Two Senior Citizens become sympathetic to the War on Police.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
For this story, youā€™re going to need to take some Duck Tape, and wrap it around you head. Make sure you have it all the way around. This will not keep your head from exploding, but all the pieces will be there for the doctors to reassemble.

The story starts with a tree. A tree fell from a neighbors property, to the property belonging to Edward Cramer (69) and Audrey Cramer (62). These two senior citizens did what most of us would do, call the Insurance Company, and report this accident. The Insurance Company sent a claims adjuster out to examine this tree and see what should be paid to remove the tree. FYI, From Personal Experience wherever the tree falls, it is there problem according to the Insurance Companies.

So far, so good. A routine, minor event in the lives of some of us. Nobody was hurt, and all is good right? So far, it is. Right up until the Insurance Claims Adjuster shows up. Finding nothing interesting in the tree, he decides that a flowering Hibiscus looks a lot like Marijuana. If you ignore the flowers. So he surreptitiously snaps a picture of the bush, and sends the picture to the Police, and reports the plant to the Insurance Company. I can only assume the Insurance Company, like many out there, is allergic to paying claims.

Now, in a sane world, where the police are half as competent as we believe them to be, the story would have ended there. A cop who describes himself as an ā€œexpertā€ at identifying Marijuana decides the picture is indeed of a Marijuana plant. He goes to the Judge, and swears in writing that the suspicious plant is certainly Marijuana. He gets a Search Warrant for the home of the Senior Citizens.

All right, people make mistakes. The cops checking the address find it is owned by the retired folks, send a couple cops out to look at the plant right? Nope. That would show the cops were in fact possessed of a modicum of intelligence. Such intelligence is not permitted. Instead the cops swarm the house waving rifles around screaming orders and drag the 62 year old Ashley Cramer out of the house in her underwear and in handcuffs. She is placed into a police car, without the AC running in the heat of the day, and left shoeless and pantsless four four and a half hours while the police rummage through the house.

Ashley Cramer repeatedly asks for pants, shoes, or the internet so the police can look the plant up and see it is Hibiscus. The Police arrogantly inform her that they know Marijuana when they see it, and she is under arrest. Edward arrives home, and arrested while rifles galore are pointed at him. He is also put into a hot car and left demanding that the police are making a mistake and are arresting the couple for a Hibiscus plant.

Eventually the Police forced to admit that the plant is not Marijuana, dig the plant up and take it in as evidence. The log this evidence as a leafy plant suspected of being Marijuana. They finally release the retired couple and let them return to their home which is a shambles from the Jack Booted Gestpao searching high and low for a little marijuana.

The Insurance Company has threatened to cancel the policy if the Marijuana Plants are not removed. Obviously the Cramers are suing the Police, the Insurance Company, and the Adjuster. However, it is the last paragraph of the news story that is most telling to me.

ā€œIā€™m starting to understand why a lot of the public do not trust the police officers,ā€ Audrey said. ā€œIā€™m starting to see a lot on TV where I thought, ā€˜No, you have to be wrong because the police wouldnā€™t make such a bad mistake.ā€™ Yeah, they would.ā€

All it took for a Senior Citizens to become sympathetic to the people who are calling for reform and accountability of the police was one afternoon. Just one afternoon at the hands of the morons in full Serve and Protect mode.

Now, people like to blame BLM, or the Media, or whatever they like when polling reveals that a bare majority support the police, while the rest are not too impressed. The truth is that the cops donā€™t have anyone to blame, except themselves. The supporters of the cops have nobody to blame, but the object of their adoration. Senior Citizens often have health issues, and stressing them out and leaving them in the heat is not exactly the smartest thing to do. The cops are lucky that neither Edward or Ashley went into cardiac arrest or had a stroke. Then again, if one of them had gone into cardiac arrest Iā€™m sure the police explaining later that smashing the victim with the buttstock of the rifle is a totally accepted technique in an effort to get the suspectā€™s heart going again.

I wish to hell I was making this up. Couple Handcuffed, Placed In Police Cruiser For Hours After Insurance Agent Mistakes Hibiscus Plants For Marijuana
You'd have thought there would have been one cop involved in this miscarriage of justice that didnt have a turnip for a brain.

Where are these vast majority of good cops unfairly tainted by the bad apples? Canā€™t find one in this story.
You'd have thought there would have been one cop involved in this miscarriage of justice that didnt have a turnip for a brain.

Where are these vast majority of good cops unfairly tainted by the bad apples? Canā€™t find one in this story.

And who in their right mind would grow weed in front of their house in the first place?
You'd think that thought would have entered one of these idiots minds.
I hope they have feral lawyers intent on destroying everyone involved, and give those folks the retirement wealth they deserve.
For this story, youā€™re going to need to take some Duck Tape, and wrap it around you head. Make sure you have it all the way around. This will not keep your head from exploding, but all the pieces will be there for the doctors to reassemble.

The story starts with a tree. A tree fell from a neighbors property, to the property belonging to Edward Cramer (69) and Audrey Cramer (62). These two senior citizens did what most of us would do, call the Insurance Company, and report this accident. The Insurance Company sent a claims adjuster out to examine this tree and see what should be paid to remove the tree. FYI, From Personal Experience wherever the tree falls, it is there problem according to the Insurance Companies.

So far, so good. A routine, minor event in the lives of some of us. Nobody was hurt, and all is good right? So far, it is. Right up until the Insurance Claims Adjuster shows up. Finding nothing interesting in the tree, he decides that a flowering Hibiscus looks a lot like Marijuana. If you ignore the flowers. So he surreptitiously snaps a picture of the bush, and sends the picture to the Police, and reports the plant to the Insurance Company. I can only assume the Insurance Company, like many out there, is allergic to paying claims.

Now, in a sane world, where the police are half as competent as we believe them to be, the story would have ended there. A cop who describes himself as an ā€œexpertā€ at identifying Marijuana decides the picture is indeed of a Marijuana plant. He goes to the Judge, and swears in writing that the suspicious plant is certainly Marijuana. He gets a Search Warrant for the home of the Senior Citizens.

All right, people make mistakes. The cops checking the address find it is owned by the retired folks, send a couple cops out to look at the plant right? Nope. That would show the cops were in fact possessed of a modicum of intelligence. Such intelligence is not permitted. Instead the cops swarm the house waving rifles around screaming orders and drag the 62 year old Ashley Cramer out of the house in her underwear and in handcuffs. She is placed into a police car, without the AC running in the heat of the day, and left shoeless and pantsless four four and a half hours while the police rummage through the house.

Ashley Cramer repeatedly asks for pants, shoes, or the internet so the police can look the plant up and see it is Hibiscus. The Police arrogantly inform her that they know Marijuana when they see it, and she is under arrest. Edward arrives home, and arrested while rifles galore are pointed at him. He is also put into a hot car and left demanding that the police are making a mistake and are arresting the couple for a Hibiscus plant.

Eventually the Police forced to admit that the plant is not Marijuana, dig the plant up and take it in as evidence. The log this evidence as a leafy plant suspected of being Marijuana. They finally release the retired couple and let them return to their home which is a shambles from the Jack Booted Gestpao searching high and low for a little marijuana.

The Insurance Company has threatened to cancel the policy if the Marijuana Plants are not removed. Obviously the Cramers are suing the Police, the Insurance Company, and the Adjuster. However, it is the last paragraph of the news story that is most telling to me.

ā€œIā€™m starting to understand why a lot of the public do not trust the police officers,ā€ Audrey said. ā€œIā€™m starting to see a lot on TV where I thought, ā€˜No, you have to be wrong because the police wouldnā€™t make such a bad mistake.ā€™ Yeah, they would.ā€

All it took for a Senior Citizens to become sympathetic to the people who are calling for reform and accountability of the police was one afternoon. Just one afternoon at the hands of the morons in full Serve and Protect mode.

Now, people like to blame BLM, or the Media, or whatever they like when polling reveals that a bare majority support the police, while the rest are not too impressed. The truth is that the cops donā€™t have anyone to blame, except themselves. The supporters of the cops have nobody to blame, but the object of their adoration. Senior Citizens often have health issues, and stressing them out and leaving them in the heat is not exactly the smartest thing to do. The cops are lucky that neither Edward or Ashley went into cardiac arrest or had a stroke. Then again, if one of them had gone into cardiac arrest Iā€™m sure the police explaining later that smashing the victim with the buttstock of the rifle is a totally accepted technique in an effort to get the suspectā€™s heart going again.

I wish to hell I was making this up. Couple Handcuffed, Placed In Police Cruiser For Hours After Insurance Agent Mistakes Hibiscus Plants For Marijuana

Something similar to that happened down in Florida where cops busted a man with crumbs of Krispy Cream glazed donuts on the floor of his car. Cops arrested him for meth, again the cop said: "I know what meth looks like".
Drug addicts and drug dealers cause unending pain to innocent people. There are so many, hiding under so many rocks that these kinds of mistakes are inevitable.
Drug addicts and drug dealers cause unending pain to innocent people. There are so many, hiding under so many rocks that these kinds of mistakes are inevitable.

Iā€™m sure the Cramers would have agreed, right up until Mrs. Cramer was dragged from her house in her underwear and marched down a gravel driveway without shoes to sit in a hot assed police car for more than four hours. What is interesting is this. It is now against the law to keep people sitting in an airplane that long on the tarmac, but itā€™s perfectly acceptable to leave a Senior Citizen sitting in a car, without AC, for that long. Well providing you can wrap the abuse in the drug dealers deserve it mantle.

Tarmac Delays and Airline Passenger Rights

Airlines have to provide food and water after two hours. But I guess that all the passengers on the plane are not drug dealers.
Drug addicts and drug dealers cause unending pain to innocent people. There are so many, hiding under so many rocks that these kinds of mistakes are inevitable.

Iā€™m sure the Cramers would have agreed, right up until Mrs. Cramer was dragged from her house in her underwear and marched down a gravel driveway without shoes to sit in a hot assed police car for more than four hours. What is interesting is this. It is now against the law to keep people sitting in an airplane that long on the tarmac, but itā€™s perfectly acceptable to leave a Senior Citizen sitting in a car, without AC, for that long. Well providing you can wrap the abuse in the drug dealers deserve it mantle.

Tarmac Delays and Airline Passenger Rights

Airlines have to provide food and water after two hours. But I guess that all the passengers on the plane are not drug dealers.
The crazy cat lady is a psychopath.

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