U.S. military decimated under Obama

You aren't up to date on current developements


You were going to post a link, remember?


You do know we are arming ISIS

And while you're at it, how about a link proving this?

I did try to keep up.... Isis funding isn't even a secret...pics of McCain standing next to ISIS leaders.in your good war in Libya trying to pass them off as Freedom fighters

A man believed to be a Pakistani commander of Islamic State or Daish, Yousaf al Salafi, has confessed to law enforcement agencies in Pakistan to getting funds via the United States, according to a leading Pakistani newspaper siting its sources.

Al Salafi and two companions were arrested in Lahore, Pakistan on January 22, according to AFP.

“During investigations, Yousaf al Salafi revealed that he was getting funding – routed through America – to run the organization in Pakistan and recruit young people to fight in Syria,” a source close to the investigations revealed toUrdu-language Daily Express on condition of anonymity, according to its sister English newspaper The Express Tribune. The newspaper also claimed that Al Salafi was in fact arrested last year sometime in December.

Islamic State operative confesses to receiving funding through US - report RT News
The days of global warfare with large naval forces, massed armor and large armies are past

Future warfare will involve cyber attacks which bring your enemy and its economy to its knees

We're going to wreck ISIS's economy and cyber attack their AK47s?
That is kind of what we are doing now. We are doing it with air strikes.
You do know we are arming ISIS

You do know we are arming ISIS

Who are you speaking for? Who is "we"?
United States
Funny thread :p Any rightie besides mudwhistle serve? :eusa_doubt: You people, the Washington times & the drones that read it, don't think 1\2 TRILLION $$$/year is enough? rw'ers want the best military in the world but aren't willing to have their taxes raised one Nicole. You people are laughable

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
U.S. military decimated under Obama, only ‘marginally able’ to defend nation

By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Tuesday, February 24, 2015
The U.S. military is shedding so many troops and weapons it is only “marginally able” to defend the nation and falls short of the Obama administration’s national security strategy, according to a new report by The Heritage Foundation on Tuesday.

“The U.S. military itself is aging. It’s shrinking in size,” said Dakota Wood, a Heritage analyst. “And it’s quickly becoming problematic in terms of being able to address more than one major conflict.”

President Obama’s latest strategy is to size the armed forces pledged in 2014 so that the four military branches have sufficient troops, ships, tanks and aircraft to win a large war, while simultaneously acting to “deny the objectives of — or impose unacceptable costs on — another aggressor in another region.”

In other words, the Quadrennial Defense Review says the military can essentially fight two major conflicts at once. It could defeat an invasion of South Korea by the North, for example, and stop Russia from invading Western Europe or Iran from conquering a Persian Gulf state.

But Heritage’s “2015 Index of U.S. Military Strength” took a look, in detail, at units and weapons, region by region, and came to a different conclusion.

“The U.S. military is rapidly approaching a one-war-capable force,” said Mr. Wood, a former Marine Corps officer and strategic planner. “So [it is] able to handle a major war and then having just a bit of residual capability to handle other minor crises that might pop up. … But it is a far cry from being a two-war force.”

“The consistent decline in funding and the consequent shrinking of the force are putting it under significant pressure,” the report concluded. “The cumulative effect of such factors has resulted in a U.S. military that is marginally able to meet the demands of defending America’s vital national interests.”

The index report is part scorecard, part research tool.

It grades the Army, which is shrinking from 570,000 soldiers to 440,000 or lower, and the Navy, which is failing to achieve a 300-ship force, as only “marginal” in military power. The Air Force’s fleet of fighters and long-range bombers is judged “strong.”

Heritage says the military cannot fight two wars at once.

The report said the Army historically commits 21 brigade dombat teams to one war. Several years ago, that left just 21 more brigades for a second war and none for strategic reserve.

But the problem is more acute. The Army announced in 2013 it may go as low as 33 brigades, far short of the 50 brigades Heritage says are needed.

The Army has been battered by automatic budget cuts known as “sequestration.” A bipartisan budget deal provided some relief last year, but the slashing could come back in 2016 without another agreement.

Gen. Raymond Odierno, Army chief of staff, has said that if the active force is squeezed down to 420,000 soldiers, it could not carry out all global commitments.

Read more: U.S. military decimated under Obama only marginally able to defend nation - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

All of Obama's 'achievements' amount to the planned and orchestrated annihilation of our republic ... He is bringing our country to its knees. That we are now militarily unable to defend ourselves, let alone our allies, leaves us completely vulnerable to our enemies.

Excellent points.

As is typical of the Ideological Left... The US Military is presently staffed in numbers not witnessed since BEFORE WW2. Which was hardly sufficient to handle the obligations it faced in WW2.

The difference there, was that prior to WW2 the US enjoyed a population which was largely comprised of farmers, tradesmen and those accustomed to HARD WORK and adversity.

Today's US Youth have no concept of adversity, EXCEPT where they have served in the US Military.

So, the means of the United States to quickly develop civilian youth into a ready fighting force is MUCH more of a challenge than it was then.

Given too, that the obama cult has bankrupted the United States... its means to do so financially is nil'.

So, where the concern was that a person born to a foreign national may find their way to the Presidency and due to the intrinsic division of loyalties... such a President could sufficiently injure the United States to cripple it... it turns out that those concerns were SPOT ON!

Proving the incredible wisdom of the founders wherein they required that the president of the United States MUST BE A "NATURAL BORN CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES!".

Which is to say a citizen, who birth from two US Citizens, NATURALLY results in a Citizen.
Obama has done a lot to decimate the military but one of the worse things is that he hasn't defined their mission. They don't know what they suppose to be doing.

Obama doesn't know what he is doing in foreign policy and in his incompetency he has not defined the role of the military.

When the stupid Libtards elected an extreme far Left Affirmative Action Community Organizer that never had the sense of duty or courage to serve in the military as the Commander in Chief they really screwed this country.

Dismantling the greatest military on earth and demoralizing the military and making us weaker is part of that "fundamental change" that Hussein promised us. We can thank the Moon Bats for it.
The undeniable facts are Bush & the neo-cons failed to protect US, got us attacked on 9/11, blew $Trillions killed 8,000 of our best, created a police state, destroyed jobs, the economy & totally failed to get Bin Laden. Republicans do not protect US, they only steal, raise prices & spend.

Yep. Many many more terrorist attacks under Bush than under Obama. But, Bush actively protected bin Laden because of the family connection. For Bush, money was far more important than American lives.
No shit, because Obama calls terrorist attacks work place violence or a protest.
Obama has done a lot to decimate the military but one of the worse things is that he hasn't defined their mission. They don't know what they suppose to be doing.

Obama doesn't know what he is doing in foreign policy and in his incompetency he has not defined the role of the military.

When the stupid Libtards elected an extreme far Left Affirmative Action Community Organizer that never had the sense of duty or courage to serve in the military as the Commander in Chief they really screwed this country.

Dismantling the greatest military on earth and demoralizing the military and making us weaker is part of that "fundamental change" that Hussein promised us. We can thank the Moon Bats for it.

And that is the key

The militaries mission is evolving. More focused on the war on terror than on nation building. The mission of our military should not be the worlds policeman, Let the EU take the lead on threats in Europe and the Middle East. Let Japan and South Korea have the lead in Asia with the US in a supporting role

Left loons like you are hilarious...and clueless in military matters.

What on earth do you know about military doctrine, tactics, manpower or logistics?

Evidently more than you

Well then, lets go there

Why does the US need ten super carrier task forces when no other nation has one?
Why do we need two thousand nuclear warheads and maintain platforms to carry them?
Why does our air mission constantly change focus?
Why hasn't our Army evolved to fight a terrorist threat?

Carrier task forces: Because the U.S. is (still) the lone super power, much to Obama's consternation. Carriers are a projection of force, allowing us to have a base of operations anywhere in the seas and oceans.

Nukes: Ask Russia. Treaties. Nuclear warhead inventories have been greatly reduced over the years.Obviously, if you have the nukes you have to have the platforms to deliver them.

Air Mission: It hasn't. In short, it maintains the ability to provide personnel and materiel to the four corners of the Earth and provide Death of Above to America's enemies. You know, so we don't have to have that many more "boots on the ground".

Army Evolution: It has changed. Counter-insurgency/terror training has been a major focus since OIF. SpecOps is being ramped up, but time is needed to turn ordinary warriors into extraordinary Operators. Ask terrorists why they hide behind civilians, wear no uniforms, break all conventions of warfare.

In all honesty some of the above is not my actual responses, I was helped by a former USAF member that knws the military and can explain it far better than I ever could
Notice, how the liberals (socialist/marxists that we call liberals) see this as great news.
We still have the world's largest military.....Why cry about that?
Apparently the military industrial fat cats that Eisenhower warned us against aren't rich enough yet.

But the fat cat Unions are thanks to Obama raiding the US Treasury and giving them tens of billions of dollars.
Obama has done a lot to decimate the military but one of the worse things is that he hasn't defined their mission. They don't know what they suppose to be doing.

Obama doesn't know what he is doing in foreign policy and in his incompetency he has not defined the role of the military.

When the stupid Libtards elected an extreme far Left Affirmative Action Community Organizer that never had the sense of duty or courage to serve in the military as the Commander in Chief they really screwed this country.

Dismantling the greatest military on earth and demoralizing the military and making us weaker is part of that "fundamental change" that Hussein promised us. We can thank the Moon Bats for it.
The undeniable facts are Bush & the neo-cons failed to protect US, got us attacked on 9/11, blew $Trillions killed 8,000 of our best, created a police state, destroyed jobs, the economy & totally failed to get Bin Laden. Republicans do not protect US, they only steal, raise prices & spend.
Really? WOuld you care to detail what they did to achieve that objective, a mere 8 months into Bush's first term?
You're a class A moron. You can't post without revealing your ignorance and stupidity.
U.S. defense spending compared to other countries pgpf.org

But it's decimated!!!!!!!!!
Hey, compared to the army of Serbia we're number one!
I want to see another Sequestration to cut Republicans Military & Welfare spending spree. We need to build this country instead of flushing our wealth down the toilet.
Obama has done a lot to decimate the military but one of the worse things is that he hasn't defined their mission. They don't know what they suppose to be doing.

Obama doesn't know what he is doing in foreign policy and in his incompetency he has not defined the role of the military.

When the stupid Libtards elected an extreme far Left Affirmative Action Community Organizer that never had the sense of duty or courage to serve in the military as the Commander in Chief they really screwed this country.

Dismantling the greatest military on earth and demoralizing the military and making us weaker is part of that "fundamental change" that Hussein promised us. We can thank the Moon Bats for it.
The undeniable facts are Bush & the neo-cons failed to protect US, got us attacked on 9/11, blew $Trillions killed 8,000 of our best, created a police state, destroyed jobs, the economy & totally failed to get Bin Laden. Republicans do not protect US, they only steal, raise prices & spend.

Yep. Many many more terrorist attacks under Bush than under Obama. But, Bush actively protected bin Laden because of the family connection. For Bush, money was far more important than American lives.
No shit, because Obama calls terrorist attacks work place violence or a protest.


Watch the video.

You wont, of course, because you prefer your lies.
All this bellyaching about the so-called paltry base defense budget also ignores that the Pentagon has had separate war funding to pay for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, totaling hundreds of billions over and above the base budget. This year, the Pentagon asked for $59 billion, even though our presence in Afghanistan will be just under 10,000 troops next year and just under 2,000 in 2016. The Pentagon says it expects the war funding to persist for years, even though U.S. troops will be out of Afghanistan at the end of 2016, penciling in $30 billion annually through fiscal year 2021.

Rest assured, terrified defense hawks: The U.S. still dominates global defense spending, far outpacing every other country. While China and Russia have increased their defense spending and capabilities, the U.S. still accounts for 40 percent of the world’s military expenditures. Including our allies, that figure rises to 80 percent of defense spending worldwide. If the nations that collectively spend eight out of every 10 global defense dollars cannot deal with the remaining two, then the U.S. and its allies have a bigger problem.

Defense Hawks in Congress Should Quit Bellyaching Over Military Budget Cuts - US News

When will the Republican Congress do something? I think it's their fault.

Don't expect any of the willfully ignorant to actually read this and think it through.
Obama has done a lot to decimate the military but one of the worse things is that he hasn't defined their mission. They don't know what they suppose to be doing.

Obama doesn't know what he is doing in foreign policy and in his incompetency he has not defined the role of the military.

When the stupid Libtards elected an extreme far Left Affirmative Action Community Organizer that never had the sense of duty or courage to serve in the military as the Commander in Chief they really screwed this country.

Dismantling the greatest military on earth and demoralizing the military and making us weaker is part of that "fundamental change" that Hussein promised us. We can thank the Moon Bats for it.
The undeniable facts are Bush & the neo-cons failed to protect US, got us attacked on 9/11, blew $Trillions killed 8,000 of our best, created a police state, destroyed jobs, the economy & totally failed to get Bin Laden. Republicans do not protect US, they only steal, raise prices & spend.

Yep. Many many more terrorist attacks under Bush than under Obama. But, Bush actively protected bin Laden because of the family connection. For Bush, money was far more important than American lives.
No shit, because Obama calls terrorist attacks work place violence or a protest.


Watch the video.

You wont, of course, because you prefer your lies.
What did he call ft hood? What did he first call bengazi. You're the liar.
The undeniable facts are Bush & the neo-cons failed to protect US, got us attacked on 9/11, blew $Trillions killed 8,000 of our best, created a police state, destroyed jobs, the economy & totally failed to get Bin Laden. Republicans do not protect US, they only steal, raise prices & spend.

The undeniable fact is that 911 was planned, financed, trained and staged under Clinton, who did almost as much as Obama to weaken the US military. Clinton had the chance to take out Bin Laden before 911but he pussied out. Clinton was too busy bombing Christians to save Muslims and sending Rangers to get killed taking out Somalian Warlords than he was to protect America from terrorism.

The other undeniable fact is that Clinton was too busy getting blowjobs from Monica to do anything about the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center. He said it was a matter for the New York Police Department. It was Clinton's weak response to the 1993 attack on New York to entourage another try at it and saw what happen, didn't we?

Clinton and Obama have two things in common in their zeal to weaken the US Military. They both were too cowardly to serve in the military and neither one of them had a sense of duty to the US.

Speaking of NeoCons Obama is a NeoCon's wet dream. He fought the war in Iraq for three years, called it a success and recently reintroduced bombing and ground troops. He escalated the war in Afghanistan getting thousands of Americans killed and now is talking about keeping troops there for a much longer time and he bombed the shit out of Libyia, leading to one of the factions of ISIS. Don't be hypocritical about complaining about interventionism and then vote for an interventionist shithead like Obama. It just shows you really don't believe what you preach.

By the way, stop blaming Obama's failures on Bush. After six years of that silly crap it is getting boring and just shows what a partisan fool you are.
Funny thread :p Any rightie besides mudwhistle serve? :eusa_doubt: You people, the Washington times & the drones that read it, don't think 1\2 TRILLION $$$/year is enough? rw'ers want the best military in the world but aren't willing to have their taxes raised one nickle. You people are laughable

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
And that is the key

The militaries mission is evolving. More focused on the war on terror than on nation building. The mission of our military should not be the worlds policeman, Let the EU take the lead on threats in Europe and the Middle East. Let Japan and South Korea have the lead in Asia with the US in a supporting role

Left loons like you are hilarious...and clueless in military matters.

What on earth do you know about military doctrine, tactics, manpower or logistics?

Evidently more than you

Well then, lets go there

Why does the US need ten super carrier task forces when no other nation has one?
Why do we need two thousand nuclear warheads and maintain platforms to carry them?
Why does our air mission constantly change focus?
Why hasn't our Army evolved to fight a terrorist threat?

Carrier task forces: Because the U.S. is (still) the lone super power, much to Obama's consternation. Carriers are a projection of force, allowing us to have a base of operations anywhere in the seas and oceans.

Nukes: Ask Russia. Treaties. Nuclear warhead inventories have been greatly reduced over the years.Obviously, if you have the nukes you have to have the platforms to deliver them.

Air Mission: It hasn't. In short, it maintains the ability to provide personnel and materiel to the four corners of the Earth and provide Death of Above to America's enemies. You know, so we don't have to have that many more "boots on the ground".

Army Evolution: It has changed. Counter-insurgency/terror training has been a major focus since OIF. SpecOps is being ramped up, but time is needed to turn ordinary warriors into extraordinary Operators. Ask terrorists why they hide behind civilians, wear no uniforms, break all conventions of warfare.

In all honesty some of the above is not my actual responses, I was helped by a former USAF member that knws the military and can explain it far better than I ever could
cutnpaste anyone? Where is your link?

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
U.S. military decimated under Obama, only ‘marginally able’ to defend nation

By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Tuesday, February 24, 2015
The U.S. military is shedding so many troops and weapons it is only “marginally able” to defend the nation and falls short of the Obama administration’s national security strategy, according to a new report by The Heritage Foundation on Tuesday.

“The U.S. military itself is aging. It’s shrinking in size,” said Dakota Wood, a Heritage analyst. “And it’s quickly becoming problematic in terms of being able to address more than one major conflict.”

President Obama’s latest strategy is to size the armed forces pledged in 2014 so that the four military branches have sufficient troops, ships, tanks and aircraft to win a large war, while simultaneously acting to “deny the objectives of — or impose unacceptable costs on — another aggressor in another region.”

In other words, the Quadrennial Defense Review says the military can essentially fight two major conflicts at once. It could defeat an invasion of South Korea by the North, for example, and stop Russia from invading Western Europe or Iran from conquering a Persian Gulf state.

But Heritage’s “2015 Index of U.S. Military Strength” took a look, in detail, at units and weapons, region by region, and came to a different conclusion.

“The U.S. military is rapidly approaching a one-war-capable force,” said Mr. Wood, a former Marine Corps officer and strategic planner. “So [it is] able to handle a major war and then having just a bit of residual capability to handle other minor crises that might pop up. … But it is a far cry from being a two-war force.”

“The consistent decline in funding and the consequent shrinking of the force are putting it under significant pressure,” the report concluded. “The cumulative effect of such factors has resulted in a U.S. military that is marginally able to meet the demands of defending America’s vital national interests.”

The index report is part scorecard, part research tool.

It grades the Army, which is shrinking from 570,000 soldiers to 440,000 or lower, and the Navy, which is failing to achieve a 300-ship force, as only “marginal” in military power. The Air Force’s fleet of fighters and long-range bombers is judged “strong.”

Heritage says the military cannot fight two wars at once.

The report said the Army historically commits 21 brigade dombat teams to one war. Several years ago, that left just 21 more brigades for a second war and none for strategic reserve.

But the problem is more acute. The Army announced in 2013 it may go as low as 33 brigades, far short of the 50 brigades Heritage says are needed.

The Army has been battered by automatic budget cuts known as “sequestration.” A bipartisan budget deal provided some relief last year, but the slashing could come back in 2016 without another agreement.

Gen. Raymond Odierno, Army chief of staff, has said that if the active force is squeezed down to 420,000 soldiers, it could not carry out all global commitments.

Read more: U.S. military decimated under Obama only marginally able to defend nation - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

All of Obama's 'achievements' amount to the planned and orchestrated annihilation of our republic ... He is bringing our country to its knees. That we are now militarily unable to defend ourselves, let alone our allies, leaves us completely vulnerable to our enemies.

Our federal Congress is only delegated the power to provide for the common defense, not the common offense nor the general warfare.

And, not Only that, we also have a Second Amendment.

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