Liars, Hypocrites, Terrorist Sympathizers, and Murderers....1st Night of DNC Convention Just a Warm-Up of What's To Come


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The most successful Obama spoke at the Convention via a week-old video-taped diatribe in which she blamed the President for on-going violence Democrats have facilitated, perpetuated, supported before accusing him of having no empathy with the looters, arsonists, murderers, and foreign enemy-funded terrorists. (Bill Ayers must have been smiling somewhere as she spewed her leftist crap.)

Governor Whittmer, the liberal Constitutional and civil rights violator and hypocrite gave an appearance, delivering a 'classy' speech, the most interesting part being when she attempted to joke before going on but instead gave viewers a great reason not to watch the convention but to change the channel instead- 'It's shark week M*er F*er'. '

One of the high - or should I say 'LOW' - lights was when the biggest mass murderer of all time attacked the President for HIS response to COVID-19, which did NOT include murdering approximately 10,000 elderly Americans by forcing infected virus patients into nursing homes with Americans he acknowledged were most susceptible to the virus and most likely among us to die from it as Cuomo did.

The ancient and well-worn Democratic party strategy of accusing others of doing what THEY have done and continue to do and accusing others of being who THEY are was in full despicable display.

While intelligent people who keep up with the truth and who do not live in a Leftist bubble where reality does not exist saw through the nauseating display, if they bothered to watch at all, the TDS-fest aimed at promoting attempting to convince themselves and any snowflake watching 'Orange Man Bad' and that the old, white, elitist, racist, self-serving, self-enriching, influence-peddling, pu$$y-grabbing, confessed extorting, Obamagate failed coup conspiring, dementia-suffering, creepy old pedophile and the plunge off the Leftist Deep End into full-blown Marxism / socialism he and Harris are guaranteed to drag the US into is the only thing that can 'save' America.

Oh, but - if you can stomach tuning in again - you ain't seen nothing yet. They will be rolling out the red carpet for the biggest losers and criminals the DNC have to offer, highlighted by the appearance and speech given by the biggest sexual predator and pedophile in the entire party - Bill Clinton.

Have fun with that Dems / snowflakes.

I'm tellin' ya....The DNC needs to roll out a new look for Biden, that's more befitting his candidacy....

Joe Headroom!

The most successful Obama spoke at the Convention via a week-old video-taped diatribe in which she blamed the President for on-going violence Democrats have facilitated, perpetuated, supported before accusing him of having no empathy with the looters, arsonists, murderers, and foreign enemy-funded terrorists. (Bill Ayers must have been smiling somewhere as she spewed her leftist crap.)

Governor Whittmer, the liberal Constitutional and civil rights violator and hypocrite gave an appearance, delivering a 'classy' speech, the most interesting part being when she attempted to joke before going on but instead gave viewers a great reason not to watch the convention but to change the channel instead- 'It's shark week M*er F*er'. '

One of the high - or should I say 'LOW' - lights was when the biggest mass murderer of all time attacked the President for HIS response to COVID-19, which did NOT include murdering approximately 10,000 elderly Americans by forcing infected virus patients into nursing homes with Americans he acknowledged were most susceptible to the virus and most likely among us to die from it as Cuomo did.

The ancient and well-worn Democratic party strategy of accusing others of doing what THEY have done and continue to do and accusing others of being who THEY are was in full despicable display.

While intelligent people who keep up with the truth and who do not live in a Leftist bubble where reality does not exist saw through the nauseating display, if they bothered to watch at all, the TDS-fest aimed at promoting attempting to convince themselves and any snowflake watching 'Orange Man Bad' and that the old, white, elitist, racist, self-serving, self-enriching, influence-peddling, pu$$y-grabbing, confessed extorting, Obamagate failed coup conspiring, dementia-suffering, creepy old pedophile and the plunge off the Leftist Deep End into full-blown Marxism / socialism he and Harris are guaranteed to drag the US into is the only thing that can 'save' America.

Oh, but - if you can stomach tuning in again - you ain't seen nothing yet. They will be rolling out the red carpet for the biggest losers and criminals the DNC have to offer, highlighted by the appearance and speech given by the biggest sexual predator and pedophile in the entire party - Bill Clinton.

Have fun with that Dems / snowflakes.

Great speech by Michelle! In case you missed it, you can hear it again when Mrs. Scumpty speaks at the Repubtard convention later this month. "It is what it is!!!" Bigly!!!
Great speech by Michelle! In case you missed it, you can hear it again when Mrs. Scumpty speaks at the Repubtard convention later this month. "It is what it is!!!" Bigly!!!

Yes, Michelle gave a lovely speech in which she blamed the president for the violence and anarchy being facilitated and supported by Liberal governors and mayors in Blue states. He accusation against the President for not having empathy with looters, arsonists, murderers, and foreign funded domestic terrorists ... people like 'Keese Love'

or the bomb-throwers attacking police in Portland was really 'special'.

The Obama's, we see, have not lost their 'empathy' for domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers.

lol it's more fun going to the ape house at the zoo than watching a Democratic Convention full of vermin and deviants. Michael Obama led it off? lol that's cute, having a bigot daughter of a Chicago precinct captain whose senior thesis in college was 'Why Iz Bee Hatin Whitey!', and amazingly got hired right out of college, with zero experience, by Cook County Hospital, as a $225K a year 'VP of Public Relations' or something retarded title or other. I mean, nobody expected a Chicago pol's daughter like Princess Michael to end up with a cushy County job doing essentially nothing, right? lol lol lol Definitely an appropriate opening for the Convention Of Vermin In Dementia.
The most successful Obama spoke at the Convention via a week-old video-taped diatribe in which she blamed the President for on-going violence Democrats have facilitated, perpetuated, supported before accusing him of having no empathy with the looters, arsonists, murderers, and foreign enemy-funded terrorists. (Bill Ayers must have been smiling somewhere as she spewed her leftist crap.)

Governor Whittmer, the liberal Constitutional and civil rights violator and hypocrite gave an appearance, delivering a 'classy' speech, the most interesting part being when she attempted to joke before going on but instead gave viewers a great reason not to watch the convention but to change the channel instead- 'It's shark week M*er F*er'. '

One of the high - or should I say 'LOW' - lights was when the biggest mass murderer of all time attacked the President for HIS response to COVID-19, which did NOT include murdering approximately 10,000 elderly Americans by forcing infected virus patients into nursing homes with Americans he acknowledged were most susceptible to the virus and most likely among us to die from it as Cuomo did.

The ancient and well-worn Democratic party strategy of accusing others of doing what THEY have done and continue to do and accusing others of being who THEY are was in full despicable display.

While intelligent people who keep up with the truth and who do not live in a Leftist bubble where reality does not exist saw through the nauseating display, if they bothered to watch at all, the TDS-fest aimed at promoting attempting to convince themselves and any snowflake watching 'Orange Man Bad' and that the old, white, elitist, racist, self-serving, self-enriching, influence-peddling, pu$$y-grabbing, confessed extorting, Obamagate failed coup conspiring, dementia-suffering, creepy old pedophile and the plunge off the Leftist Deep End into full-blown Marxism / socialism he and Harris are guaranteed to drag the US into is the only thing that can 'save' America.

Oh, but - if you can stomach tuning in again - you ain't seen nothing yet. They will be rolling out the red carpet for the biggest losers and criminals the DNC have to offer, highlighted by the appearance and speech given by the biggest sexual predator and pedophile in the entire party - Bill Clinton.

Have fun with that Dems / snowflakes.

Yep....wackos blaming the President when their horrid states have the highest death counts by far.
The most successful Obama spoke at the Convention via a week-old video-taped diatribe in which she blamed the President for on-going violence Democrats have facilitated, perpetuated, supported before accusing him of having no empathy with the looters, arsonists, murderers, and foreign enemy-funded terrorists. (Bill Ayers must have been smiling somewhere as she spewed her leftist crap.)

Governor Whittmer, the liberal Constitutional and civil rights violator and hypocrite gave an appearance, delivering a 'classy' speech, the most interesting part being when she attempted to joke before going on but instead gave viewers a great reason not to watch the convention but to change the channel instead- 'It's shark week M*er F*er'. '

One of the high - or should I say 'LOW' - lights was when the biggest mass murderer of all time attacked the President for HIS response to COVID-19, which did NOT include murdering approximately 10,000 elderly Americans by forcing infected virus patients into nursing homes with Americans he acknowledged were most susceptible to the virus and most likely among us to die from it as Cuomo did.

The ancient and well-worn Democratic party strategy of accusing others of doing what THEY have done and continue to do and accusing others of being who THEY are was in full despicable display.

While intelligent people who keep up with the truth and who do not live in a Leftist bubble where reality does not exist saw through the nauseating display, if they bothered to watch at all, the TDS-fest aimed at promoting attempting to convince themselves and any snowflake watching 'Orange Man Bad' and that the old, white, elitist, racist, self-serving, self-enriching, influence-peddling, pu$$y-grabbing, confessed extorting, Obamagate failed coup conspiring, dementia-suffering, creepy old pedophile and the plunge off the Leftist Deep End into full-blown Marxism / socialism he and Harris are guaranteed to drag the US into is the only thing that can 'save' America.

Oh, but - if you can stomach tuning in again - you ain't seen nothing yet. They will be rolling out the red carpet for the biggest losers and criminals the DNC have to offer, highlighted by the appearance and speech given by the biggest sexual predator and pedophile in the entire party - Bill Clinton.

Have fun with that Dems / snowflakes.

Great speech by Michelle! In case you missed it, you can hear it again when Mrs. Scumpty speaks at the Repubtard convention later this month. "It is what it is!!!" Bigly!!!
Awww did the whiny wacko like the speech by Moochelle? I dint know wookies could speak, nice human hair wig though on Sasquatch
Commie Bernie said last night that "communism is now mainstream in America".

Delusional asshole.

The Party of Moon Bats is absolutely bat shit crazy.

That's their outspoken, proven, public agenda now - they aren't even hiding it.....which is why the President should officially declare the Democratic Party to be what it truly is, an official Enemy of the US, a subversive, criminal organization that has repeatedly attempted to affect the overthrow of the US Federal Government through multiple failed coup attempts.

What Democrats have done used to warrant the death penalty, or at least life in prison.

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