Tucker Carlson Discusses Relentless Media Lies About Jan 6 Protests on Second Anniversary of Historic Day

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Tucker is a true American patriot for exposing this.

Did Tuck discuss the lies he told about Jan 6?

Tuck complains about Jan 6 lies?

In the series, Carlson strongly suggests that the insurrection was not orchestrated by former President Donald Trump's fans but by his foes, including violent leftist antifa groups and even the FBI and other national security divisions. He plants the idea that the siege was a "false flag" operation to discredit Trump supporters.

Tucker is a true American patriot for exposing this.

Here is a link to a journalist who was on the scene and actually followed Ray Epps as he led people over to the Capitol......Trump was still speaking when Epps did this....and this journalist followed him...he describes in his twitter feed how the Capitol police started the violence with the crowd outside, and he was also there when Babbit was murdered by the cop........the twitter feed is linked and shown in the article....

Tucker is a true American patriot for exposing this.

This action by the Capitol police triggered the violence......and the leadership of Ray Epps, the guy working for the FBI...

For a while, all was calm and peaceful. Then a concussion grenade was thrown deep into what was a peaceful crowd. This caused an eruption within the crowd. The crowd surged due to those in the back not understanding what was happening, pushing others forward consistently.
For over an hour, a continuous barrage of concussion grenades, tear gas, pepper spray, and other crowd munitions were deployed on the crowd. This affected thousands of people, most of whom had no idea what was going on and hadn’t been violent at all.
I was hit by multiple rubber munitions and maced into absolute oblivion, even while wearing visible Press Credentials. The Police were 10x more aggressive than I have ever seen at any riot I covered in 2020.
This was the room seen on John Sullivans stream where he broke the window. I turned around and walked straight out of the room, once again seeing Ashli Babbitt and deciding to follow her. She was on her phone and didn’t seem to know where she was either.

At this point Ashli and I were walking side by side, and we passed a calm SGT at Arms employee who was on his phone. I asked him how he was doing and he said good. Ashli and I were the first to arrive at the doors in the speakers hallway, I offered Officer Yetter water.

Michael Byrd claims he shot Ashli because CERT had not arrived, they were present in the room and were moving forward to de escalate. They did not feel the need to shoot anyone or to resort to violence. Michael Byrd became trigger happy and shot an unarmed woman posing no threat
This action by the Capitol police triggered the violence......and the leadership of Ray Epps, the guy working for the FBI...

For a while, all was calm and peaceful. Then a concussion grenade was thrown deep into what was a peaceful crowd. This caused an eruption within the crowd. The crowd surged due to those in the back not understanding what was happening, pushing others forward consistently.
For over an hour, a continuous barrage of concussion grenades, tear gas, pepper spray, and other crowd munitions were deployed on the crowd. This affected thousands of people, most of whom had no idea what was going on and hadn’t been violent at all.
I was hit by multiple rubber munitions and maced into absolute oblivion, even while wearing visible Press Credentials. The Police were 10x more aggressive than I have ever seen at any riot I covered in 2020.
This was the room seen on John Sullivans stream where he broke the window. I turned around and walked straight out of the room, once again seeing Ashli Babbitt and deciding to follow her. She was on her phone and didn’t seem to know where she was either.

At this point Ashli and I were walking side by side, and we passed a calm SGT at Arms employee who was on his phone. I asked him how he was doing and he said good. Ashli and I were the first to arrive at the doors in the speakers hallway, I offered Officer Yetter water.

Michael Byrd claims he shot Ashli because CERT had not arrived, they were present in the room and were moving forward to de escalate. They did not feel the need to shoot anyone or to resort to violence. Michael Byrd became trigger happy and shot an unarmed woman posing no threat
A day that will live in infamy when Democrats attacked U.S. citizens.
Tuck complains about Jan 6 lies?

In the series, Carlson strongly suggests that the insurrection was not orchestrated by former President Donald Trump's fans but by his foes, including violent leftist antifa groups and even the FBI and other national security divisions. He plants the idea that the siege was a "false flag" operation to discredit Trump supporters.

Alternate universe.
This action by the Capitol police triggered the violence......and the leadership of Ray Epps, the guy working for the FBI...

For a while, all was calm and peaceful. Then a concussion grenade was thrown deep into what was a peaceful crowd. This caused an eruption within the crowd. The crowd surged due to those in the back not understanding what was happening, pushing others forward consistently.
For over an hour, a continuous barrage of concussion grenades, tear gas, pepper spray, and other crowd munitions were deployed on the crowd. This affected thousands of people, most of whom had no idea what was going on and hadn’t been violent at all.
I was hit by multiple rubber munitions and maced into absolute oblivion, even while wearing visible Press Credentials. The Police were 10x more aggressive than I have ever seen at any riot I covered in 2020.
This was the room seen on John Sullivans stream where he broke the window. I turned around and walked straight out of the room, once again seeing Ashli Babbitt and deciding to follow her. She was on her phone and didn’t seem to know where she was either.

At this point Ashli and I were walking side by side, and we passed a calm SGT at Arms employee who was on his phone. I asked him how he was doing and he said good. Ashli and I were the first to arrive at the doors in the speakers hallway, I offered Officer Yetter water.

Michael Byrd claims he shot Ashli because CERT had not arrived, they were present in the room and were moving forward to de escalate. They did not feel the need to shoot anyone or to resort to violence. Michael Byrd became trigger happy and shot an unarmed woman posing no threat
Alternate universe.
This action by the Capitol police triggered the violence......and the leadership of Ray Epps, the guy working for the FBI...
: Revolver has now outed yet another government agent on Jan. 6: Marine Sergeant Ray Epps, also embedded in the Oath Keepers and a close pal of Stewart Rhodes. According to their research, Epps runs an “events business”. Is that like an events coordinator? He also has a private holding company. He also likes to kill defenseless animals. Although he was prominently listed on the FBI's most wanted list for Jan. 6, they ignored him for six months—though they had been told who he was and where he was—and then scrubbed him off the page.]

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