United Nations & Wife Beating


Sep 23, 2010
No government or individual has to obey United Nations charity hustling bums because of rules they make up:

The 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees is the key legal document in defining who is a refugee, their rights and the legal obligations of governments. According to Article 1 of that Convention, a refugee is someone who has fled his or her country “owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.”​

NOTE: The millions of illegal aliens brought to this country by the piece of garbage in the White House now have refugee status because of economic conditions in their own counties. Why? Simply because UN scum defines a rule for Americans.

Who decided?

For the past six decades, two United Nations agencies, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), have been responsible for safeguarding the rights and well-being of refugees.

Most people think of the United Nations as a place where media-approved douche bags of one kind or another make speeches to the General Assembly. In theory the General Assembly decides the world’s weighty matters for civilization. In truth: UN OFFICIALS rake in big tax dollars from United Nations agencies. Prime example: United Nations maggots grabbed the money —— then dumped economic refugees in every country with not a thought about the aftermath. Uruguay is at least one country that is standing up:

Simply: in Uruguay, we are not willing to remain with our arms crossed if men hit women,” said President José Mujica, the architect of the project through which Uruguay would slowly begin to take in Syrian refugee families, to ease the strain on neighboring countries like Lebanon and Turkey, which have taken in millions of refugees in the past two years. According to Uruguayan newspaper El Observador, the government claims that the incidents of domestic violence in the new Syrian refugee community of Uruguay are simply too high to ignore.​

Has anybody noticed that the United Nations is exporting domestic violence just as the United Nations is responsible for Taqiyya the Liar importing diseased illegal aliens to America. According to UN scum the problems they create are not grave:

The United Nations has stated, according to another report in El Observador, that the negative incidents regarding resettlement of Syrian refugees were below their expectations. Raúl Rosende, the head of the UN office of Coordination of Humanitarian Aid, responded to the domestic abuse claims by saying: “It is surprising that, after the tragedy that these refugees have lived and the short time in which they have been in Uruguay, there have not been more problems or graver ones than those mentioned in the press.”

Domestic Violence Surge Leads Uruguay to Reject Male Syrian Refugees
by Frances Martel
6 Feb 2015

Domestic Violence Surge Leads Uruguay to Reject Male Syrian Refugees - Breitbart

A fact of contemporary life

Every savage act in the modern world exceeds the cruelty done prior to the birth of government collectivism —— Communism/Socialism. In my view, Communism/Socialism succeeded in creating an ugly world that could not have been created by all of the varied religions spread around the globe acting independently. Bottom line: Any one of those religions would be just as ugly as is Communism/Socialism should it acquire the authority the United Nations gives to Socialism collectivism. It is pure stupidity to believe that a United Nations government will eventually build a more humane world on tax dollars.

Admittedly, mankind’s taste for cruelty always existed in different regions of the world. Today, the United Nations coalesces the global government barbarity agenda. Clearly, the horrors approved of, and ignored, by a cabal of ruling classes being driven to create a one-government world administered by the United Nations can be laid on both. The overwhelming majority of productive peoples sure as hell are not demanding a one-government world.

Finally, take an in-depth look at the economic and cultural disasters the UN created by relocating refugees in America alone and you will see our federal government for what it is. Somehow, refugees are NOT illegal aliens because the United Nations sent them here.
Phyllis Schlafly calls it the asylum racket. I call it the refugee racket —— that is in addition to the illegal alien racket, the charity racket, the climate change racket, the global government racket, and so on.

You can say the UN runs all of the rackets just as the Mafia got started by running the rackets. Ran separately, or collectively, it was still the Mafia, and it is still the United Nations. Schlafly could have called these guys ‘soldiers’ just the Mafia called their thugs soldiers:

The asylum immigrants are brought into our country and settled in 180 U.S. cities by nine contractors (pretending to be "religious charities") and 350 subcontractors. These lucky immigrants are mostly selected by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.​

I want to close with another aspect of UN rackets.

The United Nations was an important illegal alien component for Democrats when they began building their American welfare class. The plan was designed to eventually create enough voters guarantied to win every election:

This process is the result of the Refugee Act of 1980, the brainchild of Ted Kennedy, aggressively supported by Joe Biden, and signed into law by Jimmy Carter.​

Once tens of million illegal aliens get amnesty the required number of guarantied welfare state voters will be close to the tipping point. Take a close look at the UN’s mass migration refugee program and you cannot miss seeing the tipping point going over the edge. Then it is bye-bye Americans.

. . . "We can survive terrorism. We can't survive migration."

The Costly Asylum Racket
Phyllis Schlafly | Feb 17, 2015

The Costly Asylum Racket - Phyllis Schlafly - Page 1
If we elect Monica Lewinski's x-boyfriend's wife for president, we will reach the tipping point. Global Initiative is counter productive to American Initiative. And we keep electing globalists. All of the Bushes, Clintons, and Obama want America under the rule of the UN. It is why our borders are wide open. The UN is restructuring the Americas right under our noses and we do nothing because we are busy doing the repub vs dem thing, instead of the Americans vs global thing. We had better start paying attention to what they are doing, not what they are saying, or we are doomed as a nation.

We signed the UN gun seizure treaty, saying that it doesn't mean anything because Congress would have to vote on it anyway....
Here's the thing. Globalists create conflict between parties, making Congress impotent, then start talking about just doing away with Congress. Because they can't get anything done anyway....
See how it works?
If we elect Monica Lewinski's x-boyfriend's wife for president, we will reach the tipping point. Global Initiative is counter productive to American Initiative. And we keep electing globalists. All of the Bushes, Clintons, and Obama want America under the rule of the UN. It is why our borders are wide open. The UN is restructuring the Americas right under our noses and we do nothing because we are busy doing the repub vs dem thing, instead of the Americans vs global thing. We had better start paying attention to what they are doing, not what they are saying, or we are doomed as a nation.

We signed the UN gun seizure treaty, saying that it doesn't mean anything because Congress would have to vote on it anyway....
Here's the thing. Globalists create conflict between parties, making Congress impotent, then start talking about just doing away with Congress. Because they can't get anything done anyway....
See how it works?

To The Irish Ram: Ron Paul first introduced HR 1146 in 1997. Since my first message board in 2000, I posted countless messages calling for America to get out of the United Nations. Thanks to the Internet, I see Americans getting there slowly but surely. Until the UN is gone it is important not to allow Bill Clinton, or Taqiyya the Liar, become the UN’s secretary general.

If you are interested in the topic, I covered a lot in the link throughout this thread:

One penny, rather than $15,000, was enough to establish the principle:

“In 1794, Congress appropriated $15,000 to help some French refugees. James Madison stood on the floor of the House, and he said, ‘I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article in the Constitution that authorizes Congress to spend the money of their constituents for the purposes of benevolence,’” said Williams, who argues that the U.S. government is now drowning in forced charity.​

The principle of forced charity grew to economic charity:

NOTE: The millions of illegal aliens brought to this country by the piece of garbage in the White House now have refugee status because of economic conditions in their own counties. Why? Simply because UN scum defines a rule for Americans.

Who decided?

For the past six decades, two United Nations agencies, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), have been responsible for safeguarding the rights and well-being of refugees.

United Nations Global Issues - Refugees

When I examine the evils of forced charity for the benefit of parasites, I only see the sick moralists in the media-education-entertainment complex who, themselves, constitute the foundation for America’s parasite class:

“If a politician is running for office today, making the same statement that James Madison made, the American people would run him out of town on a rail because they’d have contempt for that sentiment.”


He added: “I think that the forcible use of one person to serve the purposes of another is immoral. As a matter of fact, that’s the working definition of slavery.”

Top economist: Americans have 'contempt for liberty'
Posted By Greg Corombos On 05/17/2015 @ 8:16 pm

Top economist Americans have contempt for liberty

Final observations:

1. Television would have included forced charity as a condition of liberty when the Constitution was being debated. Nevertheless, the parasite class eventually got everything it wanted without invoking constitutional authority.

2. The descendants of very people who fought to abolish slavery in the Civil War would now take up arms to defend the most evil form of slavery —— COERCED CHARITY.

3. There was never a time or place in history when parasites took everything they wanted.

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