrelevant criteria will, over time, get people killed, why are they demanding it? Because they don’t care. They’re ideologues. They’re suffering from an incurable brain disease called wokeness. Reality means nothing to them. It’s merely an impediment to their plans.​
The new head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, a Black supremacist called Kristen Clarke, admitted as much. As she told us a few years ago, equity is more important than safety.​

His point was that hiring people based on gender and race over choosing the best regardless of those things can be dangerous.

There's nothing to say a woman, a Latino, or a black taken into the program won't be as good a pilot as a white dude. They TRAIN them. At school. That's like saying don't admit women to college because they're not as smart as men.

Nuh uh.
If there are two candidates to become a pilot at United Airlines and one scores higher on their tests, you would think they would choose that candidate, right? But if the better candidate happens to be a white male, then they’ll choose the lesser candidate.

United made it clear.

How do you know that United will choose the less-qualified candidate? You seem sure with no proof, and you are being guided by a false assumption that a female/darker-skinned candidate is most assuredly less qualified than a white male. As I said before, no airline would entrust a fabulously expensive aircraft full of people to an unqualified person.
The white male may never have the chance anymore. And he has been proven to be pretty good at a higher percentage then most others. There is a massive growth of undereducated and impoverished white males. And they are not at the top of the privileged list. We see a lot of decline in this nation do to the equity based on race and gender. Basing it on opportunity through equality is different. We are slowly consolidating into smaller land mass areas of protection.

Nobody is telling white males not to get an education and not to compete. The word "equity" means "fair and impartial." We are coming off of centuries of white males enjoying privilege and fencing everyone else out, so we don't really have any idea of how it will turn out when all groups are treated equally, allowed to compete on an equal basis, and their accomplishments equally acknowledged. If done right, it should result in a meritocracy.

There are plenty of undereducated and impoverished people in our society, not only white males. There are social disadvantages, such as a lack of resources, underfunded school systems, single-parent homes, yes. But sometimes people just don't try. In the dark ages when I was in school, and a hooty-tooty public school with all the resources at that, some kids didn't use them. They were too busy playing sports or looking at cars, etc., then wanted to borrow the papers of people like myself, who actually researched and wrote them. I've heard the stereotypes, which are not always true, and grousing about Asians and Jews, but these two groups seem to get their kids to crack the books more even if the parents work in low-level jobs. It's their kids who end up in professional jobs.

Study, study, study, and prepare to compete. Unfortunately, the U.S. has an anti-intellectual culture. Don't fall for it. Off the football field and into the library and the lab.
The gist of the editorial is that hiring more women and black people as pilots will make United Airlines less safe apparently because "people of color" and women could never possibly be the "most qualified". Surprisingly 13% of their pilots are POC while only 7% are women.

I guess letting go is REALLY hard to do and change is scary.

"Only 7% of United pilots are female!" fretted CBS. "Only 13% aren’t White!" OK, but why exactly should we care about those numbers? An airline pilot’s job is to land the plane safely. Everything else is irrelevant. If 100% of United pilots were Black women, or Malaysian Muslims, or for that matter, White men from Alabama, not a single sane person would complain about it as long as the airplanes didn’t crash. Safety is all that matters.​
But you’ll notice the CEO of United didn’t mention safety. Safety is no longer that airline’s top concern. Identity politics is. United will dispute that characterization, of course. In fact, they disputed it in a statement to "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Wednesday.​
"United Airlines will continue to uphold its high standards," they told us. But they’re lying. We know they’re lying — and you know it too — because in the airline business, there’s only one standard that matters, and it’s not race or gender. It’s competence. The way people look is totally irrelevant. How they perform is all that matters. Once you forget that, airplanes tend to crash.​
Everyone knows that’s true, very much including the people who run this country. Many of them don’t fly United. They don’t fly commercial.​
They use NetJets, the largest private airline in the world. Has NetJets embraced equity or hiring quotas? Of course not. Check out the NetJets website if you have a minute. They’ll tell you exactly what they’re looking for in an airline pilot they hire. Here’s the first line: "We seek individuals who demonstrate an unwavering dedication to safety." That’s the first requirement on their list. We couldn’t find any mention of race and gender. That shouldn’t surprise you, because once again, race and gender are literally irrelevant to who flies your airplane. Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry and the rest of our private-jet-dependent ruling class know that perfectly well. They won’t be demanding quotas at NetJets any time soon. Their families fly on NetJets airplanes.​
So if hiring on the basis of irrelevant criteria will, over time, get people killed, why are they demanding it? Because they don’t care. They’re ideologues. They’re suffering from an incurable brain disease called wokeness. Reality means nothing to them. It’s merely an impediment to their plans.​
The new head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, a Black supremacist called Kristen Clarke, admitted as much. As she told us a few years ago, equity is more important than safety.​

His point was that hiring people based on gender and race over choosing the best regardless of those things can be dangerous.

There's nothing to say a woman, a Latino, or a black taken into the program won't be as good a pilot as a white dude. They TRAIN them. At school. That's like saying don't admit women to college because they're not as smart as men.

Nuh uh.
If there are two candidates to become a pilot at United Airlines and one scores higher on their tests, you would think they would choose that candidate, right? But if the better candidate happens to be a white male, then they’ll choose the lesser candidate.

United made it clear.

How do you know that United will choose the less-qualified candidate? You seem sure with no proof, and you are being guided by a false assumption that a female/darker-skinned candidate is most assuredly less qualified than a white male. As I said before, no airline would entrust a fabulously expensive aircraft full of people to an unqualified person.
The white male may never have the chance anymore. And he has been proven to be pretty good at a higher percentage then most others. There is a massive growth of undereducated and impoverished white males. And they are not at the top of the privileged list. We see a lot of decline in this nation do to the equity based on race and gender. Basing it on opportunity through equality is different. We are slowly consolidating into smaller land mass areas of protection.

Nobody is telling white males not to get an education and not to compete. The word "equity" means "fair and impartial." We are coming off of centuries of white males enjoying privilege and fencing everyone else out, so we don't really have any idea of how it will turn out when all groups are treated equally, allowed to compete on an equal basis, and their accomplishments equally acknowledged. If done right, it should result in a meritocracy.

There are plenty of undereducated and impoverished people in our society, not only white males. There are social disadvantages, such as a lack of resources, underfunded school systems, single-parent homes, yes. But sometimes people just don't try. In the dark ages when I was in school, and a hooty-tooty public school with all the resources at that, some kids didn't use them. They were too busy playing sports or looking at cars, etc., then wanted to borrow the papers of people like myself, who actually researched and wrote them. I've heard the stereotypes, which are not always true, and grousing about Asians and Jews, but these two groups seem to get their kids to crack the books more even if the parents work in low-level jobs. It's their kids who end up in professional jobs.

Study, study, study, and prepare to compete. Unfortunately, the U.S. has an anti-intellectual culture. Don't fall for it. Off the football field and into the library and the lab.
Is that why Asians and Hispanics succeed in American society, racism?
Nobody is telling white males not to get an education and not to compete. The word "equity" means "fair and impartial." We are coming off of centuries of white males enjoying privilege and fencing everyone else out, so we don't really have any idea of how it will turn out when all groups are treated equally, allowed to compete on an equal basis, and their accomplishments equally acknowledged. If done right, it should result in a meritocracy.

You compete individually, not as a race or gender. What United is doing is talking about groups instead of individuals and you can't have any real equity doing it that way. The players in the NBA are 75% black men, yet black males in the US make up 7% of our population. It's not that white, or Asians, or Arabs and Hispanic can't play basketball, but those groups aren't the best at it, and professional sports teams only hire the best.
The gist of the editorial is that hiring more women and black people as pilots will make United Airlines less safe apparently because "people of color" and women could never possibly be the "most qualified". Surprisingly 13% of their pilots are POC while only 7% are women.

I guess letting go is REALLY hard to do and change is scary.

"Only 7% of United pilots are female!" fretted CBS. "Only 13% aren’t White!" OK, but why exactly should we care about those numbers? An airline pilot’s job is to land the plane safely. Everything else is irrelevant. If 100% of United pilots were Black women, or Malaysian Muslims, or for that matter, White men from Alabama, not a single sane person would complain about it as long as the airplanes didn’t crash. Safety is all that matters.​
But you’ll notice the CEO of United didn’t mention safety. Safety is no longer that airline’s top concern. Identity politics is. United will dispute that characterization, of course. In fact, they disputed it in a statement to "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Wednesday.​
"United Airlines will continue to uphold its high standards," they told us. But they’re lying. We know they’re lying — and you know it too — because in the airline business, there’s only one standard that matters, and it’s not race or gender. It’s competence. The way people look is totally irrelevant. How they perform is all that matters. Once you forget that, airplanes tend to crash.​
Everyone knows that’s true, very much including the people who run this country. Many of them don’t fly United. They don’t fly commercial.​
They use NetJets, the largest private airline in the world. Has NetJets embraced equity or hiring quotas? Of course not. Check out the NetJets website if you have a minute. They’ll tell you exactly what they’re looking for in an airline pilot they hire. Here’s the first line: "We seek individuals who demonstrate an unwavering dedication to safety." That’s the first requirement on their list. We couldn’t find any mention of race and gender. That shouldn’t surprise you, because once again, race and gender are literally irrelevant to who flies your airplane. Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry and the rest of our private-jet-dependent ruling class know that perfectly well. They won’t be demanding quotas at NetJets any time soon. Their families fly on NetJets airplanes.​
So if hiring on the basis of irrelevant criteria will, over time, get people killed, why are they demanding it? Because they don’t care. They’re ideologues. They’re suffering from an incurable brain disease called wokeness. Reality means nothing to them. It’s merely an impediment to their plans.​
The new head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, a Black supremacist called Kristen Clarke, admitted as much. As she told us a few years ago, equity is more important than safety.​

His point was that hiring people based on gender and race over choosing the best regardless of those things can be dangerous.

There's nothing to say a woman, a Latino, or a black taken into the program won't be as good a pilot as a white dude. They TRAIN them. At school. That's like saying don't admit women to college because they're not as smart as men.

Nuh uh.
If there are two candidates to become a pilot at United Airlines and one scores higher on their tests, you would think they would choose that candidate, right? But if the better candidate happens to be a white male, then they’ll choose the lesser candidate.

United made it clear.

How do you know that United will choose the less-qualified candidate? You seem sure with no proof, and you are being guided by a false assumption that a female/darker-skinned candidate is most assuredly less qualified than a white male. As I said before, no airline would entrust a fabulously expensive aircraft full of people to an unqualified person.
The white male may never have the chance anymore. And he has been proven to be pretty good at a higher percentage then most others. There is a massive growth of undereducated and impoverished white males. And they are not at the top of the privileged list. We see a lot of decline in this nation do to the equity based on race and gender. Basing it on opportunity through equality is different. We are slowly consolidating into smaller land mass areas of protection.

Nobody is telling white males not to get an education and not to compete. The word "equity" means "fair and impartial." We are coming off of centuries of white males enjoying privilege and fencing everyone else out, so we don't really have any idea of how it will turn out when all groups are treated equally, allowed to compete on an equal basis, and their accomplishments equally acknowledged. If done right, it should result in a meritocracy.

There are plenty of undereducated and impoverished people in our society, not only white males. There are social disadvantages, such as a lack of resources, underfunded school systems, single-parent homes, yes. But sometimes people just don't try. In the dark ages when I was in school, and a hooty-tooty public school with all the resources at that, some kids didn't use them. They were too busy playing sports or looking at cars, etc., then wanted to borrow the papers of people like myself, who actually researched and wrote them. I've heard the stereotypes, which are not always true, and grousing about Asians and Jews, but these two groups seem to get their kids to crack the books more even if the parents work in low-level jobs. It's their kids who end up in professional jobs.

Study, study, study, and prepare to compete. Unfortunately, the U.S. has an anti-intellectual culture. Don't fall for it. Off the football field and into the library and the lab.
Is that why Asians and Hispanics succeed in American society, racism?

As I said, these are stereotypes. But try hitting the books. That's not "racism."
Nobody is telling white males not to get an education and not to compete. The word "equity" means "fair and impartial." We are coming off of centuries of white males enjoying privilege and fencing everyone else out, so we don't really have any idea of how it will turn out when all groups are treated equally, allowed to compete on an equal basis, and their accomplishments equally acknowledged. If done right, it should result in a meritocracy.

You compete individually, not as a race or gender. What United is doing is talking about groups instead of individuals and you can't have any real equity doing it that way. The players in the NBA are 75% black men, yet black males in the US make up 7% of our population. It's not that white, or Asians, or Arabs and Hispanic can't play basketball, but those groups aren't the best at it, and professional sports teams only hire the best.

We would like to compete individually, not as a race or gender. Unfortunately, that has not been the case. Discrimination may have been more subtle over the last few decades, but very much present. What are the statistics on how many people got into training? Do they reflect percentages of the population? How many got to training, but wiped out? These statistics would be interesting. Many years ago, I had a conversation with a construction supervisor in the bar near my college. He told me that he had hired a woman, but she didn't work out. I asked him how many guys he had to fire and he said probably about 40. But he still hired more.

Funny: I'm watching Airplane Repo. A woman was flying the plane that she and her male partner just stole back for the bank. He turned to her and said "now fly it like you stole it." She did and they got the hell out of there. Now two guys are trying to repo a Lear jet. Some where I have my late aunt's ground-school books. Maybe I shoulda. These people make one hell of a lot.
We would like to compete individually, not as a race or gender. Unfortunately, that has not been the case. Discrimination may have been more subtle over the last few decades, but very much present. What are the statistics on how many people got into training? Do they reflect percentages of the population? How many got to training, but wiped out? These statistics would be interesting. Many years ago, I had a conversation with a construction supervisor in the bar near my college. He told me that he had hired a woman, but she didn't work out. I asked him how many guys he had to fire and he said probably about 40. But he still hired more.

I strongly disagree with you here. What I learned about company owners is they do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employees that make the employer the most green are his favorite group of employees.

Besides discrimination being against the law, we have reverse discrimination laws as well. Most government jobs choose people of race to work for the government than they do whites. If you are Asian, you may be deducted points trying to get into a college because Asians are generally very intelligent people. Whites cannot sue a company for choosing a non-white over themselves with equal qualifications. I'm no longer working, but when I was, several of the companies I dealt with switched their mostly white crew to mostly black. It had nothing to do with affirmative action, it had to do with blacks willing to do the job for less money than whites.

In this particular instance, the CEO said he's going to press for more minority and female pilots. This doesn't sound like a guy who ever discriminated on race of gender in the past. Their criteria was the best candidate period. So if he never discriminated before, what's he really saying? He's saying they are going to choose less qualified pilots over more qualified pilots based on race and gender.
I prefer my plane to be flown by the best people, period.

how do you advertise that??
used to be "we hire the best pilots"
now its "we hire the blackest and women with the biggest tits as our pilots,,,"

Well hold on now, let's not dismiss the whole "biggest tits" concept without giving it a chance.

In case of a water landing they'll have their own personal flotation devices. :thup:

I once sat on a plane in Minneapolis/St. Paul while they de-iced. The the flight attendant did the usual speech. We were going to Albuquerque. I wondered what river she thought that we might land in. Incidentally: a "water landing." You mean a crash?

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