Twitch’s Safety Advisory Council Includes Guy Who Thinks He Is a Female Deer

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Meet the kind of person who will censor you on a major platform

Twitch’s Safety Advisory Council Includes Guy Who Thinks He Is a Female Deer

Given the degree of censorship that has been imposed recently regarding dissident doctors and mainstream conservatives, it is interesting to see what kind of people Big Tech puts in charge of determining which thoughts may be expressed publicly. For an indication, we turn to the live streaming video service Twitch, run by a subsidiary of Amazon.
Via NewsBusters:
Steph “FerociouslySteph” Loehr who is listed as a “Professional Community Leader” with the Anti Defamation League (ADL) now serves as a member on Twitch’s Safety Advisory Council.
Loehr identifies as a deer.
Loehr was described on Twitch’s Safety Advisory Council as a person whose “fight for inclusivity includes creating a competitive team composed entirely of marginalized gamers, and vehemently opposing non inclusive mechanics such as voice chat.”
In utopia, talking will be forbidden because it in noninclusive. Everything will be forbidden that does not marginalize the “privileged” on behalf of the privileged “marginalized.” The latter group includes not only favored racial groups and sexual deviants but also people who think they are deer.
Video clips testify to Loehr’s mental state:
Loehr wore antlers while broadcasting and explained: “In my spare time, I go out to my yard, and I, and I prance around. And I eat grass.” While explaining this, Loehr mimed eating grass and described how “it helps me feel, like, in tune with my deer-self.”
Better not give in to the natural temptation to laugh at Loehr:
Loehr also warned in a clip that “I have power,” and that “there are some people that should be afraid of me. And that they are, because I represent moderation and diversity, and I’m gonna come for hurtful, harmful people. If you’re a really shitty person, I’m going to stand up against you. Period. And Twitch has endorsed me to do that.”
Those who do not revere his status as “otherkin” will be punished.
In addition to identifying as a deer, Loehr also identifies as transgender. Since he is referred to as “she” on the ADL website, he must be objectively male.

Loehr is described on the website not only as transgender but as “an advocate for authenticity.” He promotes authenticity by pretending to be female and a deer.

Too bad Silicon Valley types don’t identify as American. Then it wouldn’t be so scary that they really do have power.

Behold what moonbattery would reduce us to:

All links highlighted
Meet the kind of person who will censor you on a major platform

Twitch’s Safety Advisory Council Includes Guy Who Thinks He Is a Female Deer

Given the degree of censorship that has been imposed recently regarding dissident doctors and mainstream conservatives, it is interesting to see what kind of people Big Tech puts in charge of determining which thoughts may be expressed publicly. For an indication, we turn to the live streaming video service Twitch, run by a subsidiary of Amazon.
Via NewsBusters:
Steph “FerociouslySteph” Loehr who is listed as a “Professional Community Leader” with the Anti Defamation League (ADL) now serves as a member on Twitch’s Safety Advisory Council.
Loehr identifies as a deer.
Loehr was described on Twitch’s Safety Advisory Council as a person whose “fight for inclusivity includes creating a competitive team composed entirely of marginalized gamers, and vehemently opposing non inclusive mechanics such as voice chat.”
In utopia, talking will be forbidden because it in noninclusive. Everything will be forbidden that does not marginalize the “privileged” on behalf of the privileged “marginalized.” The latter group includes not only favored racial groups and sexual deviants but also people who think they are deer.
Video clips testify to Loehr’s mental state:
Loehr wore antlers while broadcasting and explained: “In my spare time, I go out to my yard, and I, and I prance around. And I eat grass.” While explaining this, Loehr mimed eating grass and described how “it helps me feel, like, in tune with my deer-self.”
Better not give in to the natural temptation to laugh at Loehr:
Loehr also warned in a clip that “I have power,” and that “there are some people that should be afraid of me. And that they are, because I represent moderation and diversity, and I’m gonna come for hurtful, harmful people. If you’re a really shitty person, I’m going to stand up against you. Period. And Twitch has endorsed me to do that.”
Those who do not revere his status as “otherkin” will be punished.
In addition to identifying as a deer, Loehr also identifies as transgender. Since he is referred to as “she” on the ADL website, he must be objectively male.

Loehr is described on the website not only as transgender but as “an advocate for authenticity.” He promotes authenticity by pretending to be female and a deer.

Too bad Silicon Valley types don’t identify as American. Then it wouldn’t be so scary that they really do have power.

Behold what moonbattery would reduce us to:

All links highlighted

It makes me wonder how human beings could become so disconnected from reality

too many hours playing video games?

this person - I assume he’s a male - appears harmless enough on the surface

so not as bad as a mass murderer or a serial rapist

but still pretty crazy in his own way
I doubt he is in the top 1,000 weirdest people on Twitch
He has to be in the top 10 most screwed up humans on that channel

He knows how to draw attention to himself as do most internet personalities. People could give a shit he thinks he is a deer. They are pissed that he dared suggest that they end voice chat. Not that I would expect them to ever do it, but just the thought of taking away assholes' ability to be assholes has got their incel hemorrhoids all flared up.
I doubt he is in the top 1,000 weirdest people on Twitch
He has to be in the top 10 most screwed up humans on that channel

He knows how to draw attention to himself as do most internet personalities. People could give a shit he thinks he is a deer. They are pissed that he dared suggest that they end voice chat. Not that I would expect them to ever do it, but just the thought of taking away assholes' ability to be assholes has got their incel hemorrhoids all flared up.
Do you think he’s acting or is he really the sicko we see on the internet?

not that it matters much

I was oblivious to Twitch before yesterday and still have not visited it to see for myself
I doubt he is in the top 1,000 weirdest people on Twitch
He has to be in the top 10 most screwed up humans on that channel

He knows how to draw attention to himself as do most internet personalities. People could give a shit he thinks he is a deer. They are pissed that he dared suggest that they end voice chat. Not that I would expect them to ever do it, but just the thought of taking away assholes' ability to be assholes has got their incel hemorrhoids all flared up.
Do you think he’s acting or is he really the sicko we see on the internet?

not that it matters much

I was oblivious to Twitch before yesterday and still have not visited it to see for myself
I didn't know what twitch was either ...gamers and video streaming platform owned by amazon apparently
I doubt he is in the top 1,000 weirdest people on Twitch
He has to be in the top 10 most screwed up humans on that channel

He knows how to draw attention to himself as do most internet personalities. People could give a shit he thinks he is a deer. They are pissed that he dared suggest that they end voice chat. Not that I would expect them to ever do it, but just the thought of taking away assholes' ability to be assholes has got their incel hemorrhoids all flared up.
Do you think he’s acting or is he really the sicko we see on the internet?

not that it matters much

I was oblivious to Twitch before yesterday and still have not visited it to see for myself
I didn't know what twitch was either ...gamers and video streaming platform owned by amazon apparently
this story does interest me to the extent that I wonder where people like him come from

with all that life has to offer how anyone end up like that?
I doubt he is in the top 1,000 weirdest people on Twitch
He has to be in the top 10 most screwed up humans on that channel

He knows how to draw attention to himself as do most internet personalities. People could give a shit he thinks he is a deer. They are pissed that he dared suggest that they end voice chat. Not that I would expect them to ever do it, but just the thought of taking away assholes' ability to be assholes has got their incel hemorrhoids all flared up.
Do you think he’s acting or is he really the sicko we see on the internet?

not that it matters much

I was oblivious to Twitch before yesterday and still have not visited it to see for myself
I didn't know what twitch was either ...gamers and video streaming platform owned by amazon apparently
this story does interest me to the extent that I wonder where people like him come from

with all that life has to offer how anyone end up like that?

Thats a good question ...I think the blame lies with all of us ....but mostly the left
For pushing shit like this ...I mean the guy can do what he wants But know that I just called him a guy .....well thats a problem ...and it only gets worse from there as you already know

Enjoy the decline we're fucking doooomed
I think I'm gonna eat some grass now

I doubt he is in the top 1,000 weirdest people on Twitch
He has to be in the top 10 most screwed up humans on that channel

He knows how to draw attention to himself as do most internet personalities. People could give a shit he thinks he is a deer. They are pissed that he dared suggest that they end voice chat. Not that I would expect them to ever do it, but just the thought of taking away assholes' ability to be assholes has got their incel hemorrhoids all flared up.
Do you think he’s acting or is he really the sicko we see on the internet?

not that it matters much

I was oblivious to Twitch before yesterday and still have not visited it to see for myself
I didn't know what twitch was either ...gamers and video streaming platform owned by amazon apparently
this story does interest me to the extent that I wonder where people like him come from

with all that life has to offer how anyone end up like that?

Thats a good question ...I think the blame lies with all of us ....but mostly the left
For pushing shit like this ...I mean the guy can do what he wants But know that I just called him a guy .....well thats a problem ...and it only gets worse from there as you already know
In some countries we could face serious legal pain for calling him a he

so yes, modern society driven by liberal insanity is a prime cause of his deplorable state of mind
I doubt he is in the top 1,000 weirdest people on Twitch
He has to be in the top 10 most screwed up humans on that channel

He knows how to draw attention to himself as do most internet personalities. People could give a shit he thinks he is a deer. They are pissed that he dared suggest that they end voice chat. Not that I would expect them to ever do it, but just the thought of taking away assholes' ability to be assholes has got their incel hemorrhoids all flared up.
Do you think he’s acting or is he really the sicko we see on the internet?

not that it matters much

I was oblivious to Twitch before yesterday and still have not visited it to see for myself
I didn't know what twitch was either ...gamers and video streaming platform owned by amazon apparently
this story does interest me to the extent that I wonder where people like him come from

with all that life has to offer how anyone end up like that?

Thats a good question ...I think the blame lies with all of us ....but mostly the left
For pushing shit like this ...I mean the guy can do what he wants But know that I just called him a guy .....well thats a problem ...and it only gets worse from there as you already know
In some countries we could face serious legal pain for calling him a he

so yes, modern society driven by liberal insanity is a prime cause of his deplorable state of mind

Even here
Laws on the books in ny and ca
I doubt he is in the top 1,000 weirdest people on Twitch
He has to be in the top 10 most screwed up humans on that channel

He knows how to draw attention to himself as do most internet personalities. People could give a shit he thinks he is a deer. They are pissed that he dared suggest that they end voice chat. Not that I would expect them to ever do it, but just the thought of taking away assholes' ability to be assholes has got their incel hemorrhoids all flared up.
Do you think he’s acting or is he really the sicko we see on the internet?

not that it matters much

I was oblivious to Twitch before yesterday and still have not visited it to see for myself

I suppose that depends on what aspects of him you consider sicko-ish. My guess is that whole grazing deer nonsense is all for the attention. Anyone who was serious would know that female deer don't have antlers and by wearing them, he to she is a he again. the webz celebritydom requires a certain amount of craven behavior, particularly in the age of cancel culture where deplatforming is all the rage. Anyway, I haven't done online multiplayer in a few years and the reason I quit had a lot to do with how utterly obnoxious some of these 18 hour a day players are. For that reason, I am not opposed to the idea of killing off voice chat in order to break up the cults, or at least neuter them a bit. Like I said, however, it will never happen. They don't make money off me. They make it off the 18 hour a day cultists.

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