Tulsi!!! Tulsi!!!! I'm thinking a DeSantis Gabbard ticket takes all 50 states in 2024


Sorry you haven't figured out how to fire the sorry politicians in your neck of the woods.
It's amazing how many people like to bitch about the inability to fix the world, when they cannot even manage their backyard.

If you don't want politicians abusing power ... Stop granting them power and asking them to do shit.
If they are corrupt and ineffective ... Send their ass packing.

If anyone is waiting for the government to save them ...
They are betting on a losing horse out the gate.


You sound like a total Libertarian loser.

Your next stop is becoming a shot out 'Soverign Citizen'.
As you can see below, we are making more stuff than ever, with less workers needed to do it.

Just like the agriculture sector was 98 percent of the workforce, and is now only 2 percent.

What would you make of an asshole who promised to bring back all the lost farming jobs?

Technology increases productivity.

Like I said. Any politician who promises to bring back jobs from overseas is a liar. And lazy.

Lazy because we have to retool our education system for the jobs of tomorrow instead of making bogus promises about restoring the jobs of yesteryear. And that is going to be hard work.

These demagogues are lying to the rube herd. And the longer it takes the rubes to wake up to that fact, the farther behind we are going to fall.


OK, but if nobody is working, who is going to buy this stuff?
This would be a dream ticket. If they ran as (I) independents, it would rock the spectrum. Democrats and their media machine would need to focus on smearing them and Republicans while trying to build up Biden-Harris.
Way to nail it, Tulsi....

They hate him because as president, he was not clamoring to bring our country into more interventionist wars. And so now they want to do everything they possibly can to prevent him from running again in 2024.

And they're working with the Democrats in order to do that because they want to wrest control back, bring the Republican Party back into the warmongering Bush-Cheney era, and they see themselves as the leaders in doing so.

See the source image


The "interventionalist wars" is a deliberate phrase, as truly



because none of the supporters of invading Iraq are truly CONSERVATIVES....

Will Fox give Tulsi the Jesse Ventura treatment?

I'd love to see trump and desantis. Trump could be the bulldozer this country needs to clean out the stuff that needs torn down and desantis could be in training.

Then desantis and gabbard move in after trump to rebuild and maintain America.

That would be an ideal situation. Won't happen, but it would be great if it did.
Gabbard has been nothing more than a self-promoting sideshow Carnie.

Declaring she is leaving the Democrat Party is a case of SSDD.

The Democrat Party has not even noticed she has been gone. Her declaration she is leaving the Drmocrats won't change that.

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