Two doctors clearly state why masks just don't work

The reader should note that getting the mutation backwards was the harbinger to subsequent discourse on mutations. Next, the media (non-scientifically) complexified/mystified things by defining mutations as collectives, not singular mutations. That is where the propaganda machine takes off, allowing the self -perpetuating mechanisms to take hold in the reading public’s belief systerm.
You need to realize, then, that Fauci’s is also a catholic voice, when considering credibility. He didn’t even edit his video in which the mutation, D614G, he gets backwards.
Well Badger, you have me does having a Catholic voice increase his credibility say, for non-Catholics? Are you saying that Catholics are more inclined to listen to him as a fellow Catholic, regardless of advice, or that because he's Catholic we should trust his advice more?

The total turnaround with the mask thing made it hard to take his word as factual and I began my own search from other qualified doctors for information using various medical sites.

I might have it wrong, but that seems to be implied (at least one of the previously mentioned possibilities) by your statement. Thanks.
Oh the left doesn't want to hear this, because they want easy solution to a complex problem. But masks don't work.

"Dr. Jerome Adams, the Surgeon General tweeted, “Seriously people – STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing the general public from catching Coronavirus”

Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 minutes, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask”.

In April, the New England Journal of Medicine wrote: “we know that wearing a mask outside of health care facilities offers little, if any protection from infection”.

What changed? Well, it wasn’t the science.

Because in 2019, if we saw a father struggling to muzzle a terrified, crying 2-year old child on a plane with a cloth, we would report them to authorities for possible child abuse. In 2021, we kick the whole family off the plane unless the father is successful in his efforts.

Because it is increasingly apparent that the basis for the mask mandate is not medical, but political.

Because fear and panic should not prevail over actual evidence, even when many powerful institutions have expended so much political capital promoting the wrong policy.

We wish masks worked.

We wished we didn’t have to fight about them.

But they don’t.

And we do. "

Really sad the world we live in. Just shut up and wear the damn mask, right? This is a damn good read and worth reading.
1. Masks work PROPORTIONALLY by the rate of filtration to Reduce the risk of higher viral load exposure. Getting exposed to fewer particles means lower risk of more severe reactions or hospitalizations.

This isn't all or nothing. It's reducing risks by decreasing viral load exposure and length of time spent exposed. And increasing distance and space instead of crowding. All of this reduces risk of worse reactions in comparison with greater viral loads.

2. If masks didn't work at all, this doesn't mean to use nothing. The logical alternative would be to use 95-99% protection as medical staff using full Hazmat protocol.

If you are using the argument "masks don't work" to go without any precautions, that is equally political to demand freedom from restrictions you don't consent to.

If you are arguing scientifically, then you would demand the same protections and precautions used in hospitals, not less!

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