Twitter fact checks Trump’s tweet, citing CNN and Washington Post as sources

Proven instances of voter fraud
Criminal convictions
Civil penalties
Diversion program

Judicial finding
Official finding
Over the course of at least twelve years (cases date back at least to 2008) and this is out of 158,000,000 registered voters, which is 7 ten-millionths of 1 percent of voter fraud. (.0000007)
Maybe that's why people say voter fraud is RARE.
1 time in 200 years it one time to many
Proven instances of voter fraud
Criminal convictions
Civil penalties
Diversion program

Judicial finding
Official finding
Over the course of at least twelve years (cases date back at least to 2008) and this is out of 158,000,000 registered voters, which is 7 ten-millionths of 1 percent of voter fraud. (.0000007)
Maybe that's why people say voter fraud is RARE.
1 time in 200 years it one time to many
Yes, wrong is wrong. But that has nothing to do with what the President said. This is his tweet(s):

Donald J. Trump


May 26

There is NO WAY (ZERO!) that Mail-In Ballots will be anything less than substantially fraudulent. Mail boxes will be robbed, ballots will be forged & even illegally printed out & fraudulently signed. The Governor of California is sending Ballots to millions of people, anyone.....
Get the facts about mail-in ballots in the state, no matter who they are or how they got there, will get one. That will be followed up with professionals telling all of these people, many of whom have never even thought of voting before, how, and for whom, to vote. This will be a Rigged Election. No way!
Get the facts about mail-in ballots
It's a pretty fair point, as long as everyone is aware that voter fraud and mail fraud are both
felonies and federal offenses and can carry heavy penalties. So, as much as people hate Trump and pray for him to lose the White House in 6 months, I doubt if they'll trade their illegal vote for 6 months in federal prison and a $10,000 fine.
So as usual Trumpenstein will throw a fit, warn he will take action, it will go away in a week or so and as usual he will have done NOTHING despite google,twitter,youtube,facebook etc has been censoring the right for YEARS....
And you'll still be TDS stupid
Oh cuckservative its not TDS its just observing Trumps pattern over the past 3 years.
So as usual Trumpenstein will throw a fit, warn he will take action, it will go away in a week or so and as usual he will have done NOTHING despite google,twitter,youtube,facebook etc has been censoring the right for YEARS....
And you'll still be TDS stupid
Oh cuckservative its not TDS its just observing Trumps pattern over the past 3 years.
TDS handicaps brain function it retards people.
So as usual Trumpenstein will throw a fit, warn he will take action, it will go away in a week or so and as usual he will have done NOTHING despite google,twitter,youtube,facebook etc has been censoring the right for YEARS....
And you'll still be TDS stupid
Oh cuckservative its not TDS its just observing Trumps pattern over the past 3 years.
TDS handicaps brain function it retards people.
And Trump Cultism makes you think he can do NO WRONG. Try looking at things with a HINT of open mindedness.
Proven instances of voter fraud
Criminal convictions
Civil penalties
Diversion program

Judicial finding
Official finding
Over the course of at least twelve years (cases date back at least to 2008) and this is out of 158,000,000 registered voters, which is 7 ten-millionths of 1 percent of voter fraud. (.0000007)
Maybe that's why people say voter fraud is RARE.
1 time in 200 years it one time to many
Proven instances of voter fraud
Criminal convictions
Civil penalties
Diversion program

Judicial finding
Official finding
Over the course of at least twelve years (cases date back at least to 2008) and this is out of 158,000,000 registered voters, which is 7 ten-millionths of 1 percent of voter fraud. (.0000007)
Maybe that's why people say voter fraud is RARE.
1 time in 200 years it one time to many
Yes, wrong is wrong. But that has nothing to do with what the President said. This is his tweet(s):

Donald J. Trump

May 26

There is NO WAY (ZERO!) that Mail-In Ballots will be anything less than substantially fraudulent. Mail boxes will be robbed, ballots will be forged & even illegally printed out & fraudulently signed. The Governor of California is sending Ballots to millions of people, anyone.....
Get the facts about mail-in ballots in the state, no matter who they are or how they got there, will get one. That will be followed up with professionals telling all of these people, many of whom have never even thought of voting before, how, and for whom, to vote. This will be a Rigged Election. No way!
Get the facts about mail-in ballots
Leftists are liars and thieves you'll steal the election anyway you can voter ID or you don't vote at all
So as usual Trumpenstein will throw a fit, warn he will take action, it will go away in a week or so and as usual he will have done NOTHING despite google,twitter,youtube,facebook etc has been censoring the right for YEARS....
And you'll still be TDS stupid
Oh cuckservative its not TDS its just observing Trumps pattern over the past 3 years.
TDS handicaps brain function it retards people.
And Trump Cultism makes you think he can do NO WRONG. Try looking at things with a HINT of open mindedness.
you leftist are part of a cult it's called the DNC
democrat national cultist
20 years ago when Nadler was still a fat fuck, he said the same things about mail in ballots being ultra corrupt. Of course that was before Democrats started using them as a method of stuffing the ballot box.
So as usual Trumpenstein will throw a fit, warn he will take action, it will go away in a week or so and as usual he will have done NOTHING despite google,twitter,youtube,facebook etc has been censoring the right for YEARS....
And you'll still be TDS stupid
Oh cuckservative its not TDS its just observing Trumps pattern over the past 3 years.
TDS handicaps brain function it retards people.
And Trump Cultism makes you think he can do NO WRONG. Try looking at things with a HINT of open mindedness.
you leftist are part of a cult it's called the DNC
democrat national cultist
LMAO me a leftist..LMAO! Holy shit that's funny as hell.
So as usual Trumpenstein will throw a fit, warn he will take action, it will go away in a week or so and as usual he will have done NOTHING despite google,twitter,youtube,facebook etc has been censoring the right for YEARS....
And you'll still be TDS stupid
Oh cuckservative its not TDS its just observing Trumps pattern over the past 3 years.
TDS handicaps brain function it retards people.
And Trump Cultism makes you think he can do NO WRONG. Try looking at things with a HINT of open mindedness.
you leftist are part of a cult it's called the DNC
democrat national cultist
LMAO me a leftist..LMAO! Holy shit that's funny as hell.
Delusional people do have a problem with reality TDS makes it impossible to have a functioning brain thought
So as usual Trumpenstein will throw a fit, warn he will take action, it will go away in a week or so and as usual he will have done NOTHING despite google,twitter,youtube,facebook etc has been censoring the right for YEARS....
And you'll still be TDS stupid
Oh cuckservative its not TDS its just observing Trumps pattern over the past 3 years.
TDS handicaps brain function it retards people.
And Trump Cultism makes you think he can do NO WRONG. Try looking at things with a HINT of open mindedness.
you leftist are part of a cult it's called the DNC
democrat national cultist
LMAO me a leftist..LMAO! Holy shit that's funny as hell.
Delusional people do have a problem with reality TDS makes it impossible to have a functioning brain thought don't even realize you are talking about yourself and EVERY other trump cultist who thinks Trump has NEVER done anything wrong.
Mail in votes will OBVIOUSLY lead to voter fraud. I already have 10 ways to commit the voter fraud if this happens.

If it does, we all need to go full in on the fraud as the democrats for sure will.
I say we vote by fingerprint and facial recognition, which you can do on a smart phone or at a
public scanning boot ( like an ATM) . We hire an outside unbiased company to assure there's no fraud.


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Mail in votes will OBVIOUSLY lead to voter fraud. I already have 10 ways to commit the voter fraud if this happens.

If it does, we all need to go full in on the fraud as the democrats for sure will.
I say we vote by fingerprint and facial recognition, which you can do on a smart phone or at a
public scanning boot ( like an ATM) . We hire an outside unbiased company to assure there's no fraud.

I say we go to the polling place as normal in November, and vote the anti-Americans far far away from the country.
I say we go to the polling place as normal in November, and vote the anti-Americans far far away from the country.
We tried that in 1960 then found out 3 years later
it didn't work. They're still here.

We tried it in 2016, they said they would move to Canada.

They are still here. Perhaps they did not get the hint - we WANT them to go to Canada.
If mail in voting produces voter fraud why does Trump his family members and people on his staff vote by mail?
And the CNN lackeys sing in harmony.......How in the Hell do you people keep a straight face?
We People don't keep a straight face. We smile, laugh, read, check the facts, and at the end of the day, take care of our families and break bread.

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