Turning On Liberal Chicks: Is Saying "OH GOD" A No-No Now??


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Mayor Bloomberg has given the squatters on Wall Street a free-reign for as long as they want. I think it's a mistake, but drive on. He figures as long as they don't break any laws like using Trans-fatty acids, openly flaunting the use of plastic bags and water-bottles, smoking tobacco products (Smoking Pot is okay), or conducting religious services, these people are golden.

Crapping on cop cars, breaking down the doors of the ruling-class capitalist pigs, badgering people walking to work, or having sex in public is okay as long as you spout Marxist slogans while you're doing it. So it looks like they aren't going anywhere for quite some time.


If you want to join the fun and want to meet a really cute chick you need to know what to say to get them to go for a roll in the bushes, or at least play with your willy a little.

First of all to get your foot in the door you need to say you're a recovering Republican and that you're so depressed. Everything you thought you believed in has turned out to be a lie. I'm not sure if saying Obama is the greatest will get you in because even these folks may become suspicious if you say that. I think you'd be overplaying your hand a bit. The only way that will work is if you're black(because blacks are brainwashed to believe Obama is the cat's meow).

The first thing you need to do is listen to the BS the handlers are spouting and ask questions. Being misinformed is like putting up a sign that says "I'm Stupid" and this alone will draw them in like flies to rotten fruit. Be a fast learner. That means you have to act dumb. It's like the kind of dumb like Forrest Gump. But be brilliantly dumb but whatever you do NEVER go full retard. Don't make it too easy but then again don't become difficult because they may lose patience with you.

Be mindful not to latch on to one of the more outspoken Occupiers because if they turn out to be a lesbian your hard work would all be for naught. And avoid the chicks wearing all black. Look for the newcomers. The girl with the pink hair and the cardboard sign above is a prime example. She's wearing all black. I know she's cute but she may be a total waste of time.


Here's a test on spotting the perfect target: Who would you go for first, the lady on the left or the lady on the right?

Answer: Go for the lady with the purse. This is a no-brainer. (Trust me on this)

Now you have to memorize key phrases and slogans.

The system is corrupt
Somebody please raise my taxes
The Rich get bailed out the Poor get sold out
Warren Buffet is a greedy SOB
Faux News Sucks

Saying "Private Property Sucks" isn't going to do it. Be inventive but stick to the program. Being original makes you seem inventive but if you shoot off on a tangent you may lose them. You don't want an argument. You want to expand their mind not piss them off.

Say you're a 99 percenter not one of those asshole 1 percenters. They love that shit. Oh and whatever you do...never say Stimulus because that word has been banned forever. Instead say "Investment in infrastructure".

Well, it looks like only 200 people will be at any one event even though the media is trying to give us the impression that thousands are there.

If all else fails there will be a bunch of Wall Streeters drinking and mocking the protesters so they should be pretty plowed. Make sure you have a change of cloths with you because you may have to go back to the Dark Side real quick.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PiXDTK_CBY&feature=related]Wall Street Mocks Protesters By Drinking Champagne 2011 - YouTube[/ame]

As to the title of this thread.....I don't think it will be a crime to say "OH GOD I'M CUMMING" with a Liberal partner because when you boil it all down hypocrisy is rampant in politics, so say whatever you want. I don't think she'll get mad at you as long as you make sure she gets a few good nuts in the deal.

The Golden Rule is this: "Ladies Always Come First.....and Often".
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Liberal chicks love to be talked "dirty" to - especially during sex. While making love to a liberal chick, whisper "George W. Bush" into her ear and you will really turn her on!
Btw, VP Biden said yesterday that rapes could go up if Obama's Jobs bill isn't passed.

That's another good one.

I bet that would curl a girls toes.
Oh....I forgot something. Once you've been there for awhile and have earned their trust you're gonna see a lot of this......


Some of these kids will need first aid. A bunch of them will be getting Pepper-sprayed.

So if you want to get in good with them make sure you know how to treat them.....bring lots of bottled water, just don't let anyone see it till you need it.
Averting suspicion's easily achieved by having a set of Prius ignition keys jangling from your friendship bracelet when first approaching the unwashed mob. Once you've infiltrated the heaving throng of liberal attention seekers, expose their dime-turning hypocrisy by distributing Subway vouchers amongst the multi-coloured vagabonds - as liberals love a footlong, regardless of whether it's shoved up their arse or being rammed down their gullet.
Averting suspicion's easily achieved by having a set of Prius ignition keys jangling from your friendship bracelet when first approaching the unwashed mob. Once you've infiltrated the heaving throng of liberal attention seekers, expose their dime-turning hypocrisy by distributing Subway vouchers amongst the multi-coloured vagabonds - as liberals love a footlong, regardless of whether it's shoved up their arse or being rammed down their gullet.

Just don't make it too obvious.

Allow them to figure it out for themselves.

I figured rendering first aid with bottled water would be enough. Avoid saying...."If those damned libs had their way you wouldn't have any bottled water to do this for you DUMBASS!!!"

That would go over like a fart in an elevator.
I'm guessing these people don't have any jobs or bills they have to pay? must be nice to have all this free time to dress up like a stripper and protest all day.
I'm guessing these people don't have any jobs or bills they have to pay? must be nice to have all this free time to dress up like a stripper and protest all day.

If you're talking about ACORN members....you're right.

Regardless of how loud the denials are it's pretty clear that Obama, George Soros, ACORN, SEIU, all of them are behind this.
Geeze! Mudwhistle are you really the loser with woman that your posts are making you out to be?

Are you really so clueless that you think there's do's and don'ts that will finally get you on a magical mystery tour with the ladies?

They're NOT a separate species, lad. Just like US each is unique.
Geeze! Mudwhistle are you really the loser with woman that your posts are making you out to be?

Are you really so clueless that you think there's do's and don'ts that will finally get you on a magical mystery tour with the ladies?

They're NOT a separate species, lad. Just like US each is unique.

I guess that irony and satire are foreign to you bud.

Up your medication and peace be with you.

I would say my prayers are with you but I don't want to offend anyone.
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I'm guessing these people don't have any jobs or bills they have to pay? must be nice to have all this free time to dress up like a stripper and protest all day.

They're talking about "How are they gonna get all of those smelly protesters out of Wall Street by the deadline tomorrow?"

Go down there offering them jobs and they'll clear out like you're Jason with a Machete.
I'm guessing these people don't have any jobs or bills they have to pay? must be nice to have all this free time to dress up like a stripper and protest all day.

They're talking about "How are they gonna get all of those smelly protesters out of Wall Street by the deadline tomorrow?"

Go down there offering them jobs and they'll clear out like you're Jason with a Machete.


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