Undecided Voters: keep 3 things in mind please, as you consider who to vote for:

What the voters should keep in mind is that the last time the Democrats had full control of the federal government was 10 years ago. They had the white house, a comfortable majority in the house, and an rare filibuster-proof supermajority in the senate.

And the economy sucked. And the Dems were threatening to make it even worse by making energy costs skyrocket. Total war on the working class.

What voters need to ask themselves is whether they were better off financially 10 years ago than they are now.

they had that filibuster proof majority for about two months.... following the last Republican debacle ( the Great Recession) and managed to get tens of millions healthcare in spite of Republican obstruction

Too bad ObamaCare was something that helped prolong the "Great Recession", Lesh! Truth is...when millions of Americans were out of work...you progressives decided to use your new found power to push through legislation that increased costs to employers and made them less likely to hire. Then you were pushing for Cap & Trade legislation that would have increased energy costs to American businesses across the board making it even harder for them to compete. YOU were the reason a recession turned into The Great Recession! Why would anyone who suffered through those years want a return to power by someone even more liberal than Barack Obama? That's what you on the left are "offering" the American people!
Virtually everyone involved in that case was a Republican genius

Yes, the Republicans are geniuses ---when compared to the dumbASS Dems--- like the Dem dummies who filed false docx in FISA Courts then foolishly thought it would go unnoticed by America just because deceitful folks like you stayed silent about it.

NO corruption has been shown. There was no investigation of Hunter Biden going on.

Exactly. Because when President Trump asked Ukraine's Prez about the Biden corruption, the undercover Dems on the phone call [who Trump never got rid of (Bolton, whistleblower, etc) unfortunately] then all ran crying weeping and sobbing, to Adam Schiff. And we know what happened after that.

But hey, you feel free to keep telling lies ---since that is the heartbeat of Dem's method.

Four years of Benghazi investigations ring a bell?

Impeaching over consensual sex with an adult ring a bell?

Oh, you must mean the Benghazi that our soldiers kept asking Hillary for more armaments for defense and protection ---over the 5-8 months prior to the Libyan locals storming the compound, including killing Mr. Stephens? That Benghazi??

And did you also mean consensual sex that had nothing to do with an, impeachment, because the impeachment focused solely on telling lies while under oath? Or is that act not illegal, in your mind?
If workers aren't producing wealth isnt created. Who do you think is doing the actual work? The CEO? That's hilarious.

You don't think CEO's work? Now you're doubling down on ignorant, son...best quit while you're behind!
If workers aren't producing wealth isnt created. Who do you think is doing the actual work? The CEO? That's hilarious.

You can create wealth without any workers doing anything. It's called investing. Now what spurs investment, Initforme? We'll give you a little tutorial on what you SHOULD have learned in school!
Republicans than run around screaming we have to ban Opioids because people overdose on them. Yet, about one percent of the overdoses are from prescription drugs, the vast majority are from illegal drugs. Doesn’t matter, punish the majority to stop the minority.

If I seem to be focusing on the Opioid nonsense, it is because it is a perfect example of the hypocrisy of the Right.
You are full of shit. There are no Republicans trying to ban opioids.

Who told you that bullshit, a Democrat?

Really? Trump is a Democrat now? The State of Georgia is run by Democrats? Idiot.
Republicans than run around screaming we have to ban Opioids because people overdose on them. Yet, about one percent of the overdoses are from prescription drugs, the vast majority are from illegal drugs. Doesn’t matter, punish the majority to stop the minority.

If I seem to be focusing on the Opioid nonsense, it is because it is a perfect example of the hypocrisy of the Right.
You are full of shit. There are no Republicans trying to ban opioids.

Who told you that bullshit, a Democrat?

Really? Trump is a Democrat now? The State of Georgia is run by Democrats? Idiot.
Trump never said we need to ban opioids, you TDS afflicted moron.

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