Under Obama,U.S. Unemployment Worse Than Mexico...

Becoming a Third World Nation ourselves does seem to be cutting illegal immigration from Mexico. If that was the plan,it's definitely working.

It's definitely the plan. How do you think middle class* wages have basically frozen while ceo's make 400X more then they've ever traditionally made? There's an upward vacuum, sucking all of the money away from the Average Joe American. Class warfare indeed.
Yea i don't think most Americans like this "Transformation." I could be wrong though. I guess we'll see.
Well, Republicans seem to coddle those causing it to happen (the richest men on the planet) and the Dems seem retarded enough to believe that their "guys" at the top aren't in on it, too.
If you weren't worried about our Nation before,this news should jolt you out of your coma. Worry,be very Worried.
im not worried b/c my life is fine and my family is fine
It really does look like the U.S. is headed in the wrong direction,while Mexico is headed in the right direction. What's wrong with this picture? Something's wrong no?
It really does look like the U.S. is headed in the wrong direction,while Mexico is headed in the right direction. What's wrong with this picture? Something's wrong no?

I don't know, nevertheless I think its still better to be in the US than Mexico.

Yea i'm not arguing Mexico is better or worse than the U.S. I'm just concerned about where my Country is headed. It does look like we're headed in the wrong direction.
It really does look like the U.S. is headed in the wrong direction,while Mexico is headed in the right direction. What's wrong with this picture? Something's wrong no?

I don't know, nevertheless I think its still better to be in the US than Mexico.

Yea i'm not arguing Mexico is better or worse than the U.S. I'm just concerned about where my Country is headed. It does look like we're headed in the wrong direction.

I have to admit it doesn't look good either bro, and the President right now is not doing anything to change the course.:(
And i'm sure both reported Unemployment Rates aren't completely accurate either. They're both probably much higher in reality. These numbers are usually low-balled.
And i'm sure both reported Unemployment Rates aren't completely accurate either. They're both probably much higher in reality. These numbers are usually low-balled.

Well the number they are reporting are the ones still drawing an unemployment check, once your benefits run out you are scrubbed from the roster, so yeah the real number is way higher.
Unemployment worse than Mexico? so why do we get so many illegals coming here if their job situation is better down there?

That's an easy one, too. They follow the money.

So basically even though Mexico may have more jobs, those jobs don't pay jack shit right?
Mexico also has far more problems with illegals than we do at least in percentage terms and maybe absolute numbers but that claim is dubious being based on estimates of throughput to the US and Canada.
Here's some more on this...

Kevin McCullough
Is Obama or Mexico Worse on Unemployment? This week the Mexican Consulate to Sacramento California proclaimed, "We have become a middle class country!"

Oh if only President Obama could say the same.

See, for Mexico to bootstrap its way to middle class status, lots of things had to change from only a few years ago. Finance markets had to open up. People needed to access education, and ultimately people needed to be able to work.

And work they are south of the border.

Sporting a brand new unemployment rate of just under 5%, the current Mexican economy is humming, people are buying homes and people are working. In fact, the small business community of Mexico is creating jobs and a need for workers so fast that from only California nearly 300,000 illegals have repatriated themselves to Mexico, just to do those jobs "that Americans never would."

Another soaring economic factor for Mexico is that the most lucrative jobs are in the construction business. Homes, production facilities, and factories are all working to spur on the next generation of Mexican entrepreneurial success.

Put that side by side with American construction trends since President Obama came to office and the contrast is stunning.

Do you realize that America has the worst economy on our continent?

White House officials will get unbelievably angry when this is pointed out, but 5% unemployment was what this nation enjoyed under President Bush. So what did President Bush know, and what do Mexico and Canada now know that President Obama doesn't know?

Most likely it's got something to do with the idea that small businesses are the engine to a growing economy. And while Mexico is building things and growing things, inner city Obama voters are sitting on their tukas (or in the collective "tukai") groaning about how much the government "ain't doin' for me!"

Stimulating failed businesses, insisting on "fixing" health care with entitlement "benefits" that no one likes, and talking up green energy while ignoring the plethora of energy resources we have at the reach of our fingers roughly sums up the Obama term. The plan of action so misguided that even now he's taken aback that he must yet try to solve the problem of adding on to the nation's credit card.

All the while he obfuscates and instructs his budget director to do the same, so that he may scare social security recipients of the benefits they paid into. (You do know don't you that the tax intake from July 2011 will be in excess of $200,000,000,000 and it would only take $20,000,000,000 to meet the social security needs?)

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Second part...

I know that in the midst of all the arguments about how the government can't even consider not sending out it's 80,000,000 checks this next week its hard to grasp pictures of two nations most Americans normally see as inferior--actually doing better than us--but reality dictates a closer look be had.

Canada was in almost an identical economic free fall in 2009. We "stimulated" our economy by propping up companies making horrible products and falsely thinking we solved the problem. Obama promised 8% unemployment--worst case--if we passed the stimulus. Canada chose not to, and the rate at which their nation has rebounded has outpaced America on all levels.

Meanwhile to our south, Mexico is seeing the greatest economic middle class expansion in it's history, and their unemployment levels are roughly HALF what ours in America are.

Still think President Obama is improving our image on the international stage?

Mexico has been an infinitely more disorganized, poorly led, poorly secured, and poorly resourced nation for most of its existence in modern times. I mean the words of the Consulate to Sacramento say it all--they're throwing parties that they've become a "middle class nation."

Meanwhile America is on exactly the opposite trend.

How long does this last? About as long as President Obama is left in office, I'm guessing.

One final thought, America's solution might just be one of Mexico's neighbors. Governor Perry in Texas has created half of all the new jobs in the entire nation in the past three years, should he ever decide to take a stab at it, (being President) his proximity to Mexico might just end up being... an asset.

Of course by then President Obama will be sitting in his urban living room collecting his unemployment checks like most of the rest of the people his policies have so miserably failed. The ones he's failed most being just blocks away from his Chicago address.

Just imagine the campaign spots, (Music fade, minor key dramatic)(Big throaty announcer:) "Who would've ever guessed that Mex-i-co would surpass the United States in job creation, just two and half years into his administration? No... He... Can't! Vote for anyone other than Obama in 2012, and take back your con-ti-nent!" (Music swell.)
Well the number they are reporting are the ones still drawing an unemployment check, once your benefits run out you are scrubbed from the roster, so yeah the real number is way higher.

Where do people get this nonsense from?

Neither US nor Mexico has ever based Unemployment rate calculations on UI benefits. Especially since Mexico doesn't have Unemployement insurance (except Mexico City and maybe a couple of other larger cities).

The reason Mexico consistantly has a lower UE rate than the US is because they don't have UI benefits. Therefore, if you're out of a job, you have to do something, anything to make ends meet. This means day labor, selling crap on the street, odd jobs, etc. But since any work at all for pay puts you in the "employed" category, that lowers the UE rate.

This is no secret....I was talking about this with Mexican bureaucrats 10 years ago, trying to figure out how to handle the problem that their UE rates don't reflect reality.
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I did not see Obama sitting on the mess. Jobs left the country, tax cuts for the rich and small business did not create jobs and illegal aliens do not create jobs. If not for Obama unemployment is at 9.2% instead of 20% and in a recession instead of a depression. Stimulus created 3 million jobs and when he took office we were losing 3 million. Bail outs of banks, auto industry, etc saved jobs and was too "important" to fail and has paid back the money with interest. Had it not been for Obama this train wreck would have been much worse. Get your facts straight and stop listening to tea baggin congress.

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