Understanding the Ideology Behind the Lust to Tear America Down


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
"Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out"

Interesting psychological study about the losers, misfits and general dumbasses who are who are capable of tearing down the statues of both Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant; of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglas.

"In denial about the character flaws that prevent him from bonding with his own people, the believer has convinced himself that there is something profoundly wrong with his society...."

"Convinced that it is incumbent upon society, and not him, to imbue his life with purpose, the believer becomes indignant; he scapegoats his society—and ends up despising and rejecting it."

"The believer, of course, is completely uninterested in the terrifying ramifications of his pernicious ideas. Preoccupied only with alleviating his own personal pain, he is indifferent to what effect the totalitarian experiments actually have. That is why the Left never looks back."


There's more. You mal-adjusted souls---who think America is just awful, because it is not perfect and fails to satisfy your every whim...you who are too poorly educated to realize you are on a path toward Neo-Bolshevism ought to give it a read. Could help you.
I have been saying something similar for years in this forum about all the stupid leftists who support Islam. The psychology is the same in that they are worthless, they know they are worthless, but instead of doing anything to improve themselves, they just lash out in rage by blaming their entire society.
"Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out"

Interesting psychological study about the losers, misfits and general dumbasses who are who are capable of tearing down the statues of both Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant; of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglas.

"In denial about the character flaws that prevent him from bonding with his own people, the believer has convinced himself that there is something profoundly wrong with his society...."

"Convinced that it is incumbent upon society, and not him, to imbue his life with purpose, the believer becomes indignant; he scapegoats his society—and ends up despising and rejecting it."

"The believer, of course, is completely uninterested in the terrifying ramifications of his pernicious ideas. Preoccupied only with alleviating his own personal pain, he is indifferent to what effect the totalitarian experiments actually have. That is why the Left never looks back."


There's more. You mal-adjusted souls---who think America is just awful, because it is not perfect and fails to satisfy your every whim...you who are too poorly educated to realize you are on a path toward Neo-Bolshevism ought to give it a read. Could help you.
The extreme leftists rioting in the streets are mal-adjusted persons

if we examined their personal lives most of them would look like pretty sad individuals
New York has become a jungle of inequity, murder, rape, theft, destruction, killing newborns, etc. I'd be moving out of that hellish killing field if I were up there. Their depravity knows no depth.
Why do people running America want to turn this nation into a militarized totalanist society with the world's largest convict roll per capita?
That's a lovely red herring you have there.
Such a red herring the little city of Noel, Mo has military vehicles to use.
It's a red herring because it's entirely irrelevant to the topic at hand....You want to talk about the militarization of pilice and the prison-industrial complex, go start your own thread.
Why do people running America want to turn this nation into a militarized totalanist society with the world's largest convict roll per capita?
I guess we could just stop arresting criminals

which will happen if libs abolish the police
These problems you perceive exist only in your twisted little minds.
Do you think the ANTIFA thugs are well adjusted?

I remember the Occupy Wall st riots where one protester was filmed MASTURBATING on a police car

that is not normal behavior
Priceless, the left is the problem when the current occupant in the WH acts like a demagogue....
"Today’s Democrat Party is not just satisfied with talking down the country, they want to replace it with some sort of Marxist state. This should frighten anyone who has ever read a book on 20th century failed states." Tucker Carlson

These problems you perceive exist only in your twisted little minds.
Do you think the ANTIFA thugs are well adjusted?

I remember the Occupy Wall st riots where one protester was filmed MASTURBATING on a police car

that is not normal behavior
I remember the guy leading Occupy Wall Street is the same guy who is now a professor at a Chinese university and has done extensive writing on Antifa, including the Antifa handbook.



Swell guy, right?
"Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out"

Interesting psychological study about the losers, misfits and general dumbasses who are who are capable of tearing down the statues of both Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant; of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglas.

"In denial about the character flaws that prevent him from bonding with his own people, the believer has convinced himself that there is something profoundly wrong with his society...."

"Convinced that it is incumbent upon society, and not him, to imbue his life with purpose, the believer becomes indignant; he scapegoats his society—and ends up despising and rejecting it."

"The believer, of course, is completely uninterested in the terrifying ramifications of his pernicious ideas. Preoccupied only with alleviating his own personal pain, he is indifferent to what effect the totalitarian experiments actually have. That is why the Left never looks back."


There's more. You mal-adjusted souls---who think America is just awful, because it is not perfect and fails to satisfy your every whim...you who are too poorly educated to realize you are on a path toward Neo-Bolshevism ought to give it a read. Could help you.

I've recently completed a political psychology graduate degree. This piece nails it—for the most part. Understanding the thought process behind the modern radical American left begins with two related philosophical concepts: Critical Theory and Deconstructionism. Critical Theory is, very broadly defined, a meta-narrative level technique and epistemology for examining the construct of anything that man has created, from something as small as a piece of art to something as insanely complex as our nation and civilization. Through a close examination whatever man-made construct can then be criticized, but most often criticized in a non-factual, non truth based approach tainted with the radical ideology of postmodernism and the beholder's own feelings. Deconstructionism is a similar concept in that it encourages and allows for the deconstruction of any man-made or really even any natural construct as well, but it goes even further than that. Deconstructionism also attempts to, after deconstructing some construct, inform its author/builder/founder what he or she or they really intended in painting a painting, sculpting a sculpture or even founding a nation.

Thus those people who have been educated to utilize these philosophical techniques (radical leftist university students in particular) have been using critical theory to criticize America's founding and history, and Deconstructionism to dismantle it and highlight all of its inevitable micro-flaws and then revise our history so that those flaws DEFINE our nation, rather than add to its character and struggle to become something better; the greatest nation ever to exist.
On a related subject--the immediate rejection of anything these mal-adjusted Neo-Bolsheviks disagree with, or more likely the immediate labeling of it as RACIST----the Media is also infected. There are NO honest Liberal Journalists left---except one--Glenn Greenwald.

Very Liberal person, does not like Trump, but never hesitates to call out the Whores in the Press today---Whores who have prostituted themselves to the Leftist Wing of the Democratic Party. Nonsense that has to stop.

Greenwald correctly says:

“The free exchange of ideas, the lifeblood of liberal society, is daily becoming more constricted. Censoriousness is spreading: an intolerance of opposing views, a vogue for public shaming and ostracism, the tendency to dissolve complex issues in a blinding moral certainty.”

"Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out"

Interesting psychological study about the losers, misfits and general dumbasses who are who are capable of tearing down the statues of both Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant; of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglas.

"In denial about the character flaws that prevent him from bonding with his own people, the believer has convinced himself that there is something profoundly wrong with his society...."

"Convinced that it is incumbent upon society, and not him, to imbue his life with purpose, the believer becomes indignant; he scapegoats his society—and ends up despising and rejecting it."

"The believer, of course, is completely uninterested in the terrifying ramifications of his pernicious ideas. Preoccupied only with alleviating his own personal pain, he is indifferent to what effect the totalitarian experiments actually have. That is why the Left never looks back."


There's more. You mal-adjusted souls---who think America is just awful, because it is not perfect and fails to satisfy your every whim...you who are too poorly educated to realize you are on a path toward Neo-Bolshevism ought to give it a read. Could help you.

I've recently completed a political psychology graduate degree. This piece nails it—for the most part. Understanding the thought process behind the modern radical American left begins with two related philosophical concepts: Critical Theory and Deconstructionism. Critical Theory is, very broadly defined, a meta-narrative level technique and epistemology for examining the construct of anything that man has created, from something as small as a piece of art to something as insanely complex as our nation and civilization. Through a close examination whatever man-made construct can then be criticized, but most often criticized in a non-factual, non truth based approach tainted with the radical ideology of postmodernism and the beholder's own feelings. Deconstructionism is a similar concept in that it encourages and allows for the deconstruction of any man-made or really even any natural construct as well, but it goes even further than that. Deconstructionism also attempts to, after deconstructing some construct, inform its author/builder/founder what he or she or they really intended in painting a painting, sculpting a sculpture or even founding a nation.

Thus those people who have been educated to utilize these philosophical techniques (radical leftist university students in particular) have been using critical theory to criticize America's founding and history, and Deconstructionism to dismantle it and highlight all of its inevitable micro-flaws and then revise our history so that those flaws DEFINE our nation, rather than add to its character and struggle to become something better; the greatest nation ever to exist.
Frankfurt School.
I remember the guy leading Occupy Wall Street is the same guy who is now a professor at a Chinese university and has done extensive writing on Antifa, including the Antifa handbook.
He could be the one I saw jacking off on a police car

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