Trump's Response To Michelle Obama Failed DNC Convention Attack: 'I would not be President if it wasn't for your husband!'

All they consider is his getting tv bitch slapped by a former first lady whom he has repeatedly insulted with racial slurs.
Look at the number of people who voted for Obama compared to the number who voted for Trump

Obama would have destroyed Trump in an election

In the fantasy land that is your head, perhaps.

But the real world being what it is and all, what Obama may or may not have done is meaningless...
The numbers don’t lie.
Obama got eight million more votes than Trump

So what? In what way does that have bearing on anything?

It's ignorant and stupid to pretend it means anything, simply because there's no way to know. Obama never ran against someone like Trump. Hell, maybe Obama would've gotten more than 8 million more votes.

But it's equally possible that he would've gotten less.

Either way, trying to make a point with this is stupid. You should really stop trying...
It means something because Trump raised the issue.

Obama legitimately won the popular vote and remains much more popular than Trump

It eats Trump up
Criticism by a female eats trump up, and a black female to boot. And one who can use "better words" than he. I don't think anything can garner him a single female vote that isn't already decided for him, absent some coronavirus vaccine or economic miracle … or Bill Barr launching a November surprise … which I suspect is in the works.
Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama. And he did pretty well against Hillary Clinton. Did not seem to eat him up from her criticism in fact he handled her pretty well. And I hope there is a Nov or earlier surprise because there are a LOT of Democrats that deserve to face justice that have beyond a reasonable doubt FAR more obvious then a single thing you people claim Trump did. And Biden the media has been so soft on him there is still no excuse for Hunter Biden and Joe's involvement in it. Only thing they have offered to refute the claims is his denial. And we already know all democrats are in denial naturally.
"Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama."


"Sadly, because president Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won't see another black president for generations!" ~ Impeached Trump

So, referring to a black man as "black" is now a racist slur?

You pathetic little fucks are sure reachin'...
No, making it about the color of his skin, there won't be another "black president for generations."

You may now remove your lips from Impeached Trump's weenis.

You do understand that it's possible to talk about someone's race without it being racist, correct?

Or are you just stupid?
These democrats need to look up the definition of RACISM anyway. Calling someone a name even if it is a slur in itself is not racist. If that was so every Call of Duty kid in the world is a racist. I mean everyone called something that was boring and uninteresting "gay" back in the 80s does that make everyone a homophobe?
Now Nominating a VP based on her sex and skin color is racist. I mean if Trump's reason for hiring Pence was because he was a white male and it was clear that was the reason would not everyone think that was racist?
All they consider is his getting tv bitch slapped by a former first lady whom he has repeatedly insulted with racial slurs.
Look at the number of people who voted for Obama compared to the number who voted for Trump

Obama would have destroyed Trump in an election

In the fantasy land that is your head, perhaps.

But the real world being what it is and all, what Obama may or may not have done is meaningless...
The numbers don’t lie.
Obama got eight million more votes than Trump

So what? In what way does that have bearing on anything?

It's ignorant and stupid to pretend it means anything, simply because there's no way to know. Obama never ran against someone like Trump. Hell, maybe Obama would've gotten more than 8 million more votes.

But it's equally possible that he would've gotten less.

Either way, trying to make a point with this is stupid. You should really stop trying...
It means something because Trump raised the issue.

Obama legitimately won the popular vote and remains much more popular than Trump

It eats Trump up
Criticism by a female eats trump up, and a black female to boot. And one who can use "better words" than he. I don't think anything can garner him a single female vote that isn't already decided for him, absent some coronavirus vaccine or economic miracle … or Bill Barr launching a November surprise … which I suspect is in the works.
Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama. And he did pretty well against Hillary Clinton. Did not seem to eat him up from her criticism in fact he handled her pretty well. And I hope there is a Nov or earlier surprise because there are a LOT of Democrats that deserve to face justice that have beyond a reasonable doubt FAR more obvious then a single thing you people claim Trump did. And Biden the media has been so soft on him there is still no excuse for Hunter Biden and Joe's involvement in it. Only thing they have offered to refute the claims is his denial. And we already know all democrats are in denial naturally.
"Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama."


"Sadly, because president Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won't see another black president for generations!" ~ Impeached Trumpi
How in the fuck even in a crazy Democrats mind would anything there be considered a racial slur? Hell it is not even insensitive. What was a slur is how the media took that quote and said that trump said "laziness is a trait in black people and there will not be a black president for generations" Which was NEVER SAID.
So try again.

I need not try again just because you choose to bury your head up his racist ass. He literally attributed the failure to elect a future president based on the color of their skin. If that's not racist to you, pat your Grand Dragon on his dunce cap and tell him he's doing a great job indoctrinating you.
All they consider is his getting tv bitch slapped by a former first lady whom he has repeatedly insulted with racial slurs.
Look at the number of people who voted for Obama compared to the number who voted for Trump

Obama would have destroyed Trump in an election

In the fantasy land that is your head, perhaps.

But the real world being what it is and all, what Obama may or may not have done is meaningless...
The numbers don’t lie.
Obama got eight million more votes than Trump

So what? In what way does that have bearing on anything?

It's ignorant and stupid to pretend it means anything, simply because there's no way to know. Obama never ran against someone like Trump. Hell, maybe Obama would've gotten more than 8 million more votes.

But it's equally possible that he would've gotten less.

Either way, trying to make a point with this is stupid. You should really stop trying...
It means something because Trump raised the issue.

Obama legitimately won the popular vote and remains much more popular than Trump

It eats Trump up
Criticism by a female eats trump up, and a black female to boot. And one who can use "better words" than he. I don't think anything can garner him a single female vote that isn't already decided for him, absent some coronavirus vaccine or economic miracle … or Bill Barr launching a November surprise … which I suspect is in the works.
Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama. And he did pretty well against Hillary Clinton. Did not seem to eat him up from her criticism in fact he handled her pretty well. And I hope there is a Nov or earlier surprise because there are a LOT of Democrats that deserve to face justice that have beyond a reasonable doubt FAR more obvious then a single thing you people claim Trump did. And Biden the media has been so soft on him there is still no excuse for Hunter Biden and Joe's involvement in it. Only thing they have offered to refute the claims is his denial. And we already know all democrats are in denial naturally.
"Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama."


"Sadly, because president Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won't see another black president for generations!" ~ Impeached Trump

So, referring to a black man as "black" is now a racist slur?

You pathetic little fucks are sure reachin'...
No, making it about the color of his skin, there won't be another "black president for generations."

You may now remove your lips from Impeached Trump's weenis.

You do understand that it's possible to talk about someone's race without it being racist, correct?

Or are you just stupid?
Not when you attribute failure to the color of one's skin, as Impeached Trump had done. Then it's racist.
All they consider is his getting tv bitch slapped by a former first lady whom he has repeatedly insulted with racial slurs.
Look at the number of people who voted for Obama compared to the number who voted for Trump

Obama would have destroyed Trump in an election

In the fantasy land that is your head, perhaps.

But the real world being what it is and all, what Obama may or may not have done is meaningless...
The numbers don’t lie.
Obama got eight million more votes than Trump

So what? In what way does that have bearing on anything?

It's ignorant and stupid to pretend it means anything, simply because there's no way to know. Obama never ran against someone like Trump. Hell, maybe Obama would've gotten more than 8 million more votes.

But it's equally possible that he would've gotten less.

Either way, trying to make a point with this is stupid. You should really stop trying...
It means something because Trump raised the issue.

Obama legitimately won the popular vote and remains much more popular than Trump

It eats Trump up
Criticism by a female eats trump up, and a black female to boot. And one who can use "better words" than he. I don't think anything can garner him a single female vote that isn't already decided for him, absent some coronavirus vaccine or economic miracle … or Bill Barr launching a November surprise … which I suspect is in the works.
Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama. And he did pretty well against Hillary Clinton. Did not seem to eat him up from her criticism in fact he handled her pretty well. And I hope there is a Nov or earlier surprise because there are a LOT of Democrats that deserve to face justice that have beyond a reasonable doubt FAR more obvious then a single thing you people claim Trump did. And Biden the media has been so soft on him there is still no excuse for Hunter Biden and Joe's involvement in it. Only thing they have offered to refute the claims is his denial. And we already know all democrats are in denial naturally.
"Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama."


"Sadly, because president Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won't see another black president for generations!" ~ Impeached Trump

So, referring to a black man as "black" is now a racist slur?

You pathetic little fucks are sure reachin'...
No, making it about the color of his skin, there won't be another "black president for generations."

You may now remove your lips from Impeached Trump's weenis.

You do understand that it's possible to talk about someone's race without it being racist, correct?

Or are you just stupid?
These democrats need to look up the definition of RACISM anyway. Calling someone a name even if it is a slur in itself is not racist. If that was so every Call of Duty kid in the world is a racist. I mean everyone called something that was boring and uninteresting "gay" back in the 80s does that make everyone a homophobe?
Now Nominating a VP based on her sex and skin color is racist. I mean if Trump's reason for hiring Pence was because he was a white male and it was clear that was the reason would not everyone think that was racist?

The Impeached Trump sycophancy runs quite deep among the right. Yes, using a slur against someone based on the color of their skin is indeed racist, ya 5th Avenuer.

That's what happens when Barry hides behind Michelle's man-skirt, sending her out to try to do what he could / can not - face / address PRESIDENT Trump.

After a disastrously failed coup attempt now under criminal investigation and beginning to result in indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions it is no wonder Barry is sending Michelle out instead of trying to do so himself.

Obama won twice with a higher electoral college advantage than Trump had over Hillary.
obama was a terrible president,

highest gas prices for 8 years straight

no job growth

.using the irs against political opponents

A rightard's "observation" of no job growth under Obama...

Can post a graph too that supports my opinion big deal. Show the unemployment graph instead of jobs which always grow because we grow in population. Show how Obama took office under 5percent unemployment and was over 10 percent before half his first term was over. Show the video of him saying Trump needed a magic wand to bring back manufacturing jobs back to the US then show the number of manufacturing jobs have been created since he took office. Show the graph of the cost of healthcare since Obamacare was passed. Show the Graph of conflicts in the world we were involved in that magically disappeared in the past 3 years.
Sure, you want the unemployment rate ...

Obama: 3.1 point drop
Trump: 5.5 point increase

You want manufacturing jobs...

Obama: -192,000
Trump: -257,000
Lol how about you do not count the Corona Virus? Just like the media using the corona virus for your own agenda. Oh and for how bad the Dems complain about trumps handling of the Economy during the virus that sure does look like the makings of a pretty steep V shaped recover. And lets not forget what obama had to do to maintain those graphs an almost 1 trillion dollar stimulus package. All Trump had to do was lower taxes and cut red tape to accomplish the same thing in under half the time with under half the cost.
All they consider is his getting tv bitch slapped by a former first lady whom he has repeatedly insulted with racial slurs.
Look at the number of people who voted for Obama compared to the number who voted for Trump

Obama would have destroyed Trump in an election

In the fantasy land that is your head, perhaps.

But the real world being what it is and all, what Obama may or may not have done is meaningless...
The numbers don’t lie.
Obama got eight million more votes than Trump

So what? In what way does that have bearing on anything?

It's ignorant and stupid to pretend it means anything, simply because there's no way to know. Obama never ran against someone like Trump. Hell, maybe Obama would've gotten more than 8 million more votes.

But it's equally possible that he would've gotten less.

Either way, trying to make a point with this is stupid. You should really stop trying...
It means something because Trump raised the issue.

Obama legitimately won the popular vote and remains much more popular than Trump

It eats Trump up
Criticism by a female eats trump up, and a black female to boot. And one who can use "better words" than he. I don't think anything can garner him a single female vote that isn't already decided for him, absent some coronavirus vaccine or economic miracle … or Bill Barr launching a November surprise … which I suspect is in the works.
Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama. And he did pretty well against Hillary Clinton. Did not seem to eat him up from her criticism in fact he handled her pretty well. And I hope there is a Nov or earlier surprise because there are a LOT of Democrats that deserve to face justice that have beyond a reasonable doubt FAR more obvious then a single thing you people claim Trump did. And Biden the media has been so soft on him there is still no excuse for Hunter Biden and Joe's involvement in it. Only thing they have offered to refute the claims is his denial. And we already know all democrats are in denial naturally.
"Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama."


"Sadly, because president Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won't see another black president for generations!" ~ Impeached Trump

So, referring to a black man as "black" is now a racist slur?

You pathetic little fucks are sure reachin'...
No, making it about the color of his skin, there won't be another "black president for generations."

You may now remove your lips from Impeached Trump's weenis.

You do understand that it's possible to talk about someone's race without it being racist, correct?

Or are you just stupid?
These democrats need to look up the definition of RACISM anyway. Calling someone a name even if it is a slur in itself is not racist. If that was so every Call of Duty kid in the world is a racist. I mean everyone called something that was boring and uninteresting "gay" back in the 80s does that make everyone a homophobe?
Now Nominating a VP based on her sex and skin color is racist. I mean if Trump's reason for hiring Pence was because he was a white male and it was clear that was the reason would not everyone think that was racist?

The Impeached Trump sycophancy runs quite deep among the right. Yes, using a slur against someone based on the color of their skin is indeed racist, ya 5th Avenuer.
Exactly a personal attack against someone because of their race is racist. Saying a slur is not. And a comment that acknowledges someone's race is definitely not racist
All they consider is his getting tv bitch slapped by a former first lady whom he has repeatedly insulted with racial slurs.
Look at the number of people who voted for Obama compared to the number who voted for Trump

Obama would have destroyed Trump in an election

In the fantasy land that is your head, perhaps.

But the real world being what it is and all, what Obama may or may not have done is meaningless...
The numbers don’t lie.
Obama got eight million more votes than Trump

So what? In what way does that have bearing on anything?

It's ignorant and stupid to pretend it means anything, simply because there's no way to know. Obama never ran against someone like Trump. Hell, maybe Obama would've gotten more than 8 million more votes.

But it's equally possible that he would've gotten less.

Either way, trying to make a point with this is stupid. You should really stop trying...
It means something because Trump raised the issue.

Obama legitimately won the popular vote and remains much more popular than Trump

It eats Trump up
Criticism by a female eats trump up, and a black female to boot. And one who can use "better words" than he. I don't think anything can garner him a single female vote that isn't already decided for him, absent some coronavirus vaccine or economic miracle … or Bill Barr launching a November surprise … which I suspect is in the works.
Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama. And he did pretty well against Hillary Clinton. Did not seem to eat him up from her criticism in fact he handled her pretty well. And I hope there is a Nov or earlier surprise because there are a LOT of Democrats that deserve to face justice that have beyond a reasonable doubt FAR more obvious then a single thing you people claim Trump did. And Biden the media has been so soft on him there is still no excuse for Hunter Biden and Joe's involvement in it. Only thing they have offered to refute the claims is his denial. And we already know all democrats are in denial naturally.
"Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama."


"Sadly, because president Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won't see another black president for generations!" ~ Impeached Trump

So, referring to a black man as "black" is now a racist slur?

You pathetic little fucks are sure reachin'...
No, making it about the color of his skin, there won't be another "black president for generations."

You may now remove your lips from Impeached Trump's weenis.

You do understand that it's possible to talk about someone's race without it being racist, correct?

Or are you just stupid?
These democrats need to look up the definition of RACISM anyway. Calling someone a name even if it is a slur in itself is not racist. If that was so every Call of Duty kid in the world is a racist. I mean everyone called something that was boring and uninteresting "gay" back in the 80s does that make everyone a homophobe?
Now Nominating a VP based on her sex and skin color is racist. I mean if Trump's reason for hiring Pence was because he was a white male and it was clear that was the reason would not everyone think that was racist?

The Impeached Trump sycophancy runs quite deep among the right. Yes, using a slur against someone based on the color of their skin is indeed racist, ya 5th Avenuer.

So, you really are stupid? Okay.

Referring to a black man as a black man is not a racial slur. If it is, I'll just start blacks "porch monkeys" because, well, it's more flashy.

You probably believe that using skin color in the description of a criminal is racist, as well, right?

An excellent point has been brought up, and it proves Biden is a racist fuck. He had no concern about picking someone who might actually be qualified and well-suited to the job. Biden has no business being President, simply because he doesn't want what's best for this country. He doesn't want the most qualified person to be Vice President. He wants a negro gash.

As for Trump's comments about Obama, he's absolutely correct, and no one here has come close to explaining how he isn't...

That's what happens when Barry hides behind Michelle's man-skirt, sending her out to try to do what he could / can not - face / address PRESIDENT Trump.

After a disastrously failed coup attempt now under criminal investigation and beginning to result in indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions it is no wonder Barry is sending Michelle out instead of trying to do so himself.

Obama won twice with a higher electoral college advantage than Trump had over Hillary.
obama was a terrible president,

highest gas prices for 8 years straight

no job growth

.using the irs against political opponents

A rightard's "observation" of no job growth under Obama...

Can post a graph too that supports my opinion big deal. Show the unemployment graph instead of jobs which always grow because we grow in population. Show how Obama took office under 5percent unemployment and was over 10 percent before half his first term was over. Show the video of him saying Trump needed a magic wand to bring back manufacturing jobs back to the US then show the number of manufacturing jobs have been created since he took office. Show the graph of the cost of healthcare since Obamacare was passed. Show the Graph of conflicts in the world we were involved in that magically disappeared in the past 3 years.
Sure, you want the unemployment rate ...

Obama: 3.1 point drop
Trump: 5.5 point increase

You want manufacturing jobs...

Obama: -192,000
Trump: -257,000
Lol how about you do not count the Corona Virus? Just like the media using the corona virus for your own agenda. Oh and for how bad the Dems complain about trumps handling of the Economy during the virus that sure does look like the makings of a pretty steep V shaped recover. And lets not forget what obama had to do to maintain those graphs an almost 1 trillion dollar stimulus package. All Trump had to do was lower taxes and cut red tape to accomplish the same thing in under half the time with under half the cost.

Yeah, if we ignore ⅕ of Impeached Trump's term, he's not doing bad.


Your humor aside, I had the testicular fortitude to post the unemployment rate and manufacturing jobs under Obama even during Bush's Great Recession. A pity you lack that ability.

And it's rather bizarre how you throw in never-impeached Obama $1 trillion stimulus while ignoring Impeached Trump's $2+ trillion stimulus. You know, what you idiotically refer to as "half the cost." Like you also ignore how Impeached Trump is on pace to turn in America's first $4 trillion deficit. Where's your outrage, con? I have no doubt you were outraged at Obama for increasing the debt $9 trillion in 8 years; where's your outrage over Impeached Trump adding $7 trillion in 4?
All they consider is his getting tv bitch slapped by a former first lady whom he has repeatedly insulted with racial slurs.
Look at the number of people who voted for Obama compared to the number who voted for Trump

Obama would have destroyed Trump in an election

In the fantasy land that is your head, perhaps.

But the real world being what it is and all, what Obama may or may not have done is meaningless...
The numbers don’t lie.
Obama got eight million more votes than Trump

So what? In what way does that have bearing on anything?

It's ignorant and stupid to pretend it means anything, simply because there's no way to know. Obama never ran against someone like Trump. Hell, maybe Obama would've gotten more than 8 million more votes.

But it's equally possible that he would've gotten less.

Either way, trying to make a point with this is stupid. You should really stop trying...
It means something because Trump raised the issue.

Obama legitimately won the popular vote and remains much more popular than Trump

It eats Trump up
Criticism by a female eats trump up, and a black female to boot. And one who can use "better words" than he. I don't think anything can garner him a single female vote that isn't already decided for him, absent some coronavirus vaccine or economic miracle … or Bill Barr launching a November surprise … which I suspect is in the works.
Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama. And he did pretty well against Hillary Clinton. Did not seem to eat him up from her criticism in fact he handled her pretty well. And I hope there is a Nov or earlier surprise because there are a LOT of Democrats that deserve to face justice that have beyond a reasonable doubt FAR more obvious then a single thing you people claim Trump did. And Biden the media has been so soft on him there is still no excuse for Hunter Biden and Joe's involvement in it. Only thing they have offered to refute the claims is his denial. And we already know all democrats are in denial naturally.
"Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama."


"Sadly, because president Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won't see another black president for generations!" ~ Impeached Trump

So, referring to a black man as "black" is now a racist slur?

You pathetic little fucks are sure reachin'...
No, making it about the color of his skin, there won't be another "black president for generations."

You may now remove your lips from Impeached Trump's weenis.

You do understand that it's possible to talk about someone's race without it being racist, correct?

Or are you just stupid?
These democrats need to look up the definition of RACISM anyway. Calling someone a name even if it is a slur in itself is not racist. If that was so every Call of Duty kid in the world is a racist. I mean everyone called something that was boring and uninteresting "gay" back in the 80s does that make everyone a homophobe?
Now Nominating a VP based on her sex and skin color is racist. I mean if Trump's reason for hiring Pence was because he was a white male and it was clear that was the reason would not everyone think that was racist?

The Impeached Trump sycophancy runs quite deep among the right. Yes, using a slur against someone based on the color of their skin is indeed racist, ya 5th Avenuer.
Exactly a personal attack against someone because of their race is racist.
Which is what Impeached Trump did.
Obama would have destroyed Trump in an election
Immaterial to what the OT is.

I'm not a Trump fan, but credit has to be given where due- he does stick it in peoples face.

Trump is a low intelligence, childish bully.

His retorts are rarely worthy of the initial attack. Michelle Obama, point by point, handed his ass to him.

Trumps best retort is.....I won because of your husband
Hardly true with Obama having 60 percent popularity at the time
I'll bet he has much more money and a higher IQ than you and he's president while you're a fucking no body now, a nobody that never was and a no body who never will ever be.
Trump is the least intelligent person we have ever had as President.

Not just IQ, but emotionally and ethically

That's what happens when Barry hides behind Michelle's man-skirt, sending her out to try to do what he could / can not - face / address PRESIDENT Trump.

After a disastrously failed coup attempt now under criminal investigation and beginning to result in indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions it is no wonder Barry is sending Michelle out instead of trying to do so himself.

Obama won twice with a higher electoral college advantage than Trump had over Hillary.
obama was a terrible president,

highest gas prices for 8 years straight

no job growth

.using the irs against political opponents

A rightard's "observation" of no job growth under Obama...

Can post a graph too that supports my opinion big deal. Show the unemployment graph instead of jobs which always grow because we grow in population. Show how Obama took office under 5percent unemployment and was over 10 percent before half his first term was over. Show the video of him saying Trump needed a magic wand to bring back manufacturing jobs back to the US then show the number of manufacturing jobs have been created since he took office. Show the graph of the cost of healthcare since Obamacare was passed. Show the Graph of conflicts in the world we were involved in that magically disappeared in the past 3 years.
Sure, you want the unemployment rate ...

Obama: 3.1 point drop
Trump: 5.5 point increase

You want manufacturing jobs...

Obama: -192,000
Trump: -257,000
Lol how about you do not count the Corona Virus? Just like the media using the corona virus for your own agenda. Oh and for how bad the Dems complain about trumps handling of the Economy during the virus that sure does look like the makings of a pretty steep V shaped recover. And lets not forget what obama had to do to maintain those graphs an almost 1 trillion dollar stimulus package. All Trump had to do was lower taxes and cut red tape to accomplish the same thing in under half the time with under half the cost.

Yeah, if we ignore ⅕ of Impeached Trump's term, he's not doing bad.


Your humor aside, I had the testicular fortitude to post the unemployment rate and manufacturing jobs under Obama even during Bush's Great Recession. A pity you lack that ability.

And it's rather bizarre how you throw in never-impeached Obama $1 trillion stimulus while ignoring Impeached Trump's $2+ trillion stimulus. You know, what you idiotically refer to as "half the cost." Like you also ignore how Impeached Trump is on pace to turn in America's first $4 trillion deficit. Where's your outrage, con? I have no doubt you were outraged at Obama for increasing the debt $9 trillion in 8 years; where's your outrage over Impeached Trump adding $7 trillion in 4?
Again using the corona virus for your own agenda. You know damn well that 2 trillion was for Virus relief and that the Dems want 3 trillion more(1 trillion to bail out their failed cities). And you might also know that most of that deficit is not because he added to it but because of the damn interest on Obamas 9 trillion.
All they consider is his getting tv bitch slapped by a former first lady whom he has repeatedly insulted with racial slurs.
Look at the number of people who voted for Obama compared to the number who voted for Trump

Obama would have destroyed Trump in an election

In the fantasy land that is your head, perhaps.

But the real world being what it is and all, what Obama may or may not have done is meaningless...
The numbers don’t lie.
Obama got eight million more votes than Trump

So what? In what way does that have bearing on anything?

It's ignorant and stupid to pretend it means anything, simply because there's no way to know. Obama never ran against someone like Trump. Hell, maybe Obama would've gotten more than 8 million more votes.

But it's equally possible that he would've gotten less.

Either way, trying to make a point with this is stupid. You should really stop trying...
It means something because Trump raised the issue.

Obama legitimately won the popular vote and remains much more popular than Trump

It eats Trump up
Criticism by a female eats trump up, and a black female to boot. And one who can use "better words" than he. I don't think anything can garner him a single female vote that isn't already decided for him, absent some coronavirus vaccine or economic miracle … or Bill Barr launching a November surprise … which I suspect is in the works.
Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama. And he did pretty well against Hillary Clinton. Did not seem to eat him up from her criticism in fact he handled her pretty well. And I hope there is a Nov or earlier surprise because there are a LOT of Democrats that deserve to face justice that have beyond a reasonable doubt FAR more obvious then a single thing you people claim Trump did. And Biden the media has been so soft on him there is still no excuse for Hunter Biden and Joe's involvement in it. Only thing they have offered to refute the claims is his denial. And we already know all democrats are in denial naturally.
"Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama."


"Sadly, because president Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won't see another black president for generations!" ~ Impeached Trump

So, referring to a black man as "black" is now a racist slur?

You pathetic little fucks are sure reachin'...
No, making it about the color of his skin, there won't be another "black president for generations."

You may now remove your lips from Impeached Trump's weenis.

You do understand that it's possible to talk about someone's race without it being racist, correct?

Or are you just stupid?
These democrats need to look up the definition of RACISM anyway. Calling someone a name even if it is a slur in itself is not racist. If that was so every Call of Duty kid in the world is a racist. I mean everyone called something that was boring and uninteresting "gay" back in the 80s does that make everyone a homophobe?
Now Nominating a VP based on her sex and skin color is racist. I mean if Trump's reason for hiring Pence was because he was a white male and it was clear that was the reason would not everyone think that was racist?

The Impeached Trump sycophancy runs quite deep among the right. Yes, using a slur against someone based on the color of their skin is indeed racist, ya 5th Avenuer.

So, you really are stupid? Okay.

Referring to a black man as a black man is not a racial slur. If it is, I'll just start blacks "porch monkeys" because, well, it's more flashy.

You probably believe that using skin color in the description of a criminal is racist, as well, right?

An excellent point has been brought up, and it proves Biden is a racist fuck. He had no concern about picking someone who might actually be qualified and well-suited to the job. Biden has no business being President, simply because he doesn't want what's best for this country. He doesn't want the most qualified person to be Vice President. He wants a negro gash.

As for Trump's comments about Obama, he's absolutely correct, and no one here has come close to explaining how he isn't...
Saying blacks won't get elected president because Obama failed, is racist. He reduced it to be about the color of their skin.
All they consider is his getting tv bitch slapped by a former first lady whom he has repeatedly insulted with racial slurs.
Look at the number of people who voted for Obama compared to the number who voted for Trump

Obama would have destroyed Trump in an election

In the fantasy land that is your head, perhaps.

But the real world being what it is and all, what Obama may or may not have done is meaningless...
The numbers don’t lie.
Obama got eight million more votes than Trump

So what? In what way does that have bearing on anything?

It's ignorant and stupid to pretend it means anything, simply because there's no way to know. Obama never ran against someone like Trump. Hell, maybe Obama would've gotten more than 8 million more votes.

But it's equally possible that he would've gotten less.

Either way, trying to make a point with this is stupid. You should really stop trying...
It means something because Trump raised the issue.

Obama legitimately won the popular vote and remains much more popular than Trump

It eats Trump up
Criticism by a female eats trump up, and a black female to boot. And one who can use "better words" than he. I don't think anything can garner him a single female vote that isn't already decided for him, absent some coronavirus vaccine or economic miracle … or Bill Barr launching a November surprise … which I suspect is in the works.
Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama. And he did pretty well against Hillary Clinton. Did not seem to eat him up from her criticism in fact he handled her pretty well. And I hope there is a Nov or earlier surprise because there are a LOT of Democrats that deserve to face justice that have beyond a reasonable doubt FAR more obvious then a single thing you people claim Trump did. And Biden the media has been so soft on him there is still no excuse for Hunter Biden and Joe's involvement in it. Only thing they have offered to refute the claims is his denial. And we already know all democrats are in denial naturally.
"Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama."


"Sadly, because president Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won't see another black president for generations!" ~ Impeached Trump

So, referring to a black man as "black" is now a racist slur?

You pathetic little fucks are sure reachin'...
No, making it about the color of his skin, there won't be another "black president for generations."

You may now remove your lips from Impeached Trump's weenis.

You do understand that it's possible to talk about someone's race without it being racist, correct?

Or are you just stupid?
These democrats need to look up the definition of RACISM anyway. Calling someone a name even if it is a slur in itself is not racist. If that was so every Call of Duty kid in the world is a racist. I mean everyone called something that was boring and uninteresting "gay" back in the 80s does that make everyone a homophobe?
Now Nominating a VP based on her sex and skin color is racist. I mean if Trump's reason for hiring Pence was because he was a white male and it was clear that was the reason would not everyone think that was racist?

The Impeached Trump sycophancy runs quite deep among the right. Yes, using a slur against someone based on the color of their skin is indeed racist, ya 5th Avenuer.

So, you really are stupid? Okay.

Referring to a black man as a black man is not a racial slur. If it is, I'll just start blacks "porch monkeys" because, well, it's more flashy.

You probably believe that using skin color in the description of a criminal is racist, as well, right?

An excellent point has been brought up, and it proves Biden is a racist fuck. He had no concern about picking someone who might actually be qualified and well-suited to the job. Biden has no business being President, simply because he doesn't want what's best for this country. He doesn't want the most qualified person to be Vice President. He wants a negro gash.

As for Trump's comments about Obama, he's absolutely correct, and no one here has come close to explaining how he isn't...
Saying blacks won't get elected president because Obama failed, is racist. He reduced it to be about the color of their skin.
You mean like all white cops are bad and we need to totally reform and/or defund the police because of the actions of one? If so then I will agree with you,

That's what happens when Barry hides behind Michelle's man-skirt, sending her out to try to do what he could / can not - face / address PRESIDENT Trump.

After a disastrously failed coup attempt now under criminal investigation and beginning to result in indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions it is no wonder Barry is sending Michelle out instead of trying to do so himself.

Obama won twice with a higher electoral college advantage than Trump had over Hillary.
obama was a terrible president,

highest gas prices for 8 years straight

no job growth

.using the irs against political opponents

A rightard's "observation" of no job growth under Obama...

Can post a graph too that supports my opinion big deal. Show the unemployment graph instead of jobs which always grow because we grow in population. Show how Obama took office under 5percent unemployment and was over 10 percent before half his first term was over. Show the video of him saying Trump needed a magic wand to bring back manufacturing jobs back to the US then show the number of manufacturing jobs have been created since he took office. Show the graph of the cost of healthcare since Obamacare was passed. Show the Graph of conflicts in the world we were involved in that magically disappeared in the past 3 years.
Sure, you want the unemployment rate ...

Obama: 3.1 point drop
Trump: 5.5 point increase

You want manufacturing jobs...

Obama: -192,000
Trump: -257,000
Lol how about you do not count the Corona Virus? Just like the media using the corona virus for your own agenda. Oh and for how bad the Dems complain about trumps handling of the Economy during the virus that sure does look like the makings of a pretty steep V shaped recover. And lets not forget what obama had to do to maintain those graphs an almost 1 trillion dollar stimulus package. All Trump had to do was lower taxes and cut red tape to accomplish the same thing in under half the time with under half the cost.

Yeah, if we ignore ⅕ of Impeached Trump's term, he's not doing bad.


Your humor aside, I had the testicular fortitude to post the unemployment rate and manufacturing jobs under Obama even during Bush's Great Recession. A pity you lack that ability.

And it's rather bizarre how you throw in never-impeached Obama $1 trillion stimulus while ignoring Impeached Trump's $2+ trillion stimulus. You know, what you idiotically refer to as "half the cost." Like you also ignore how Impeached Trump is on pace to turn in America's first $4 trillion deficit. Where's your outrage, con? I have no doubt you were outraged at Obama for increasing the debt $9 trillion in 8 years; where's your outrage over Impeached Trump adding $7 trillion in 4?
Again using the corona virus for your own agenda. You know damn well that 2 trillion was for Virus relief and that the Dems want 3 trillion more(1 trillion to bail out their failed cities). And you might also know that most of that deficit is not because he added to it but because of the damn interest on Obamas 9 trillion.
And Obama had to pay interest on the debt he inherited. Just like Impeached Trump does; just like his successor will. Only Impeached Trump is adding debt at faster rate than even Obama had done.

But thanks for unwittingly confessing the right used the Great Recession for their own agenda.
All they consider is his getting tv bitch slapped by a former first lady whom he has repeatedly insulted with racial slurs.
Look at the number of people who voted for Obama compared to the number who voted for Trump

Obama would have destroyed Trump in an election

In the fantasy land that is your head, perhaps.

But the real world being what it is and all, what Obama may or may not have done is meaningless...
The numbers don’t lie.
Obama got eight million more votes than Trump

So what? In what way does that have bearing on anything?

It's ignorant and stupid to pretend it means anything, simply because there's no way to know. Obama never ran against someone like Trump. Hell, maybe Obama would've gotten more than 8 million more votes.

But it's equally possible that he would've gotten less.

Either way, trying to make a point with this is stupid. You should really stop trying...
It means something because Trump raised the issue.

Obama legitimately won the popular vote and remains much more popular than Trump

It eats Trump up
Criticism by a female eats trump up, and a black female to boot. And one who can use "better words" than he. I don't think anything can garner him a single female vote that isn't already decided for him, absent some coronavirus vaccine or economic miracle … or Bill Barr launching a November surprise … which I suspect is in the works.
Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama. And he did pretty well against Hillary Clinton. Did not seem to eat him up from her criticism in fact he handled her pretty well. And I hope there is a Nov or earlier surprise because there are a LOT of Democrats that deserve to face justice that have beyond a reasonable doubt FAR more obvious then a single thing you people claim Trump did. And Biden the media has been so soft on him there is still no excuse for Hunter Biden and Joe's involvement in it. Only thing they have offered to refute the claims is his denial. And we already know all democrats are in denial naturally.
"Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama."


"Sadly, because president Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won't see another black president for generations!" ~ Impeached Trump

So, referring to a black man as "black" is now a racist slur?

You pathetic little fucks are sure reachin'...
No, making it about the color of his skin, there won't be another "black president for generations."

You may now remove your lips from Impeached Trump's weenis.

You do understand that it's possible to talk about someone's race without it being racist, correct?

Or are you just stupid?
These democrats need to look up the definition of RACISM anyway. Calling someone a name even if it is a slur in itself is not racist. If that was so every Call of Duty kid in the world is a racist. I mean everyone called something that was boring and uninteresting "gay" back in the 80s does that make everyone a homophobe?
Now Nominating a VP based on her sex and skin color is racist. I mean if Trump's reason for hiring Pence was because he was a white male and it was clear that was the reason would not everyone think that was racist?

The Impeached Trump sycophancy runs quite deep among the right. Yes, using a slur against someone based on the color of their skin is indeed racist, ya 5th Avenuer.

So, you really are stupid? Okay.

Referring to a black man as a black man is not a racial slur. If it is, I'll just start blacks "porch monkeys" because, well, it's more flashy.

You probably believe that using skin color in the description of a criminal is racist, as well, right?

An excellent point has been brought up, and it proves Biden is a racist fuck. He had no concern about picking someone who might actually be qualified and well-suited to the job. Biden has no business being President, simply because he doesn't want what's best for this country. He doesn't want the most qualified person to be Vice President. He wants a negro gash.

As for Trump's comments about Obama, he's absolutely correct, and no one here has come close to explaining how he isn't...
Saying blacks won't get elected president because Obama failed, is racist. He reduced it to be about the color of their skin.

Then you must've been downright apoplectic when Biden announced he would pick a moan of color to be his running mate. After all, all he did with the issue of a running mate was reduce it to be about skin color.

It's the exact same thing, although I strongly suspect your innate hypocrisy won't permit you to acknowledge that...
All they consider is his getting tv bitch slapped by a former first lady whom he has repeatedly insulted with racial slurs.
Look at the number of people who voted for Obama compared to the number who voted for Trump

Obama would have destroyed Trump in an election

In the fantasy land that is your head, perhaps.

But the real world being what it is and all, what Obama may or may not have done is meaningless...
The numbers don’t lie.
Obama got eight million more votes than Trump

So what? In what way does that have bearing on anything?

It's ignorant and stupid to pretend it means anything, simply because there's no way to know. Obama never ran against someone like Trump. Hell, maybe Obama would've gotten more than 8 million more votes.

But it's equally possible that he would've gotten less.

Either way, trying to make a point with this is stupid. You should really stop trying...
It means something because Trump raised the issue.

Obama legitimately won the popular vote and remains much more popular than Trump

It eats Trump up
Criticism by a female eats trump up, and a black female to boot. And one who can use "better words" than he. I don't think anything can garner him a single female vote that isn't already decided for him, absent some coronavirus vaccine or economic miracle … or Bill Barr launching a November surprise … which I suspect is in the works.
Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama. And he did pretty well against Hillary Clinton. Did not seem to eat him up from her criticism in fact he handled her pretty well. And I hope there is a Nov or earlier surprise because there are a LOT of Democrats that deserve to face justice that have beyond a reasonable doubt FAR more obvious then a single thing you people claim Trump did. And Biden the media has been so soft on him there is still no excuse for Hunter Biden and Joe's involvement in it. Only thing they have offered to refute the claims is his denial. And we already know all democrats are in denial naturally.
"Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama."


"Sadly, because president Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won't see another black president for generations!" ~ Impeached Trump

So, referring to a black man as "black" is now a racist slur?

You pathetic little fucks are sure reachin'...
No, making it about the color of his skin, there won't be another "black president for generations."

You may now remove your lips from Impeached Trump's weenis.

You do understand that it's possible to talk about someone's race without it being racist, correct?

Or are you just stupid?
These democrats need to look up the definition of RACISM anyway. Calling someone a name even if it is a slur in itself is not racist. If that was so every Call of Duty kid in the world is a racist. I mean everyone called something that was boring and uninteresting "gay" back in the 80s does that make everyone a homophobe?
Now Nominating a VP based on her sex and skin color is racist. I mean if Trump's reason for hiring Pence was because he was a white male and it was clear that was the reason would not everyone think that was racist?

The Impeached Trump sycophancy runs quite deep among the right. Yes, using a slur against someone based on the color of their skin is indeed racist, ya 5th Avenuer.

So, you really are stupid? Okay.

Referring to a black man as a black man is not a racial slur. If it is, I'll just start blacks "porch monkeys" because, well, it's more flashy.

You probably believe that using skin color in the description of a criminal is racist, as well, right?

An excellent point has been brought up, and it proves Biden is a racist fuck. He had no concern about picking someone who might actually be qualified and well-suited to the job. Biden has no business being President, simply because he doesn't want what's best for this country. He doesn't want the most qualified person to be Vice President. He wants a negro gash.

As for Trump's comments about Obama, he's absolutely correct, and no one here has come close to explaining how he isn't...
Saying blacks won't get elected president because Obama failed, is racist. He reduced it to be about the color of their skin.
You mean like all white cops are bad and we need to totally reform and/or defund the police because of the actions of one? If so then I will agree with you,
No, I don't mean that, nor do I believe that, nor have I ever said that.
And Obama had to pay interest on the debt he inherited. Just like Impeached Trump does; just like his successor will. Only Impeached Trump is adding debt at faster rate than even Obama had done...

You know what's funny (and, in a way, pretty fuckin' pathetic)? Your continued use of "impeached Trump" as if it means anything.

It doesn't.

You know means something? "MAGA" means something. You know what it means??


He was acquitted, just as impeached Clinton was...
All they consider is his getting tv bitch slapped by a former first lady whom he has repeatedly insulted with racial slurs.
Look at the number of people who voted for Obama compared to the number who voted for Trump

Obama would have destroyed Trump in an election

In the fantasy land that is your head, perhaps.

But the real world being what it is and all, what Obama may or may not have done is meaningless...
The numbers don’t lie.
Obama got eight million more votes than Trump

So what? In what way does that have bearing on anything?

It's ignorant and stupid to pretend it means anything, simply because there's no way to know. Obama never ran against someone like Trump. Hell, maybe Obama would've gotten more than 8 million more votes.

But it's equally possible that he would've gotten less.

Either way, trying to make a point with this is stupid. You should really stop trying...
It means something because Trump raised the issue.

Obama legitimately won the popular vote and remains much more popular than Trump

It eats Trump up
Criticism by a female eats trump up, and a black female to boot. And one who can use "better words" than he. I don't think anything can garner him a single female vote that isn't already decided for him, absent some coronavirus vaccine or economic miracle … or Bill Barr launching a November surprise … which I suspect is in the works.
Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama. And he did pretty well against Hillary Clinton. Did not seem to eat him up from her criticism in fact he handled her pretty well. And I hope there is a Nov or earlier surprise because there are a LOT of Democrats that deserve to face justice that have beyond a reasonable doubt FAR more obvious then a single thing you people claim Trump did. And Biden the media has been so soft on him there is still no excuse for Hunter Biden and Joe's involvement in it. Only thing they have offered to refute the claims is his denial. And we already know all democrats are in denial naturally.
"Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama."


"Sadly, because president Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won't see another black president for generations!" ~ Impeached Trump

So, referring to a black man as "black" is now a racist slur?

You pathetic little fucks are sure reachin'...
No, making it about the color of his skin, there won't be another "black president for generations."

You may now remove your lips from Impeached Trump's weenis.

You do understand that it's possible to talk about someone's race without it being racist, correct?

Or are you just stupid?
These democrats need to look up the definition of RACISM anyway. Calling someone a name even if it is a slur in itself is not racist. If that was so every Call of Duty kid in the world is a racist. I mean everyone called something that was boring and uninteresting "gay" back in the 80s does that make everyone a homophobe?
Now Nominating a VP based on her sex and skin color is racist. I mean if Trump's reason for hiring Pence was because he was a white male and it was clear that was the reason would not everyone think that was racist?

The Impeached Trump sycophancy runs quite deep among the right. Yes, using a slur against someone based on the color of their skin is indeed racist, ya 5th Avenuer.

So, you really are stupid? Okay.

Referring to a black man as a black man is not a racial slur. If it is, I'll just start blacks "porch monkeys" because, well, it's more flashy.

You probably believe that using skin color in the description of a criminal is racist, as well, right?

An excellent point has been brought up, and it proves Biden is a racist fuck. He had no concern about picking someone who might actually be qualified and well-suited to the job. Biden has no business being President, simply because he doesn't want what's best for this country. He doesn't want the most qualified person to be Vice President. He wants a negro gash.

As for Trump's comments about Obama, he's absolutely correct, and no one here has come close to explaining how he isn't...
Saying blacks won't get elected president because Obama failed, is racist. He reduced it to be about the color of their skin.

Then you must've been downright apoplectic when Biden announced he would pick a moan of color to be his running mate. After all, all he did with the issue of a running mate was reduce it to be about skin color.

It's the exact same thing, although I strongly suspect your innate hypocrisy won't permit you to acknowledge that...
I heard him say this...

"Whomever I pick, preferably it will be someone who was of color and/or a different gender, but I'm not making that commitment until I know that the person I'm dealing with I can completely and thoroughly trust as authentic and on the same page."

And no, that's not the same as saying blacks won't get elected president for generations because Impeached Trump thinks America's first black president failed.
The most racist thing happening in our country today is the lefts weaponization of race. They are purposely stoking the fires of racism and using a problem with class that they themselves are the cause of and making it look like a racial issue. They are highlighting everything that fits their narrative and ignore everything else. There was 5 white people killed the week of George Floyds death by cops. Was one of them on the news? Was one of them even seriously investigated? Did celebrities show up at any of their funerals? Sure is racism going on but it is not what your are lead to believe it is.
All they consider is his getting tv bitch slapped by a former first lady whom he has repeatedly insulted with racial slurs.
Look at the number of people who voted for Obama compared to the number who voted for Trump

Obama would have destroyed Trump in an election

In the fantasy land that is your head, perhaps.

But the real world being what it is and all, what Obama may or may not have done is meaningless...
The numbers don’t lie.
Obama got eight million more votes than Trump

So what? In what way does that have bearing on anything?

It's ignorant and stupid to pretend it means anything, simply because there's no way to know. Obama never ran against someone like Trump. Hell, maybe Obama would've gotten more than 8 million more votes.

But it's equally possible that he would've gotten less.

Either way, trying to make a point with this is stupid. You should really stop trying...
It means something because Trump raised the issue.

Obama legitimately won the popular vote and remains much more popular than Trump

It eats Trump up
Criticism by a female eats trump up, and a black female to boot. And one who can use "better words" than he. I don't think anything can garner him a single female vote that isn't already decided for him, absent some coronavirus vaccine or economic miracle … or Bill Barr launching a November surprise … which I suspect is in the works.
Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama. And he did pretty well against Hillary Clinton. Did not seem to eat him up from her criticism in fact he handled her pretty well. And I hope there is a Nov or earlier surprise because there are a LOT of Democrats that deserve to face justice that have beyond a reasonable doubt FAR more obvious then a single thing you people claim Trump did. And Biden the media has been so soft on him there is still no excuse for Hunter Biden and Joe's involvement in it. Only thing they have offered to refute the claims is his denial. And we already know all democrats are in denial naturally.
"Show me a single racial slur Trump has said to anyone much less to Michelle Obama."


"Sadly, because president Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won't see another black president for generations!" ~ Impeached Trump

So, referring to a black man as "black" is now a racist slur?

You pathetic little fucks are sure reachin'...
No, making it about the color of his skin, there won't be another "black president for generations."

You may now remove your lips from Impeached Trump's weenis.

You do understand that it's possible to talk about someone's race without it being racist, correct?

Or are you just stupid?
These democrats need to look up the definition of RACISM anyway. Calling someone a name even if it is a slur in itself is not racist. If that was so every Call of Duty kid in the world is a racist. I mean everyone called something that was boring and uninteresting "gay" back in the 80s does that make everyone a homophobe?
Now Nominating a VP based on her sex and skin color is racist. I mean if Trump's reason for hiring Pence was because he was a white male and it was clear that was the reason would not everyone think that was racist?

The Impeached Trump sycophancy runs quite deep among the right. Yes, using a slur against someone based on the color of their skin is indeed racist, ya 5th Avenuer.

So, you really are stupid? Okay.

Referring to a black man as a black man is not a racial slur. If it is, I'll just start blacks "porch monkeys" because, well, it's more flashy.

You probably believe that using skin color in the description of a criminal is racist, as well, right?

An excellent point has been brought up, and it proves Biden is a racist fuck. He had no concern about picking someone who might actually be qualified and well-suited to the job. Biden has no business being President, simply because he doesn't want what's best for this country. He doesn't want the most qualified person to be Vice President. He wants a negro gash.

As for Trump's comments about Obama, he's absolutely correct, and no one here has come close to explaining how he isn't...
Saying blacks won't get elected president because Obama failed, is racist. He reduced it to be about the color of their skin.

Then you must've been downright apoplectic when Biden announced he would pick a moan of color to be his running mate. After all, all he did with the issue of a running mate was reduce it to be about skin color.

It's the exact same thing, although I strongly suspect your innate hypocrisy won't permit you to acknowledge that...
I heard him say this...

"Whomever I pick, preferably it will be someone who was of color and/or a different gender, but I'm not making that commitment until I know that the person I'm dealing with I can completely and thoroughly trust as authentic and on the same page."

And no, that's not the same as saying blacks won't get elected president for generations because Impeached Trump thinks America's first black president failed.

Biden reduced his selection criteria down to skin color and gender. Period. How do we know this? Well, look at who he picked.

And you're a fucking hypocrite...

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