Trumps plan is workable AND popular

America is an island of relative sanity in a world devolving into chaos. The two natural responses to that situation are economic patriotism (decoupling from globalism) and taking a sober look at managing immigration. The American people are known for having common sense, and the reality of the situation is staring us right in the face. In his awkward manner, Trump is the only candidate to even acknowledge those truths.

Immigration is like rain. You need it in times of drought. In times of flood, it's the last thing you need. Immigration is what made the Roman Empire great. It's also partially what destroyed the Roman Empire, which in the end became too convoluted and unfocused and lost all sense of nationality and charter.

We are a nation OF immigrants...

You didn't read my post, or you just didn't agree with it. I acknowledge that this country rose to a super-power via immigration. But, there comes a time when too much of a good thing is too much of a good thing.

I think all the desperate people piling up in the queue on the Greece-Macedonia border attempting to get into Europe, and all the dinghies overflowing with M.E. and African refugees attempting to land on a Greek island are a cautionary tale for the USA..

Everyone wants to come to America. Ultimately, we have to draw a line.
1st post
Donald Trump outlines immigration specifics -

A GIGANTIC FUCK YOU to Frank Sharry, whoever that turd pos is, along with the bottom-feeding trash CNN writers of this article. Mass expulsion of illegals and a 20-year time-out/termination of legal immigration to give this country a chance to try to begin the healing of the middle and poor black working classes, is absolutely necessary and is literally the only way to do it.

When I see scumbags like Sharry, who do not work in a real job, running interference for the la raza filth/illegal alien advocacy crowd, my blood boils over these whore bastards. Yes, I am angry because these people are knowingly destroying this country, and are trying to do so in the most vile of ways, pretending that they are "human rights" supporters or some other crap - but they are absolute frauds. How any sane human could be against repairing the mis-reading / mis-interpretation of the 14th amendment I cannot fathom - unless of course there is an agenda involved, which there most certainly is.

Many times in the past this country took a long timeout from even legal immigration, to give the economy a chance to absorb large numbers of immigrants.

The general public has finally, finally come to understand how harmful and costly the illegal alien invasion and overabundant legal immigration framework has been for the country, and those who complain about $25 BBN to build a wall are remarkably silent when stats are brought up to show that the welfare and support of illegal aliens dwarfs that by a wide margin.

Trump is #1 in the polls because the public has had it, and if these fucking dogs in office do not start fixing this problem the right way - mass deportation, build a wall, strong E-verify with massive punishment for employers hiring illegals, termination of the H1-B visa scam, there is going to be an uprising not seen since 1861.

Yeah, goddam those commies at CNN. We need to hear what the Fox News says about it:

Hilly could stumble??? She's done fallen down and cant get up.....she wouldnt last 5 minutes in a debate.......

I feel quite comfortable with Hillary facing off against almost anyone on the GOP side. Including Trump. The only two that worry me are Bush and Christie and Huckabee to a small degree (if Huckabee is in the GE, that means that Christian Conservatives showed up in a big way and those folks do not go away--ever--they vote like there is no tomorrow).

Hillary would probably be seen as the loser in a debate with Trump because he would remark about her ankles and Lewinsky while Clinton would talk about raising the minimum wage and equal pay for equal work. The WWE caucus of the GOP would love what Trump is saying while the rest of the nation (the ones that vote) will be reminded of just how shallow Lake Trump is.

Bring it on!!!
Wow dumbass. Why do you think that was. I suppose if you had polled America about it's largest problem on 9/12/01, terrorism may have been polling higher than it was on 9/10/01.

There is only one word for you: MORON.

YOU claimed that only 3% said it was important, I PROVED you were wrong - in a poll you first attacked me for not reading which you clearly did not - that showed SIXTEEN percent of those polled stated it was their top issue, and now you are trying to excuse it away claiming some sophistric bullshit about it being topical? YOU'RE a fucking idiot, I held back a bit because someone else said you were a woman, but no longer. You're clearly not intelligent.

Mr. Trump is running around accusing women of being on their period,

Oh, my goodness, the horror!

calling other candidates "losers"

Which he is correct, as they had avoided taking action on immigration until he brought it up.

insulting Mexicans

By telling the truth about them? You are an idiot.

telling you some kid being born somewhere is the reason the economy is in the dumper

The idiots are the ones who actually think that 30 million or more illegals dumped into the country who have destroyed whoe economic sectors like construction and fast food have not affected the economy. Or are too stupid and lazy to realize that having over 100,000 children in NYC public schools of parents who pay little or no taxes would be a huge cost, or that 84 hospitals that closed in CA due to illegal's non-payment of their bills would not impact the quality of health care in that state. If I thought you had any brains I'd list more stats, but you're clearly and idiot who has no ability to think or debate.
Yeah, goddam those commies at CNN. We need to hear what the Fox News says about it:

Why would I give a fuck what Fox news says? Is that the far left's only response: "you watch FOX news!"

The cost to mass deport, once the laws are changed and employer fines/jail time massively increased, will be far lower than $300 BBN. Second, whatever the numbers are, they will be far lower than the amount of money being spent on them for free schooling, education, welfare for them, welfare for the poor blacks and other americans displaced out of the economy, etc.
5th post

Obama Administration Has Deported A Record Number Of Undocumented Immigrants
ICE Removed A "Record High" Number Of Individuals In 2012. In fiscal year 2012, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) "removed 409,849 individuals. Ninety-six percent of these removals fell into one of ICE's enforcement priorities, a record high."

As big an idiot on these forums; obama changed how deportations were calculated so the numbers would look better, i.e., he now counts those turned around at the border as a deportation. That was not done before. Facts much, idiot?
The problem is, once they've got rid of the illegal immigrants etc people would expect to see improvements in society. But they just wouldn't happen.

Uh, yeah we would. 10% of the entire NYC school system are illegals. 84 hospitals closed in CA due to non-payment of bills by illegal births/health care. The construction and fast food industries would see wages rise for the first time in decades.

Given that the real number is closer to 30-40 million illegals, wages would definitely rise, so less people would be on welfare and salaries would start to balance again. Its called supply and demand.
The idiots are the ones who actually think that 30 million or more illegals dumped into the country
Gee, now it's 30 million??? God damn you're stupid.

who have destroyed whoe economic sectors like construction and fast food have not affected the economy.
Oh yeah....there are no more fast food restaurants. Oh wait shit-for-brains...there are now more than ever. And who are building them? The "construction sector". Not bad for two "destroyed" sectors.
Or are too stupid and lazy to realize that having over 100,000 children in NYC public schools of parents who pay little or no taxes would be a huge cost,
Nobody can be at your level of idiocy without trying very hard. You should take a break before you have a heart attack from over-exertion.

Like most school districts, the NYC public schools are largely funded by local taxes. Illegals (as well as non-illegals) pay these taxes through rents, mortgages, and sales taxes. Only perverse idiots like you think that they are the only people who pay taxes.
or that 84 hospitals that closed in CA due to illegal's non-payment of their bills would not impact the quality of health care in that state.
Typical right wing bullshit. The rising costs of healthcare is responsible for some hospitals closing. Like any business, when you do not forecast properly. But the 84 hospitals that were supposedly closed due to some illegals not paying their bills took place between 1993 and 2004. Amazingly, during this "immigration crisis" hospitals are opening (and thriving) once again.

Basically the bottom line is that you're just a fucking idiot who doesn't realize that he sounds 10 times as dumb as he probably is.

If I thought you had any brains I'd list more stats, but you're clearly and idiot who has no ability to think or debate.

Feel free. Your stats are meaningless since you, yourself, do not read your sources.

Thanks for the morning batting practice. Check please!

Another weak idiot. How people can even think illegals "help" the economy, when many/most work off the books is astounding, it proves the stupidity of many.

For the intelligent:

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers (2013)

You do know that purchases made at Wal*Mart and other places is taxable right? Oh wait, I forgot who I was talking to? Of course you don't realize it....carry on.
10th post
The problem is, once they've got rid of the illegal immigrants etc people would expect to see improvements in society. But they just wouldn't happen.

Uh, yeah we would. 10% of the entire NYC school system are illegals. 84 hospitals closed in CA due to non-payment of bills by illegal births/health care. The construction and fast food industries would see wages rise for the first time in decades.

Given that the real number is closer to 30-40 million illegals, wages would definitely rise, so less people would be on welfare and salaries would start to balance again. Its called supply and demand.

Taking 10% of kids out of a school system doesn't necessarily make the teaching better you know.

Increase in wages makes things better for some, not for all. Those who run businesses would see this as negative. It'd also take away to sales to those illegals who aren't on benefits and are working.

The reality is, if you have a number of people that make up 100% and 5% don't work, It's the same as having 110% and having 6% not working. Taking people out of the system doesn't necessarily improve things. Things have to be good in the first place for things to get better, if they're not, then they'll just remain bad.
Gee, now it's 30 million??? God damn you're stupid.

So now the childish idiot is changing the subject. Smart move, since you had your ass handed to you on your polling claims...

Yes idiot, its roughly 30 MM, since the MSM and illegal immigrants advocate trash like la raza have been claiming "11 million" for what, 20 years?

Should I post another link showing this, or will you mis-read that as well?

Oh yeah....there are no more fast food restaurants. Oh wait shit-for-brains...there are now more than ever. And who are building them? The "construction sector". Not bad for two "destroyed" sectors.

Asshole, I said the WAGES for the two sectors have been destroyed, which they were.

Anyone over 35 would remember that fast food used to be manned by teens, but is now almost all illegals/hispanic. Government stats show that the real wages in construction have not risen in almost 30 years.

Like most school districts, the NYC public schools are largely funded by local taxes. Illegals (as well as non-illegals) pay these taxes through rents, mortgages, and sales taxes.

Idiot, the schools are funded primarily by INCOME taxes; if you had any facts you'd know that NYC has very low REAL ESTATE taxes becasue so much revenue comes from INCOME taxes, but since the illegals work off the books, they are NOT paying much in INCOME taxes? Understand it now fuckhead?

Those sales taxes you list DO NOT COME CLOSE to covering the costs needed to hire the thousands of additional teachers needed to support the > 100K illegals.

Only perverse idiots like you think that they are the only people who pay taxes.

The other poster claimed you were a sock puppet of a banned asshole, I am beginning think they are correct.

Typical right wing bullshit. The rising costs of healthcare is responsible for some hospitals closing. Like any business, when you do not forecast properly.

Kind of difficult to "run a business" when half of your customers don't pay anything. And how does one predict the inflow of illegal aliens from other countries? Your points are so fucking stupid, you're making my case for me.

But the 84 hospitals that were supposedly closed due to some illegals not paying their bills took place between 1993 and 2004. Amazingly, during this "immigration crisis" hospitals are opening (and thriving) once again.

The illegal aliens did not start coming to the US AFTER 2004, moron, there were already millions of them here by then.

If I thought...

You don't think, which is why you keep changing the topic.

you're clearly and idiot who has no ability to think or debate.

You're clearly a worthless c-nt sock puppet, who has now been reported. Soon you'll be in my sig with the rest of the banned turds.
Taking 10% of kids out of a school system doesn't necessarily make the teaching better you know. Increase in wages makes things better for some, not for all. Those who run businesses would see this as negative. It'd also take away to sales to those illegals who aren't on benefits and are working.

The reality is, if you have a number of people that make up 100% and 5% don't work, It's the same as having 110% and having 6% not working. Taking people out of the system doesn't necessarily improve things. Things have to be good in the first place for things to get better, if they're not, then they'll just remain bad.

My point was that the amount of resources - hundreds of millions - to hire, train and support thousands of teachers for the > 100K illegal alien students, are a huge waste of resources that could have been diverted to either actual citizen children to help them, towards roads, bridges, infrastructure, re-training of the poor, vaccinations, mass-transit and about 1,000 other things. The quality of life for the citizenry is LOWERED by having to spend it on illegals.
Last edited:
Another weak idiot. How people can even think illegals "help" the economy, when many/most work off the books is astounding, it proves the stupidity of many.

For the intelligent:

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers (2013)

For the "intelligent"?

Federation for American Immigration Reform
The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is a group with one mission: to severely limit immigration into the United States. Although FAIR maintains a veneer of legitimacy that has allowed its principals to testify in Congress and lobby the federal government, this veneer hides much ugliness. FAIR leaders have ties to white supremacist groups and eugenicists and have made many racist statements. Its advertisements have been rejected because of racist content. FAIR’s founder, John Tanton, has expressed his wish that America remain a majority-white population: a goal to be achieved, presumably, by limiting the number of nonwhites who enter the country. One of the group’s main goals is upending the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which ended a decades-long, racist quota system that limited immigration mostly to northern Europeans. FAIR President Dan Stein has called the Act a "mistake."

In Its Own Words
"As Whites see their power and control over their lives declining, will they simply go quietly into the night? Or will there be an explosion?"
— FAIR founder and board member John Tanton, Oct. 10, 1986

"I've come to the point of view that for European-American society and culture to persist requires a European-American majority, and a clear one at that."
— John Tanton, letter to eugenicist and ecology professor Garrett Hardin (now deceased), Dec. 10, 1993

"I blame ninety-eight percent of responsibility for this country's immigration crisis on Ted Kennedy and his political allies, who decided some time back in 1958, earlier perhaps, that immigration was a great way to retaliate against Anglo-Saxon dominance and hubris, and the immigration laws from the 1920s were just this symbol of that, and it's a form of revengism, or revenge, that these forces continue to push the immigration policy that they know full well are [sic] creating chaos and will continue to create chaos down the line."
— FAIR President Dan Stein, "Oral History of the Federation for American Immigration Reform," interview of Dan Stein by John Tanton, August 1994.

"Do we leave it to individuals to decide that they are the intelligent ones who should have more kids? And more troublesome, what about the less intelligent, who logically should have less? Who is going to break the bad news [to less intelligent individuals], and how will it be implemented?"
— John Tanton, letter to eugenicist Robert K. Graham (now deceased), Sept. 18, 1996

"Immigrants don't come all church-loving, freedom-loving, God-fearing … Many of them hate America, hate everything that the United States stands for. Talk to some of these Central Americans."
— FAIR President Dan Stein, interviewed by Tucker Carlson, Oct. 2, 1997

Recent News
John Tanton’s Private Papers Expose More Than 20 Years of Hate

Federation for American Immigration Reform’s Hate Filled Track Record

John Tanton is the Mastermind Behind the Organized Anti-Immigration Movement
I hunted for a photo representing Cheerleaders for Trump.
I found

With caption NFL cheerleaders suing ....
But click the link to the story and it's been deleted. Whats up?

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The page that you are looking for doesn’t exist on this website. You may have accidentally mistype the page address, or followed an expired link. Anyway, we will help you get back on track. Why don’t you try one of these pages for starters.
For the "intelligent"?

Yes, the intelligent. Attacking the messenger is pathetic, I guess since you are unable to address the factual and very accurate stats they use regarding the massive costs of illegals to the US taxpayer, you try to put some bullshit forth hoping people will bite. Not gonna happen, rookie.
I Just read a post on Facebook that said 15 million illegals working in America. Compared to 15 million Americans not working. No immigrants legal or otherwise until every American who wants a job has a job.
For the "intelligent"?

Yes, the intelligent. Attacking the messenger is pathetic, I guess since you are unable to address the factual and very accurate stats they use regarding the massive costs of illegals to the US taxpayer, you try to put some bullshit forth hoping people will bite. Not gonna happen, rookie.

Intelligent? The founder of your hit piece "for the intelligent" is a known racist who has close ties to white supremacist organizations, and his "foundation" has received funds from eugenicist organizations.

There is not one shred of credibility or moderation. This is an EXTREMIST organization that would NEVER publish any information that would counter their EXTREME beliefs and dogma.

You are clearly too UNintelligent to understand why an organization like "FAIR" is not a legitimate source.
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...If a truly effective wall was built on our borders, we would need even more enforcement of our northern border. It is far more vast, and there will be people eager to breech it.
Nahhhhh... 99.99% of the people who would ordinarily cross the Southern Border do not have the resources to get to Canada the long way or hard way, to try to cross there.

But... in the long run... a wall isn't the answer.

We need to make it impossible for Illegal Aliens to find jobs or housing or medical help or education or automobiles or welfare or banking and financial services, and we need to put teeth into those laws, so that any American caught violating those laws gets crucified - metaphorically - but spanked very damned hard.

Having done so, the 12,000,000 -strong Plague of Locusts will SELF-DEPORT at the speed of light, falling all over each other to get back across the border as quickly as possible, at their own expense, and without the US having to left a finger or spend one dime, to physically deport anybody.
Donald Trump outlines immigration specifics -

A GIGANTIC FUCK YOU to Frank Sharry, whoever that turd pos is, along with the bottom-feeding trash CNN writers of this article. Mass expulsion of illegals and a 20-year time-out/termination of legal immigration to give this country a chance to try to begin the healing of the middle and poor black working classes, is absolutely necessary and is literally the only way to do it.

When I see scumbags like Sharry, who do not work in a real job, running interference for the la raza filth/illegal alien advocacy crowd, my blood boils over these whore bastards. Yes, I am angry because these people are knowingly destroying this country, and are trying to do so in the most vile of ways, pretending that they are "human rights" supporters or some other crap - but they are absolute frauds. How any sane human could be against repairing the mis-reading / mis-interpretation of the 14th amendment I cannot fathom - unless of course there is an agenda involved, which there most certainly is.

Many times in the past this country took a long timeout from even legal immigration, to give the economy a chance to absorb large numbers of immigrants.

The general public has finally, finally come to understand how harmful and costly the illegal alien invasion and overabundant legal immigration framework has been for the country, and those who complain about $25 BBN to build a wall are remarkably silent when stats are brought up to show that the welfare and support of illegal aliens dwarfs that by a wide margin.

Trump is #1 in the polls because the public has had it, and if these fucking dogs in office do not start fixing this problem the right way - mass deportation, build a wall, strong E-verify with massive punishment for employers hiring illegals, termination of the H1-B visa scam, there is going to be an uprising not seen since 1861.

Immigration polls at 3% on "the most important" issues facing the nation normally. For good reason. It's a non-issue that a popular candidate is focusing on because it has a "solution" that most see as easy. If you want to keep people out, you build a fence. Twenty-five billion to build a wall? Thats quite a bit (I support a wall being built by the way). It will do zilch to keep anyone safer but it does limit the payload one can bring with them acros the border and it also "feels good" to have it there.

What is more troublesome about Mr. Trump's plan is that we are getting rid of the birthright agreement (for lack of a better term) to where if you have a child in the US, they are citizens. IF being born here no longer qualifies you for citizenship, what does? Tripling the number of DHS agents raiding your business looking for illegals will be a happy site I'm sure. It's a total cannard that restricting the number of immigrants will mean more jobs for Americans. More jobs will be avilable; few are lining up to do the low-pay inglorious jobs that are available now. We have listings (and have had listings) for porters and transporters all over the State. On a good month, we may get full staffing at half of the campuses only to have the persons quit later on. And Mr. Trump expects people to believe that they are going to show up on farms to get paid less for outdoor work?

Increasing the "prevailing wage" is good. Remarkably, when Obama did that, it was called socialism by the very same people supporting Trump today.

"Requirement to hire American workers first" from Trump's plan is nonsense; you can't force anyone to hire American workers first (regardless how poorly you explain it). Ending abuse is fine.

Some common sense stuff there is good. The rest is silly. If this is what he is going to war with...he had better hope the other side doesn't show up.

Trump's 'plan' is un-Constitutional, ridiculous, and popular only among other bigots, racists, and like hateful morons.

Shit for brains, you either come up with something intelligent, or GTFO of my thread, you worthless scumbag.

How's this?

In Plyler v. Doe, all nine justices agreed with Justice Brennan's conclusion that Justice Gray in Wong Kim Ark held that all foreigners or aliens, except those with diplomatic immunity, are subject to the jurisdiction of the US. Therefore, if a person is born in the US, they are citizens. Justice Brennan, writing for the majority, wrote:

Although we have not previously focused on the intended meaning of this phrase, we have had occasion to examine the first sentence of the Fourteenth Amendment, which provides that "[a]ll persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,are citizens of the United States. . . ." (Emphasis added.) Justice Gray, writing for the Court in United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649(1898), detailed at some length the history of the Citizenship Clause, and the predominantly geographic sense in which the term "jurisdiction" was used. He further noted that it was

impossible to construe the words "subject to the jurisdiction thereof," in the opening sentence [of the Fourteenth Amendment], as less comprehensive than the words "within its jurisdiction," in the concluding sentence of the same section; or to hold that persons "within the jurisdiction" of one of the States of the Union are not "subject to the jurisdiction of the United States."

Id. at 687.

Justice Gray concluded that

[e]very citizen or subject of another country, while domiciled here, is within the allegiance and the protection, and consequently subject to the jurisdiction, of the United States.

Id. at 693. As one early commentator noted, given the historical emphasis on geographic territoriality, bounded only, if at all, by principles of sovereignty and allegiance, no plausible distinction with respect to Fourteenth Amendment "jurisdiction" can be drawn between resident aliens whose entry into the United States was lawful, and resident aliens whose entry was unlawful. See C. Bouve, Exclusion and Expulsion of Aliens in the United States 425-427 (1912).

So, contrary to the idiotic assertions that Justice Brennan relied on the book by C. Bouve, he relied on the detailed analysis of Justice Gray in Wong Kim Ark as to the meaning of the words "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" and his conclusion that any person here, other than a diplomat, is subject to the jurisdiction of the US and, if they give birth to a child here, that child is a citizen.

Chief Justice Burger, writing for the minority, agreed:
" I have no quarrel with the conclusion that the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment applies to aliens who, after their illegal entry into this country, are indeed physically “within the jurisdiction” of a state."

In INS v. Rios Pineda, the Supreme Court's unanimous decision included the following:

"Respondents, a married couple, are natives and citizens of Mexico. Respondent husband illegally entered the United States in 1972. Apprehended, he returned to Mexico in early 1974 under threat of deportation. Two months later, he and respondent wife paid a professional smuggler $450 to transport them into this country, entering the United States without inspection through the smuggler's efforts. Respondent husband was again apprehended by INS agents in 1978. At his request, he was granted permission to return voluntarily to Mexico in lieu of deportation. He was also granted two subsequent extensions of time to depart, but he ultimately declined to leave as promised. INS then instituted deportation proceedings against both respondents. By that time, respondent wife had given birth to a child, who, born in the United States, was a citizen of this country. A deportation hearing was held in December, 1978. Respondents conceded illegal entry, conceded deportability, but requested

You clowns can practice you amateur legal analysis all you want but the fact remains that the United States Supreme Court, and every other Court in this nation, accept as settled law that any person born in the United States, regardless of the legality of the Mother's presence, is natural born United States Citizen. Two stalwart conservatives, George Will and Charles Krauthammer agree. You lost this debate over a century ago but are too stupid to realize it. Today, there will be children born to illegal immigrants. They will be given birth certificates that identify them as American Citizens. They will eventually get Social Security Numbers. When they are 18, they will register to vote and register for selective service. Should they desire to travel abroad, they will get passports identifying them as US citizens. For all of the mental masturbation you and your like minded friends have engaged in on this thread and others the last couple of says, that remains a fact that you cannot change. You cannot take away from the millions of native born Americans whose parents happen to have entered here illegally their citizenship. And there is no support in Congress for either passing a law to see of the Supreme Court is willing to revisit and overturn a precedent that has lasted for over 120 years or seeking to amend the constitution. So, go ahead and pretend to have a clue about Constitutional law while illegal aliens will continue to give birth to American Citizens who are likely, when grown, to have far better understanding of and appreciation for the things that make this nation great than you do.

george will's wife works for scott walker...
krauthammer and will were bush shills the WHOLE time...Did you think they were so smart then?
Who cares what either of them say? We've heard enough BS from either of them.

If the american people want something done, it'll get done. Believe that..Brace yourself. The pendulum is swinging back the other way.

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