Fact Checking Biden's Entire Afghanistan Speech


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Last night in Kabul, the United States ended 20 years of war in Afghanistan — the longest war in American history.

We completed one of the biggest airlifts in history, with more than 120,000 people evacuated to safety. That number is more than double what most experts thought were possible. No nation — no nation has ever done anything like it in all of history. Only the United States had the capacity and the will and the ability to do it, and we did it today."

Biden, understandably, starts out by thumping his proverbial chest and setting the groundwork for his declaration that the Afghanistan disaster was an 'extraordinary success'. Biden, however, proved he lacked the WILL to keep his promise to the American people, the promise that he would not leave Afghanistan without evacuating every American. Biden abandoned hundreds of Americans and thousands of dual-citizen / Green card holders to the brutality of the terrorists (Taliban, Al Qaeda, & ISIS). The United States had the ABILITY to do it, but, again, Biden lacked the WILL, not to mention the testicular fortitude / backbone to do so.

"Twenty service members were wounded in the service of this mission. Thirteen heroes gave their lives."

Needlessly and for whose deaths he refuses to take responsibility.

"That assumption — that the Afghan government would be able to hold on for a period of time beyond military drawdown — turned out not to be accurate. But I still instructed our national security team to prepare for every eventuality — even that one. And that’s what we did."

1. Evidence released shows Biden knew for months the collapse of the Afghan govt was happening quickly; yet Biden ignored his advisors and lied to the American people. Everything he said would not happen DID.

2. Knowing the collapse was happening swiftly, there was only 1 'eventuality', and they most certainly did NOT adequately prepare for it. Pulling out all military before evacuating citizens, allowing the Taliban to dictate the conditions of the pull-out, closing Bagram Air Base, refusing the Taliban’s offer to secure Kabul, fortifying behind walls of an airport, guarding an airport Americans could not get to, and refusing to send troops out to help stranded Americans who could not make it to the airport on their own is a FAILURE of mission, not an ‘extraordinary success’.


"As General McKenzie said, this is the way the mission was designed. It was designed to operate under severe stress and attack. And that’s what it did."

Either Biden or McKenzie was / is lying...but both are idiots. If the mission was designed to pull the military out before US citizens were evacuated, was designed to give up Bagram Air base, a more secure base of ops with 2 runways for the easily surrounded airport that only had 1 runway, and if the mission was designed to hand over the city to our enemies and terrorists during the evacuation then not only USCENTCOM/CC McKenzie but also Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Milley, and Secretary of Defense Austin should all be immediately fired. Every tactical and strategic error that could be made were made.

Biden claimed only 100 - 200 US citizens were left behind in Afghanistan.

1. Biden promised he would not leave Afghanistan until ALL Americans had been evacuated.
2. His own administration (State Dept, Pentagon, etc.. contradict his numbers and claim there are more. Thousands of Green Card holders and others also remain stranded.

"And for those remaining Americans, there is no deadline. We remain committed to get them out if they want to come out. Secretary of State Blinken is leading the continued diplomatic efforts to ensure a safe passage for any American, Afghan partner, or foreign national who wants to leave Afghanistan."

1. Biden admits he broke his promise and left Americans behind.

2. Biden also makes it clear that these Americans are hostages, and instead of taking them out with us they will not have to be ransomed / negotiated for, if they are not killed.

"Leaving August the 31st is not due to an arbitrary deadline; it was designed to save American lives."

The Taliban told Biden to GTFO, and despite telling Americans in Afghanistan he would not leave without them he did not push back, instead caving to the terrorists demand, allowing them to dictate the circumstances and conditions of out withdrawal.

'As we turn the page on the foreign policy that has guided our nation the last two decades, we’ve got to learn from our mistakes.'

You can’t learn from them if you won’t even admit you made any and blame others.

In his speech Biden blamed the victims – the Americans he left behind, he blamed the former President for HIS failed actions, he blamed the Taliban for not ‘playing nice’ – failing to secure our safety / protection, for refusing to allow Americans to get to the airport, blocking and beating them….

So much for, "The Buck Stops HERE." Biden promised Americans he would not leave them behind - he did. His credibility at home and abroad is forfeit.

"I was not going to extend this forever war, and I was not extending a forever exit."

No one asked Biden to extend the pullout ‘forever’, only long enough to keep his promise of not leaving until he had evacuated every American. In the end, Biden obeyed the Taliban’s orders to GTFO, abandoning Americans, leaving them behind.

"Now, some say we should have started mass evacuations sooner and “Couldn’t this have be done — have been done in a more orderly manner?” I respectfully disagree"

If Biden truly believes this then he is either insane of full of shite. Claiming this disaster could not have been executed better / in a more orderly manner is the babbling of a mentally unstable, failed Commander and chief. Obvious mistakes were made, but Biden refused to admit it.

"My fellow Americans, the war in Afghanistan is now over."

Where I come from and how I was raised, no war is over until we bring ALL of our people home! Joe shows how little he cares for American lives he threw away by leaving them behind. He wants this whole f*-up to be over, to turn the page, for every American to forget about it and stop asking questions about it.

"I give you my word..."

STFU! Biden begins to wrap things up by beginning, "I GIVE YOU MY WORD...." when his 'word' is MEANINGLESS! HE LIED TO OUR ALLIES, AND HE LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WHEN HE VOWED NOT TO LEAVE AFGHANISTAN UNTIL HE BROUGHT EVERYONE HOME! NOTHING he EVER says again will mean anything after that. He destroyed his credibility. Once he brings every American he promised not to leave behind home THEN he can start begging the American people to believe anything he says!

Biden Skirts Broken Promise On Afghan Exit

"President Joe Biden on Tuesday glossed over his broken promise to keep U.S. troops in Afghanistan until the last Americans are out and offered the faint assurance — even with the last U.S. planes gone — that it’s never too late for U.S. citizens to leave.

“There is no deadline,” Biden said. But with its forces withdrawn, the U.S. is left with diplomatic persuasion instead of military muscle to get the Taliban extremists who’ve been fighting the U.S. for 20 years to give remaining Americans safe passage out."

“The bottom line: 90% of Americans in Afghanistan who wanted to leave were able to leave."

  • LIE. With hundreds of Americans left behind the 90% number is a lie.
  • For the record, Biden vowed that he would get 100% of Americans out before withdrawing forces.

No Americans were on the last five jets to leave.

- "The Pentagon has confirmed that some American citizens tried to reach Kabul airport for the last evacuation flights, but were unable to do so"

"Donald Trump authorized 'the release of 5,000 prisoners last year, including some of the Taliban's top war commanders'"

It's true that the Trump administration reached a deal last year to release 5,000 Taliban members in exchange for 1,000 Afghan security force prisoners. It is also important to note that other Taliban commanders were released long before the Trump administration's agreement.

For example, several senior members of the Taliban were released from Guantanamo Bay during the Obama administration in 2014 as part of a prisoner exchange.

The 'prisoner exchange' they are talking about was the release of the 'Taliban 5', the top 5 tribal leaders / Taliban 'generals' who had been captured. These 5 top Taliban leaders were NOT released in a 'prisoner exchange' - for Bo Bergdahl. Bergdahl was captured by the Haqqani Network, Al Qaeda-associated terrorists. The Haqqanis, however, did not like Al Qaeda at all and never asked for the release of the 5. The Haqqani network made its money to fund its terrorist activities by kidnapping and ransoming people. Obama PAID the Haqqani network for Bergdhal and LIED to the American people, claiming it was a 'prisoner swap'.

If the Haqqani network had made a deal to exchange prisoners then the 5 would have been released TO the Haqqanis in the swap. Never happened. They were (some) were released in Qatar and ordered under their release agreement to remain in Qatar for several years.

Released documents show Barry was trying to figure out how he could keep his promise to liberal extremists to close GITMO. Well, if a bunch of no-name terrorist fighters quietly were moved / disappeared no one would notice. The 'Taliban 5' couldn't just disappear. So when the Begdahl kidnapping occurred Barry seized the opportunity to release the 5 and claim it was part of a the prisoner swap to get the traitor Bergdahl back.
“The assumption was that more than 300,000 Afghan National Security Forces that we had trained over the past two decades and equipped would be a strong adversary in their civil wars with the Taliban.”

'By our count, this is now the sixth time Biden has used this Three-Pinocchio figure. It’s an inflated number, combining the military with the national police. By repeatedly using the 300,000 figure, the president is misleading Americans about the capabilities of the Afghan military — which were shown to be pretty poor in the end.'
- CNN\US-politics

"We went to Afghanistan for the express purpose of getting rid of al Qaeda in Afghanistan as well as — as well as — getting Osama bin Laden. And we did.”
- Joe Biden

Facts First: Biden’s claim that al Qaeda is “gone” from Afghanistan is falseas his own administration acknowledged soon afterward. Following Biden’s remarks, Pentagon press secretary John Kirby told reporters, “We know that al Qaeda is a presence, as well as ISIS, in Afghanistan, and we’ve talked about that for quite some time.”

On another thread we had a drone locked on the suicide bomber but the pentagon refused permission to fire.
That claim needs to be vetted, and if true, someone needs to hang.
"Last night in Kabul, the United States ended 20 years of war in Afghanistan — the longest war in American history.

We completed one of the biggest airlifts in history, with more than 120,000 people evacuated to safety. That number is more than double what most experts thought were possible. No nation — no nation has ever done anything like it in all of history. Only the United States had the capacity and the will and the ability to do it, and we did it today."

Biden, understandably, starts out by thumping his proverbial chest and setting the groundwork for his declaration that the Afghanistan disaster was an 'extraordinary success'. Biden, however, proved he lacked the WILL to keep his promise to the American people, the promise that he would not leave Afghanistan without evacuating every American. Biden abandoned hundreds of Americans and thousands of dual-citizen / Green card holders to the brutality of the terrorists (Taliban, Al Qaeda, & ISIS). The United States had the ABILITY to do it, but, again, Biden lacked the WILL, not to mention the testicular fortitude / backbone to do so.

"Twenty service members were wounded in the service of this mission. Thirteen heroes gave their lives."

Needlessly and for whose deaths he refuses to take responsibility.

"That assumption — that the Afghan government would be able to hold on for a period of time beyond military drawdown — turned out not to be accurate. But I still instructed our national security team to prepare for every eventuality — even that one. And that’s what we did."

1. Evidence released shows Biden knew for months the collapse of the Afghan govt was happening quickly; yet Biden ignored his advisors and lied to the American people. Everything he said would not happen DID.

2. Knowing the collapse was happening swiftly, there was only 1 'eventuality', and they most certainly did NOT adequately prepare for it. Pulling out all military before evacuating citizens, allowing the Taliban to dictate the conditions of the pull-out, closing Bagram Air Base, refusing the Taliban’s offer to secure Kabul, fortifying behind walls of an airport, guarding an airport Americans could not get to, and refusing to send troops out to help stranded Americans who could not make it to the airport on their own is a FAILURE of mission, not an ‘extraordinary success’.


"As General McKenzie said, this is the way the mission was designed. It was designed to operate under severe stress and attack. And that’s what it did."

Either Biden or McKenzie was / is lying...but both are idiots. If the mission was designed to pull the military out before US citizens were evacuated, was designed to give up Bagram Air base, a more secure base of ops with 2 runways for the easily surrounded airport that only had 1 runway, and if the mission was designed to hand over the city to our enemies and terrorists during the evacuation then not only USCENTCOM/CC McKenzie but also Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Milley, and Secretary of Defense Austin should all be immediately fired. Every tactical and strategic error that could be made were made.

Biden claimed only 100 - 200 US citizens were left behind in Afghanistan.

1. Biden promised he would not leave Afghanistan until ALL Americans had been evacuated.
2. His own administration (State Dept, Pentagon, etc.. contradict his numbers and claim there are more. Thousands of Green Card holders and others also remain stranded.

"And for those remaining Americans, there is no deadline. We remain committed to get them out if they want to come out. Secretary of State Blinken is leading the continued diplomatic efforts to ensure a safe passage for any American, Afghan partner, or foreign national who wants to leave Afghanistan."

1. Biden admits he broke his promise and left Americans behind.

2. Biden also makes it clear that these Americans are hostages, and instead of taking them out with us they will not have to be ransomed / negotiated for, if they are not killed.

"Leaving August the 31st is not due to an arbitrary deadline; it was designed to save American lives."

The Taliban told Biden to GTFO, and despite telling Americans in Afghanistan he would not leave without them he did not push back, instead caving to the terrorists demand, allowing them to dictate the circumstances and conditions of out withdrawal.

'As we turn the page on the foreign policy that has guided our nation the last two decades, we’ve got to learn from our mistakes.'

You can’t learn from them if you won’t even admit you made any and blame others.

In his speech Biden blamed the victims – the Americans he left behind, he blamed the former President for HIS failed actions, he blamed the Taliban for not ‘playing nice’ – failing to secure our safety / protection, for refusing to allow Americans to get to the airport, blocking and beating them….

So much for, "The Buck Stops HERE." Biden promised Americans he would not leave them behind - he did. His credibility at home and abroad is forfeit.

"I was not going to extend this forever war, and I was not extending a forever exit."

No one asked Biden to extend the pullout ‘forever’, only long enough to keep his promise of not leaving until he had evacuated every American. In the end, Biden obeyed the Taliban’s orders to GTFO, abandoning Americans, leaving them behind.

"Now, some say we should have started mass evacuations sooner and “Couldn’t this have be done — have been done in a more orderly manner?” I respectfully disagree"

If Biden truly believes this then he is either insane of full of shite. Claiming this disaster could not have been executed better / in a more orderly manner is the babbling of a mentally unstable, failed Commander and chief. Obvious mistakes were made, but Biden refused to admit it.

"My fellow Americans, the war in Afghanistan is now over."

Where I come from and how I was raised, no war is over until we bring ALL of our people home! Joe shows how little he cares for American lives he threw away by leaving them behind. He wants this whole f*-up to be over, to turn the page, for every American to forget about it and stop asking questions about it.

"I give you my word..."

STFU! Biden begins to wrap things up by beginning, "I GIVE YOU MY WORD...." when his 'word' is MEANINGLESS! HE LIED TO OUR ALLIES, AND HE LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WHEN HE VOWED NOT TO LEAVE AFGHANISTAN UNTIL HE BROUGHT EVERYONE HOME! NOTHING he EVER says again will mean anything after that. He destroyed his credibility. Once he brings every American he promised not to leave behind home THEN he can start begging the American people to believe anything he says!

Ben Shapiro ripped him a new one today.

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