Two Questions for our Liberal friends

1. It won't and lower taxes doesn't do it either. Lower taxes only puts more money in your pockets, it doesn't create jobs.

So lower taxes or higher taxes do not affect rates of investment?

Where do they teach this stuff????

You really will have a problem no matter what I'll just hear what you want but look above you and see if you see the word "investment". Thanks

You don't think investment is what creates jobs? What does, Santa Claus?
So lower taxes or higher taxes do not affect rates of investment?

Where do they teach this stuff????

You really will have a problem no matter what I'll just hear what you want but look above you and see if you see the word "investment". Thanks

You don't think investment is what creates jobs? What does, Santa Claus?
Obviously, NOT!!!!!

After 7+ years (at the PRESENT, BUSHCO tax-rates )....where ARE all-o'-those-jobs??????????



God damn it, this was already answered by liberals.

Summarized quote of USMB liberal answers:
The Porkulus bill will create jobs, I mean save jobs, I mean, OH, stop asking.

Let's raise taxes so Democrats can spend more, expand failed government, and none of the money goes to the poor or the middle class. We can tell everyone the taxation will go towards the deficit, and they'll believe us. Who's in?
1. How will higher taxes increase employment rates...
They won't. Who is claiming that they will?
They won't hurt employment rates either.
2. Why should I care if high income earners get more dollars back than lower income earners from tax cuts...
The tax system is already incredibly regressive. The richest people in America pay less of a percentage of their income in tax than I do. You want to make it more so?

That is completely false. Already the anticipation of higher taxes has hurt hiring. While there are other factors, this one is very much valid.
Want proof:
"Businesses have a legitimate worry about health care costs, rising taxes, and other artifacts of Obama's legislation."
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Small Businesses are Not Hiring - Why Should They?

"Obama wants to raise income tax rates on individuals making more than $200,000 and joint filers making $250,000 and up. That would affect 3% of all taxpayers who report business profits (known as "net positive business income") on their individual tax returns, according to estimates by the Joint Committee on Taxation, the tax gurus on Capitol Hill.

All told, we're talking about approximately 750,000 individuals."
"Next year, an estimated 50% of all business income reported on individual returns will be generated by that small minority of taxpayers who file at the top two rates, the JCT estimates."
Bush tax cuts: Parsing the debate about small business - Sep. 20, 2010

Common sense dictates that if businesses see their tax rate increasing, they will cut back in different areas. One being payroll. What the wealth envy crowd fails to understand is, in this administration 250K is not that much money. In Chicago an administrator for the police dept and his school teacher wife together will make 250K. Not exactly what most would call "rich". The expiration of the Bush era tax cuts will affect these people. Small business will react with more layoffs, hiring freezes, equipment buying freezes.
So really, those that think they are "sticking it to the rich" are only hurting themselves and others that are high middle class.

From CNBC (not exactly right wing) reporting on what economist are stating:
"Ending Bush Tax Cuts Will Hurt Economy: Goldman Analyst"
News Headlines

Unfortunately the "wealth envy" mantra works on voters who are too stupid to realize it will ultimately affect them too.

The expiration of the top rate will not affect a couple making 250,000. You don't know what you're talking about.
I think we can solve this with a flat tax.

Everyone pays the same amount. No tax breaks, no IRS, no audits, etc.

And in the name of "fairness"

We can have a federal sales tax. That way the wealthy pay more, since they buy much more expensive things.
1. It won't and lower taxes doesn't do it either. Lower taxes only puts more money in your pockets, it doesn't create jobs.

So lower taxes or higher taxes do not affect rates of investment?

Where do they teach this stuff????

Lad, economies do not work like clocks.

As the economic circumstances change responses must change to fit the circumstance.

There is a time to lower taxes...when the supply side is short of dough.

There is a time to raise taxes, too.

When the supply side has plenty of money, the consumer does not, and the government needs to infuse the economy with money to kick start it back again.

1. Taxes are what pays for roads, bridges, police, fireman, mail, schools, clean water, electricity, new technology, new drugs, safe drugs, safe food, court houses, the military, veterans benefits and a whole lot of other things we take for granted. In other words, "Taxes is the price we pay to live in a civil society".

2. A progressive tax basically removes the needs to audit to crap out of everyone of those CEOs who have no trouble voting themselves multimillion dollar bonuses while cutting benefits (which have to be picked up by the gov) and jobs.

1. None of those things create jobs but do come in demand after jobs are had... try and understand where jobs come from... the government is not responsible for new technology.... about the only thing you have right in there is the need for a military and law enforcement... higher taxes creates LESS jobs thanks to the wasted money due to governmental red tape

2. Where do CEOs vote in government to give themselves anything

Nice to see yet another lefty who has it backwards and who is supportive of only selective equal treatment by government
I think we can solve this with a flat tax.

Everyone pays the same amount. No tax breaks, no IRS, no audits, etc.

And in the name of "fairness"

We can have a federal sales tax. That way the wealthy pay more, since they buy much more expensive things.

1. you want to add a federal sales tax alongside the income tax? Good luck with that politically.

2. A flat tax would raise taxes on lower income Americans and lower them on higher income Americans. Again, good luck with that politically.
1. Taxes are what pays for roads, bridges, police, fireman, mail, schools, clean water, electricity, new technology, new drugs, safe drugs, safe food, court houses, the military, veterans benefits and a whole lot of other things we take for granted. In other words, "Taxes is the price we pay to live in a civil society".

2. A progressive tax basically removes the needs to audit to crap out of everyone of those CEOs who have no trouble voting themselves multimillion dollar bonuses while cutting benefits (which have to be picked up by the gov) and jobs.

1. None of those things create jobs but do come in demand after jobs are had... try and understand where jobs come from... the government is not responsible for new technology.... about the only thing you have right in there is the need for a military and law enforcement... higher taxes creates LESS jobs thanks to the wasted money due to governmental red tape

2. Where do CEOs vote in government to give themselves anything

Nice to see yet another lefty who has it backwards and who is supportive of only selective equal treatment by government

CEO's 'vote' in the form of massive amounts of corporate money going into elections and into lobbying. Money talks.
I think we can solve this with a flat tax.

Everyone pays the same amount. No tax breaks, no IRS, no audits, etc.

And in the name of "fairness"

We can have a federal sales tax. That way the wealthy pay more, since they buy much more expensive things.

1. you want to add a federal sales tax alongside the income tax? Good luck with that politically.

2. A flat tax would raise taxes on lower income Americans and lower them on higher income Americans. Again, good luck with that politically.

And your support of selective equal treatment by government rears it's ugly head again...
I think we can solve this with a flat tax.

Everyone pays the same amount. No tax breaks, no IRS, no audits, etc.

And in the name of "fairness"

We can have a federal sales tax. That way the wealthy pay more, since they buy much more expensive things.

1. you want to add a federal sales tax alongside the income tax? Good luck with that politically.

2. A flat tax would raise taxes on lower income Americans and lower them on higher income Americans. Again, good luck with that politically.

It would level the playing feild.

I actually love doing my taxes now. With the Bush and obama tax gimmies, I made a profit off taxes, $230
1. Taxes are what pays for roads, bridges, police, fireman, mail, schools, clean water, electricity, new technology, new drugs, safe drugs, safe food, court houses, the military, veterans benefits and a whole lot of other things we take for granted. In other words, "Taxes is the price we pay to live in a civil society".

2. A progressive tax basically removes the needs to audit to crap out of everyone of those CEOs who have no trouble voting themselves multimillion dollar bonuses while cutting benefits (which have to be picked up by the gov) and jobs.

1. None of those things create jobs but do come in demand after jobs are had... try and understand where jobs come from... the government is not responsible for new technology.... about the only thing you have right in there is the need for a military and law enforcement... higher taxes creates LESS jobs thanks to the wasted money due to governmental red tape

2. Where do CEOs vote in government to give themselves anything

Nice to see yet another lefty who has it backwards and who is supportive of only selective equal treatment by government
Of all the CON$ that play dumb, you easily play the dumbest! :rofl:
I think we can solve this with a flat tax.

Everyone pays the same amount. No tax breaks, no IRS, no audits, etc.

And in the name of "fairness"

We can have a federal sales tax. That way the wealthy pay more, since they buy much more expensive things.

1. you want to add a federal sales tax alongside the income tax? Good luck with that politically.

2. A flat tax would raise taxes on lower income Americans and lower them on higher income Americans. Again, good luck with that politically.

And your support of selective equal treatment by government rears it's ugly head again...

My support?

You tell me, give us an honest reasonable estimate, or guess.

What percent of Americans do you think would support a tax plan whose effect would be to

1. lower taxes on higher income Americans
2. raise taxes on lower income Americans

And while you're in the process of dodging that question, you can also dodge this one:

What percent of Congress would support a plan as described above?
1. Taxes are what pays for roads, bridges, police, fireman, mail, schools, clean water, electricity, new technology, new drugs, safe drugs, safe food, court houses, the military, veterans benefits and a whole lot of other things we take for granted. In other words, "Taxes is the price we pay to live in a civil society".

2. A progressive tax basically removes the needs to audit to crap out of everyone of those CEOs who have no trouble voting themselves multimillion dollar bonuses while cutting benefits (which have to be picked up by the gov) and jobs.

1. None of those things create jobs but do come in demand after jobs are had... try and understand where jobs come from... the government is not responsible for new technology.... about the only thing you have right in there is the need for a military and law enforcement... higher taxes creates LESS jobs thanks to the wasted money due to governmental red tape

2. Where do CEOs vote in government to give themselves anything

Nice to see yet another lefty who has it backwards and who is supportive of only selective equal treatment by government
Of all the CON$ that play dumb, you easily play the dumbest! :rofl:

Please cite any evidence of any CEO casting a vote within our government... you made the asinine claim, you back it up with some fact or just admit to your typical propaganda bullshitting

You see... ones like you like to use this little scare tactic... What next, an unsubstantiated claim that the world is run by The Queen, The Vatican, The Gettys, The Rothschilds, *and* Colonel Sanders before he went tits up??? :rolleyes:
Quote: Originally Posted by Sallow
2. A progressive tax basically removes the needs to audit to crap out of everyone of those CEOs who have no trouble voting themselves multimillion dollar bonuses while cutting benefits (which have to be picked up by the gov) and jobs.

2. Where do CEOs vote in government to give themselves anything

Nice to see yet another lefty who has it backwards and who is supportive of only selective equal treatment by government
Of all the CON$ that play dumb, you easily play the dumbest! :rofl:

Please cite any evidence of any CEO casting a vote within our government... you made the asinine claim, you back it up with some fact or just admit to your typical propaganda bullshitting

You see... ones like you like to use this little scare tactic... What next, an unsubstantiated claim that the world is run by The Queen, The Vatican, The Gettys, The Rothschilds, *and* Colonel Sanders before he went tits up??? :rolleyes:
Doubling down on the dumb act! :rofl:

Why don't YOU show where Sallow said anything about CEOs voted IN GOVERNMENT in the first place!!!
That's right, he didn't so you can't. :rofl:
1. It won't and lower taxes doesn't do it either. Lower taxes only puts more money in your pockets, it doesn't create jobs.

So lower taxes or higher taxes do not affect rates of investment?

Where do they teach this stuff????

Lad, economies do not work like clocks.

As the economic circumstances change responses must change to fit the circumstance.

There is a time to lower taxes...when the supply side is short of dough.

There is a time to raise taxes, too.

When the supply side has plenty of money, the consumer does not, and the government needs to infuse the economy with money to kick start it back again.


So we need to raise taxes now, which will take money from people, so the gov't can give money back to people?
Are you sure you are quite all right?
1. How will higher taxes increase employment rates...

2. Why should I care if high income earners get more dollars back than lower income earners from tax cuts...

1. Higher and lower taxes don't affect the rich's reasons to invest. Thats essentially the thought process of trickle down economies. Rich get more money back and they invest into companies who use that money to create jobs. The problem with that now is while the Dow and the markets are doing much better, no jobs are being created. So we have one part that is going as planned, the rich are investing. But the top 2% will always invest regardless if they pay 39% of their marginal tax rate or 69%.

Also think of this. A small business owner can practically write off everything but clothing for his taxes as the cost of doing business. Now if uniforms are included in that is a different topic for a different day. These CEOs and Business owners already write off food, shelter, vehicles, and other things off of their taxes. These businesses provide houses for their other executives so they can write it off on their taxes to pay the smallest amount possible. The average American citizen can't do that and pays a higher percentage of their income to taxes.

2. Its not about cuts, obviously the fairest way is the people who pay the most get the most in return. The problem is their were no cuts in spending. Which causes deficits in the long run. You can't keep cutting revenue into your business and not decrease costs. The Republicans and Democrats should cut spending BUT

Spending and Taxes are the biggest political conundrum. No one likes paying taxes. When I worked at White Castle, people bitched about the taxes. But when you hear that a school has to cut their budgets and lay off teachers, people get upset about it. People want to pay less taxes, but as soon as a politician mentions what they want to cut. People throw a fit and complain you can't cut that. Cut something else.

I live in Missouri, our roads sucks. We need to fix them, but we can't because our revenues are down. I went to Mizzou, but each year they had to raise tuition because what they got from the state kept decreasing. So poorer students can't get an education because even state universities can't have an education at an affordable price.

At the end of the day, the people who have the means to pay more in taxes need to pay more in taxes. They aren't creating jobs and their tax rates right now are lower since Reagan was president. I mean if they aren't going to create jobs, you don't need the money.

The only reason that business is not creating jobs is because there is no confidence in the economy. That is the fault of our government.

This is what the right says whenever they're confronted with evidence that tax cuts alone dont create jobs. Job creators have to "feel good" about the economy that since "feeling good" isnt measurable that claim can be made for any situation. But Boooooosh created little to NO JOBS. Why? Did the job creators not feel confident with a Republican Exec, House and Senate? Or with a Republican Exec and Dem house and senate? Or with a Dem Exec, House and Senate? Which combo would work? None of them, or it would've worked by now.
So lower taxes or higher taxes do not affect rates of investment?

Where do they teach this stuff????

Lad, economies do not work like clocks.

As the economic circumstances change responses must change to fit the circumstance.

There is a time to lower taxes...when the supply side is short of dough.

There is a time to raise taxes, too.

When the supply side has plenty of money, the consumer does not, and the government needs to infuse the economy with money to kick start it back again.


So we need to raise taxes now, which will take money from people, so the gov't can give money back to people?
Are you sure you are quite all right?

No, we need to raise taxes now so that we don't continue to borrow money to make up for the lost revenue
Lad, economies do not work like clocks.

As the economic circumstances change responses must change to fit the circumstance.

There is a time to lower taxes...when the supply side is short of dough.

There is a time to raise taxes, too.

When the supply side has plenty of money, the consumer does not, and the government needs to infuse the economy with money to kick start it back again.


So we need to raise taxes now, which will take money from people, so the gov't can give money back to people?
Are you sure you are quite all right?

No, we need to raise taxes now so that we don't continue to borrow money to make up for the lost revenue

Hey, here's an idea: cut spending instead.
Probably never occurred to you, right?