Tulsi Gabbard Will Be Excluded from the Next Debates if She Doesn't Have 130K donors by Aug 28

LOL @ giving money to ANY leftist.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. But consider:

* She has repeatedly voiced support for securing the border through a combination of fencing/wall and technology. In one recent interview, she said we need to secure the border or else we don't really have a country. I quote: "We've got to address the needs at our border. Border security is a reality that we have to face that as a country our borders need to be secure; otherwise we don't really have a country."

* She opposes giving free health care to illegals.

* She voted for the bill that opposes efforts to boycott and isolate Israel.

* She voted to allow VA officials more power to discipline sub-substandard employees.

* She voted for the last two defense spending bills, unlike many radicals in the House.

My main reason for wishing her success is that I don't think she's a blind partisan. I think she's open to persuasion and willing to compromise.

the problem is we already know they're now trying to say shit just to get elected; we know she will kowtow to the Party's loons in Congress and the Senate if she wins, just like all the rest of them, including Crooked Uncle Joe. Nobody with an IQ over 10 is going to believe anything a Democrat says at this point.They aren't going to win many moderate votes.
I don’t think anybody has proposed giving free healthcare to illegal immigrants. Maybe Sanders and warren but I specifically heard most the other day that they weren’t proposing giving free healthcare out to illegals. Do you have a link?


That question wasn’t about free healthcare

Are you stoned? That's exactly what the question was about.

Here is the question that was asked:

"This is a show of hands question and hold them up so people can see. Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants."

This link has an embedded video if you don't believe it was accurately transcribed, or if you don't believe that the photo I posted depicts their response to that specific question.

All Democrats At Main Debate Agree Illegal Immigrants Should Get Health Care Coverage
Just received the following Email:

For all you Tulsi Gabbard fans out there, be advised that if she does not have 130,000 donors by August 28, she will be excluded from the next round of debates, which will be held in September. The requirement for participation is 130,000 donors, with at least 400 per state in 20 states. As of a few minutes ago, she had 128,415 donors.

I presume she has met the 400 per state in 20 states requirement because her website is saying that she just needs to reach 130,000 by August 28 to qualify for the next round of debates.

Because I think she has an open mind, even though I disagree with most of her stated positions, and because she is not as radical as Sanders, Harris, DeBlasio, etc., I just donated a small amount to give her one more donor.

I will not tolerate big pharma ripping off the American people | TULSI 2020

I will most likely vote for Trump again, but I gave her a donation to make sure she qualifies. I really want her in the debates. Of all the Democrat candidates I favor her. My reasoning for donating is simple: If Trump loses I want him to lose to the most qualified candidate which, in my humble opinion, is Gabbard (OK, I lied about the humble part).

Just received the following Email:

:My team just told me that our campaign has blown past the 130,000 unique donor threshold to qualify for the September debates and with your help, we can build on this momentum and pass 150,000 donors this weekend!
I don’t think anybody has proposed giving free healthcare to illegal immigrants. Maybe Sanders and warren but I specifically heard most the other day that they weren’t proposing giving free healthcare out to illegals. Do you have a link?

That question wasn’t about free healthcare

Are you stoned? That's exactly what the question was about.

Here is the question that was asked:

"This is a show of hands question and hold them up so people can see. Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants."

This link has an embedded video if you don't believe it was accurately transcribed, or if you don't believe that the photo I posted depicts their response to that specific question.

All Democrats At Main Debate Agree Illegal Immigrants Should Get Health Care Coverage
Providing coverage is not the same thing as free healthcare. In fact most candidates described their plan as a buy in. If you didn’t simply react to headlines and actually took a minute to listen and learn you might know that and not be spreading false information.
LOL @ giving money to ANY leftist.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. But consider:

* She has repeatedly voiced support for securing the border through a combination of fencing/wall and technology. In one recent interview, she said we need to secure the border or else we don't really have a country. I quote: "We've got to address the needs at our border. Border security is a reality that we have to face that as a country our borders need to be secure; otherwise we don't really have a country."

* She opposes giving free health care to illegals.

* She voted for the bill that opposes efforts to boycott and isolate Israel.

* She voted to allow VA officials more power to discipline sub-substandard employees.

* She voted for the last two defense spending bills, unlike many radicals in the House.

My main reason for wishing her success is that I don't think she's a blind partisan. I think she's open to persuasion and willing to compromise.

She is a gun grabber however!
Rumours abound that Tulsi will run as a independent "leftist" candidate to try and split the Democratic votes, and that's why people on the right promote her. Lets see how it shakes out lol
LOL @ giving money to ANY leftist.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. But consider:

* She has repeatedly voiced support for securing the border through a combination of fencing/wall and technology. In one recent interview, she said we need to secure the border or else we don't really have a country. I quote: "We've got to address the needs at our border. Border security is a reality that we have to face that as a country our borders need to be secure; otherwise we don't really have a country."

* She opposes giving free health care to illegals.

* She voted for the bill that opposes efforts to boycott and isolate Israel.

* She voted to allow VA officials more power to discipline sub-substandard employees.

* She voted for the last two defense spending bills, unlike many radicals in the House.

My main reason for wishing her success is that I don't think she's a blind partisan. I think she's open to persuasion and willing to compromise.

She is a gun grabber however!

If you are referring to Tulsi Gabbard, she is against gun control.

The filibuster was an effort by Senator Chris Murphy and other Democrats to make Republicans act on gun violence, specifically to vote on a bill to block those on the FBI’s terrorist watch list from obtaining guns.

Back in the House, a bill that would achieve an equivalent objective (H.R. 1076) was introduced on February 25, 2015 by Republican Congressman Peter King to prohibit “the sale or distribution of firearms or explosives to any individual whom the Attorney General has determined to be engaged in terrorist activities.” H.R. 1076 has been co-sponsored by 107 Democrats (9 signed on following the Orlando shooting). Tulsi Gabbard is not among the co-sponsors.

In fact, Rep. Gabbard has declined to co-sponsor any common sense gun control legislation, including H.R.4269— the Assault Weapons Ban of 2015 — which is co-sponsored by 125 of Gabbard’s fellow Democrats. Here are the other nine gun bills that Gabbard has NOT supported:
  • H.R.4748—Imported Assault Weapons Ban of 2016
  • H.R.3926 — Gun Violence Research Act
  • H.R.3411 — Fix Gun Checks Act of 2015
  • H.R.2380 — Gun Show Loophole Closing Act of 2015
  • H.R.1745 — Support Assault Firearms Elimination and Reduction for our Streets Act
  • H.R.752 — Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act
  • H.R.226 — Keeping Guns from High Risk Individuals Act
  • H.R.225 — Firearm Safety Act of 2015
The 11 Gun Bills Tulsi Gabbard Won’t Support  -- While 'Standing With' Senate Dems (In A Selfie) | HuffPost

  • H.R.224 — To require the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service to submit to Congress an annual report on the effects of gun violence on public health.
If Tulsi Gabbard does not support common sense gun laws, she should let the residents of her district know that before they go to the polls this August. If she does support these gun laws, she needs to join her fellow Democrats (and some Republicans) and co-sponsor the above bills immediately.
Rumours abound that Tulsi will run as a independent "leftist" candidate to try and split the Democratic votes, and that's why people on the right promote her. Lets see how it shakes out lol

She is the best leftist candidate, except for maybe Bernie.
lol Bernie and Warren have no principles; they merely babble out whatever they think will get them the most votes in the primaries. Bernie The Millionaire Real Estate Guy and Warren the fake Indian have no chance of beating Trump, and most independents and conservatives hope they win the nomination an finally crash that cesspool of a Party.
It is a very entertaining yet tragic end for the dems. Their only hope is massive voter fraud. Tulsi is obviously the best looking Dem, but even she has no clue what the hell she is talking about. There are actually a dem or two who are rational, but dems hate them.

It is a very entertaining yet tragic end for the dems. Their only hope is massive voter fraud.

Absolutely, and it will indeed be rampant in California, Florida, Texas, and New York, along with Michigan and Illinois, anywhere where criminal illegal aliens are concentrated. We're probably in for a lot of extended recounts in 2020.
It's a wave. And the best 5 bucks I've spent this year. Ha.


I'm just cruising by, but glad to see threads like these, op.
For all you Tulsi Gabbard fans out there, be advised that if she does not have 130,000 donors by August 28, she will be excluded from the next round of debates, which will be held in September. The requirement for participation is 130,000 donors, with at least 400 per state in 20 states. As of a few minutes ago, she had 128,415 donors.

I presume she has met the 400 per state in 20 states requirement because her website is saying that she just needs to reach 130,000 by August 28 to qualify for the next round of debates.

Because I think she has an open mind, even though I disagree with most of her stated positions, and because she is not as radical as Sanders, Harris, DeBlasio, etc., I just donated a small amount to give her one more donor.

I will not tolerate big pharma ripping off the American people | TULSI 2020
She is also kind of hot. If she were running for student body president I would vote for her for that reason.

Can you imagine having someone that looks like this as President?

That broad is the cutest ever to run for President for sure, but Mike Obama is so amazing in regards to intelligence and education! Mike really relates to Americans. LOL

That broad is the cutest ever to run for President for sure, but Mike Obama is so amazing in regards to intelligence and education! Mike really relates to Americans. LOL


There is NO way I want Michelle to run but she can at least speak in complete sentences unlike Donald.
For all you Tulsi Gabbard fans out there, be advised that if she does not have 130,000 donors by August 28, she will be excluded from the next round of debates, which will be held in September. The requirement for participation is 130,000 donors, with at least 400 per state in 20 states. As of a few minutes ago, she had 128,415 donors.

I presume she has met the 400 per state in 20 states requirement because her website is saying that she just needs to reach 130,000 by August 28 to qualify for the next round of debates.

Because I think she has an open mind, even though I disagree with most of her stated positions, and because she is not as radical as Sanders, Harris, DeBlasio, etc., I just donated a small amount to give her one more donor.

I will not tolerate big pharma ripping off the American people | TULSI 2020
She is also kind of hot. If she were running for student body president I would vote for her for that reason.

Can you imagine having someone that looks like this as President?

Got to admit, one strong reason for voting against Hillary Clinton was so she would not be on the news every day/night. I think I could deal with seeing TG in the news every night.

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