Two SF Prosecutors Quit & Join Effort to Oust Former Boss, Soros Supplied District Attorney Chesa Boudin


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
America is at war for its continuing future, and these two prosecutors have the courage to step up.

Mr. Boudin was raised by a terrorist family. Why is anyone surprised he turned into such a fuckup, and why did they think he would be a good choice as DA?

It would be like electing Osama B. Ladin Jr. for the position.
Just ever more examples of the bogus statist left ideology failing & failing like clock work. These type of individuals that put American citizens @ risk of bodily injury &/or even death need to be suspended then incarcerated for psychological evaluation. It's one thing to hire incompetent people for office appointments but it's altogether a different situation when a person that is mentally incompetent to the point of being dangerous to other American citizens is hired for a public office. I'd say get him out of office & order a mandatory psychological evaluation on him immediately. This guy sounds like he releases criminals so he can satisfy his religion/political desires of violence against American citizens while avoiding violence himself so he cannot be prosecuted. He is throwing the criminals under the bus to take the rap for his perverted & violent desires against the American public. I'd say he is harboring a "touch" of both covert narcissism & malignant narcissism for sure.

Seriously, what the hell did these people think was going to happen when they elected this imbecile?

The same crazy things they ALWAYs think the horrible policies of their favorite politicians will bring them......

They saw a "D" after his name and just pushed the button.

Odd....but the millions of democrats who ran from Democrat places like NY and CA because of the God awful policies of the Democrat / socialist politicians making their lives a living hell.......

..........Are dog determined to remove all the 'evil" Republican politicians from the places they ran to like Florida.

No peace
Seriously, what the hell did these people think was going to happen when they elected this imbecile?

I think it is pretty obvious by now that the elections have been corrupted for a long time. There simply aren't that many stupid people in San Francisco. There just aren't. They still actually want to live their lives.

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