Trump's Program to Neutralize the Deep State


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
President Trump figured out one of the main reasons why it was so difficult to implement his pro-America agenda: The Deep State.

High-level GS employees who joined government service not to serve the public, but to take over the government from inside, pushing their Leftist agendas from protected civil service positions where no Administration could really bring them in line. Trump's initiative in this area is almost as important as his appointment of judges and justices who respect the Constitution. Remove the "armor" of civil service protection for high-level GS officials. Vote accordingly.

President Trump figured out one of the main reasons why it was so difficult to implement his pro-America agenda: The Deep State.

High-level GS employees who joined government service not to serve the public, but to take over the government from inside, pushing their Leftist agendas from protected civil service positions where no Administration could really bring them in line. Trump's initiative in this area is almost as important as his appointment of judges and justices who respect the Constitution. Remove the "armor" of civil service protection for high-level GS officials. Vote accordingly.

Yep, typical Republican initiative. Go on snipe hunts and waste time on things that don't exist and you can get willing feebs to send you money on. :auiqs.jpg:

Sigh...there truly are people who shouldn't be allowed to vote. ^^^^^^^
The “deep state’ is just MAGA bullshit. The “deep state” was a term originally used for third world countries where the military held the levers of power over a nominal civilian government. The MAGA turds and Their conspiracy theorist turned it against the US and applied it to the civil service as per the OP. The civil service is what keeps this nation functioning.

The OP calls it a “leftist agenda.” What he is really saying the MAGA nuts want to remove the guardrails that protect the US from would-be authoritarians. In the world view of the anti-democratic right, anything that may keep Trump, their chosen savior, from imposing his whims, no matter how outrageous, on the nation is an obstacle that must be removed.

Don’t buy into that Trumpist BS.
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The “deep state’ is just MAGA bullshit. The “deep state” was a term originally used for third world countries where the military held the levers of power over a nominal civilian government. The MAGA turds and Their conspiracy theorist turned it against the US and applied it to the civil service. The civil service is what keeps this nation functioning.

The OP calls it a “leftist agenda.” What he is really saying the MAGA nuts want to remove the guardrails that protect the US from would-be authoritarians. In the world view of the anti-democratic right, anything that may keep Trump, their chosen savior, from imposing his whims, no matter how outrageous, on the nation is an obstacle that must be removed.

Don’t buy into that BS.
Chuck Schumer introduced the term....from past knowledge
President Trump figured out one of the main reasons why it was so difficult to implement his pro-America agenda: The Deep State.

High-level GS employees who joined government service not to serve the public, but to take over the government from inside, pushing their Leftist agendas from protected civil service positions where no Administration could really bring them in line. Trump's initiative in this area is almost as important as his appointment of judges and justices who respect the Constitution. Remove the "armor" of civil service protection for high-level GS officials. Vote accordingly.

Trumps problem with the Civil Service system is that they are loyal to the country and not politically loyal to him.
They swear to defend the Constitution not any President who happens to be in charge at that time.
The result is a workforce that is forbidden from being involved in politics, maintains continuity between administrations, knows their job and follows the existing rules and regulations

Trump wants to replace that with partisan officials that are loyal to him.
President Trump figured out one of the main reasons why it was so difficult to implement his pro-America agenda: The Deep State.
Trump was (and is) an anti-American piece of shit. Why do you think he had his cheap clothing made in China?
High-level GS employees who joined government service not to serve the public, but to take over the government from inside, pushing their Leftist agendas from protected civil service positions where no Administration could really bring them in line. Trump's initiative in this area is almost as important as his appointment of judges and justices who respect the Constitution. Remove the "armor" of civil service protection for high-level GS officials. Vote accordingly.
And he didn’t do this during the first term why?

Oh thats right because the entire “enemy” is just a figment of your INCEL imagination.
President Trump figured out one of the main reasons why it was so difficult to implement his pro-America agenda: The Deep State.

High-level GS employees who joined government service not to serve the public, but to take over the government from inside, pushing their Leftist agendas from protected civil service positions where no Administration could really bring them in line. Trump's initiative in this area is almost as important as his appointment of judges and justices who respect the Constitution. Remove the "armor" of civil service protection for high-level GS officials. Vote accordingly.

Of course he is 100% correct .
But he should have known all of that in detail ten years ago, or more .
His biggest error . imho

Then he could have stripped the DOJ and Judges .
Set about the three letter agencies .

BUT his number one priority should have been blasting the MSM out of existence ASAP and introducing his Media to wage immediate and total war .
Never understood those huge blunders which should have been self evident
President Trump figured out one of the main reasons why it was so difficult to implement his pro-America agenda: The Deep State.

High-level GS employees who joined government service not to serve the public, but to take over the government from inside, pushing their Leftist agendas from protected civil service positions where no Administration could really bring them in line. Trump's initiative in this area is almost as important as his appointment of judges and justices who respect the Constitution. Remove the "armor" of civil service protection for high-level GS officials. Vote accordingly.

It's going to take more than one term in office to rid the world of those malignant parasites.
Cause only Trump can do it...right? :)

In the way of what? The garbage collector coming to take him away? :auiqs.jpg:
Why do people assign and ascribe traits to Trump that he has never possessed?
He's not a brave hero. He's a grifting fraud. And what he your money. :)
why do you think they've worked so hard to take him down Jack?

why do you think they've worked so hard to take him down Jack?

Sorry Sparky, he's done that to himself. Happens when you're corrupt and incompetent. No self realization. No inward reflection. No stopping to take stock of his beliefs.
He believes that being a bull in a china shop is how he'll win support. That act? wearing thin.
If I was saying such a thing, why would I also say it is going to take more than one term of a presidency?

Let me guess...You have a history of closed head injuries, don't ya? :uhoh3:
But that's what you're implying, snowflake. Like some grifting fraud is gonna take apart a system that doesn't exist and is just thrown out there as red meat for the true believers to salivate over. :rolleyes:
But that's what you're implying, snowflake. Like some grifting fraud is gonna take apart a system that doesn't exist and is just thrown out there as red meat for the true believers to salivate over. :rolleyes:
I'm not implying anything sub-cretin.

If the permanent administrative State could be swept aside in a mere four years, I might be able to muster up 1/10th of a reason to vote for Orange Man.

You really are one fucking stoopit mofo.
I'm not implying anything sub-cretin.

If the permanent administrative State could be swept aside in a mere four years, I might be able to muster up 1/10th of a reason to vote for Orange Man.

You really are one fucking stoopit mofo.
I like stories. Tell me more. :)

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