Two Dems stole packages off stoops while handing out Warnock, Ossoff flyers


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Apparently there are Democrats working for Warnock and Ossoff that are just as sleazy as Warnock and Ossoff.

Cesar Guerrero and Santina Walker confessed. A Deputy found the packages in the trunk of a vehicle driven by Walker after they were called to the scene based on reported suspicious activity.
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They're emboldened after they succeeded in stealing a presidential election.
It’s too early to call that a success. Millie Weaver of Infowars got arrested for outing that plan.
awww... no presidential pardon for these?...
ahh, right, thats only for right wing nutjob thieves... :)
Apparently there are Democrats working for Warnock and Ossoff that are just as sleazy as Warnock and Ossoff.

Cesar Guerrero and Santina Walker confessed. A Deputy found the packages in the trunk of a vehicle driven by Walker after they were called to the scene based on reported suspicious activity.

A joint statement from the Warnock and Ossoff campaigns reads, “These individuals are not associated with or paid by our campaigns and we strongly condemn this criminal activity.

they probably don't even vote let alone calling them Dems. Is that any worst than Kushner's dad and Manafort stealing all kinds of money and embezzling ? yet tramp pardons them.
Deputies say canvassers turn out to be porch pirates | WJBF
They're emboldened after they succeeded in stealing a presidential election.

And the culprits know that nothing will happen to them.

At the most, they will be given probation and maybe not even that.

Just a "stern" reminder that it's naughty to be a porch thief.
I had another bad experience with Amazon this year. I am done. Well, I was done with my immediate family, my kid knew better. .. his entire list could be gotten locally, he's not dumb. . . but my sister and her kids still insist on wishing for shit off of Amazon.

SO dumb. And my folks have started that bad habit.


Yeah! Destroy our local community and nation, and externalize those costs! As if that piece of shit fascist Bezos isn't rich and powerful enough. What a scam.

Nope, not anymore.
I had another bad experience with Amazon this year. I am done. Well, I was done with my immediate family, my kid knew better. .. his entire list could be gotten locally, he's not dumb. . . but my sister and her kids still insist on wishing for shit off of Amazon.

SO dumb. And my folks have started that bad habit.


Yeah! Destroy our local community and nation, and externalize those costs! As if that piece of shit fascist Bezos isn't rich and powerful enough. What a scam.

Nope, not anymore.
I agree about Bezos. The guy is a fucking psycho. I bet it pisses him off that his ex-wife is giving away billions. No doubt he thinks it’s all his money.
MacKenzie Scott Gives Away $4.2 Billion in Four Months
Liberal Logic
Stealing from the people who you want to vote for you makes perfect sense.
Basically the Dem Politicians and Voters are both looters.
Liberal Logic
Stealing from the people who you want to vote for you makes perfect sense.
Basically the Dem Politicians and Voters are both looters.
No. The D and R politicians steal from the people and give it to the ultra wealthy. It’s the American Way, but partisans of the two criminal gangs can’t see this fundamental truth.

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