Tucker Carlson lists the biden administration using the FBI to raid the homes of the parties political enemies....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
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Tonight, 6/29/22 Tucker Carlson on his show, Tucker Carlson Tonight, listed the various journalists, republican politicians and Trump officials that have had their homes raided by the FBI....

This has to stop...the FBI is now the gestapo of the democrat party.....

If the Republicans can win congress and if Ron Desantis can become President, it is time to disband the FBI, and remove its leaders......

I would have a link, maybe tomorrow after it makes it to youtube.....
I'm not watching the show that his own network says shouldnt be taken seriously anyway.
I hope people are taking the names and employee numbers from every agent on the scene of these arrests and raids....
Because they are obeying unconstitutional orders...
I told this story here a few weeks ago... we had an FBI raid at a home here in town... its a small town so word spread fast...
I walked over and there were about 30 people watching... they were
not happy the FBI was there and didn't hesitate in telling them so... the thing that struck me was the look on the agents faces... like they were shocked that people were flipping them off and booing them....
The new congress will have to investigate Obama, Pelosi, Schumer and Biden's abuse of power with the DOJ and the FBI.
The FBI is supposed to be protecting the public, not the corrupt Democrat politicians.
Using the FBI as the Democrat Party's Stasi political police is highly illegal and a real threat to the republic.
We need to find out who is running this operation.
The most disgusting part is that the Press/Media also protects the Dirty Democrats.
That was 2020... two years ago... Take a look at the cable news ratings... you people are so in denial and clueless about the truth.... stop watching/reading the left leaning news feeds they are lying to you....

What does two years have to do with anything? I'm not the one that argued in court he isn't supposed to be taken serious. Lawyers for his own network did.

You want to make a point? Make your own point or use someone else.
What does two years have to do with anything? I'm not the one that argued in court he isn't supposed to be taken serious. Lawyers for his own network did.

You want to make a point? Make your own point or use someone else.
Lawsuits are filed all the time... this has nothing to do with the credibility of Tucker's show... or what his networks thinks....
Lawsuits are filed all the time... this has nothing to do with the credibility of Tucker's show... or what his networks thinks....

It might not but Tucker is the wrong person to make it for the reasons noted.
What does two years have to do with anything? I'm not the one that argued in court he isn't supposed to be taken serious. Lawyers for his own network did.

You want to make a point? Make your own point or use someone else.
Ever heard of settling out of court?

Ever heard of copping a plea to a lesser charge?
We are secretly with the help of America's Pravda sending hundreds of thousands of troops to Europe... They are flying out 24-7.... The dems are going to spark a 3rd world war in Europe while China takes over the USA from within....
Remember the names of the republicans that aided this along....
Like the Turtle and McCarthy and Cheney and Romney...
And even Jim Jordon the yapp dog that never gets results... hand picked to keep us thinking someone is fighting for us... What a joke....

You better wake up people... if you think living under a communist's rule is good you better think again...
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Ever heard of settling out of court?

Ever heard of copping a plea to a lesser charge?

Sure. Generally when you settle you don't admit guilt. Fox said he isnt to be believed by any rational individual.
Can you tell me how Trump made you hate him?... what did he do that was so offensive to you?.... think about three years ago pre covid....
I will never understand you people....

I don't know Trump. I don't hate him. "You people" is a cowardly cop out when you can't address me.

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