Turkey' Erdogan says Ukraine deserves to be a NATO member

The swedes burned the Koran to keep out of NATO, but brother Erdogan decided to punish them and let them into NATO.
Sure it is. Odessa is a Russian-speaking city (as well as many other cities in Southern and Eastern Ukraine). And the Russians attack military and infrastructure targets there. As well as Kievan regime is bombing cities of Donbass and Crimea. The collateral damage is possible and acceptable.

The national composition of the modern Odessa population is as follows: Ukrainians are the most numerous ethnos in the city (about 62%). Behind them go Russian (29%), Bulgarians (1.3%), Jews (1.2%), Moldovans (about 1%), as well as Byelorussians, Poles, Armenians, Greeks and other nationalities.

BTW - before the Czarist pogrom almost 30% of Odessa's population were Jews.

As for "collateral damage" - you and me will certainly not agree on that subject.

Wow! What a turn around. If this is sincere, it is a thumb in the eye of Putin. Incredible!

No it does not.

Well no shit. The Turks are already supplying the Ukes with with their Bayraktar TB2 drones and they stand to make a killing on supplying NATO with them too.

You silly fuckers think this war is about "Democracy", but all it's really about is the big corporate weapons companies raking in the tax bucks.

How's it feel to be a toady for military industrial complex, Private First Class Neocon? :laughing0301:

Wow! What a turn around. If this is sincere, it is a thumb in the eye of Putin. Incredible!
Turkish support for Sweden is dependent on Turkey being allowed into the EU.
I cant see that happening. The EU has enough problems with Poland and Hungary. They dont need another authoritarian state.

Erdogan needs to be dead and buried before that will happen.

The national composition of the modern Odessa population is as follows: Ukrainians are the most numerous ethnos in the city (about 62%). Behind them go Russian (29%), Bulgarians (1.3%), Jews (1.2%), Moldovans (about 1%), as well as Byelorussians, Poles, Armenians, Greeks and other nationalities.
Yeah, sure. And how many of those "Ukrainians" are Russian-speaking? Roughly 100%. And how many of those "Russian-speaking Ukrainians" will tell FSB interrogators that they are ethnic Russians and Jews? At least 90%.

BTW - before the Czarist pogrom almost 30% of Odessa's population were Jews.
Actually, this percent was significantly decreased not by Tsarists Black Hundreds, but by "civilized Europeans" - Germans, Rumanians and their Ukrainian collabirants.
As for "collateral damage" - you and me will certainly not agree on that subject.
Actually, US government doesn't care about collateral damage, too.
There was no expansion of Russian territory between 2000 to 2014 - and Russia, aka Putin had not attacked any neighbor - until Georgia attacked the Russian aligned separatists.
The Chechnya anti-terrorists war had already started under Yeltsin - which Putin brought to an end. - So what growing territorial ambitions? there were none. And that's a fact
Military expansion? No. They tried to use soft force. Or at least how they understand that.

It's too late for that - NATO & Ukraine won't give up on their "unification". As such Putin won't give in either
It seems so.

Neutrality in my view - simply in-cooperates that Ukraine will not join any military alliance nor take any military aid from NATO countries - that pose a threat or opposition towards Russia. Ukraine can buy it's own weapon systems with their own money from whomever they wish. That if e.g. F-16's are purchased that they will automatically receive training from the USA is understood. Just like Switzerland received it's training for e.g. their F-18's
I don't see how Ukraine can preserve its security without close cooperation with NATO members, including military aid. Russia will have to tolerate close ties between Ukraine and NATO; and Ukraine will have to tolerate Russia occupying 20% of its territory. There is no other way.

I still don't get you - The S-Korean model exists due to the US having stationed troops and weaponry in S-Korea + having established respective trainings and structures to "unify" S-Korea's Armed Forces with those of the USA. There is no "neutral" South-Korea. Unlike N-Korea that does not harbor nor has integrated Russian or Chinese troops nor having established joint commands and operation structures
The US troops there directly took part in the war. Without them, it would have been impossible to halt 'the communists' push and establish the Rep of Korea as a separate state.

In Ukraine there wasn't such a need. The AFU managed to do that themselves (I mean without direct involvement of foreign troops).

Why Korean scenario: 1. Armistice without a peace agreement; 2. Non recognizing territorial changes (but de facto agreeing on status quo); 3. Ukraine's close cooperation with Western alliances without formally joining them.
Yeah, sure. And how many of those "Ukrainians" are Russian-speaking? Roughly 100%. And how many of those "Russian-speaking Ukrainians" will tell FSB interrogators that they are ethnic Russians and Jews? At least 90%.

Actually, this percent was significantly decreased not by Tsarists Black Hundreds, but by "civilized Europeans" - Germans, Rumanians and their Ukrainian collabirants.

Actually, US government doesn't care about collateral damage, too.
maskal you are full of crap, Jesus how i hate your semi -mongol rapists
Military expansion? No. They tried to use soft force. Or at least how they understand that.
So no Russian military expansion under Putin - thanks
However a huge military expansion under NATO.
I don't see how Ukraine can preserve its security without close cooperation with NATO members, including military aid. Russia will have to tolerate close ties between Ukraine and NATO; and Ukraine will have to tolerate Russia occupying 20% of its territory. There is no other way.
Little Finland has been able to do it for 80 years! so has Sweden, Switzerland and Austria. Even without NATO assurances!!
The US troops there directly took part in the war. Without them, it would have been impossible to halt 'the communists' push and establish the Rep of Korea as a separate state.
The Rep.of Korea was already established before N-Korea attacked, wanting to reunite the country. And it is a fact that today's N-Korea is neutral - whilst S.Korea is not.
In Ukraine there wasn't such a need. The AFU managed to do that themselves (I mean without direct involvement of foreign troops).

Why Korean scenario: 1. Armistice without a peace agreement; 2. Non recognizing territorial changes (but de facto agreeing on status quo); 3. Ukraine's close cooperation with Western alliances without formally joining them.
You are turning in circles again - Ukraine want's to be a NATO member (desperately) and this is what brought about this war.
So no Russian military expansion under Putin - thanks
However a huge military expansion under NATO.
I don't see how Ukraine can preserve its security without close cooperation with NATO members, including military aid. Russia will have to tolerate close ties between Ukraine and NATO; and Ukraine will have to tolerate Russia occupying 20% of its territory. There is no other way.
Little Finland has been able to do it for 80 years! so has Sweden, Switzerland and Austria. Even without NATO assurances!!
Ukraine (45 million people) did nothing in regards to strengthening it's own military from 1990 - 2015. (25 years!!) Even though it was cristal clear that Russia sooner or later would counter/refute the Ukrainian territory claim. That is why I do not have any sympathy for Ukraine. Useless and corrupt politicians and society - waiting for Russian handouts, right until today, with the Goebbels scholar now waiting for EU and NATO handouts. (especially AFTER provoking the Russian attack).

The US troops there directly took part in the war. Without them, it would have been impossible to halt 'the communists' push and establish the Rep of Korea as a separate state.
The Rep.of Korea (incl. US military stationed in S-Korea) was already established before N-Korea attacked, wanting to reunite the country under their communist rule. And it is a fact that today's N-Korea is neutral - whilst S.Korea is not. It is the USA that doesn't want to give up it's Geo-strategic position in S-Korea. Taking S-Korea's population and GDP into account - they are way able, to defend themselves successfully against any N-Korean military attempt.
In Ukraine there wasn't such a need. The AFU managed to do that themselves (I mean without direct involvement of foreign troops).

Why Korean scenario: 1. Armistice without a peace agreement; 2. Non recognizing territorial changes (but de facto agreeing on status quo); 3. Ukraine's close cooperation with Western alliances without formally joining them.
You are turning in circles again - Ukraine want's to be a NATO and EU member (desperately) $$$$$, and this is what brought about this war and made Putin to occupy Crimea and support the separatists in Donbas/Luhansk.
Yeah, sure. And how many of those "Ukrainians" are Russian-speaking? Roughly 100%. And how many of those "Russian-speaking Ukrainians" will tell FSB interrogators that they are ethnic Russians and Jews? At least 90%.
Russian speaking, doesn't imply a Russian ethnicity in e.g. Ukraine or the Baltic states. FSB interrogators in Odessa?
Actually, this percent was significantly decreased not by Tsarists Black Hundreds, but by "civilized Europeans" - Germans, Rumanians and their Ukrainian collabirants.
Nonsense - it was a pure Czarist Russia pogrom - and a Germany didn't even exist then. How many Jewish people from all over Russia migrated into Odessa after and during the pogroms till 1942, I wouldn't know. Pogroms in Odessa - 1821, 1859, 1871, 1881 and 1905.
Actually, US government doesn't care about collateral damage, too.
That is well known - after all they invented the term.
Military expansion? No. They tried to use soft force. Or at least how they understand that.
They are still trying to do it in a soft manner.

It seems so.

I don't see how Ukraine can preserve its security without close cooperation with NATO members, including military aid. Russia will have to tolerate close ties between Ukraine and NATO; and Ukraine will have to tolerate Russia occupying 20% of its territory. There is no other way.
Or Ukraine will have to tolerate Russia occupying 80% of "their" territory. You are still talking about territories, not about people. Do you believe that Odessa or Kharkov will tolerate discriminating and abusing Kievan regime?
Why Korean scenario: 1. Armistice without a peace agreement; 2. Non recognizing territorial changes (but de facto agreeing on status quo); 3. Ukraine's close cooperation with Western alliances without formally joining them.
Why Korean scenario isn't possible:
1. There were no millions of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants discrimated and abused by North Korean regime.
2. There is Pacific Ocean between Korea and the USA and Syberia between Korea and European part of Russia, while there is no any natural barrier between Ukraine and Moscow.
3. Soviet Union and China had a local, but overwhelming superiority in tanks and infantry, while the USA had the overwhelming superiority in fleet and strategic bombers. The local decisive victory hardly was possible for both sides in this "an elephant vs whale" situation.

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