Trump's Russian connections......Possible outcomes

If talking to Russia was treason, Hillary and Obama would have been executed already.

That is not the Treason

If Trump was involved in the release of hacked emails he is complicit in espionage
If Trump offered anything in return for those emails....It is Treason

That is not the Treason

You'll have to show me the definition of treason you're using.
And then explain why Trump is guilty while Hillary and Obama are not.
Giving aid and comfort to the enemy

Benidict Arnold only tried to sell West Point, Trump tried to sell the Presidency

Giving aid and comfort to the enemy

If Russia is the enemy, you'll have to explain why Obama's increased flexibility wasn't treason.
Obama was President and he wasn't selling the presidency in return for help with the election

It sounded like he wanted Russian co-operation, until after the election, when he could return the favor.
I'm more concerned with the Clintons.

Mob Boss Hillary Clinton has made a career of selling favors to the extremely rich and powerful. From her early days of defrauding Little Rock Businesses with threats of crippling witch hunt investigations by the Attorney General, her husband and lackey Bill, to the brokering of uranium sales to Vladamir Putin, Hillary has been in the pocket of those who could pay.

The connections to big oil like Exxon Mobil, Duke Energy, Citi Bank, are well known. Exxon and Duke move Russian oil to Europe, the Clinton Mob has their hands in it. Citi is the major financier for the Russian oil trade working with Moscow based Alfa Bank. The Clinton crime family has received huge sums from Citi. Interestingly enough, many of the ties to the Clinton Mob also trace back to the Bush family, partially explaining the demand of Dubya that Citi be bailed out in 2008.

Selling Uranium to Putin:

{In 2015, The New York Times reported on the ties between the Clinton Foundation and its board member, Canadian Financier Frank Giustra, as a Russian company pushed for control of United States based uranium resources. In 2008, The New York Times reported that Giustra donated millions of dollars to gain access to the Clintons and used his relationship as leverage in a multi-million-dollar uranium deal in the former Soviet Union Republic of Kazakhstan, which Bill Clinton visited with him.}

This dirty little deal reveals the close ties of the Clinton Mob and Russia and illustrates the crime family working AS AN AGENT of the Russian government.

Direct Payments from Russia:

{In June 2010, Bill Clinton visited Moscow to give a keynote speech for $500,000 to Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank owned by Mikhail Prokhorov, who owns the Brooklyn Nets, Barclays Center Arena, and several other entertainment venues in Brooklyn. In 2015, The Wall Street Journal reported that Clinton received a personal thank you note for the speech from Vladimir Putin and a press release from Renaissance Capital noted that the conference was attended by several Russian officials and corporate leaders.}

A cool half million from Putin to the Clinton mob, no need for a go between. This was at a time when Mafia Don Hillary was Secretary of State and close to the time Barack Obama was promising "flexibility" in dealing with Putin.

Ties to the Russian Mob:

International crime is a major factor in our world. That an American crime family like the Clintons would align themselves with Russian mobsters is not surprising, and in fact fully expected.

Billionaire Mikhail Fridman, the founder and owner of the Russia-based Alfa Bank is one of the premiere heads of organized crime in Russia. In 2003, Bill Clinton presented the Golden Plate Award of the International Academy of Achievement in Washington D.C. to this close associate of theirs.

In 2016, Bloomberg reported that Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff Thomas McLarty III was advising Fridman’s company LetterOne about investing $3 billion in the United States’ healthcare system.

{Emails obtained from the conservative group Citizens United revealed that the Clinton Foundation staff pushed Hillary Clinton’s State Department to meet with Russian billionaire Viktor Veselberg, who has donated at least $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation.}

KGB Links:

The Russian Mob grew out of the former KGB, so it is of little surprise that many Clinton confidants are former KGB agents including Putin himself.

{Billionaire Gennady Timchenko, who is rumored to be a former KGB agent, acquired several holdings of Clinton donor Tom Steyer’s hedge fund in 2010.}

{Russian billionaire Leonard Blavatnik’s wife has donated $33,400 to the Democratic Party and gave the maximum donation for an individual, $2,700, to Hillary Clinton during her presidential campaign. Daria Zhukova, the wife of Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, a Putin ally, donated the same amount.}

The Podesta Link:

Last week I pointed out, as did many others on this board, that Mob Boss Hillary Clinton's chief of staff, John Podesta was neck deep in dealing with Russia. John runs the Podesta Group with his brother Tony. The Podesta group;

{in 2016 lobbied on behalf of Sberbank, which is owned by the Russian Central Bank. The firm also lobbied for a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine, the same one that caused Trump adviser Paul Manafort to resign in embarrassment after it was revealed that he worked for former pro-Russian Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. Politico reported that the revelations about Manafort were provided to the Clinton campaign from the Ukrainian government through a DNC consultant who met with Ukrainian officials at the Ukrainian embassy in Washington D.C.}


Hillary's Russia Connection

Speaking Fees Meet Politics for Clintons

The Clintons’ Neoliberal Dystopian Ties to Russia’s Billionaires


Just can't stand facts, can you?
Nixon's worst case crime would have been Obstruction of Justice
Clinton's worst case crime would have been Perjury

Trump's worst case crime would be Treason
^ that Uncensored2008 Tom Horn lol you rw puppets

As would be Obama;s worst case crime.

Of course you fascists have ZERO evidence to support your slander and libel.

You're just shit flinging monkeys, as always.
He was President...he is authorized to talk to other nations

The way a US Senator is, Herr Goebbels?

Now, If Obama had offered flexibility in return for Russian assistance in beating Romney...THAT would be a crime

That's exactly what he did.
No, that is not what he did
He was talking about political timing with the Russians.
He did not offer policy concessions for personal gain
Like Comrade Trump
Nixon's worst case crime would have been Obstruction of Justice
Clinton's worst case crime would have been Perjury

Trump's worst case crime would be Treason
^ that Uncensored2008 Tom Horn lol you rw puppets

As would be Obama;s worst case crime.

Of course you fascists have ZERO evidence to support your slander and libel.

You're just shit flinging monkeys, as always.

No, Obama did not commit treason. Being a liberal Democrat is not treason outside Conservative talk radio

If Trump traded favors to win, he committed treason
He was President...he is authorized to talk to other nations

The way a US Senator is, Herr Goebbels?

Now, If Obama had offered flexibility in return for Russian assistance in beating Romney...THAT would be a crime

That's exactly what he did.
No, that is not what he did
He was talking about political timing with the Russians.
He did not offer policy concessions for personal gain
Like Comrade Trump

He was talking about political timing with the Russians.

Right. Don't make waves about missile defense now. That will help my 2012 re-election.
After my re-election, I'll cave on missile defense. Tell Vlad.

No, that is not what he did

That's exactly what he did. He offered "flexibility" in exchange for Russian cooperation during the election, particularly deescalation in the Ukrain.

He was talking about political timing with the Russians.

He was talking about quid pro quo with the Russians.

He did not offer policy concessions for personal gain
Like Comrade Trump

You're lying about Trump, as the filthy demagogue you are.

But Obama was indeed offering policy concessions for a quite Russia during his election bit.

You fascists have bitten off more than you can chew, a LOT more. The Americans are going to make sure you choke on it.
Trumps problem is.....can he count on his people keeping quiet

Will they sell him out if they face charges or will they take a fall?
Throughout this thread I see the ascribing of "motivations" to circumstantial talking points...

We have evidence of actual actions taken by Russia and Team Trump. That is fact, not circumstantial
A connection between the two is circumstantial at this time

And who cares.

They could have publicly declared it and it really does not matter.

Go away butthurtboi.
What we know so far:
- Putin helped Trump get elected by hacking DNC servers and releasing information
- Trump altered the Republican Platform to aid Putin, publically defended Putin and made statements advocating US recognition of Russia's control of Crimea and lifting Russian sanctions
- Trump's representatives had meetings at this time with Russian agents and denied it

What are the possible outcomes of an investigation?

1. These actions were purely coincidence and Trump contact with the Russians was unrelated

2. Trump representatives met with Russian agents and coordinated the release of hacked information but there is no provable connection to Trump

3. Trump representatives met with Russian agents and offered policy changes in return for Russian assistance in getting elected but with no provable link to Trump

4. A direct link to Trump is established


Putin helped Trump get elected by hacking DNC servers and releasing information

Exposing the DNC's and Hillary's corruption helped Trump get elected? Tell me more.

Butthurt lefties still can't accept the outcome.

The Russians had to do it.

Notice how the slam Billy Bush for that tape he released on Trump which seriously affected the election.

Are they shooting Billy any time soon.....for treason ?
spin it anyway you want, Russia/Trump isn't going away.

View attachment 119432

The Democrats are determined to break the Benghazi investigation record if that is what it takes to keep the country's focus off the Obama administration's Felony Espionage and Hillary and her Team's proven connections to KGB, Russia, Russia's spy network, and Putin!

who gives a shit about records, its about Trump/Russia and MY country, and I'm not a god damn RussianLover.

Not since they moved away from Marxism anyway...

You want desperately to "get Trump." You don't give a shit about facts or evidence, you are filled with rage and hatred and lash out. The fact that there is no evidence to support the fascist narrative matters not a bit to you, your hatred is all that matters.
Due to the seriousness of potential charges, I think an inde
Throughout this thread I see the ascribing of "motivations" to circumstantial talking points...

We have evidence of actual actions taken by Russia and Team Trump. That is fact, not circumstantial
A connection between the two is circumstantial at this time

And who cares.

They could have publicly declared it and it really does not matter.

Go away butthurtboi.

Move along...nothing to see here

Trump will be thoroughly investigated. If he is clean, it will go away
If he had illicit dealings with the Russians he will be prosecuted

Bad/sick man
Not only Trump but his whole team is involved in this treason

he's toast, so is Pence

special elections time

Depending which outcome is proven, Trump may or may not be charged

Charged ?

What a laugh.

I mean really.

Yes...treason is a chargeable offense

Still laughing at you.
Not only Trump but his whole team is involved in this treason

he's toast, so is Pence

special elections time

Depending which outcome is proven, Trump may or may not be charged

Charged ?

What a laugh.

I mean really.

Yes...treason is a chargeable offense

Valerie Jarrett's trial should be starting soon.

She is the most treasonous person alive.

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