United States internment of Japanese during WW2


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
I guess it made up for the japs interning and forcing all those British women and others to work as slaves on Borneo, huh?
I remember a thread on this topic from quite awhile ago.

It proved fdr was correct by requiring the west coast japanese to leave the west coast or be interred. so many misconceptions about that episode. the number one being the camps being labelled concentration camps. which is truly outrageous because that conjures up images of the nazi concentration camps, which is like comparing sunlight to darkness.

If anyone wants to read some truth on this subject checkout michelle malkins writings on this subject matter.

by the way ronnie reagan made a huge mistake in paying the japenese reparations.

Michelle Malkin's In Defense of Internment—Breaking News: Japan, Not America, Guilty of War Crimes 60 Years Ago | Articles
Alot of those Japanese were American citizens that were interned. 62%.
Alot of those Japanese were American citizens that were interned. 62%.

Obviously you know very little about the truth regarding the relocation of the west coast japanese.

btw it does not matter when it comes to being a threat to national security whether one is an american citizen. that is just the first thing you need to know...lots more to the story than most realize. I really do not want to take the time to go over it all, as it has been thoroughly disected before.

However, hopefully someone with the time and the knowledge will go over it again.
I guess it made up for the japs interning and forcing all those British women and others to work as slaves on Borneo, huh?

The left wingers do like putting people into camps. The Americans that FDR put into camps are lucky they were in America...the left wingers over seas put the people in their camps into mass graves...
I guess it made up for the japs interning and forcing all those British women and others to work as slaves on Borneo, huh?

The left wingers do like putting people into camps. The Americans that FDR put into camps are lucky they were in America...the left wingers over seas put the people in their camps into mass graves...

Exactly....the leftwingers being disciples of satan have been greatly deceived.

Always wanting to blame America first no matter what.

BTW the magic intercepts prove re-locating the west coast japanese was the correct thing. The west coast was a very vital area in our defense--very important military installations and defense industries located there and the magic intercepts prove there was an active espionage ring on the west coast which was aided and abetted by the Japanese communities. As in the japanese spies could not operate without much support. FDR eliminated all that and deserves credit for it.

'In late 1940 members of the U.S. Army Signal Intelligence Service broke Japan's highest level diplomatic code and then constructed a machine that was an analog of the one used by the Japanese. This allowed the U.S. to read Japan's diplomatic traffic from then until after the end of the war. Intelligence thus gained was cover named MAGIC because it seemed that only magicians could have produced it.'

Among the decoded messages of 1941 were a number detailing espionage planning and operations involving Japanese-Americans along the West Coast. In February 1942 President Roosevelt authorized the evacuation of all persons of Japanese ancestry.

In 1983 a congressional commission, ignoring available declassified intelligence and ignorant of MAGIC revelations, concluded the President's action was the result of racism, war hysteria and lack of political will.

Now for the first time David D. Lowman, using MAGIC messages and declassified Army, Navy and FBI reports, presents the real reasons for the evacuation. As a former high level officer in the National Security Agency and a witness before congressional committees dealing with the evacuation he was uniquely qualified to tell this story. Those who could never quite believe the base motives attributed to our wartime leaders and our country will find Lowman's story compelling

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Let's see, in retrospect it was O.K. to incarcerate American citizens because they had similar names and physical features as people who committed war crimes on the other side of the world. Does that even make any sense? Ironically president FDR was vindicated by a former KKK member who wrote the majority opinion of the Supreme Court at the time.
a lot of ''freedoms''/rights were given up during WW2
when you join the military now, you give up a lot of freedoms:
told what to wear--how to wear it/how to cut your hair/when to sleep/etc
Let's see, in retrospect it was O.K. to incarcerate American citizens because they had similar names and physical features as people who committed war crimes on the other side of the world. Does that even make any sense? Ironically president FDR was vindicated by a former KKK member who wrote the majority opinion of the Supreme Court at the time.
Let's see, in retrospect it was O.K. to incarcerate American citizens because they had similar names and physical features as people who committed war crimes on the other side of the world. Does that even make any sense? Ironically president FDR was vindicated by a former KKK member who wrote the majority opinion of the Supreme Court at the time.

Nonsense....you simply do not know the facts of the case.

As in you are ignorant.....of the subject you wish to discuss.

I knew someone like you would pop in here and I really do not want to take the time to educate you, but for the sake of others--first of all--germans and italians were interred as well. Of course you did not know about this as you do not know much if anything about the subject matter.

secondly--no one said they were being relocated for anyone's war crimes....they had a choice btw. They could have moved to any other part of the us if they so chose. fdr simply did not want them on the west coast and for a very good reason which has already been explained....you either are toooooo stupid to understand what has been posted or you are not reading the posts.

Either way you are a waste of my time. But again for the other viewers--the ones that were interned chose to go into the camps rather than to relocate to the midwest, southwest, the south or to the east coast. Many were released from the camps when they were able to find work in other places than the west coast and some were released to go to college.

There were several reasons many chose to go into the camps, such as for their own safety. At that time there was much hatred of the japanese on account of Pearl Harbor and sensing and knowing this many if not most of them felt safer in the camps.

Again, and i hope i do not have to post this again....the reason fdr wanted them relocated from the west coast area was for reasons of national security.

Internment of German Americans - Wikipedia

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I guess it made up for the japs interning and forcing all those British women and others to work as slaves on Borneo, huh?

The brits bent over all across the pacific

No one likes to talk about the The Americans of Germans or Italian decent being harassed By the US government on the east coast ..oh yeah it happened

They also shipped a lot of Americans of German decent to the pacific theater on purpose
Hey dudmuck was FDR a ''fascist''?

hehheh what gets me about these morons that have a certain narrative of events stuck in their heads as a result of some pc public school teacher indoctrinating them is that they will come on a thread and start saying stupid stuff without taking the time to read posts about the matter.

ignorance can be corrected....but most of these sorts of which i refer to ...prefer ignorance because the truth skewers their agenda of hating America.
I guess it made up for the japs interning and forcing all those British women and others to work as slaves on Borneo, huh?

The brits bent over all across the pacific

No one likes to talk about the The Americans of Germans or Italian decent being harassed By the US government on the east coast ..oh yeah it happened
They also shipped a lot of Americans of German decent to the pacific theater on purpose

something else that was hushed up was how the japs raped british women they came across such as nurses.

not even to mention the rape of nanking....etc.etc.etc. no one was more brutal and beastly than jap soldiers....most know nothing about how they experimented on pow's just like the nazis did with jews.

yet these liberal niggly wigglys want to go on and on about how terrible America was, obviously not having any relatives that fought in the pacific theater of operations.
Hey dudmuck was FDR a ''fascist''?

hehheh what gets me about these morons that have a certain narrative of events stuck in their heads as a result of some pc public school teacher indoctrinating them is that they will come on a thread and start saying stupid stuff without taking the time to read posts about the matter.

ignorance can be corrected....but most of these sorts of which i refer to ...prefer ignorance because the truth skewers their agenda of hating America.

In another thread dudmuck copied and pasted some idiotic drivel on the definition of ''fascism''. I questioned a number of the things in his post but he ran away. Anyway, one of the things he seems to have alleged is that anyone opposed to open borders is a fascist.

The truth of the matter is that FDR actually DID like a lot of what Mussolini was doing in Italy, until Mussolini decided he want to be a conqueror. Another truth that ignorant guys like dudmuck don't know is that modern, leftist ideology on economics and governance is virtually identical to that of the Italian and German fascists.
I remember a thread on this topic from quite awhile ago.

It proved fdr was correct by requiring the west coast japanese to leave the west coast or be interred. so many misconceptions about that episode. the number one being the camps being labelled concentration camps. which is truly outrageous because that conjures up images of the nazi concentration camps, which is like comparing sunlight to darkness.

If anyone wants to read some truth on this subject checkout michelle malkins writings on this subject matter.

by the way ronnie reagan made a huge mistake in paying the japenese reparations.

Michelle Malkin's In Defense of Internment—Breaking News: Japan, Not America, Guilty of War Crimes 60 Years Ago | Articles
So we can round up Muslims without objection then.
I guess it made up for the japs interning and forcing all those British women and others to work as slaves on Borneo, huh?

The brits bent over all across the pacific

No one likes to talk about the The Americans of Germans or Italian decent being harassed By the US government on the east coast ..oh yeah it happened
They also shipped a lot of Americans of German decent to the pacific theater on purpose

something else that was hushed up was how the japs raped british women they came across such as nurses.

not even to mention the rape of nanking....etc.etc.etc. no one was more brutal and beastly than jap soldiers....most know nothing about how they experimented on pow's just like the nazis did with jews.

yet these liberal niggly wigglys want to go on and on about how terrible America was, obviously not having any relatives that fought in the pacific theater of operations.

I had relatives in both theaters...... US evil yanks

i think they surrendered in 25 minutes on Singapore :04:
or what the nips did at Alexandria hospital is savage

Four young evacuees from Sacramento, California, read comic books at the newsstand in the Tule Lake Relocation Center, in Newell, California, on July 1, 1942.

oh those ameican concentration camps were just so terrible. yada, yada, yada
What we don't know and what we'll never know is, if Japanese people hadn't been interned, would any of them have actually engaged in spying or acts of sabotage. Of course, we also don't know how many of them might have been beaten and murdered by other, pissed off Americans. One thing is undeniable. If you were of Japanese descent, you were FAR better off being an internment camp in the U.S. rather than being in Japan. The Japanese people were killed en mass by American bombing. They also had to combat starvation and disease. I think it could be argued that our conversion of Japan from what it was into what it became may have been our nation's greatest foreign-policy success of the 20th century.

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