Tulsi Gabbard For President

Tulsi is a more moderate liberal that cannot support the Far-Left lunatics that have taken over the party, and make no mistake there are millions of like-minded people that have left the DP. I don't believe they'll vote for Trump, but I also think they won't vote for the democrat nominee either.

I don't see her as Trump's VP, she ain't conservative enough for that. As an Indie, she would possibly draw plenty of votes from both sides, not every person on the Right likes Trump and the Left is losing support too, especially over the past couple of years. But I highly doubt she could get enough votes to win. And which party would benefit the most? Well, the deep blue states hate her, so no luck there; ditto the deep red states that will go for the GOP. But that leaves the swing states, right? Could she make a difference in those states? Could be, but too soon to tell. If I had to guess I'd say she might draw a little more from the middle of the DP than she will from the middle Right. Gun grabber. Not a lot of righties are going to vote for her cuz of that.
The far left hasn't taken over the Democrat Party.

The Democrat Party DESPISES the left.
She would take more votes from Democrats, I think.

I do not like her positions on at least the following. She is in favor of:
- Ending cash bail
- Free tuition at public colleges and universities, but no vouchers for private and religious schools. (I think people need to have skin in the game, public schools preach progressive politics, and religious freedom should be guaranteed and not punished.
- Ending fossil fuels, the Paris Climate Accord, and incentives for wind and solar which would be very dangerous and create major problems for our electricity grid.
- Closing all existing nuclear reactors (she's nuts!)
- Forcing family and medical leave on businesses
- Elimination of the Electoral College.
- No Photo ID to vote, automatic voter registration
- Banning "assault weapons"
- Medicare for all.
- Raising minimum wage to $15/hr
- Universal basic income
- Raising income taxes
- Not making able-bodied welfare recipients work

Very Liberal. Almost certifiable, despite her reasonable positions on many issues.

This was 2020, not 2024.

Let's see what her platform for 2024 would be.
I'm sure most of you have heard the news by now that Tulsi Gabbard has left the Democratic Party. She seemed to do it in a fashion that makes you wonder what her thought process is. Is she planning an Independent run for the White House in 2024? If so, which side would she draw the most votes from, Democrats or Republicans? Or, will she make a deal to be Trump's VP choice if he wins the nomination? Or, would she run in the Republican primary herself? Or, would she let herself be courted by the Libertarian Party? What's up with her?
She is very left of center on a number of issues but I respect her integrity which is more than i can say for 95 percent of today's so called liberals.
She's pro-Single Payer and pro-Putin.

Zero for two so far.

But she does appear to be anti-PC and anti-Identity Politics, so that's a big plus.
She's pro-Putin because she's against us getting involved in a proxy war with Russia that has nothing to do with American security?
This was 2020, not 2024.

Let's see what her platform for 2024 would be.
Yeah, people's opinions can certainly change.

I hope her opinion of the importance of fossil fuels and nuclear power has.

Out of all of these folks, I would probably pick her...


It's hypothetical, as I don't vote Dem.

I'm sure most of you have heard the news by now that Tulsi Gabbard has left the Democratic Party. She seemed to do it in a fashion that makes you wonder what her thought process is. Is she planning an Independent run for the White House in 2024? If so, which side would she draw the most votes from, Democrats or Republicans? Or, will she make a deal to be Trump's VP choice if he wins the nomination? Or, would she run in the Republican primary herself? Or, would she let herself be courted by the Libertarian Party? What's up with her?
DeSantis-Gabbard 2024...
DeSantis-Gabbard 2024...
I don't know about that but the R's really need a woman or a black person or even both on the ticket in 2024. We need a good conservative pro-life woman who would stand up to the left and say, "bull shit" when the left accuses Republicans of fighting a war against women and Democrats would have no idea how to run a campaign against a black person. Calling them an Uncle Tom just isn't going to cut it with voters.
I don't know about that but the R's really need a woman or a black person or even both on the ticket in 2024. We need a good conservative pro-life woman who would stand up to the left and say, "bull shit" when the left accuses Republicans of fighting a war against women and Democrats would have no idea how to run a campaign against a black person. Calling them an Uncle Tom just isn't going to cut it with voters.
It's so sad that it's come to this blatant racism and sexism for political gain. Identity politics, mainstreamed by Barack Obama in 2012, and infinitely increased over the past decade, has caused such division that we see today.
She is very left of center on a number of issues but I respect her integrity which is more than i can say for 95 percent of today's so called liberals.

She TERRIFIES the Democrats.

Her integrity is like holy water to a vampire.
She's pro-Putin because she's against us getting involved in a proxy war with Russia that has nothing to do with American security?

You're replying to a cultist who cannot be reasoned with.

It's like sitting down to a candlelight dinner with a zombie & expecting it not to try and eat your brain.
I don't know about that but the R's really need a woman or a black person or even both on the ticket in 2024. We need a good conservative pro-life woman who would stand up to the left and say, "bull shit" when the left accuses Republicans of fighting a war against women and Democrats would have no idea how to run a campaign against a black person. Calling them an Uncle Tom just isn't going to cut it with voters.
Liberals, not the left.
I'm sure most of you have heard the news by now that Tulsi Gabbard has left the Democratic Party. She seemed to do it in a fashion that makes you wonder what her thought process is. Is she planning an Independent run for the White House in 2024? If so, which side would she draw the most votes from, Democrats or Republicans? Or, will she make a deal to be Trump's VP choice if he wins the nomination? Or, would she run in the Republican primary herself? Or, would she let herself be courted by the Libertarian Party? What's up with her?
Agree with some of her policies and disagree with others...but as long as she supports gun control...I am dubious she'll pull much Red State support.

And even if she had a convenient Obama-esque "evolution" of her opinion on the 2nd Amendment...I doubt many would trust it to be authentic.

"Tulsi Gabbard -- Advocate for 'sensible' gun control.

Tulsi has a consistent record of advocating for sensible gun control. She has long called for reinstating a federal ban on military-style assault weapons and high capacity clips, requiring comprehensive pre-purchase background checks, closing the gun-show loophole..."

I'm sure most of you have heard the news by now that Tulsi Gabbard has left the Democratic Party. She seemed to do it in a fashion that makes you wonder what her thought process is. Is she planning an Independent run for the White House in 2024? If so, which side would she draw the most votes from, Democrats or Republicans? Or, will she make a deal to be Trump's VP choice if he wins the nomination? Or, would she run in the Republican primary herself? Or, would she let herself be courted by the Libertarian Party? What's up with her?

No matter what she at least took a step in the right direction. Trump's VP, no way. DeSantis's VP? Very possible.
Agree with some of her policies and disagree with others...but as long as she supports gun control...I am dubious she'll pull much Red State support.

And even if she had a convenient Obama-esque "evolution" of her opinion on the 2nd Amendment...I doubt many would trust it to be authentic.

"Tulsi Gabbard -- Advocate for 'sensible' gun control.

Tulsi has a consistent record of advocating for sensible gun control. She has long called for reinstating a federal ban on military-style assault weapons and high capacity clips, requiring comprehensive pre-purchase background checks, closing the gun-show loophole..."

We don't really need gun control. We need people control. If your philosophy is to let dangerous people run around loose and try to keep guns out of their hands then you are nothing more than a stupid idiot. "Common Sense" is to keep dangerous people locked up. If we kept dangerous people locked up instead of having a revolving door on our prisons, we probably wouldn't need gun control. That's the real common sense. Hell, you can be a convicted felon who is set free before their time and they get caught with weapons, we often just let them right back out yet again after they have proven they will continue getting guns. The problem is, we have no common sense when it comes to this.

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