University Reform


Gold Member
Jun 16, 2010
Liberal arts education is wonderful - history, philosophy, classic literature are great; but today's liberal arts departments are often devoted to ridiculous propaganda and intolerance.

Weird College Courses

The over-privileged shrieking like toddlers because of possibly insensitive Halloween costumes!

Professor vs. free speech.

Students and their parents go bankrupt while university bureaucrats grow fat!

College president pay: Is it too high?

Why the Government is to Blame for High College Costs

I certainly don't want to ban PC propaganda (or Mein Kampf or Das Kapital for that matter), but I don't think taxpayers should be forced to fund this kind of useless nonsense.

Maybe we should defund government supported humanities departments and focus instead on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education and vocational training.

World University Rankings Reflect Growing Demand for STEM Subjects
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The new non-issue being pushed by con media to try to discredit academia, which is a tactic that every authoritarian government uses. Its an attempt to make smart people look not so smart so "don't listen to them, what do they know".

The few bad apples should be dealt with. But if you are going to convict all 'Universities' for the actions of a tiny few then all Christians are responsible for the murders of people that bomb abortion clinics, and by your logic we'd need 'Christianity reform'.

So pick your poison.
The new non-issue being pushed by con media to try to discredit academia,
I guess some vast right-wing conspiracy manufactured those videos I presented in the OP.

Its an attempt to make smart people look not so smart so "don't listen to them, what do they know".
The PC fanatics don't need help to look not so smart.

The few bad apples should be dealt with.
Many more examples: Religious Liberty Archives - FIRE

But if you are going to convict all 'Universities' for the actions of a tiny few then all Christians are responsible for the murders of people that bomb abortion clinics, and by your logic we'd need 'Christianity reform'.
To be fair the abortion industry has killed tens of millions - targeting minorities, women, and the handicapped for mass murder.

Also consider:

Pro-Life Activist Shot and Killed in Michigan

Unlicensed doctor pleads in Philly abortion case
The new non-issue being pushed by con media to try to discredit academia,
I guess some vast right-wing conspiracy manufactured those videos I presented in the OP.

Its an attempt to make smart people look not so smart so "don't listen to them, what do they know".
The PC fanatics don't need help to look not so smart.

The few bad apples should be dealt with.
Many more examples: Religious Liberty Archives - FIRE

But if you are going to convict all 'Universities' for the actions of a tiny few then all Christians are responsible for the murders of people that bomb abortion clinics, and by your logic we'd need 'Christianity reform'.
To be fair the abortion industry has killed tens of millions - targeting minorities, women, and the handicapped for mass murder.

Also consider:

Pro-Life Activist Shot and Killed in Michigan

Unlicensed doctor pleads in Philly abortion case

You don't condemn 'Christian's' killing anyone, your stance is well we kill less than other people. Which seems to be a favorite fall back for people claiming to be kristian that can't defend their faith.
There is a Perfect Storm of factors acting to diminish the value of "higher education," and the solution may be for some colleges to get back to basics, offer a valuable and useful education in three (3) years at a reasonable cost, and see if anyone is interested.

(1) The Baby Boom coupled with the Vietnam War (and millions of draft dodgers) induced America to expand our education capacity dramatically to accommodate this massive influx of high school seniors wanting to go to college.

(2) The Draft Dodgers and their fellow Pinko-Commie-Fag-Junkies went to college, liked it, remained there, and now hold essentially all of the department chairs in the country. [Question: Have any of the Humanities faculty at this Institution ever voted for a Republican in any Election? Answer: Are you kidding?].

(3) After the phenomenon of the Baby Boom passed through, the colleges were stuck with tens of thousands of excess slots in their Freshman classes, with not enough "College Material" students to fill them. Hence, they watered down the entrance criteria and established minimally-rigorous majors to accommodate these marginal students (e.g., anything containing the word, "studies").

(4) Democrat Politicians LIKED the idea of hundreds of thousands of marginal students going to college; they were (a) being brainwashed by the aforesaid Pinko... college professors, (b) not unemployed and getting into trouble, and (c) more likely to be low-information Democrat voters. Thus, the politicians created scores of grant and loan programs to promote this phenomenon.

(5) White Guilt resulted in tens of thousands of even-less-qualified "minority" students on campus, who have nothing better to do than look for petty grievances that they can complain about.

Today's situation cannot be the least bit surprising to anyone who has been paying attention for the past 40 years.
Scientists deal with reality, and sorry if reality has a liberal bias cons but it does. You can,t force your weird 6,000 year old Earth worldview to fit into reality. And bitching about it isn't going to change reality either. And there is no 'equal argument' between reality and fantasy.

Conservatives live in a world of fantasy, this isn't what is taught at real colleges, they teach facts.

You can go to fake colleges that teach your fantasy worldview, try 'liberty college' (Orwell was right) or others like it. They aren't too hip on physics either so you'll fit right in.
Scientists deal with reality, and sorry if reality has a liberal bias cons but it does.
If your reading comprehension improves you'll notice I suggested in the OP that we focus on STEM education.

You can,t force your weird 6,000 year old Earth worldview to fit into reality.
Should we discard worldviews because of their antiquity? You know the materialistic worldview is older than Christianity.

Conservatives live in a world of fantasy, this isn't what is taught at real colleges, they teach facts.
The shrill propaganda we see at so many universities = fact?!
Scientists deal with reality, and sorry if reality has a liberal bias cons but it does.
If your reading comprehension improves you'll notice I suggested in the OP that we focus on STEM education.

You can,t force your weird 6,000 year old Earth worldview to fit into reality.
Should we discard worldviews because of their antiquity? You know the materialistic worldview is older than Christianity.

Conservatives live in a world of fantasy, this isn't what is taught at real colleges, they teach facts.
The shrill propaganda we see at so many universities = fact?!

Demonstrate how much of the curriculum at college campuses is 'shrill propaganda' and how much is the teaching of fact.

The conservative habit of finding 'one' example of something, and then claiming 'therefore I've discredited all of it forever and ever' won't fly junior. You live in hyperbole land.

You can't find one full college curriculum that is 'shrill propaganda' because it doesn't exist. Your whole schtick is 'well its snowing in my yard so therefore the rest of the world must be cold too' or some variation, like the absolute bugwit who threw a snowball in Congress and declared 'see, I've proven 10,000 PH.D's wrong'.

No, you've proven how ignorant you are of reality.
I am a student, although not social sciences, but I can attest that the biggest idiotism is taught, especially at American colleges. In Europe, everyone is used to it, but in the US now too? Here is an example. Why should you want assets as your money? Why should you want cash? Why should you want hereditary piers participating in the political leadership of your country? Why should you want an Electoral College? Why should you want to stand your ground? Why would you ever disagree with popular majority elections? And so on. They expect you to be "sensible" enough to have a "common sense" to say "no" to all these. The Soviet communists couldn't have done it better.
I am a student, although not social sciences, but I can attest that the biggest idiotism is taught, especially at American colleges. In Europe, everyone is used to it, but in the US now too? Here is an example. Why should you want assets as your money? Why should you want cash? Why should you want hereditary piers participating in the political leadership of your country? Why should you want an Electoral College? Why should you want to stand your ground? Why would you ever disagree with popular majority elections? And so on. They expect you to be "sensible" enough to have a "common sense" to say "no" to all these. The Soviet communists couldn't have done it better.

You like to burn ideas as much as you'd like to burn books I'd guess.

For you and the other simple minds out there. When you leave a class, any class, you don't have to believe it and you aren't in any jeopardy because you are asked and are answering questions that make you uncomfortable.

That is precisely what college is for. Otherwise you can just sit next to your AM radio and hear all the claptrap that some snake oil salesman wants to sell you and veg out. Its called the tea party.

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