Trump's Russian connections......Possible outcomes

Due to the seriousness of potential charges, I think an inde
Throughout this thread I see the ascribing of "motivations" to circumstantial talking points...

We have evidence of actual actions taken by Russia and Team Trump. That is fact, not circumstantial
A connection between the two is circumstantial at this time

And who cares.

They could have publicly declared it and it really does not matter.

Go away butthurtboi.

Move along...nothing to see here

Trump will be thoroughly investigated. If he is clean, it will go away
If he had illicit dealings with the Russians he will be prosecuted

Bad/sick man

Trump has already been thoroughly investigated.

You fascist will pursue your witch hunt until you are shut down.

I think what you fascists are doing is stupid, the exposure by the Clinton Mob is extreme, as I have already proven. Trump has already said he is going after the criminal family. If one one-billionth of the level of scrutiny is focused on the Mafia that has been focused on Trump, there WILL be indictments, which is something your witch hunt will never do, nor is even intended to do. The Podesta Group is up to their neck in ties to the Russian Mob, and it all leads back to Hillary.
Due to the seriousness of potential charges, I think an inde
Throughout this thread I see the ascribing of "motivations" to circumstantial talking points...

We have evidence of actual actions taken by Russia and Team Trump. That is fact, not circumstantial
A connection between the two is circumstantial at this time

And who cares.

They could have publicly declared it and it really does not matter.

Go away butthurtboi.

Move along...nothing to see here

Trump will be thoroughly investigated. If he is clean, it will go away
If he had illicit dealings with the Russians he will be prosecuted

Bad/sick man

By who ? You ?

Don't make me laugh any side hurts.
So...Gen Flynn offers to testify in return for immunity

Is Trump starting to sweat?
Due to the seriousness of potential charges, I think an inde
Throughout this thread I see the ascribing of "motivations" to circumstantial talking points...

We have evidence of actual actions taken by Russia and Team Trump. That is fact, not circumstantial
A connection between the two is circumstantial at this time

And who cares.

They could have publicly declared it and it really does not matter.

Go away butthurtboi.

Move along...nothing to see here

Trump will be thoroughly investigated. If he is clean, it will go away
If he had illicit dealings with the Russians he will be prosecuted

Bad/sick man

By who ? You ?

Don't make me laugh any side hurts.
An agency known as the FBI
Due to the seriousness of potential charges, I think an inde
Throughout this thread I see the ascribing of "motivations" to circumstantial talking points...

We have evidence of actual actions taken by Russia and Team Trump. That is fact, not circumstantial
A connection between the two is circumstantial at this time

And who cares.

They could have publicly declared it and it really does not matter.

Go away butthurtboi.

Move along...nothing to see here

Trump will be thoroughly investigated. If he is clean, it will go away
If he had illicit dealings with the Russians he will be prosecuted

Bad/sick man

By who ? You ?

Don't make me laugh any side hurts.
An agency known as the FBI


If anything, they'll be investigated for screwing up the election.
So the plot thickens....

Option 1 where all Trump/Russia interaction is innocent and coincidental is now under fire

Why would Flynn demand immunity for meetings that were just about a new Trump golf course?
Flynn is even more suspect than Trump, he just has less power.

There are a lot of questions:
1. Who did he communicate with when he had an illegal private internet connection at the Pentagon?
2. Why was he fired?
3. Did he communicate any secret information to the Russians when he was in Russia?

and more...
What we know so far:
- Putin helped Trump get elected by hacking DNC servers and releasing information
- Trump altered the Republican Platform to aid Putin, publically defended Putin and made statements advocating US recognition of Russia's control of Crimea and lifting Russian sanctions
- Trump's representatives had meetings at this time with Russian agents and denied it

What are the possible outcomes of an investigation?

1. These actions were purely coincidence and Trump contact with the Russians was unrelated

2. Trump representatives met with Russian agents and coordinated the release of hacked information but there is no provable connection to Trump

3. Trump representatives met with Russian agents and offered policy changes in return for Russian assistance in getting elected but with no provable link to Trump

4. A direct link to Trump is established


in homage to your new avi

I used to watch Speed Racer all the time when I was a kid

Not only Trump but his whole team is involved in this treason

he's toast, so is Pence

special elections time

Depending which outcome is proven, Trump may or may not be charged

Outcome 1: Everyone dances, no charges filed, the issue is forgotten

Outcome 2: Trump aides are charged, they take the fall, Trump claims...I knew nothing about it. Politically embarrassing but Trump probably suffers little political fallout

Outcome 3: Trump aides charged with Treason. Trump takes the 5th, Trumps whole election is considered bogus. Trump either resigns or becomes politically neutered. Dems swamp Republicans in the election

Outcome 4: Trump is indicted for Treason. He resigns but is still impeached. If Pence was in no way connected, he becomes President. If he is.....Paul Ryan takes over. Republicans are humiliated. Dems take over the government

A possible "Outcome 5"

The FBI finds no evidence to indicate Trump is complicit but Putin has reams of evidence tying Trump to a "this for that" exchange. Putin uses this evidence to blackmail Trump
Are you wearing your tinfoil headgear?
Not only Trump but his whole team is involved in this treason

he's toast, so is Pence

special elections time

Depending which outcome is proven, Trump may or may not be charged

Outcome 1: Everyone dances, no charges filed, the issue is forgotten

Outcome 2: Trump aides are charged, they take the fall, Trump claims...I knew nothing about it. Politically embarrassing but Trump probably suffers little political fallout

Outcome 3: Trump aides charged with Treason. Trump takes the 5th, Trumps whole election is considered bogus. Trump either resigns or becomes politically neutered. Dems swamp Republicans in the election

Outcome 4: Trump is indicted for Treason. He resigns but is still impeached. If Pence was in no way connected, he becomes President. If he is.....Paul Ryan takes over. Republicans are humiliated. Dems take over the government

A possible "Outcome 5"

The FBI finds no evidence to indicate Trump is complicit but Putin has reams of evidence tying Trump to a "this for that" exchange. Putin uses this evidence to blackmail Trump
Are you wearing your tinfoil headgear?
What if Putin does have info on Trump or the Mrs?

They both have an inglorious past. Putin is very good at collecting this type of information

Last edited:
Not only Trump but his whole team is involved in this treason

he's toast, so is Pence

special elections time

Depending which outcome is proven, Trump may or may not be charged

Outcome 1: Everyone dances, no charges filed, the issue is forgotten

Outcome 2: Trump aides are charged, they take the fall, Trump claims...I knew nothing about it. Politically embarrassing but Trump probably suffers little political fallout

Outcome 3: Trump aides charged with Treason. Trump takes the 5th, Trumps whole election is considered bogus. Trump either resigns or becomes politically neutered. Dems swamp Republicans in the election

Outcome 4: Trump is indicted for Treason. He resigns but is still impeached. If Pence was in no way connected, he becomes President. If he is.....Paul Ryan takes over. Republicans are humiliated. Dems take over the government

Removal is the worse punishment available for impeachment, if a president voluntarily leaves office impeachment is off the table. But no reason to let facts get in the way of good regressive propaganda, right?
if you're an honest American the possibility of Russia being involved in our political system is alarming to say the least.

as an honest American I deserve to know, what, when, where, how and WHY evidence points to the deep connection between the POTUS, his Admin (past and present) , and Russia.

end of story.

Russia has been meddling in elections for decades, just like we have. You regressives are just pissed someone released information that hurt your candidate. If the situation was reversed you'd be cheering your ass off.
Not only Trump but his whole team is involved in this treason

he's toast, so is Pence

special elections time

Depending which outcome is proven, Trump may or may not be charged

Outcome 1: Everyone dances, no charges filed, the issue is forgotten

Outcome 2: Trump aides are charged, they take the fall, Trump claims...I knew nothing about it. Politically embarrassing but Trump probably suffers little political fallout

Outcome 3: Trump aides charged with Treason. Trump takes the 5th, Trumps whole election is considered bogus. Trump either resigns or becomes politically neutered. Dems swamp Republicans in the election

Outcome 4: Trump is indicted for Treason. He resigns but is still impeached. If Pence was in no way connected, he becomes President. If he is.....Paul Ryan takes over. Republicans are humiliated. Dems take over the government

Removal is the worse punishment available for impeachment, if a president voluntarily leaves office impeachment is off the table. But no reason to let facts get in the way of good regressive propaganda, right?
Even if impeached, a president is still subject to criminal charges
What we know so far:
- Putin helped Trump get elected by hacking DNC servers and releasing information
- Trump altered the Republican Platform to aid Putin, publically defended Putin and made statements advocating US recognition of Russia's control of Crimea and lifting Russian sanctions
- Trump's representatives had meetings at this time with Russian agents and denied it

What are the possible outcomes of an investigation?

1. These actions were purely coincidence and Trump contact with the Russians was unrelated

2. Trump representatives met with Russian agents and coordinated the release of hacked information but there is no provable connection to Trump

3. Trump representatives met with Russian agents and offered policy changes in return for Russian assistance in getting elected but with no provable link to Trump

4. A direct link to Trump is established

It seems pretty unrealistic to think that Trump campaign officials were just chit chatting with Russians that were sabotaging the Clinton campaign.
Not only Trump but his whole team is involved in this treason

he's toast, so is Pence

special elections time

Depending which outcome is proven, Trump may or may not be charged

Outcome 1: Everyone dances, no charges filed, the issue is forgotten

Outcome 2: Trump aides are charged, they take the fall, Trump claims...I knew nothing about it. Politically embarrassing but Trump probably suffers little political fallout

Outcome 3: Trump aides charged with Treason. Trump takes the 5th, Trumps whole election is considered bogus. Trump either resigns or becomes politically neutered. Dems swamp Republicans in the election

Outcome 4: Trump is indicted for Treason. He resigns but is still impeached. If Pence was in no way connected, he becomes President. If he is.....Paul Ryan takes over. Republicans are humiliated. Dems take over the government

Removal is the worse punishment available for impeachment, if a president voluntarily leaves office impeachment is off the table. But no reason to let facts get in the way of good regressive propaganda, right?
Even if impeached, a president is still subject to criminal charges
Please don't masturbate in public. We don't need to see that.
I'm hoping for a merciful death of the investigations which can't come soon enough. Like the Benghazi hearings, I would feel differently if I thought they would amount to anything substantive outside of politics.
I'm hoping for a merciful death of the investigations which can't come soon enough. Like the Benghazi hearings, I would feel differently if I thought they would amount to anything substantive outside of politics.
We haven't even had a hearing yet
This is a serious violation of our political system. It needs a full investigation

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