U.S. intel helped Ukraine protect air defenses, shoot down Moscow plane carrying hundreds of troops. which is one reason Moscow has not been able

Why would they want to join Nato?

Oh I know why, Russia was planning on ass-fucking Ukraine again like it always has.

The Ukraine pledged to NEVER try to join NATO in 1992, as a condition for their independence.
So now that Zelensky constantly is asking to join NATO, that means the Ukraine has forfeit their independence.
They no longer are an independent country, and do not deserve to be an independent country.
They can not be trusted, have violated treaties, and clearly would put NATO nukes on Russia's border if they could.

Russia has NEVER invaded anyone with the intent of conquest and permanent occupation.
They are only concerned about strategic defense of their borders.

Compare Russia with the US, and you will see the US constantly invades for colonial imperialism, like the Philippines, Puerto Rico, 1953 Iran, Panama, Grenada, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, etc.
You are pushing propaganda that has been debunked. Ukraine doesn't have nukes and no such promise about NATO was ever made or eluded to. As for the rest of your BS I simply don't wish to waste my time picking up all the links to show you are si,ply spreading bullshit trying to justify attacking so Putin can expand his thuggery.

Nothing I wrote was at all inaccurate.
The fact the Ukraine does not have nukes is irrelevant.
The fact is Zelensky constantly asks to join NATO even though that is an illegal violation of the 1992 treaties that granted the Ukraine independence.
The fact is Zelensky is openly working with countries hostile to Russian and accepting weapons from them, in order to use against Russia, totally in violation of every treaty the Ukraine ever signed.

Your links is foolish because NATO did not sign treaties with Gorbachev in 1992, the Ukraine did.

And I see you conveniently ignored the fact the Ukraine owes Russia over $20 billion for stolen oil, and that the racist Azov Battalion murdered over 14k ethnic Russian civilians.
On 8 June 2010, a Stockholm court of arbitration ruled Naftohaz of Ukraine must return 12.1 billion cubic metres (430 billion cubic feet) of gas to RosUkrEnergo, a Swiss-based company in which Gazprom controls a 50% stake. Russia accused Ukrainian side of diverting gas from pipelines passing through Ukraine in 2009.[11][12] Several high-ranking Ukrainian officials stated the return "would not be quick".[13]
Russians are very competent at weapon and such too...

The US has the same missile engine misfires, plane crashes, bad tanks, etc.
For example, for years the Osprey was a death trap.
The Abrams is still ridiculously noisy, hot, and fuel greedy due to its foolish jet turbine engine.

Canada and the West are at war with Russia whether they want it or not: military experts

“The principal challenge is our own failure to recognize we are involved in a great-scale conflict with Russia.”
Being involved isn't the same as being an active participant in the war.

We weren't at war with Germany simply because we were supporting them with Lend Lease either until in response to Germany attacking our shipping we started shooting back at their Uboats.

Even then there was no declaration by either until after Pearl Harbor.
The US has the same missile engine misfires, plane crashes, bad tanks, etc.
For example, for years the Osprey was a death trap.
The Abrams is still ridiculously noisy, hot, and fuel greedy due to its foolish jet turbine engine.
No we really don't, certainly not at the same rates.
Nothing I wrote was at all inaccurate.
The fact the Ukraine does not have nukes is irrelevant.
The fact is Zelensky constantly asks to join NATO even though that is an illegal violation of the 1992 treaties that granted the Ukraine independence.
The fact is Zelensky is openly working with countries hostile to Russian and accepting weapons from them, in order to use against Russia, totally in violation of every treaty the Ukraine ever signed.

Your links is foolish because NATO did not sign treaties with Gorbachev in 1992, the Ukraine did.

And I see you conveniently ignored the fact the Ukraine owes Russia over $20 billion for stolen oil, and that the racist Azov Battalion murdered over 14k ethnic Russian civilians.
On 8 June 2010, a Stockholm court of arbitration ruled Naftohaz of Ukraine must return 12.1 billion cubic metres (430 billion cubic feet) of gas to RosUkrEnergo, a Swiss-based company in which Gazprom controls a 50% stake. Russia accused Ukrainian side of diverting gas from pipelines passing through Ukraine in 2009.[11][12] Several high-ranking Ukrainian officials stated the return "would not be quick".[13]
Russians make a whole lot of unsubstantiated claims and accusations.
Nothing I wrote was at all inaccurate.
The fact the Ukraine does not have nukes is irrelevant.
The fact is Zelensky constantly asks to join NATO even though that is an illegal violation of the 1992 treaties that granted the Ukraine independence.
The fact is Zelensky is openly working with countries hostile to Russian and accepting weapons from them, in order to use against Russia, totally in violation of every treaty the Ukraine ever signed.

Your links is foolish because NATO did not sign treaties with Gorbachev in 1992, the Ukraine did.

And I see you conveniently ignored the fact the Ukraine owes Russia over $20 billion for stolen oil, and that the racist Azov Battalion murdered over 14k ethnic Russian civilians.
On 8 June 2010, a Stockholm court of arbitration ruled Naftohaz of Ukraine must return 12.1 billion cubic metres (430 billion cubic feet) of gas to RosUkrEnergo, a Swiss-based company in which Gazprom controls a 50% stake. Russia accused Ukrainian side of diverting gas from pipelines passing through Ukraine in 2009.[11][12] Several high-ranking Ukrainian officials stated the return "would not be quick".[13]
The Minsk agreement was not a treaty and it was Russia that broke that agreement repeatedly starting with their actions in Crimea and Donbas.

NATO exists to prevent what is happening in Ukraine which is why Putin is getting very nervous as more of the former Soviet Bloc countries seek to join NATO.

Nukes are not an issue at all, there was never even a hint that NATO is going to station nukes in Ukraine or Poland.
An illegal invasion requires interference by the US. Otherwise Putin will not stop. He would see NATO as a "paper tiger" instead of something to be feared.
All of NATO should be pouring weapons and intel into Ukraine. Putin must be defeated.
Short of direct involvement by US troops I say give them whatever they need to continue this fight as long as they are willing to do so.

Russia's forces need to be degraded and their economy damaged enough he can't afford to do this again in other countries during whatever time he has left in office.
The midget who wears a green t-shirt is apparently asking US citizens to pay for the social security of Ukrainians at the tune of a billion or so a month. What in the f@ck is going on? If Congress allows Sleepy Joe to keep funding and arming the midget, and raising taxes and disarming US citizens, a Russian nuke dropped on DC would actually be a good thing. Planet of the Apes, but still.
May draftees did NOT even go to Vietnam.

We should have been able to wipe them out in weeks with their support from The Soviet Union and China? For someone with soldier in their user name, you apparently don't anything about history, the draft, or the military in general.
And now when you're practically at war with the USSR itself you're dreaming of wiping it out in a matter of weeks? You and what army, as they say? Americans can fight but only in their movies, in their faggoty commercials and CNN war reports. There was also that stupid civil war of yours you keep shooting films of and praising yourselves for winning yet never knowing who friend or foe was. Nearly forgot, there are TV series too. One of them was "24", if I remember right, where the guy almost single-handedly saved the USA and the world by extension never taking a coffee break. There are bad Russians there too.
the transport plane,
Ukrainian military also said both Russian transports were laden with airborne troops. The claim follows numerous accounts of Russian paratroopers landing in the vicinity of Kyiv, as the city sees its fourth day of heavy fighting.

War is full of surprises. Nothing is more serious or more insane. As things seem now, Russia should be rejoicing that NATO isn't moving in troops and serious weaponry. Rational people would start genuine negotiations.
Putin is at the center of all this, and his unpredictable conduct makes him more dangerous to his country than to anyone else.
History appears to continue to condemn the poor Russian people to suffering and bad leadership.
War is full of surprises. Nothing is more serious or more insane. As things seem now, Russia should be rejoicing that NATO isn't moving in troops and serious weaponry. Rational people would start genuine negotiations.
Putin is at the center of all this, and his unpredictable conduct makes him more dangerous to his country than to anyone else.
History appears to continue to condemn the poor Russian people to suffering and bad leadership.

Putin on panic he knows Russian military's are failed end is soon he lost everything from each corner frustration on high level

Being involved isn't the same as being an active participant in the war.

We weren't at war with Germany simply because we were supporting them with Lend Lease either until in response to Germany attacking our shipping we started shooting back at their Uboats.

Even then there was no declaration by either until after Pearl Harbor.

U.S. intel helped Ukraine protect air defenses, shoot down Moscow plane carrying hundreds of troops. which is one reason Moscow has not been able to establish air dominance. In some cases, Ukraine moved the targeted air defense systems or planes just in time, the officials said.​

great to see our Liberal Order work together against oriental barbarism , China´s empire , you are the next on the line !!
That draft 50 years ago took place when we were fighting a nation that we should have been able to wipe out within weeks.
"Russia’s immediate intentions are clear to the world, not just to the Ukrainians. But one big strategic shift has occurred. Almost imperceptibly, the Russians have conceded escalation dominance to Nato" writes Hew Strachan https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022...
An illegal invasion, i.e. taking land by force, needs to be stopped and proven a moronic thing to do or we'll get more of it.
There are several dictators around the world, Xi for example looking at Taiwan.
If Putin took Ukraine and NATO did nothing, how long until China moves on Taiwan?
Maybe NK would attack SK?

Keeping the world stable for as long as possible is a worthwhile objective.
The Ukraine can NOT win this war.
The ethnic Russians are about half the population, and they will never give up, so neither will Russia.
The Ukraine went to far, murdered too many people, and are too racist.
The ethnic Russians will never trust them again.
So they will destroy the government in Kyiv.
It is just a matter of time.
I'll take that bet.
Russia's economy is suffering.
The Ruble is shit.
The Russian army is losing men and equipment at an incredible rate.
The 40m Ukrainians will never surrender.

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