Un-Qualified, Incompetent, Inept Commander & Chief: 'Biden's Insistence On Full Withdrawal Made It Impossible To Hold Bagram


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Biden ignored his military and CIA/Intel advisors. He relied, instead, on his own dementia-ravaged mind and the advice given to him by his handlers, whoever they maybe. This latest report by one of our Top Generals, who was ignored by Biden, makes it clear that Biden was most responsible for the Afghanistan withdrawal clusterfu@k and for leaving Americans behind.

If the top guy in Afghanistan was telling the White House that they didn’t have much as time to evacuate as they hoped and and that there weren’t enough troops left to evacuate in the optimal way, what the hell was Biden thinking in pressing ahead?

I am sure Biden's handlers have made it clear that this question is one they definitely don't want him answering.
Ignoring his military, CIA, and Intel advisors was stupid.

Pulling out the military before evacuating citizens and allies was stupid.

Allowing the Taliban to dictate the terms of our withdrawal while they were actively taking steps to block US citizens from making it to the airport and beating Americans was beyond stupid.

Giving up Bagram was stupid.

Surrender ing the prison at Bagram, allowing the Taliban to free 5.500 hardcore Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists before completing the evacuation was stupid.

Refusing the offer to secure Kabul until the evacuation, instead entrusting US and allies' lives to our enemies and terrorists was stupid.

Allowing our enemies and terrorists to surround the airport, set up checkpoints, and block access to the airport was stupid.

Ordering US troops to stay inside the airport and defend an airport US citizens and allies could not reach was stupid.

Refusing to allow US troops identify, locate, and go out and get Americans and allies was stupid.

Telling American citizens they had to make their way to the airport on their own, that they would get no help from their government was wrong.

Finding out the Taliban were seizing Americans' passports and physically beating them at the checkpoints and doing nothing about it, even lying and claiming they had not heard this was going on, was disgusting

And these are just the main points.

Promising not to leave Afghanistan until all Americans were evacuated then abandoning them, leaving them behind was vile betrayal, unforgiveable.

THIS is why both Democrats and Republicans began talking about how Biden should step down after this disaster and why the vast majority of Americans disapproved of his handling of this withdrawal.
Ignoring his military, CIA, and Intel advisors was stupid.

Pulling out the military before evacuating citizens and allies was stupid.

Allowing the Taliban to dictate the terms of our withdrawal while they were actively taking steps to block US citizens from making it to the airport and beating Americans was beyond stupid.

Giving up Bagram was stupid.

Surrender ing the prison at Bagram, allowing the Taliban to free 5.500 hardcore Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists before completing the evacuation was stupid.

Refusing the offer to secure Kabul until the evacuation, instead entrusting US and allies' lives to our enemies and terrorists was stupid.

Allowing our enemies and terrorists to surround the airport, set up checkpoints, and block access to the airport was stupid.

Ordering US troops to stay inside the airport and defend an airport US citizens and allies could not reach was stupid.

Refusing to allow US troops identify, locate, and go out and get Americans and allies was stupid.

Telling American citizens they had to make their way to the airport on their own, that they would get no help from their government was wrong.

Finding out the Taliban were seizing Americans' passports and physically beating them at the checkpoints and doing nothing about it, even lying and claiming they had not heard this was going on, was disgusting

And these are just the main points.

Promising not to leave Afghanistan until all Americans were evacuated then abandoning them, leaving them behind was vile betrayal, unforgiveable.

THIS is why both Democrats and Republicans began talking about how Biden should step down after this disaster and why the vast majority of Americans disapproved of his handling of this withdrawal.
Given his 2500 troops on the ground when he took office, what do you propose Biden should have done differently?
Biden ignored his military and CIA/Intel advisors. He relied, instead, on his own dementia-ravaged mind and the advice given to him by his handlers, whoever they maybe. This latest report by one of our Top Generals, who was ignored by Biden, makes it clear that Biden was most responsible for the Afghanistan withdrawal clusterfu@k and for leaving Americans behind.

If the top guy in Afghanistan was telling the White House that they didn’t have much as time to evacuate as they hoped and and that there weren’t enough troops left to evacuate in the optimal way, what the hell was Biden thinking in pressing ahead?

I am sure Biden's handlers have made it clear that this question is one they definitely don't want him answering.

Many people are forgetting the most important factor in this whole fiasco. Recall the internal conflict during our pullout from Iraq under Obama. Obama was warned by our military/intel about an anticipated offensive/attack, and responded by sending in an additional 6,000 troops to push back against it. Biden disagreed with the decision to send troops, and told Obama he was being rolled by the military.

The problem is this -- Biden simply does not trust the military or intel that has military implications, he never has. That has now led to the senseless loss of life of 13 service members, plus stranded hundreds of Americans in hostile foreign territory, and could end up causing a much more catastrophic problem down the road.

People mostly talk about Biden as this sweet affable old man with cognitive decline, but the reality is he's an egomaniac and a jerk...with cognitive decline.
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Biden ignored his military and CIA/Intel advisors. He relied, instead, on his own dementia-ravaged mind and the advice given to him by his handlers, whoever they maybe. This latest report by one of our Top Generals, who was ignored by Biden, makes it clear that Biden was most responsible for the Afghanistan withdrawal clusterfu@k and for leaving Americans behind.

If the top guy in Afghanistan was telling the White House that they didn’t have much as time to evacuate as they hoped and and that there weren’t enough troops left to evacuate in the optimal way, what the hell was Biden thinking in pressing ahead?

I am sure Biden's handlers have made it clear that this question is one they definitely don't want him answering.

2500 troops were left and that wasn't enough for Bagram and Kabul. Imagine if our guys were left there and had to fight ???
It's over, now get the Hell over the withdrawal and settle down to no more troops being in Afghanistan.

Sorry, your boy is an incompetent moron and cost American lives. Real Americans will continue to point it out while you sick partisan hacks defend the scumbag.

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