Turns Out The So Called Insurrection Was A Lie

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
This is the true insurrection and hopefully it's big enough to read.

Trump lost. Get over it.

Worst. Sore. Losers. Ever.
Nearly true.

Almost a fact.

When Trump goes on a speaking tour explaining how the system is rigged, and then publishes a book. . . sort of like this;


Then we can say. . . "Worst. Sore. Losers. Ever."

But till then? Nah, cankles still has him beat. Trump hasn't had the Deep State try to sink the Biden presidency near as I can tell. :rolleyes:
Nearly true.

Almost a fact.

When Trump goes on a speaking tour explaining how the system is rigged, and then publishes a book. . . sort of like this;


Then we can say. . . "Worst. Sore. Losers. Ever."

But till then? Nah, cankles still has him beat. Trump hasn't had the Deep State try to sink the Biden presidency near as I can tell. :rolleyes:
Gee, Hillary wrote a book. Gosh.

She also conceded the election on Election Night, and she didn't foment an insurrection.

Trump and his tard herd are the Worst. Sore. Losers. Ever.

Gee, Hillary wrote a book. Gosh.

She also conceded the election on Election Night, and she didn't foment an insurrection.

Trump and his tard herd are the Worst. Sore. Losers. Ever.


First? She never conceded election night.

I never saw that, post the video of her doing that please.

And second, posting a photo of agent provocateurs, and shills, beating a cop to get the rest of Trump's supporters in the mood for a riot, is a well known tactic for these folks that get these operations off the ground.

I observed them do it at Ferguson. I observed them do it across the nation during that "BLM" bullshit. ORDO AB CHAO.

I can scan that crowd and tell who is pulling the strings, and who is a genuine protestor, given how they dress, and how they act.

So stahp, don't insult my intelligence, and I won't insult yours.

We know who each other are at this point. I have some respect for you, and you are free to push that garbage on others. But don't shove that shit in my face.
Gee, Hillary wrote a book. Gosh.

She also conceded the election on Election Night, and she didn't foment an insurrection.

Trump and his tard herd are the Worst. Sore. Losers. Ever.

The only difference between the two is that Democrats tried for four years to get Trump out of office for bogus reasons.

Sorry but, if it can be said that Republicans are sore losers, Democrats have already proven themselves of being just as bad.
Garland said it on live national television yesterday.

NOT A SINGLE PERSON involved in the Jan 6th tour of the Capitol has been charged with "insurrection"

so libs can suck it. That narrative is a lie, just like everything liberals say and claim.
Trump lost. Get over it.

Worst. Sore. Losers. Ever.
The rubes are so encased in their alternate universe, that they literally have not seen videos of that day. All they've seen is video of Trumpsters walking through the Capitol building. They literally don't know what happened, because it has not been provided to them.

Seriously, I wish I were kidding or being hyperbolic.
Trump lost. Get over it.

Worst. Sore. Losers. Ever.

This isn't about trump winning or losing. This is about a fabricated and fictional situation, it's about turning a mole hill into a mountain. So try and stay on topic here.

Democrats and anti Trump people only seem to have like 1 of 5 pre written responses anytime something Trump related comes up and when you run into something that none of them work for you just throw out a random one and hope it sticks.

Someone could say "during his last campaign Trump said he had wished he had been able to visit more rural towns" and your response would "you lost get over it".
Gee, Hillary wrote a book. Gosh.

She also conceded the election on Election Night, and she didn't foment an insurrection.

Trump and his tard herd are the Worst. Sore. Losers. Ever.

No she didn't. I remember the election night that she lost. I stayed up till the wee hours of the morning watching it. I sleep very very little. Even after it was obvious that Trump won---------she made her hundreds of people wait and wait and wait and wait and wait at their big after planned after victory party rally, but she never showed up. The silly nitwitted millenials in the crowd were jovial all night ---then one by one, they began to worry a bit. They anxiously checked their phones for hours when no word came. Then all their whittle faces lit up when one of Hiliary's representatives came out.....the mood lightened up as they waited for them to announce Hiliary as the first woman president and expected to see her....but nope, she didn't show up to tell her silly supporters that she lost and that she appreciated them...nope she just sent an underling telling them to go home/away. The tears poured and shock ran across their faces...they were lost and confused and they couldn't even understand why their god Hiliary didn't even come out to talk to them or tell them hours earlier when everyone else already knew. Nope...she made them wait to about 4 in the morning to have an underling to tell them to go home.
The Insurrection was a "lie" because of something TRUMP said?

Oh my sides.

Tell it to the 700 people arrested already
The insurrection was and is a lie-----it is now being used by the fascist dems to hunt down Trump supporters. It is meant to intimidate Trump supporters into silence and meant to teach everyone that you don't stand up to the dear leader(s) in the dem party. When a real insurrection comes, call me.....at some point we are all going to have make a stand or be forever enslaved by our corrupt fascist government.
No she didn't. I remember the election night that she lost. I stayed up till the wee hours of the morning watching it. I sleep very very little. Even after it was obvious that Trump won---------she made her hundreds of people wait and wait and wait and wait and wait at their big after planned after victory party rally, but she never showed up. The silly nitwitted millenials in the crowd were jovial all night ---then one by one, they began to worry a bit. They anxiously checked their phones for hours when no word came. Then all their whittle faces lit up when one of Hiliary's representatives came out.....the mood lightened up as they waited for them to announce Hiliary as the first woman president and expected to see her....but nope, she didn't show up to tell her silly supporters that she lost and that she appreciated them...nope she just sent an underling telling them to go home/away. The tears poured and shock ran across their faces...they were lost and confused and they couldn't even understand why their god Hiliary didn't even come out to talk to them or tell them hours earlier when everyone else already knew. Nope...she made them wait to about 4 in the morning to have an underling to tell them to go home.
She conceded officially the very next day

Has Trump conceded YET?
This isn't about trump winning or losing. This is about a fabricated and fictional situation, it's about turning a mole hill into a mountain. So try and stay on topic here.

Democrats and anti Trump people only seem to have like 1 of 5 pre written responses anytime something Trump related comes up and when you run into something that none of them work for you just throw out a random one and hope it sticks.

Someone could say "during his last campaign Trump said he had wished he had been able to visit more rural towns" and your response would "you lost get over it".
The OP is living in a delusion. She has been infected by Trump. This is not about strategy or anything else other than a refusal to accept Trump's loss and the fact the worst sore losers ever attempted to overthrow the government and the electoral process and the Constitution.

Trump lost. Get over it.

Worst. Sore. Losers. Ever.

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