Tulsi Gabbard testifies on weaponization of the fed gov


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2021

Powerful speech. This is what speaking truth to power is really about. She has made some questionable votes in the past but I knew it would only be a matter of time until she WALKed AWAY from the Dems like many others have. Her taking the red pill has been joyous to watch
Tulsi Gabbard walked away from the Democrats because they weren't socialist enough for her.

Like Bernie Sanders.

Yeah, she's kind of got a mixed record. Her father was a Republican State Senator in Hawaii, but I think he eventually switched parties and she's supported some far left positions like universal health care.
Is that why she supported right wing candidates in 2022?
There are a lot of similarities between the New Right and the long-haired pinkos of the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

Their hatred of "The Establishment", the police, and the FBI, and their love of Russia being two examples.

Their constant Blame America First rhetoric being a third.
Kinda makes her a grifter then who stands for not much of anything

Probably why you like her so much
She actually has stood by her principles and in opposition to the democratic insanity which is why I like her

You don't like her because she's not a Hillary sycophant and made Kamala her bitch
There are a lot of similarities between the New Right and the long-haired pinkos of the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

Free Speech, Equality, these are universal ideals of true Liberalism not that you Shitlibs today would know about that

Free Speech, Equality, these are universal ideals of true Liberalism not that you Shitlibs today would know about that
I'm not a liberal. I'm a Never Trumper. Old school conservative.

And it was liberal organizations like the ACLU which were the biggest protectors of free speech.

And of course it was liberals who led, and still lead, the civil rights movement.

But the New Right's love of Russia, blaming America first, hatred of the police and FBI and "The Establishment" are right out of the pinko playbook.
Anyone who thinks the New Right is a protector of free speech is an idiot.

They are leading the charge on book banning in our libraries.

And while they light the world on fire over Twitter holding a story for two whole days, they don't utter a single syllable of protest over the National Enquirer actively burying stories for Donald Trump.

They carry the stench of hypocrisy everywhere they go.
The Democrat Party's goal is to create a one-party police state where no one can oppose them.
This is the purpose of their weaponization of the government agencies.
This is how it is done in Marxist countries.
Once they have permanent power and can control the ballot counting, they never lose another election.
Examples: Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Vietnam, Russia, China, CA, NY, IL, MA.......
There are a lot of similarities between the New Right and the long-haired pinkos of the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

Their hatred of "The Establishment", the police, and the FBI, and their love of Russia being two examples.

And the way the establishment persecutes Americans unfairly has similar echos as well too. ;)

In the 50's we had the McCarty hearings, which were totally unreasonable, and unfounded, and then during the Trump administration, we had unending hearings, and the intel. agencies again, weaponized as a political instrument against the perceived enemy of the establishment.

Nice of you to finally admit the agenda of the Deep State is more important to global oligarchs and billionaires, than the liberty and freedom of Americans, thanks for that!!!!!!


We should have gotten rid of them when they assassinated JFK and orchestrated the Watergate break-in, to cover it all up. Certainly they should have been dismantled after that Iran-Contra debacle.

They are a threat to American freedom by letting them continue to exist.

It is clear to all liberty loving Americans at this point.

The continued unnecessary wars will be the end of us all.

Powerful speech. This is what speaking truth to power is really about. She has made some questionable votes in the past but I knew it would only be a matter of time until she WALKed AWAY from the Dems like many others have. Her taking the red pill has been joyous to watch

Democrat supporters need to listen to leaders like Tulsi Gabbard. She like others who have left stated clearly that she did not leave the Democratic Party, The Democratic Party left her.
I'm not a liberal. I'm a Never Trumper. Old school conservative.

And it was liberal organizations like the ACLU which were the biggest protectors of free speech.

And of course it was liberals who led, and still lead, the civil rights movement.

But the New Right's love of Russia, blaming America first, hatred of the police and FBI and "The Establishment" are right out of the pinko playbook.
Key word WAS

The aclu now hates free speech and even once former bastions like Berkeley have followed suit

No, the new civil rights movements are lead by those opposed to cultural Marxism which is what the left and you Never Trumpers support. Worldwide neo liberalism that has ruined the wealth of this and other nations
Anyone who thinks the New Right is a protector of free speech is an idiot.

They are leading the charge on book banning in our libraries.

And while they light the world on fire over Twitter holding a story for two whole days, they don't utter a single syllable of protest over the National Enquirer actively burying stories for Donald Trump.

They carry the stench of hypocrisy everywhere they go.
Are you trying out new comedy routines? If so, they're not working.
Anyone who thinks the New Right is a protector of free speech is an idiot.

They are leading the charge on book banning in our libraries.

And while they light the world on fire over Twitter holding a story for two whole days, they don't utter a single syllable of protest over the National Enquirer actively burying stories for Donald Trump.

They carry the stench of hypocrisy everywhere they go.
Its shitlibs banning books like To Kill a Mockingbird

The right doesn't want kids groomed by pedosexuals OH THE HORROR

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