

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
So I’m in my local grocery store this morning picking up some fresh produce to make a nice lunch for my son after football practice and I notice a couple of workers restocking one section of the produce area. They are chatting with each other in Spanish, which is fine, when a few customers walk past them who happened to be Asian. The two of them start talking, apparently without concern, making all manner of very inappropriate comments about Asian people ( they were referring to them as Chinese, of course, which is something that a lot of ignorant people do as a blanket term for anyone from anywhere in Asia). They were not whispering to each other either. Obviously they assumed no Asian customers would understand what they were saying so they were standing 4 or 5 feet away making openly racist, insulting comments. When they noticed that I was looking at them clearly understanding what they said and walking towards their area they quickly found someplace else to be. And that was it. Not the end of the world, not a civil rights crisis, but something that made me feel pretty uncomfortable about where some people still are with their whole attitude about these things.
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All people hold stereotypical views of others...no one is innocent in this endeavor....that is why the white privilege charge is so bogus and will never gain any ground....
So I’m in my local grocery store this morning picking up some fresh produce to make a nice lunch for my son after football practice and I notice a couple of workers restocking one section of the produce area. They are chatting with each other in Spanish, which is fine when a few customers walk past them who happened to be Asian. The two of them start talking, apparently without concern, making all manner of very inappropriate comments about Asian people ( they were referring to them as Chinese, of course, which is something that a lot of ignorant people do as a blanket term for anyone from anywhere in Asia). They were not whispering to each other either. Obviously they assumed no Asian customers would understand what they were saying so they were standing 4 or 5 feet away making openly racist, insulting comments. When they noticed that I was looking at them clearly understanding what they said and walking towards their area they quickly found someplace else to be. And that was it. Not the end of the world, not a civil rights crisis, but something that made me feel pretty uncomfortable about where some people still are with their whole attitude about these things.
I’m not making excuses for any kind of racist or offensive talk but to expand the conversation... what do you think of the fact that many people in the world just have an inherent tendency to talk shit and make fun of others? Whether it be a source of their own insecurities or to fulfill a need for drama or to feel superior, I notice if you open the door to criticize others, many people light up and love to keep that ball rolling. So whether it be somebodies nationality, sex, religion, outfit, weight, the way their voice sounds, height, intelligence etc.... it seems like our human need for drama and gossip hones in.... probably a reason why white trash reality TV is so popular. so my question to you is, Do you agree with my analysis and do you think this is the same thing as racism/bigotry?
So I’m in my local grocery store this morning picking up some fresh produce to make a nice lunch for my son after football practice and I notice a couple of workers restocking one section of the produce area. They are chatting with each other in Spanish, which is fine when a few customers walk past them who happened to be Asian. The two of them start talking, apparently without concern, making all manner of very inappropriate comments about Asian people ( they were referring to them as Chinese, of course, which is something that a lot of ignorant people do as a blanket term for anyone from anywhere in Asia). They were not whispering to each other either. Obviously they assumed no Asian customers would understand what they were saying so they were standing 4 or 5 feet away making openly racist, insulting comments. When they noticed that I was looking at them clearly understanding what they said and walking towards their area they quickly found someplace else to be. And that was it. Not the end of the world, not a civil rights crisis, but something that made me feel pretty uncomfortable about where some people still are with their whole attitude about these things.
I’m not making excuses for any kind of racist or offensive talk but to expand the conversation... what do you think of the fact that many people in the world just have an inherent tendency to talk shit and make fun of others? Whether it be a source of their own insecurities or to fulfill a need for drama or to feel superior, I notice if you open the door to criticize others, many people light up and love to keep that ball rolling. So whether it be somebodies nationality, sex, religion, outfit, weight, the way their voice sounds, height, intelligence etc.... it seems like our human need for drama and gossip hones in.... probably a reason why white trash reality TV is so popular. so my question to you is, Do you agree with my analysis and do you think this is the same thing as racism/bigotry?

I think what the kids in this situation were doing is more like the internet. They felt anonymous enough to talk racist shit because they assumed the target of their slurs couldn't understand what they were saying. They were right, but realized what they were doing was not cool, if the look on their faces is any indication.

I've seen several a-holes on this forum complain about the consequences when they post racist or other offensive shit on facebook or wherever and get spotted by their boss. Seems sort of like the same thing.
So I’m in my local grocery store this morning picking up some fresh produce to make a nice lunch for my son after football practice and I notice a couple of workers restocking one section of the produce area. They are chatting with each other in Spanish, which is fine when a few customers walk past them who happened to be Asian. The two of them start talking, apparently without concern, making all manner of very inappropriate comments about Asian people ( they were referring to them as Chinese, of course, which is something that a lot of ignorant people do as a blanket term for anyone from anywhere in Asia). They were not whispering to each other either. Obviously they assumed no Asian customers would understand what they were saying so they were standing 4 or 5 feet away making openly racist, insulting comments. When they noticed that I was looking at them clearly understanding what they said and walking towards their area they quickly found someplace else to be. And that was it. Not the end of the world, not a civil rights crisis, but something that made me feel pretty uncomfortable about where some people still are with their whole attitude about these things.
I’m not making excuses for any kind of racist or offensive talk but to expand the conversation... what do you think of the fact that many people in the world just have an inherent tendency to talk shit and make fun of others? Whether it be a source of their own insecurities or to fulfill a need for drama or to feel superior, I notice if you open the door to criticize others, many people light up and love to keep that ball rolling. So whether it be somebodies nationality, sex, religion, outfit, weight, the way their voice sounds, height, intelligence etc.... it seems like our human need for drama and gossip hones in.... probably a reason why white trash reality TV is so popular. so my question to you is, Do you agree with my analysis and do you think this is the same thing as racism/bigotry?

This reads exactly like an excuse. The workers behaved in a disgusting way, but you do a "whatabout" to make is a global issue.

Very transparent.
So I’m in my local grocery store this morning picking up some fresh produce to make a nice lunch for my son after football practice and I notice a couple of workers restocking one section of the produce area. They are chatting with each other in Spanish, which is fine, when a few customers walk past them who happened to be Asian. The two of them start talking, apparently without concern, making all manner of very inappropriate comments about Asian people ( they were referring to them as Chinese, of course, which is something that a lot of ignorant people do as a blanket term for anyone from anywhere in Asia). They were not whispering to each other either. Obviously they assumed no Asian customers would understand what they were saying so they were standing 4 or 5 feet away making openly racist, insulting comments. When they noticed that I was looking at them clearly understanding what they said and walking towards their area they quickly found someplace else to be. And that was it. Not the end of the world, not a civil rights crisis, but something that made me feel pretty uncomfortable about where some people still are with their whole attitude about these things.
What did they say? I am interested when multilinguals meet other multilinguals in America.
So I’m in my local grocery store this morning picking up some fresh produce to make a nice lunch for my son after football practice and I notice a couple of workers restocking one section of the produce area. They are chatting with each other in Spanish, which is fine, when a few customers walk past them who happened to be Asian. The two of them start talking, apparently without concern, making all manner of very inappropriate comments about Asian people ( they were referring to them as Chinese, of course, which is something that a lot of ignorant people do as a blanket term for anyone from anywhere in Asia). They were not whispering to each other either. Obviously they assumed no Asian customers would understand what they were saying so they were standing 4 or 5 feet away making openly racist, insulting comments. When they noticed that I was looking at them clearly understanding what they said and walking towards their area they quickly found someplace else to be. And that was it. Not the end of the world, not a civil rights crisis, but something that made me feel pretty uncomfortable about where some people still are with their whole attitude about these things.

It is a fact that barbarians and assholes are a permanent fixture of human society. You can lead them to civilization and intelligence, but you can't make them evolve and think.
All people hold stereotypical views of others...no one is innocent in this endeavor....that is why the white privilege charge is so bogus and will never gain any ground....

Yeah, I don't buy that generalization any more than I buy stereotype generalizations. I am too much of an anomaly to my own various demographic groups not to be aware that there are always people who defy stereotypes.
So I’m in my local grocery store this morning picking up some fresh produce to make a nice lunch for my son after football practice and I notice a couple of workers restocking one section of the produce area. They are chatting with each other in Spanish, which is fine when a few customers walk past them who happened to be Asian. The two of them start talking, apparently without concern, making all manner of very inappropriate comments about Asian people ( they were referring to them as Chinese, of course, which is something that a lot of ignorant people do as a blanket term for anyone from anywhere in Asia). They were not whispering to each other either. Obviously they assumed no Asian customers would understand what they were saying so they were standing 4 or 5 feet away making openly racist, insulting comments. When they noticed that I was looking at them clearly understanding what they said and walking towards their area they quickly found someplace else to be. And that was it. Not the end of the world, not a civil rights crisis, but something that made me feel pretty uncomfortable about where some people still are with their whole attitude about these things.
I’m not making excuses for any kind of racist or offensive talk but to expand the conversation... what do you think of the fact that many people in the world just have an inherent tendency to talk shit and make fun of others? Whether it be a source of their own insecurities or to fulfill a need for drama or to feel superior, I notice if you open the door to criticize others, many people light up and love to keep that ball rolling. So whether it be somebodies nationality, sex, religion, outfit, weight, the way their voice sounds, height, intelligence etc.... it seems like our human need for drama and gossip hones in.... probably a reason why white trash reality TV is so popular. so my question to you is, Do you agree with my analysis and do you think this is the same thing as racism/bigotry?

Yeah, I was listening to some middle of the road local talk show radio guy the other day. . .

He pissed me off. He was telling the audience that bigotry is learned, and the babies are born not prejudiced against folks that are different.

It is so weird how this myth is propagated in the higher levels of high school and in advanced college courses when the reverse is true.

We see this propaganda all the time.

Folks that are less educated and have less contact with folks that are different have a tendency to be more loyal to their in-group. Bigotry is completely natural. The way our society, especially the highly educated and socially mobile are dismissive and absolutely snobbish about something that is completely naturally to folks that have not been conditioned and educated to see how it is detrimental to a modern society, can be cruel and, ironically, socially bigoted to those who have not been enlightened.

Evolution favors in-group favoritism in all species, it is perfectly natural.

Both you and Unkatore have clearly been to University and have social contacts of many different parts of society. Grunt workers? Not so much. These type of workers, no matter their age, sex, sexually orientation, religion, ethnicity, etc. are bound to be bigoted.

Evolution of in-group favoritism
So I’m in my local grocery store this morning picking up some fresh produce to make a nice lunch for my son after football practice and I notice a couple of workers restocking one section of the produce area. They are chatting with each other in Spanish, which is fine when a few customers walk past them who happened to be Asian. The two of them start talking, apparently without concern, making all manner of very inappropriate comments about Asian people ( they were referring to them as Chinese, of course, which is something that a lot of ignorant people do as a blanket term for anyone from anywhere in Asia). They were not whispering to each other either. Obviously they assumed no Asian customers would understand what they were saying so they were standing 4 or 5 feet away making openly racist, insulting comments. When they noticed that I was looking at them clearly understanding what they said and walking towards their area they quickly found someplace else to be. And that was it. Not the end of the world, not a civil rights crisis, but something that made me feel pretty uncomfortable about where some people still are with their whole attitude about these things.
I’m not making excuses for any kind of racist or offensive talk but to expand the conversation... what do you think of the fact that many people in the world just have an inherent tendency to talk shit and make fun of others? Whether it be a source of their own insecurities or to fulfill a need for drama or to feel superior, I notice if you open the door to criticize others, many people light up and love to keep that ball rolling. So whether it be somebodies nationality, sex, religion, outfit, weight, the way their voice sounds, height, intelligence etc.... it seems like our human need for drama and gossip hones in.... probably a reason why white trash reality TV is so popular. so my question to you is, Do you agree with my analysis and do you think this is the same thing as racism/bigotry?

I think what the kids in this situation were doing is more like the internet. They felt anonymous enough to talk racist shit because they assumed the target of their slurs couldn't understand what they were saying. They were right, but realized what they were doing was not cool, if the look on their faces is any indication.

I've seen several a-holes on this forum complain about the consequences when they post racist or other offensive shit on facebook or wherever and get spotted by their boss. Seems sort of like the same thing.
Agreed. I guess my question is do you think there is a difference between talking shit and being racist? Or do you think they are one in the same?
So I’m in my local grocery store this morning picking up some fresh produce to make a nice lunch for my son after football practice and I notice a couple of workers restocking one section of the produce area. They are chatting with each other in Spanish, which is fine when a few customers walk past them who happened to be Asian. The two of them start talking, apparently without concern, making all manner of very inappropriate comments about Asian people ( they were referring to them as Chinese, of course, which is something that a lot of ignorant people do as a blanket term for anyone from anywhere in Asia). They were not whispering to each other either. Obviously they assumed no Asian customers would understand what they were saying so they were standing 4 or 5 feet away making openly racist, insulting comments. When they noticed that I was looking at them clearly understanding what they said and walking towards their area they quickly found someplace else to be. And that was it. Not the end of the world, not a civil rights crisis, but something that made me feel pretty uncomfortable about where some people still are with their whole attitude about these things.
I’m not making excuses for any kind of racist or offensive talk but to expand the conversation... what do you think of the fact that many people in the world just have an inherent tendency to talk shit and make fun of others? Whether it be a source of their own insecurities or to fulfill a need for drama or to feel superior, I notice if you open the door to criticize others, many people light up and love to keep that ball rolling. So whether it be somebodies nationality, sex, religion, outfit, weight, the way their voice sounds, height, intelligence etc.... it seems like our human need for drama and gossip hones in.... probably a reason why white trash reality TV is so popular. so my question to you is, Do you agree with my analysis and do you think this is the same thing as racism/bigotry?

This reads exactly like an excuse. The workers behaved in a disgusting way, but you do a "whatabout" to make is a global issue.

Very transparent.
What do you think my transparency is showing?
So I’m in my local grocery store this morning picking up some fresh produce to make a nice lunch for my son after football practice and I notice a couple of workers restocking one section of the produce area. They are chatting with each other in Spanish, which is fine when a few customers walk past them who happened to be Asian. The two of them start talking, apparently without concern, making all manner of very inappropriate comments about Asian people ( they were referring to them as Chinese, of course, which is something that a lot of ignorant people do as a blanket term for anyone from anywhere in Asia). They were not whispering to each other either. Obviously they assumed no Asian customers would understand what they were saying so they were standing 4 or 5 feet away making openly racist, insulting comments. When they noticed that I was looking at them clearly understanding what they said and walking towards their area they quickly found someplace else to be. And that was it. Not the end of the world, not a civil rights crisis, but something that made me feel pretty uncomfortable about where some people still are with their whole attitude about these things.
I’m not making excuses for any kind of racist or offensive talk but to expand the conversation... what do you think of the fact that many people in the world just have an inherent tendency to talk shit and make fun of others? Whether it be a source of their own insecurities or to fulfill a need for drama or to feel superior, I notice if you open the door to criticize others, many people light up and love to keep that ball rolling. So whether it be somebodies nationality, sex, religion, outfit, weight, the way their voice sounds, height, intelligence etc.... it seems like our human need for drama and gossip hones in.... probably a reason why white trash reality TV is so popular. so my question to you is, Do you agree with my analysis and do you think this is the same thing as racism/bigotry?

I think what the kids in this situation were doing is more like the internet. They felt anonymous enough to talk racist shit because they assumed the target of their slurs couldn't understand what they were saying. They were right, but realized what they were doing was not cool, if the look on their faces is any indication.

I've seen several a-holes on this forum complain about the consequences when they post racist or other offensive shit on facebook or wherever and get spotted by their boss. Seems sort of like the same thing.
Agreed. I guess my question is do you think there is a difference between talking shit and being racist? Or do you think they are one in the same?
So lots of people that use the N-Word are not really racist, they are just talking shit!
So I’m in my local grocery store this morning picking up some fresh produce to make a nice lunch for my son after football practice and I notice a couple of workers restocking one section of the produce area. They are chatting with each other in Spanish, which is fine when a few customers walk past them who happened to be Asian. The two of them start talking, apparently without concern, making all manner of very inappropriate comments about Asian people ( they were referring to them as Chinese, of course, which is something that a lot of ignorant people do as a blanket term for anyone from anywhere in Asia). They were not whispering to each other either. Obviously they assumed no Asian customers would understand what they were saying so they were standing 4 or 5 feet away making openly racist, insulting comments. When they noticed that I was looking at them clearly understanding what they said and walking towards their area they quickly found someplace else to be. And that was it. Not the end of the world, not a civil rights crisis, but something that made me feel pretty uncomfortable about where some people still are with their whole attitude about these things.
I’m not making excuses for any kind of racist or offensive talk but to expand the conversation... what do you think of the fact that many people in the world just have an inherent tendency to talk shit and make fun of others? Whether it be a source of their own insecurities or to fulfill a need for drama or to feel superior, I notice if you open the door to criticize others, many people light up and love to keep that ball rolling. So whether it be somebodies nationality, sex, religion, outfit, weight, the way their voice sounds, height, intelligence etc.... it seems like our human need for drama and gossip hones in.... probably a reason why white trash reality TV is so popular. so my question to you is, Do you agree with my analysis and do you think this is the same thing as racism/bigotry?

This reads exactly like an excuse. The workers behaved in a disgusting way, but you do a "whatabout" to make is a global issue.

Very transparent.
What do you think my transparency is showing?

That you are programmed quite well.
So I’m in my local grocery store this morning picking up some fresh produce to make a nice lunch for my son after football practice and I notice a couple of workers restocking one section of the produce area. They are chatting with each other in Spanish, which is fine when a few customers walk past them who happened to be Asian. The two of them start talking, apparently without concern, making all manner of very inappropriate comments about Asian people ( they were referring to them as Chinese, of course, which is something that a lot of ignorant people do as a blanket term for anyone from anywhere in Asia). They were not whispering to each other either. Obviously they assumed no Asian customers would understand what they were saying so they were standing 4 or 5 feet away making openly racist, insulting comments. When they noticed that I was looking at them clearly understanding what they said and walking towards their area they quickly found someplace else to be. And that was it. Not the end of the world, not a civil rights crisis, but something that made me feel pretty uncomfortable about where some people still are with their whole attitude about these things.
I’m not making excuses for any kind of racist or offensive talk but to expand the conversation... what do you think of the fact that many people in the world just have an inherent tendency to talk shit and make fun of others? Whether it be a source of their own insecurities or to fulfill a need for drama or to feel superior, I notice if you open the door to criticize others, many people light up and love to keep that ball rolling. So whether it be somebodies nationality, sex, religion, outfit, weight, the way their voice sounds, height, intelligence etc.... it seems like our human need for drama and gossip hones in.... probably a reason why white trash reality TV is so popular. so my question to you is, Do you agree with my analysis and do you think this is the same thing as racism/bigotry?

I think what the kids in this situation were doing is more like the internet. They felt anonymous enough to talk racist shit because they assumed the target of their slurs couldn't understand what they were saying. They were right, but realized what they were doing was not cool, if the look on their faces is any indication.

I've seen several a-holes on this forum complain about the consequences when they post racist or other offensive shit on facebook or wherever and get spotted by their boss. Seems sort of like the same thing.
Agreed. I guess my question is do you think there is a difference between talking shit and being racist? Or do you think they are one in the same?
So lots of people that use the N-Word are not really racist, they are just talking shit!

At least some of them are intentionally using a naughty word for shock value, because they've been told they shouldn't. Like a Goth teenager dropping the F-bomb at Thanksgiving dinner.
So I’m in my local grocery store this morning picking up some fresh produce to make a nice lunch for my son after football practice and I notice a couple of workers restocking one section of the produce area. They are chatting with each other in Spanish, which is fine when a few customers walk past them who happened to be Asian. The two of them start talking, apparently without concern, making all manner of very inappropriate comments about Asian people ( they were referring to them as Chinese, of course, which is something that a lot of ignorant people do as a blanket term for anyone from anywhere in Asia). They were not whispering to each other either. Obviously they assumed no Asian customers would understand what they were saying so they were standing 4 or 5 feet away making openly racist, insulting comments. When they noticed that I was looking at them clearly understanding what they said and walking towards their area they quickly found someplace else to be. And that was it. Not the end of the world, not a civil rights crisis, but something that made me feel pretty uncomfortable about where some people still are with their whole attitude about these things.
I’m not making excuses for any kind of racist or offensive talk but to expand the conversation... what do you think of the fact that many people in the world just have an inherent tendency to talk shit and make fun of others? Whether it be a source of their own insecurities or to fulfill a need for drama or to feel superior, I notice if you open the door to criticize others, many people light up and love to keep that ball rolling. So whether it be somebodies nationality, sex, religion, outfit, weight, the way their voice sounds, height, intelligence etc.... it seems like our human need for drama and gossip hones in.... probably a reason why white trash reality TV is so popular. so my question to you is, Do you agree with my analysis and do you think this is the same thing as racism/bigotry?

I think what the kids in this situation were doing is more like the internet. They felt anonymous enough to talk racist shit because they assumed the target of their slurs couldn't understand what they were saying. They were right, but realized what they were doing was not cool, if the look on their faces is any indication.

I've seen several a-holes on this forum complain about the consequences when they post racist or other offensive shit on facebook or wherever and get spotted by their boss. Seems sort of like the same thing.
Agreed. I guess my question is do you think there is a difference between talking shit and being racist? Or do you think they are one in the same?
So lots of people that use the N-Word are not really racist, they are just talking shit!
Is that what you think?
So I’m in my local grocery store this morning picking up some fresh produce to make a nice lunch for my son after football practice and I notice a couple of workers restocking one section of the produce area. They are chatting with each other in Spanish, which is fine when a few customers walk past them who happened to be Asian. The two of them start talking, apparently without concern, making all manner of very inappropriate comments about Asian people ( they were referring to them as Chinese, of course, which is something that a lot of ignorant people do as a blanket term for anyone from anywhere in Asia). They were not whispering to each other either. Obviously they assumed no Asian customers would understand what they were saying so they were standing 4 or 5 feet away making openly racist, insulting comments. When they noticed that I was looking at them clearly understanding what they said and walking towards their area they quickly found someplace else to be. And that was it. Not the end of the world, not a civil rights crisis, but something that made me feel pretty uncomfortable about where some people still are with their whole attitude about these things.
I’m not making excuses for any kind of racist or offensive talk but to expand the conversation... what do you think of the fact that many people in the world just have an inherent tendency to talk shit and make fun of others? Whether it be a source of their own insecurities or to fulfill a need for drama or to feel superior, I notice if you open the door to criticize others, many people light up and love to keep that ball rolling. So whether it be somebodies nationality, sex, religion, outfit, weight, the way their voice sounds, height, intelligence etc.... it seems like our human need for drama and gossip hones in.... probably a reason why white trash reality TV is so popular. so my question to you is, Do you agree with my analysis and do you think this is the same thing as racism/bigotry?

This reads exactly like an excuse. The workers behaved in a disgusting way, but you do a "whatabout" to make is a global issue.

Very transparent.
What do you think my transparency is showing?

That you are programmed quite well.
Programmed for what?
So I’m in my local grocery store this morning picking up some fresh produce to make a nice lunch for my son after football practice and I notice a couple of workers restocking one section of the produce area. They are chatting with each other in Spanish, which is fine when a few customers walk past them who happened to be Asian. The two of them start talking, apparently without concern, making all manner of very inappropriate comments about Asian people ( they were referring to them as Chinese, of course, which is something that a lot of ignorant people do as a blanket term for anyone from anywhere in Asia). They were not whispering to each other either. Obviously they assumed no Asian customers would understand what they were saying so they were standing 4 or 5 feet away making openly racist, insulting comments. When they noticed that I was looking at them clearly understanding what they said and walking towards their area they quickly found someplace else to be. And that was it. Not the end of the world, not a civil rights crisis, but something that made me feel pretty uncomfortable about where some people still are with their whole attitude about these things.
I’m not making excuses for any kind of racist or offensive talk but to expand the conversation... what do you think of the fact that many people in the world just have an inherent tendency to talk shit and make fun of others? Whether it be a source of their own insecurities or to fulfill a need for drama or to feel superior, I notice if you open the door to criticize others, many people light up and love to keep that ball rolling. So whether it be somebodies nationality, sex, religion, outfit, weight, the way their voice sounds, height, intelligence etc.... it seems like our human need for drama and gossip hones in.... probably a reason why white trash reality TV is so popular. so my question to you is, Do you agree with my analysis and do you think this is the same thing as racism/bigotry?

This reads exactly like an excuse. The workers behaved in a disgusting way, but you do a "whatabout" to make is a global issue.

Very transparent.
What do you think my transparency is showing?

That you are programmed quite well.
Programmed for what?

I'll go with "Moral Relativism" for $500.
I’m not making excuses for any kind of racist or offensive talk but to expand the conversation... what do you think of the fact that many people in the world just have an inherent tendency to talk shit and make fun of others? Whether it be a source of their own insecurities or to fulfill a need for drama or to feel superior, I notice if you open the door to criticize others, many people light up and love to keep that ball rolling. So whether it be somebodies nationality, sex, religion, outfit, weight, the way their voice sounds, height, intelligence etc.... it seems like our human need for drama and gossip hones in.... probably a reason why white trash reality TV is so popular. so my question to you is, Do you agree with my analysis and do you think this is the same thing as racism/bigotry?

This reads exactly like an excuse. The workers behaved in a disgusting way, but you do a "whatabout" to make is a global issue.

Very transparent.
What do you think my transparency is showing?

That you are programmed quite well.
Programmed for what?

I'll go with "Moral Relativism" for $500.
I don’t know what you mean. Can you explain?
So I’m in my local grocery store this morning picking up some fresh produce to make a nice lunch for my son after football practice and I notice a couple of workers restocking one section of the produce area. They are chatting with each other in Spanish, which is fine, when a few customers walk past them who happened to be Asian. The two of them start talking, apparently without concern, making all manner of very inappropriate comments about Asian people ( they were referring to them as Chinese, of course, which is something that a lot of ignorant people do as a blanket term for anyone from anywhere in Asia). They were not whispering to each other either. Obviously they assumed no Asian customers would understand what they were saying so they were standing 4 or 5 feet away making openly racist, insulting comments. When they noticed that I was looking at them clearly understanding what they said and walking towards their area they quickly found someplace else to be. And that was it. Not the end of the world, not a civil rights crisis, but something that made me feel pretty uncomfortable about where some people still are with their whole attitude about these things.

Back in my early twenties myself and a buddy/coworker of mine used to hangout in front of this convenience store after work and drink a few beers.
This was in a somewhat sketchy mexican side of town.
We were sitting on the tailgate of my truck minding our own business when a couple of mexicans pull up.
They looked over at us and started saying shit in spanish to each other. While I had no idea what they were saying my 6'3" white as white can be blond haired buddy was raised in various places in south America and in Mexico due to his fathers job...,.he knew exactly what they said!!!

The two beaners walked out of the store only to find my huge buddy leaning against the back of their car.
They had this stunned look on their faces...and then turned as white as him when he started speaking in rapid fire perfect spanish asking them if they had anything else to say.
These dudes were like five foot nothing,they started groveling and apologizing.
I never laughed so hard in my life!!!

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