Turns Out Chaz Was Correct.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.In The Bronx Tale, the question asked was ‘is it better to be loved, or feared?’

2. The last year has revealed the Left’s winning strategy….fear, hatred, punishment.

Let me be very clear: accepting defeat is not the same as giving up. But the reality is that these are hateful, homicidal, revengeful collectives…..the Democrats/Liberals/Militant Secularists. The will deprive any opponents of their freedom of speech and conscience, their livelihood, their status, their reputations, and, as in the following, their lives if they get the opportunity.

3. “Nolte: Celebrating Rush’s Death Is Acceptable to Media, Big Tech, Hollywood, Democrat Party

Never forget the following: that the monsters openly celebrating Rush Limbaugh’s death are not Internet trolls, are not the dregs of social media. No, these are the same mainstream Democrats who want to rule over us.

These wicked and vicious people enjoy verified social media accounts and social status. These godless people who brim with bitterness and hate, who feast off death as some sort of cosmic retribution against us, have been normalized and accepted and embraced by the establishment media, big tech, academia, Hollywood, and the Democrat Party.

Worse still, these are the people who want to rule over us… Not only those who openly hate us so much they celebrate our deaths, but those who accept and enable this hate.

4. Look at this. And this. And this. And this. There’s more out there. So much more that #RestInPiss trended on Twitter.”

5. ’ If you have any doubts as to the lengths the Fascists will go, note that Jennifer Rubin, at WaPo, Jake Tapper, and AOC are calling for lists of trump supporters, to inform employers to make sure they never work again.
First AOC’s ‘list,’ now CNN warns of blacklisting Trump team

Just three days after liberal New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez urged the creation of a list of President Trump’s “sycophants,” a top CNN host has piled on with a warning that Trump aides battling the president’s legal case could see their job possibilities dry up.

Let's just admit what these people are.
Just three days after liberal New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez urged the creation of a list of President Trump’s “sycophants,” a top CNN host has piled on with a warning that Trump aides battling the president’s legal case could see their job possibilities dry up.

Like Trump who seeks to end the employment of members of the govt. for not supporting his coup?
Just three days after liberal New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez urged the creation of a list of President Trump’s “sycophants,” a top CNN host has piled on with a warning that Trump aides battling the president’s legal case could see their job possibilities dry up.

Like Trump who seeks to end the employment of members of the govt. for not supporting his coup?
go away troll,,,
6. “Of course terrible people are going to behave terribly. That’s not my point.

My point is that five massive American institutions that are desperately seeking to seize the power to rule over us, are literally dominated by those who openly celebrate our deaths, and do so only because they disagree with our politics.
.... the establishment media, big tech, academia, Hollywood, and the Democrat Party.

Cop killers they mourn.

You and I, they want dead.”
Nolte: Celebrating Rush's Death Is Acceptable to Media, Big Tech, Hollywood, Democrat Party

7. The clues were always there, but the Right didn’t set out to destroy those with opposing views, as they do. And they were patient.

The radicals of the sixties did not remain within the universities…They realized that the apocalypse never materialized. “…they were dropping off into environmentalism and consumerism and fatalism…I watched many of my old comrades apply to graduate school in universities they had failed to burn down, so they could get advanced degrees and spread the ideas that had been discredited in the streets under an academic cover.” Collier and Horowitz, “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The Sixties,” p. 294-295.

“[The radicals] did not go away or change their minds; the New Left shattered into a multitude of single-issue groups. We now have, to name a few, radical feminists, black extremists, animal rights groups, radical environmentalists, activist homosexual organizations, multiculturalists, organizations such as People for the American Way, the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), the National Organization for Women (NOW), and Planned Parenthood.” Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 53
8. The Wehrmacht own and operate the establishment media, big tech, academia, Hollywood, and the Democrat Party.

“It is simply a fact that no one openly celebrating Rush Limbaugh’s death, who is saying the most vile and dishonest and cruel things, and doing so in public while his family, friends, and fans mourn, will pay any kind of social penalty within these five institutions.


Because within these five institutions, cherishing and wishing for our deaths is acceptable and desired behavior.

We can never allow ourselves to forget how vile and wicked and dangerous these people and their institutions truly are.” Nolte: Celebrating Rush's Death Is Acceptable to Media, Big Tech, Hollywood, Democrat Party

And, after all, the current iteration of the Democrat Party is the spawn of every totalitarian movement from the French Revolution….and all worship death, not life.
Just three days after liberal New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez urged the creation of a list of President Trump’s “sycophants,” a top CNN host has piled on with a warning that Trump aides battling the president’s legal case could see their job possibilities dry up.

Like Trump who seeks to end the employment of members of the govt. for not supporting his coup?
Trump is going after the ones who supported the real coup and enabled the massive fraud and cover up. They should not be in government.

Persecuting people for political beliefs is what fascists and Communists do. AOC is a Communist.
9. “We can never allow ourselves to forget that these people f**king hate us and want us dead, and that this is why they want to herd us into their government healthcare system, why they want us disarmed, why they want to defund the police, why they champion and fund and enable the domestic terrorists in Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

Let me tell you something…

If there was a red button that would magically give everyone who voted for Donald Trump incurable, stage 4 lung cancer, and you handed that red button to Don Lemon, Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden, Chris Cuomo, Rachel Maddow, Kamala Harris, Joy Reid, Jake Tapper, Chris Hayes, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Todd, AOC, the newsrooms of the Washington Post and New York Times, every big city teachers’ union, everyone at Facebook and Twitter, and every attendee at the Oscars, these godless f**kers would press that button ten times.”
Nolte: Celebrating Rush's Death Is Acceptable to Media, Big Tech, Hollywood, Democrat Party

The Democrats are the party of family values…but it’s the Manson Family.
10. .... the establishment media, big tech, academia, Hollywood, and the Democrat Party.

“These people hate us.

They want us dead. And…

They want to rule over us.

Five major American institutions — the Democrat Party, the establishment media, education, big tech, and entertainment — all hate us so much they celebrate our deaths.

We can never-ever-ever allow ourselves to forget that.”
Nolte: Celebrating Rush's Death Is Acceptable to Media, Big Tech, Hollywood, Democrat Party

It is the signature characteristic of the Left:

None of the totalitarian forms of political plague have the slightest concern for human life: not communism (gulags), not Nazism (concentration camps), not Liberalism (abortion), not Progressivism (eugenics), not socialism (theft), not fascism (murder).

They only differ in the final outcome: slavery, serfdom, or death.

They all follow Trotsky:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."

I’m not certain we can win against this array …..there is no “Red Dawn” in the future. They will never allow another Emmanuel Goldstein to be elected.
They are far, far better at lying, stealing elections, and silencing opposing voices….they’ve had a great deal of practice….and they lie about everything.

But don’t be tempted.

We can win in this way: we must never become what they are.

He won't until he is banned again. He has no life at all other than USMB. Ever notice he is 2nd poster in every single thread on on every single forum?
Only person I have ignored, worse than popup ads
yes he likes to be the first poster with the dumbest off topic comment,,
since I've been calling him out on it hes struggles to make his comments about the topic but is failing cause hes to much of a troll and ends up looking like that,,
1.In The Bronx Tale, the question asked was ‘is it better to be loved, or feared?’

2. The last year has revealed the Left’s winning strategy….fear, hatred, punishment.

Let me be very clear: accepting defeat is not the same as giving up. But the reality is that these are hateful, homicidal, revengeful collectives…..the Democrats/Liberals/Militant Secularists. The will deprive any opponents of their freedom of speech and conscience, their livelihood, their status, their reputations, and, as in the following, their lives if they get the opportunity.

3. “Nolte: Celebrating Rush’s Death Is Acceptable to Media, Big Tech, Hollywood, Democrat Party

Never forget the following: that the monsters openly celebrating Rush Limbaugh’s death are not Internet trolls, are not the dregs of social media. No, these are the same mainstream Democrats who want to rule over us.

These wicked and vicious people enjoy verified social media accounts and social status. These godless people who brim with bitterness and hate, who feast off death as some sort of cosmic retribution against us, have been normalized and accepted and embraced by the establishment media, big tech, academia, Hollywood, and the Democrat Party.

Worse still, these are the people who want to rule over us… Not only those who openly hate us so much they celebrate our deaths, but those who accept and enable this hate.

4. Look at this. And this. And this. And this. There’s more out there. So much more that #RestInPiss trended on Twitter.”

5. ’ If you have any doubts as to the lengths the Fascists will go, note that Jennifer Rubin, at WaPo, Jake Tapper, and AOC are calling for lists of trump supporters, to inform employers to make sure they never work again.
First AOC’s ‘list,’ now CNN warns of blacklisting Trump team

Just three days after liberal New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez urged the creation of a list of President Trump’s “sycophants,” a top CNN host has piled on with a warning that Trump aides battling the president’s legal case could see their job possibilities dry up.

Let's just admit what these people are.

Of course Chaz was right

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