U.S. Supreme Court Declines to Hear Transgender School-Bathroom Case

Because the Supreme Court declined to hear the case, the lower court ruling stands.

Schools can't discriminate against transgender students.

Only 2 on the court wanted to take the case.

So that means that 4 conservatives agreed that schools can't discriminate against transgender students.

This is complete liberal insanity

You need to pay attention to current events in our nation.

The Supreme Court is very far from liberal.

There are SIX conservatives and THREE liberals on that court.

You do the math. That is if you can.

Stop lying.
At best there are 2 or 3 conservative with a couple who swing both ways

I suspect that in this case the turncoats were influenced by the liberal media to embrace the most twisted broken toys in our society

And its still a crazy decision by the unelected demigods on the high court
Here's a solution....

How about trans folks use the bathroom where they were using it before conservatives needed another manufactured culture war battle to fight??

Or do these folks think trans folks just started using the bathroom a couple of years ago?
Well, in the 80s when I was in high school, it was unheard of kids coming out as trans while minors in school. So this would be before the "manufactured culture war". Girls used the girls restroom, boys used the boys restroom. If a kid known to be a boy decided to just start using the girls restroom, there would be hell to pay. Same for a girl that decides to use the boys restroom.
If you go back far enough....there was hell to pay if a kid was gay period.....

Fast forward to today....and all of the fearmongering over trans and bathrooms remain just that...fear mongering.....

Trying to sexually assault children in restrooms is still as illegal now as it was 40 years ago....
No, your solution was for trans folks to use the same restroom they used before conservatives made it a culture war. So the girls should use the girls restroom and the boys should use the boys restroom. If there is anyone thinking about being transgender, don't come out during high school. That is the way it was before the manufactured culture way. So it is your solution.

Are you retracting your solution?
Epic failure by Court. Looks like our children in public schools are no longer safe in bathrooms. Send your children to private Christian schools and Catholic schools. Public schools are no longer safe.
These School Districts hell bent on denying bathroom access ought to simply install stalls and be done with it.

This entire thing is nonsense and unnecessary at the end of the day, and is only being made an issue by Conservatives as part of their hyper-fixation with genitalia.
The Solution:

These School Districts hell bent on denying bathroom access ought to simply install stalls and be done with it.

This entire thing is nonsense and unnecessary at the end of the day, and is only being made an issue by Conservatives as part of their hyper-fixation with genitalia.
THAT is the solution.

There should be privacy from all, not just the opposite sex.
These School Districts hell bent on denying bathroom access ought to simply install stalls and be done with it.

This entire thing is nonsense and unnecessary at the end of the day, and is only being made an issue by Conservatives as part of their hyper-fixation with genitalia.
They are making it an issue. Bathrooms are distinguished by something very simple. Basic biology. Not "gender"
Do you understand now?

And, a major win for transgenders.

Perhaps questions should be directed to Trump about whether or not he fully vetted his SCOTUS nominees. They sure ain't playing ball! Bigly
Youre the ones who said they were rapists and extremists after YOUR side "vetted" them. What happened? You guys were WAAAAAYYY off.
Epic failure by Court. Looks like our children in public schools are no longer safe in bathrooms. Send your children to private Christian schools and Catholic schools. Public schools are no longer safe.
Yeah...the Catholic Church loves young kids.
that schools can't discriminate against transgender students.
No, that isnt what happened. Your own link says that, resident retard.
Its also weird your link calls this "sex discrimination" when its not. This transgender illness is based on "gender"
Sex is about biology. Gender is about social construct. IE mental illness. You should tell that dumbass author about the difference.
Bullshit. The term sex discrimination is understood to mean discrimination based on gender and gender is very much about biology
From the OP’s linked article and imo an important piece of the picture, “Grimm was given the option of using a separate gender-neutral bathroom, but refused to do so, feeling stigmatized.” The school provided a reasonable accommodation but the student’s response indicates it wasn’t good enough. I find it hard to believe that he would feel stigmatized using a gender neutral bathroom and not the boys restroom. Guessing that there was either financial gain in the mind of the family or they wanted to make a statement regardless of that “statement” creating more discomfort by others. I lack evidence to either of those possible motives but that’s just my opinion.

If the goal is truly fairness for ALL (now there’s the sticky part), it makes no sense that any school should create a situation with non-bio gender identifiers using a restroom that creates more discomfort.

I teach middle school kids, but am unable to guess the percentage of high school girls who would generally be uncomfortable with that scenario. Knowing how kids “like” certain students and can have total distain for others (and that certainly includes many high school kids) it would depend a lot on the individual in question and personality of that student, but that’s just a sidenote not really important to this discussion. Even though girls restrooms have doors on the stalls, there would still be girls who would not feel comfortable regardless of the personality of non-bio gender student…evidence: parents complaining to schools.

Looking beyond the confines of this immediate issue and as a supporter of states rights, I’m not sure we need the Supreme Court to settle all of these gender battle issues because they’re going to continue beyond the bathroom gender-identity issue. States need to maintain their authority to avoid (or delay) the path to authoritarian government. The Supreme Court is certainly needed, but not on public school issues where the states can decide as they should.
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Most people period are against a man with a penis using facilities for women. You have been indoctrinated.

What are your feelings about a man in a dress using the men’s room?
Don't care and actually don't care here. Men can take care of themselves. Some lady wants to see my junk. No worries. But the other way where men identify as women and use their locker rooms. Therein lies a whole different issue of they are allowed to play physical sports against biological girls. Common sense should prevail. But your posts on this board reveal that you have little if any.
Frankly, I don’t care where they pee and think they should be excluded from women’s sports
That might be the case RW but it’s really not a matter of what you feel or I feel comfortable with- it’s the students. I will give you this though you finally made me laugh with your question about how another poster would feel about a man in a dress using the men’s restroom - it just caught me off guard and was funny;) I always try to catch people being funny; politics are secondary of course to humor!
Because the Supreme Court declined to hear the case, the lower court ruling stands.

Schools can't discriminate against transgender students.

Only 2 on the court wanted to take the case.

So that means that 4 conservatives agreed that schools can't discriminate against transgender students.

The particular school in question provided a most reasonable alternative with the general neutral bathroom. So am I right to assume you think general neutral bathrooms shouldn’t be a thing?
Because the Supreme Court declined to hear the case, the lower court ruling stands.

Schools can't discriminate against transgender students.

Only 2 on the court wanted to take the case.

So that means that 4 conservatives agreed that schools can't discriminate against transgender students.

Another loss for women's rights. Don't care if a woman wants to identify as a man and see men's junk or compete vs. men in sports. The other way around is an entirely different situation and utterly unfair.
I understand your point Azgog, and know that many people feel exactly like you do, male and female, students and parents. The rules though are going to have to be across the board with gender identity accommodations, that is if the goal is fairness for ALL as I continue to wonder.
Because the Supreme Court declined to hear the case, the lower court ruling stands.

Schools can't discriminate against transgender students.

Only 2 on the court wanted to take the case.

So that means that 4 conservatives agreed that schools can't discriminate against transgender students.

Another loss for women's rights. Don't care if a woman wants to identify as a man and see men's junk or compete vs. men in sports. The other way around is an entirely different situation and utterly unfair.
I understand your point Azgog, and know that many people feel exactly like you do, male and female, students and parents. The rules though are going to have to be across the board with gender identity accommodations, that is if the goal is fairness for ALL as I continue to wonder.
As a father of two young girls. I can Tell you this. Men and women aren’t equal. They simply aren’t and saying otherwise is pure insanity.
that schools can't discriminate against transgender students.
No, that isnt what happened. Your own link says that, resident retard.
Its also weird your link calls this "sex discrimination" when its not. This transgender illness is based on "gender"
Sex is about biology. Gender is about social construct. IE mental illness. You should tell that dumbass author about the difference.
Bullshit. The term sex discrimination is understood to mean discrimination based on gender and gender is very much about biology
The science of biology says there are only two sexes. It isn't based on how one feels today.
Here's a solution....

How about trans folks use the bathroom where they were using it before conservatives needed another manufactured culture war battle to fight??

Or do these folks think trans folks just started using the bathroom a couple of years ago?
Well, in the 80s when I was in high school, it was unheard of kids coming out as trans while minors in school. So this would be before the "manufactured culture war". Girls used the girls restroom, boys used the boys restroom. If a kid known to be a boy decided to just start using the girls restroom, there would be hell to pay. Same for a girl that decides to use the boys restroom.
If you go back far enough....there was hell to pay if a kid was gay period.....

Fast forward to today....and all of the fearmongering over trans and bathrooms remain just that...fear mongering.....

Trying to sexually assault children in restrooms is still as illegal now as it was 40 years ago....
No, your solution was for trans folks to use the same restroom they used before conservatives made it a culture war. So the girls should use the girls restroom and the boys should use the boys restroom. If there is anyone thinking about being transgender, don't come out during high school. That is the way it was before the manufactured culture way. So it is your solution.

Are you retracting your solution?
Don't "come out"???

Publicly embracing your severe mental illnesses is some kind of heroic move?

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