Two modern US institutions may go down.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Two fixtures in many US communities, newspapers, and liberal arts colleges, could soon disappear. Newspapers are expensive to operate and rely on paid subscriptions along with advertising space to survive. Print publications find themselves swept along in a flood of electronic technology that relies on readers less influenced by in depth analysis and more focused on content that requires an attention span measured in nanoseconds. To make matters worse the covid-19 emergency has put a big dent in advertising revenue.

Liberal Arts colleges too are in dire straits but for vastly different reasons. They are the enduring flotsam of the Red Scare of the 1950’s that resulted in the Cold War between the former Soviet Union and the United States. In the 1960’s there was considerable consternation that the Russians would pull ahead in the space race especially after the launch of sputnik, the world’s first orbiting satellite. In a panic, it was decided to send everyone to college to keep up with the Soviets.

The disappointing failure of liberal arts institutions is that they do not train most students to do anything society finds particularly useful. What they do today is brainwash young minds to the War-on-Poverty dysfunction that has produced many contemporary problematic outcomes in our civilization. Academics have embraced politically correct gear-bending policies and have become the architects of dystopian, pinball-tilting social tampering to implement a kind of idiosyncratic, egalitarian, socialist playing field.

Liberal arts colleges have shifted from education to indoctrination becoming Ponzi schemes handing students fertilizer while lavishly paid administrators rake in profits from a promised harvested crop that is seldom delivered. Because students are disadvantaged with bogging debt, any leverage gained from a liberal arts education is swallowed up by the predatory payday lending aspect of modern higher education. The kids would be better off just to go to work and get an earlier start on making a living but instead they are whipped up by academia to blame ethnic groups (particularly white America) for their bad choices.

Whether or not newspapers survive is anyone’s guess, but liberal arts colleges are breeding grounds for hair-trigger rioting and social chaos incited by a democracy-hating intelligentsia inciting young minds with captive-audience recruitment to overthrow civilized society and ironically, rebuild it in the model of Soviet society.

Good luck to newspapers if they survive and good riddance to liberal arts colleges if they go down.
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The colleges will be around forever. Newspapers...not so much.
We will always need higher education training for doctors, lawyers, engineers, et al. No one wants a dentist poking around in their mouth that doesn't posses the necessary expertise to do less harm than good. That is specific training requiring certification.

Liberal Arts colleges have propagated in our society to a degree that is non specific and dangerous.
The colleges will be around forever. Newspapers...not so much.
We will always need higher education training for doctors, lawyers, engineers, et al. No one wants a dentist poking around in their mouth that doesn't posses the necessary expertise to do less harm than good. That is specific training requiring certification.

Liberal Arts colleges have propagated in our society to a degree that is non specific and dangerous.

Dangerous to conspiracy theorists and blob supporters....essentially two names for the same people.
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  • #5
The colleges will be around forever. Newspapers...not so much.
We will always need higher education training for doctors, lawyers, engineers, et al. No one wants a dentist poking around in their mouth that doesn't posses the necessary expertise to do less harm than good. That is specific training requiring certification.

Liberal Arts colleges have propagated in our society to a degree that is non specific and dangerous.

Dangerous to conspiracy theorists and blob supporters....essentially two names for the same people.
Dog whistles.

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