Unlike Vietnam, there is not an organized left wing anti war movement over the US funding the Ukraine/Russia war

Biden voters are NOT the left - they're Democrats.

And Democrats do and believe as they're told for the most part.

Chomsky and numerous others on the left are vocal in their opposition to the madness in Ukraine, as are many conservatives, but the liberal/Democrat media will NOT amplify their views unless it's to call them Russian dupes & so forth - look what happened to Musk!

The left is tiny in number - about 3% of the voting population - and liberals despise and stifle/mock/attack their views.

Here on USMB, the two most vocal leftists - really our only identifiable leftists - DEEPLY oppose what's happening in Ukraine.

Point taken.

Look at this Chomsky quote on the war:

”Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who presumably gave the message that it is — he’s repeated over and over, and that is now official U.S. policy, that the war must continue to weaken Russia severely, and, it follows, that it’s no time for negotiations.”


Why is it the Vietnam and Iraq wars were bad, but this war is good?

All war is bad.

Are there still anti war organizations out there lobbying politicans to end all wars?
This is not our war, Vietnam and Iraq were our wars. If you want to complain about us funding Ukraine it’s disingenuous to bring up Vietnam and Iraq. You’re not exactly making an apples to apples comparison
Not all wars are bad. Fighting Hitler and Tojo was justified certainly.

I see our support for Ukraine as justified in light of the fact that they were invaded by a neighboring state trying to expand their presence on the world stage...not unlike Hitler's attack on Poland, France, Russia and Britian (not to mention all the smaller states he gobbled up)

We spent almost two years supplying arms to the people who were attacked then...and that's what we are doing now

Most people agree
It won't last long, the world doesn't like it when white people kill white people.
Speaking of the world I wonder how many Syrians, Iraqis, Afghanis and Libyans have waltzed across the southern border in the last two years ? We don't even know.

But don't worry the FBI will take care of the dangerous Trump supporters and parents of public school kids
Speaking of the world I wonder how many Syrians, Iraqis, Afghanis and Libyans have waltzed across the southern border in the last two years ? We don't even know.
Probably very few...

But hell...by your logic Martians have come across the border
LOLOL that's good. Those holier than thou dirty hippies didn't care about civilian deaths in the vietnam war, they cared about their own sorry asses. Thanks for the verification.

Maybe true for most, but my number came up and they did not want me due to my anti-war activities.
Yet if you ask any Left wing academic to list the greatest presidents of all time, LBJ continues to top the list anyway.

No way.
All the democrats I know hated LBJ and still do.
Democrats were not pro-war until Hillary.
Obama was voted in due to his anti-war stance, BEFORE the election.
Not that we really GAF what you are convinced of, duck. But, how do you explain Canadian troops on the ground in Ukraine if it is America's war? Are you trying to tell us that your commie heeeero, Turdeau is an American puppet?

The Canadian troops are not "on the ground", but just conducting training, behind the lines.

Canada has 200 troops stationed in Ukraine under the banner of Operation UNIFIER, who are there to train Ukrainian armed forces and the national guard. Heading west of the river and away from the Russian border where more than 100,000 troops have amassed, is ostensibly safer should an invasion occur.

But the main point of this fake Ukraine war that Biden started, was to raise oil prices, something Trudeau also profits from.
It is your opinion.

They have a different opinion. Isn't it none of your business what they do?

Not only is it illegal to murder people can call it war, but it clearly is US weapons killing Russians, like Javelin and Stinger missiles. That is criminal.
Probably very few...

But hell...by your logic Martians have come across the border
For your information, sock puppet of someone's, and one of my bitches........

Since President Joe Biden took office and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas altered federal immigration policies, roughly 5 million people from over 150 countries have entered the U.S. illegally, according to U.S. Customs and Border Patrol data and border agents.
monkey business. If they want to go, I said, 'have at it'. But it is NOT our war and they're putting themselves and their family at risk of their dying for nothing other than money laundering for political elites in US and Ukraine. People of ukraine are not getting any of that money to alleviate their suffering. Look it up.

Worse than that, this could likely easily end up going nuclear, with the entire US being utterly destroyed.
Russia simply can not allow the Ukraine to join an alliance hostile to Russia.
The will have to destroy the Ukraine and anyone supporting them before they will let that happen.

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