Understanding The Sierra Club


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Dr. Thomas Sowell, in “Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One,” challenges individuals to analyze not only their short term (Stage One) impact but to also think ahead to their long term (Stage Two, Three, etc) impact.

The following is an example of the flaw that Dr. Sowell wrote about: short-sighted eco-fascists damage their own aims in fighting against capitalism

1. " ... San Francisco’s Sierra Club hinders environmental progress.

2. Since 2006, developer Simon Snellgrove has fought to build a 12-story, mixed-use tower on a downtown lot near San Francisco Bay. ... But after a negative petition garnered 31,000 signatures, the project was put to the ballot in November’s election, and city voters rejected it by nearly two-to-one, ... the opposition to Snellgrove’s 8 Washington project represents everything that’s wrong with the anti-growth movement in U.S. cities today.

3. Affordability advocates called it a mere “luxury” condo, ignoring the $11 million the residence is expected to generate for the city’s affordable-housing fund. ... Nearby residents opposed the added foot traffic, despite having long decried the downtown business district’s deserted nighttime atmosphere.

4. The strangest opposition, though, came from San Francisco’s Sierra Club chapter... killing a project that the environmental group might reasonably have endorsed. The Sierra Club, after all, regularly lobbies California’s state legislature to draw boundaries to stop housing sprawl in the Bay Area. Now, it seems, the club opposes even “smart” development projects that promote density.

a. It opposed a plan that would encourage mixed-use development in Berkeley, even though the city has rail connections and thus would be better able to handle the added foot traffic and density mixed use brings.

b. And it withheld support from a project in nearby Alameda that other environmental groups celebrated for its sustainable design and materials.

c, ... the club has already criticized other potential development projects, including one near the Giants’ AT&T Park as well as the proposed new Golden State Warriors’ basketball arena. The new arena would help fill the empty, decaying piers leading up to the Embarcadero market, completing a near-miraculous transformation of the city’s northeastern shoreline.

5. So why does the local Sierra Club oppose these projects?....

As is often the case, the Sierra Club’s opposition here is not really about the effects of development. It reflects resentment, sadly typical of America’s far Left, of what development represents—capitalism and the sneaking suspicion that someone, somewhere is getting rich.

6. The club never fails to criticize developments being built for “luxury” purposes or to “create profits.” Developing the waterfront will produce a “wall of gold” built, says Evans, by “rich developers.”

7. This anti-growth sentiment has made it difficult for San Francisco to address issues that the Sierra Club claims to care about. Evans complains that 8 Washington’s “least expensive condominium is going to go for $2 million,” but she has little to say about the housing shortage and other factors that have made San Francisco the nation’s least affordable city.

8. ...Snellgrove had spent nearly $2 million on lobbying and campaigning, and he’ll surely pay more after reworking his plans. These costs will be passed onto 8 Washington’s eventual residents (should there be any).

9. San Francisco is proud to be one of the nation’s most frugal carbon emitters per capita—owing not only to its mild climate, but also to its density.

10. ... the city’s high cost of living forces many to live in outlying areas with more sprawling, energy-intensive development patterns. Their larger footprint can be blamed, at least in part, on the misplaced priorities of certain San Francisco “environmentalists.”"
Missing the Forest for the Trees by Scott Beyer, City Journal 23 January 2014

Find a Leftist, or, to be redundant, an 'environmentalist,' and you will find an anti-capitalism, anti-American-prosperity attitude.

They'll be the death of us.
1. The Shadow Party was born July 17, 2003, at Soros’s estate. It created the largest and most powerful juggernaut in American history. Present were Madeleine Albright, John Podesta, Carl Pope (director of the Sierra Club), Andy Stern (SEIU), among others. The basic structure of the Shadow Party was a network of seven 527 organizations.

2. One part, called “America Votes” was referred to by one of its staffers as a “monster coalition” coordinating all of the left-wing grassroots groups including ACORN, Planned Parenthoood Action Fund, Sierra Club and the American Federation of Teachers and the SEIU. Soros contributed $23,700,000 in 2004.
Beck, "Cowards"

Consider the groups mentioned along with the Sierra Club.

Ask yourself what they all have in common.
Called the “Watermelon Effect,” much of environmentalism is made up of the ‘green’ pro-environment policies on the outside, hiding the red Marxist redistributive policies on the inside.
Opposition to fracking is one of the best examples of how they'd like to cripple America.

The Sierra Club, a member of Soros' Shadow Party, attempts to confound the issue:

1. "No single source of criticism of hydraulic fracturing is more pronounced than the claim that it pollutes groundwater. “Fracking,” according to the Sierra Club, is “known to contaminate drinking water.” Food & Water Watch says hydraulic fracturing “threatens the air we breathe, the water we drink, the communities we love and the climate on which we all depend.” The Center for Biological Diversity begins its litany of criticisms of hydraulic fracturing with: “Contaminated water.” In his FAQ page, Gasland director Josh Fox says water contamination from fracking is “very serious.”

But when these same critics are asked to prove the claim, the evidence is far more elusive than their statements would suggest.

At a major Senate hearing earlier this year, representatives from both the Sierra Club and the Natural Resources Defense Council, when pressed by Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.), could not name a single confirmed case of hydraulic fracturing contaminating groundwater.
How Anti-Fracking Activists Deny Science: Water Contamination

2. On the excellent webcast Uncommon Knowledge, Czech president Václav Klaus recently compared “two ideologies” that were “structurally very similar. They are against individual freedom. They are in favor of centralistic masterminding of our fates.

They are both very similar in telling us what to do, how to live, how to behave, what to eat, how to travel, what we can do and what we cannot do.”

The first of Klaus’s “two ideologies” was Communism—a system with which he was deeply familiar, having participated in the Velvet Revolution in 1989. The second was environmentalism. The Varieties of Liberal Enthusiasm by Benjamin A. Plotinsky, City Journal Spring 2010
If any of you are unfamiliar with PC, she's known for these rambling unimbomber manifestos. "Getting to the point" is not a concept she's familiar thing. She tosses out a bunch of red herrings, a lot of 'em twisted and fabrictated, and then magically declares her point proven. A point which is always that everything she doesn't like is connected to some socialist conspiracy.
If any of you are unfamiliar with PC, she's known for these rambling unimbomber manifestos. "Getting to the point" is not a concept she's familiar thing. She tosses out a bunch of red herrings, a lot of 'em twisted and fabrictated, and then magically declares her point proven. A point which is always that everything she doesn't like is connected to some socialist conspiracy.


They’re impossible to read, made up of unrelated fragments taken completely out of context, cobbled together to make an incoherent non-argument.

And this does not constitute ‘attacking the speaker,’ given the fact the speaker is incapable of coherent expression.
If any of you are unfamiliar with PC, she's known for these rambling unimbomber manifestos. "Getting to the point" is not a concept she's familiar thing. She tosses out a bunch of red herrings, a lot of 'em twisted and fabrictated, and then magically declares her point proven. A point which is always that everything she doesn't like is connected to some socialist conspiracy.


Please attempt to document that charge, you sniveling little weasel.

Or is your defense an admission that you don't know what 'fabricate' means?

Ironic, since I proved that you actually 'fabricated' a post about Orlando Busch this morning.

Hey...you should go back and see how royally I ripped you in that thread!

It was classic!!
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If any of you are unfamiliar with PC, she's known for these rambling unimbomber manifestos. "Getting to the point" is not a concept she's familiar thing. She tosses out a bunch of red herrings, a lot of 'em twisted and fabrictated, and then magically declares her point proven. A point which is always that everything she doesn't like is connected to some socialist conspiracy.


They’re impossible to read, made up of unrelated fragments taken completely out of context, cobbled together to make an incoherent non-argument.

And this does not constitute ‘attacking the speaker,’ given the fact the speaker is incapable of coherent expression.

1. "...taken completely out of context,..."

Well, then, C_Chamber_Pot, could you provide an example of anything taken out of context?

2. "They’re impossible to read,..."

Possibly...but that speaks of your ability, not mine.

3. Shakespeare identified your intentions.....

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"
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Can anyone explain to me why the Sierra Club is opposing Baseball Parks and nixing Urban Housing Plans in the Bay Area? Is there a special Sierra Club chapter there that never takes field trip to the Sierras?

I think PC explains this correctly.. Some Sierra Club chapters are made up of folks who thinks the meetings are for the Green Party of Bay Area...
Sentences and paragraphs expressing coherent, original thoughts and ideas, or sentences and paragraphs paraphrasing others’ thoughts and ideas with quotes/citations/references is really not too much to ask.
Can anyone explain to me why the Sierra Club is opposing Baseball Parks and nixing Urban Housing Plans in the Bay Area? Is there a special Sierra Club chapter there that never takes field trip to the Sierras?

I think PC explains this correctly.. Some Sierra Club chapters are made up of folks who thinks the meetings are for the Green Party of Bay Area...

The same reason the Sierra Club blocked a Home Depot here but now there's a Whole Foods in the same spot. Whole Foods made a "contribution to protect the environment." In other words, they paid a bribe.
Can anyone explain to me why the Sierra Club is opposing Baseball Parks and nixing Urban Housing Plans in the Bay Area? Is there a special Sierra Club chapter there that never takes field trip to the Sierras?

I think PC explains this correctly.. Some Sierra Club chapters are made up of folks who thinks the meetings are for the Green Party of Bay Area...

The same reason the Sierra Club blocked a Home Depot here but now there's a Whole Foods in the same spot. Whole Foods made a "contribution to protect the environment." In other words, they paid a bribe.

Very interesting.. So instead of hawking bags and stuffed animals, they're in the protection racket now eh?

Ethics would dictate that you at least throw in a little parkland for the citizenry... Like the Cities do when they shake down a potential big box store..
Sentences and paragraphs expressing coherent, original thoughts and ideas, or sentences and paragraphs paraphrasing others’ thoughts and ideas with quotes/citations/references is really not too much to ask.

I see other folks were able to get the point....perhaps you should have stayed in school beyond the third grade, instead of joining that commune.

BTW....every post I present contains 100% my thoughts and opinions.
See if you can figure that out...I would explain it to you, but I'm all out of puppets and crayons.
And I provide links and sources....unlike you Lefties who never credit your Pavlovian masters, the NYTimes and MSNBC.
Can anyone explain to me why the Sierra Club is opposing Baseball Parks and nixing Urban Housing Plans in the Bay Area? Is there a special Sierra Club chapter there that never takes field trip to the Sierras?

I think PC explains this correctly.. Some Sierra Club chapters are made up of folks who thinks the meetings are for the Green Party of Bay Area...

The same reason the Sierra Club blocked a Home Depot but now there's a Whole Foods in the same spot. Whole Foods made a "contribution to protect the environment." In other words, they paid a bribe.

Very interesting.. So instead of hawking bags and stuffed animals, they're in the protection racket now eh?

Ethics would dictate that you at least throw in a little parkland for the citizenry... Like the Cities do when they shake down a potential big box store..

Do you folks actually see no distinction between the ecological value/cost of a park and a professional baseball park? And since when does the Sierra Club have the authority to "nix" urban plans? As to Whole Foods, they make donations to environmental causes all over the country and as a continuing practice - not limited to when they want to open a new story. If you want to accuse them of paying a bribe, you're going to have to come up with a much better case. Did Sierra oppose them UNTIL they made the donation? Did the donation benefit the Sierra Club? I think you're full of crap here.
Judge says state erred in 8 Washington property transfer

A San Francisco judge has ruled that the California State Lands Commission illegally exempted from environmental review a property transfer it approved in 2012 to facilitate the controversial 8 Washington project — a ruling that casts doubt over a dubious tactic the agency commonly uses to expedite development, as well as the legal judgment of an agency that is trying to subvert a new initiative that would subject waterfront height increases to a public vote.

Superior Court Judge James Robertson yesterday found the commission improperly cited obscure provisions that allow it to avoid a full review under the California Environmental Quality Act for cases involving “settlement of a title or boundary problem” when it transferred Seawall Lot 351 to developer Simon Snellgrove for his 8 Washington luxury condo project.

“The SLC in approving this exemption has acted contrary to the clear language of the statute,” Robertson ruled, finding that property transfers are far more significant than rare cases involving contested property boundaries or titles.

“The State Lands Commission involves this exemption routinely for land exchanges [through the state],” said attorney Susan Brandt-Hawley, who represented opponents of the project, which was stopped by voters in November with the defeat of Prop. B, a referendum, and Prop. C, a developer-written initiative supporting the project.
Can anyone explain to me why the Sierra Club is opposing Baseball Parks and nixing Urban Housing Plans in the Bay Area? Is there a special Sierra Club chapter there that never takes field trip to the Sierras?

I think PC explains this correctly.. Some Sierra Club chapters are made up of folks who thinks the meetings are for the Green Party of Bay Area...

The same reason the Sierra Club blocked a Home Depot here but now there's a Whole Foods in the same spot. Whole Foods made a "contribution to protect the environment." In other words, they paid a bribe.

Very interesting.. So instead of hawking bags and stuffed animals, they're in the protection racket now eh?

Ethics would dictate that you at least throw in a little parkland for the citizenry... Like the Cities do when they shake down a potential big box store..

Protection racket is the least of it.

The OP plus is designed to show the real red underbelly of the Sierra Club.....

Throughout, the conspicuence of the Sierra Club is explained.

Rather than aimed at improvements in the environment, it is of a piece with totalitarianism, and, therefore, a hatred of free-market solutions.

In the Iron Curtain countries, where there were no constitutional democracies and no private property rights, the central planning ethic could be fully realized; the results have been shown to be catastrophic. But, in dire need of a mitigation for their beloved Marxism, the failure, it was posited, was due to the fact that it hadn’t been tried using the bounty of the West!

a. When the Soviet Union fell, many fellow travelers migrated to the environmental movement. So much so, that the movement is often referred to as the ‘Watermelon Movement”: green on the outside, red on the inside.

b. “Delingpole does an excellent job of cutting through he jargon and presenting the essentials. But where the book really shines is exposing the politics behind this manufactured crisis.”
From a review of “Watermelons: The Green Movement's True Colors”
The same reason the Sierra Club blocked a Home Depot here but now there's a Whole Foods in the same spot. Whole Foods made a "contribution to protect the environment." In other words, they paid a bribe.

Very interesting.. So instead of hawking bags and stuffed animals, they're in the protection racket now eh?

Ethics would dictate that you at least throw in a little parkland for the citizenry... Like the Cities do when they shake down a potential big box store..

Protection racket is the least of it.

The OP plus is designed to show the real red underbelly of the Sierra Club.....

Throughout, the conspicuence of the Sierra Club is explained.

Rather than aimed at improvements in the environment, it is of a piece with totalitarianism, and, therefore, a hatred of free-market solutions.

In the Iron Curtain countries, where there were no constitutional democracies and no private property rights, the central planning ethic could be fully realized; the results have been shown to be catastrophic. But, in dire need of a mitigation for their beloved Marxism, the failure, it was posited, was due to the fact that it hadn’t been tried using the bounty of the West!

a. When the Soviet Union fell, many fellow travelers migrated to the environmental movement. So much so, that the movement is often referred to as the ‘Watermelon Movement”: green on the outside, red on the inside.

b. “Delingpole does an excellent job of cutting through he jargon and presenting the essentials. But where the book really shines is exposing the politics behind this manufactured crisis.”
From a review of “Watermelons: The Green Movement's True Colors”

The usual PC hyperbole.

The PEOPLE voted it down...heaven forbid We, the People have any say...
Very interesting.. So instead of hawking bags and stuffed animals, they're in the protection racket now eh?

Ethics would dictate that you at least throw in a little parkland for the citizenry... Like the Cities do when they shake down a potential big box store..

Protection racket is the least of it.

The OP plus is designed to show the real red underbelly of the Sierra Club.....

Throughout, the conspicuence of the Sierra Club is explained.

Rather than aimed at improvements in the environment, it is of a piece with totalitarianism, and, therefore, a hatred of free-market solutions.

In the Iron Curtain countries, where there were no constitutional democracies and no private property rights, the central planning ethic could be fully realized; the results have been shown to be catastrophic. But, in dire need of a mitigation for their beloved Marxism, the failure, it was posited, was due to the fact that it hadn’t been tried using the bounty of the West!

a. When the Soviet Union fell, many fellow travelers migrated to the environmental movement. So much so, that the movement is often referred to as the ‘Watermelon Movement”: green on the outside, red on the inside.

b. “Delingpole does an excellent job of cutting through he jargon and presenting the essentials. But where the book really shines is exposing the politics behind this manufactured crisis.”
From a review of “Watermelons: The Green Movement's True Colors”

The usual PC hyperbole.

The PEOPLE voted it down...heaven forbid We, the People have any say...

People make mistakes....

....look who's in the White House.

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