Unimaginable arrogance

I'm arguing that the Democrats really cared less about the security of this nation yet alone their own emails. It wasn't an issue until they lost the election and needed a good excuse as to why.

They didn't lose the election. They won it by 3 million votes.

If you're under the impression Russia (or any other country for that matter) just started hacking, then the Democrat party has you hook, line and sinker. Nations try to do this to each other all the time. Just look up what DumBama did with Israel's election. This isn't breaking news. The Democrats didn't care about hacking when they thought Hil-Liar had it in the bag. And if she won, there would be no word about Russia yet alone trying to seek revenge.

It wasn't a question of why they were hacking, it's why they leaked the information they did (which was only part of what their effort was.) Again, I have to keep asking the question, why was Russia so keen on Getting Trumpenfuhrer elected?

For instance,we know why Obama tried to influence Israel's election. Because Bibi is a fucking war criminal who bombs schools and hospitals. My problem with Obama is he didn't go far enough. He should have right up told them, if they reelect the war criminal, we cut off all aid and vote for every mean-spirited thing in the UN that the Arabs want. (Sadly, the Jews run our politics, so that's never going to happen.)

So again, what does Russia get out of electing Trump?

Utter bull. Gasoline here is about $2.35 a gallon. How much cheaper do you want it? Natural gas prices are down as well, very important in the winter time. When the prices dropped, I have coworkers who saved over $150.00 a month between gasoline and natural gas alone. Again, more money in the pockets of Americans means more economic activity. That stimulates the economy.

Guy, I'll make $150 on a slow weekend on my side gig. It's not that big of a deal.

But you keep pretending Obama didn't save the economy from Bush's fuckups, and then blame Trump's fuckups on Obama. Because we know IT WOULD KILL YOU TO GIVE A BLACK GUY CREDIT.

He didn't cheat. Quantitive Easing is perfectly legal. But that doesn't discount the fact that those trillions of dollars pumped up the market to outrageous artificial levels. Why do you suppose the rich have never gotten richer under DumBama? It's because they knew the game was fixed.

Right. So make sure you work up all your excuses why the Russian Stooge isn't going to have as good of an economy as the black guy had.
I'm arguing that the Democrats really cared less about the security of this nation yet alone their own emails. It wasn't an issue until they lost the election and needed a good excuse as to why.

They didn't lose the election. They won it by 3 million votes.

If you're under the impression Russia (or any other country for that matter) just started hacking, then the Democrat party has you hook, line and sinker. Nations try to do this to each other all the time. Just look up what DumBama did with Israel's election. This isn't breaking news. The Democrats didn't care about hacking when they thought Hil-Liar had it in the bag. And if she won, there would be no word about Russia yet alone trying to seek revenge.

It wasn't a question of why they were hacking, it's why they leaked the information they did (which was only part of what their effort was.) Again, I have to keep asking the question, why was Russia so keen on Getting Trumpenfuhrer elected?

For instance,we know why Obama tried to influence Israel's election. Because Bibi is a fucking war criminal who bombs schools and hospitals. My problem with Obama is he didn't go far enough. He should have right up told them, if they reelect the war criminal, we cut off all aid and vote for every mean-spirited thing in the UN that the Arabs want. (Sadly, the Jews run our politics, so that's never going to happen.)

So again, what does Russia get out of electing Trump?

Utter bull. Gasoline here is about $2.35 a gallon. How much cheaper do you want it? Natural gas prices are down as well, very important in the winter time. When the prices dropped, I have coworkers who saved over $150.00 a month between gasoline and natural gas alone. Again, more money in the pockets of Americans means more economic activity. That stimulates the economy.

Guy, I'll make $150 on a slow weekend on my side gig. It's not that big of a deal.

But you keep pretending Obama didn't save the economy from Bush's fuckups, and then blame Trump's fuckups on Obama. Because we know IT WOULD KILL YOU TO GIVE A BLACK GUY CREDIT.

He didn't cheat. Quantitive Easing is perfectly legal. But that doesn't discount the fact that those trillions of dollars pumped up the market to outrageous artificial levels. Why do you suppose the rich have never gotten richer under DumBama? It's because they knew the game was fixed.

Right. So make sure you work up all your excuses why the Russian Stooge isn't going to have as good of an economy as the black guy had.
It's easy to tell that you've been in the seclusion of your mothers basement, not understanding the real world and all…
They didn't lose the election. They won it by 3 million votes.

Really? Then why is Trump going to be our next President?

It wasn't a question of why they were hacking, it's why they leaked the information they did (which was only part of what their effort was.) Again, I have to keep asking the question, why was Russia so keen on Getting Trumpenfuhrer elected?

For instance,we know why Obama tried to influence Israel's election. Because Bibi is a fucking war criminal who bombs schools and hospitals. My problem with Obama is he didn't go far enough. He should have right up told them, if they reelect the war criminal, we cut off all aid and vote for every mean-spirited thing in the UN that the Arabs want. (Sadly, the Jews run our politics, so that's never going to happen.)

So again, what does Russia get out of electing Trump?

Ah yes, a true anti-semite liberal, sticking up for terrorists against the good guys. Very typical indeed.

Did it ever cross your little mind that Russia could care less about Trump; that perhaps since it doesn't make sense, your Democrat politicians are lying to you once again?

Guy, I'll make $150 on a slow weekend on my side gig. It's not that big of a deal.

But you keep pretending Obama didn't save the economy from Bush's fuckups, and then blame Trump's fuckups on Obama. Because we know IT WOULD KILL YOU TO GIVE A BLACK GUY CREDIT.

I'll give anybody credit if you can show me what he did. Most everything DumBama did when it comes to business or the economy was negative. Raising their corporate taxes was negative. Raising their personal income taxes was negative. Commie Care was a huge negative. Attacking business after business (and closing some down) was negative. Everything was negative because the Bozo had (and still has) no idea WTF he's doing.

Show me one thing he did that would make a business person say "Wow, this is great for business, I'm going to invest in my company and create jobs!"

Right. So make sure you work up all your excuses why the Russian Stooge isn't going to have as good of an economy as the black guy had.

You liberals should really throw away your crystal balls. They've been wrong about everything since Trump announced his candidacy.
Really? Then why is Trump going to be our next President?

Because the Russians hacked the election, dummy.

Ah yes, a true anti-semite liberal, sticking up for terrorists against the good guys. Very typical indeed.

When did the Zionists become the "good guys". You don't bomb children and call yourself the "good guys".

I'll give anybody credit if you can show me what he did. Most everything DumBama did when it comes to business or the economy was negative. Raising their corporate taxes was negative. Raising their personal income taxes was negative. Commie Care was a huge negative. Attacking business after business (and closing some down) was negative. Everything was negative because the Bozo had (and still has) no idea WTF he's doing.

yet the economy recovered from the worst recession in 80 years on his watch, we have 4.7% unemployment and a Dow at 20,000....
yet the economy recovered from the worst recession in 80 years on his watch, we have 4.7% unemployment and a Dow at 20,000....

Yes we do, and again, none of it having anything to do with DumBama.

When did the Zionists become the "good guys". You don't bomb children and call yourself the "good guys".

They don't bomb children. They do retaliate after they are attacked. Israel could wipe out the Palestinians in about three days, but they don't. Israel tries to restrain as much as they can to help keep peace.

Because the Russians hacked the election, dummy.

No, because Trump won fair and square dummy. Don't you remember? Last time you guys told that lie you had recounts in three states that showed zero evidence of Russia hacking anything.
Which is my point. There's no substance to "The Russians Hacked the Election". It's just an otherwise meaningless emotional term designed to generate fear and outrage in gullible lefties and democrats (but I repeat myself). Good to know that you see it too.

No, "Make America Great Again" is a meaningless emotional term. People should be outraged that the Russians did what they did, and we need to keep an eye on what Trump is going to give Putin in return for his "help".

"The Russians Hacked the Election" remains, as one scribe put it, "A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing".

Present the evidence of such modifications to the machines or admit you're wildly speculating, hoping desperately somebody will dredge up something.

Actually, it's more on the Trumpkins to prove they didn't... not on me to prove they did. All I have to say is things like, "Every poll had Hillary leading in Wisconsin, and then that happened?" and "Hey, there are no paper ballots in PA".

That's not how it works. In this society, you are expected to present proof of your accusation and the accused does not have to prove his innocence. So, piss or get off the pot.

I know I'm happy that Hillary won't be in the White House without a visitor's pass. That's a good thing, and if we have to take Trump to get it, so be it.

Isn't that like cutting off your nose to spite your face. I honestly wonder how fucked up you have to be to know Trump will ruin millions of lives, but man, you finally showed that bitch, you did.
A Trump presidency is a crap shoot. A Hillary presidency would just be crap. Sane people realize this.
If the Russians hacking and the subsequent Wikileaks had no effect on the election, why did every Trump surrogate bring up Wikileaks at every opportunity during September and October?
They didn't lose the election. They won it by 3 million votes.

Really? Then why is Trump going to be our next President?

Because slave rapers demanded an Electoral College...

Yep, been doing it this way for a couple hundred years now. I guess what they should have done is put in "any way to make a Democrat win" in our Constitution. That way if we changed to the popular vote and kicked your ass, you can whine and cry about going to an electoral college.
They don't bomb children. They do retaliate after they are attacked. Israel could wipe out the Palestinians in about three days, but they don't. Israel tries to restrain as much as they can to help keep peace.

Seriously, dude, are you trying for Baghdad Bob's job?

Here's how the Zionists can contribute to peace. Go back to Europe where they came from.

Problem solved.

"The Russians Hacked the Election" remains, as one scribe put it, "A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing".

Give Trump about a year, no one but the Russians will admit to voting for him.

That's not how it works. In this society, you are expected to present proof of your accusation and the accused does not have to prove his innocence. So, piss or get off the pot.

Again, you guys accused the Clinton's of shit for 25 years without any proof. Here's my proof. The polls said Hillary would win. She got 3 million more votes, and the Intel Community says the Russians hacked the election.

A Trump presidency is a crap shoot. A Hillary presidency would just be crap. Sane people realize this.

Uh no. You see, you don't base that on anything other than your dislike of the woman.

You see, her husband did a pretty good job. Bring those folks back, we'd have been fine.

Trump on the other hand, is appointed a guy who made his money on bogus foreclosures to run Treasury, a guy who ran dangerous mining operations to run Commerce, and a guy who believes in kook conspiracy theories to be NSA.

That's nuts.
Seriously, dude, are you trying for Baghdad Bob's job?

Here's how the Zionists can contribute to peace. Go back to Europe where they came from.

Problem solved.

Yeah? Well what if the American Indians began to terrorize us demanding we go back to where we came from? Should we leave?
Yeah? Well what if the American Indians began to terrorize us demanding we go back to where we came from? Should we leave?

Obviously not, since they were completely wiped out...

Here's the difference... it was okay to do that kind of ethnic cleansing 400 year ago, today, not so much.

They weren't completely wiped out, they were overpowered. They are still living in this country.

The situations are somewhat similar. That whole area was nothing but a worthless sandpit until the Jews went in there to turn it into a beautiful and peaceful place to live. They are willing to coexist in peace but the Palestinians are not. Their solution is to kill every last Jew. So where is the compromise between killing every Jew or not? Killing half of the Jews?
"The Russians Hacked the Election" remains, as one scribe put it, "A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing".

Give Trump about a year, no one but the Russians will admit to voting for him.

Irrelevant. The fact remains, your continued whining that "the Russians hacked the election" is meaningless. You can't even state definitively what it is they are supposed to have done and what impact it actually is supposed to have had.

That's not how it works. In this society, you are expected to present proof of your accusation and the accused does not have to prove his innocence. So, piss or get off the pot.

Again, you guys accused the Clinton's of shit for 25 years without any proof. Here's my proof. The polls said Hillary would win. She got 3 million more votes, and the Intel Community says the Russians hacked the election.

"You guys" is bogus. I'm not "you guys" so you can throw that in where the sun don't shine. I have accused Bubba Clinton of being a crass horndog, and he is. I have accused him of being a monumental liar, and he is. I have accused Hillary of having a careless approach to her email security, and she does. If you can find anywhere I have falsely accused the Clinton's, please produce it. And again, the term "the Russians hacked the election" is meaningless, because you can't even define it.

A Trump presidency is a crap shoot. A Hillary presidency would just be crap. Sane people realize this.

Uh no. You see, you don't base that on anything other than your dislike of the woman.

You see, her husband did a pretty good job. Bring those folks back, we'd have been fine.

Trump on the other hand, is appointed a guy who made his money on bogus foreclosures to run Treasury, a guy who ran dangerous mining operations to run Commerce, and a guy who believes in kook conspiracy theories to be NSA.

That's nuts.
Okay, let's put back Bubba in the White House and Newt back in charge of Congress. That worked because Newt held Bubba's feet to the fire and Bubba was smart enough to triangulate against his own party. I find it interesting to note that you seem to think Bubba's political acumen has somehow rubbed off on Hillary when she was such a terrible candidate and he could sell snow to an eskimo.
Obviously not, since they were completely wiped out... Here's the difference... it was okay to do that kind of ethnic cleansing 400 year ago, today, not so much.
They weren't completely wiped out, they were overpowered. They are still living in this country.
They weren't even "overpowered". They simply didn't adapt. While we embraced all of the science and technology that increased life expectancy at all phases, they didn't. As a result, our population exploded while theirs dwindled.
Yeah? Well what if the American Indians began to terrorize us demanding we go back to where we came from? Should we leave?
Obviously not, since they were completely wiped out...
Is there anything you don't blatantly lie about Joey? First of all, Native American Indians were not "completely wiped out". They still exist to this day. Second, here you are again being a typical repulsive progressives hypocrite. You want to demonize America and whine about what we did - but you're not willing to leave the U.S. and give the Native Americans their land back. Asshole.
Here's the difference... it was okay to do that kind of ethnic cleansing 400 year ago, today, not so much.
As usual - a second lie in the same post. They were not "ethnically cleansed" you nitwit. If you hadn't dropped out of high school you would know that. It's tragic how ignorant you are - but it does explain why you vote Dumbocrat.

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